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Classic Doctor Who (Contains SPOILERS)

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    It's sad that we can't even watch the classic seris on tv now days. Why is it that america has a large fan back and no one wants to show it?
    Tis No Fool to lose what He can not keep, To gain what he will never Lose


      Originally posted by Seshat
      Okay, here's a toughie. I've been trying to remember the episode name where (get this) I cannot remember WHICH doctor and WHICH companions are involved, but they end up some place that looked to me like some sort of endless corridor indoor shopping mall (!) where the citizenry keeps getting carted off and killed for disagreeing with/questioning the system. I seem to remember a gang of female law enforcement types who rode around on what looked like a golf cart and rounded up suspected people....something about not being allowed to be unhappy...maybe I'm confusing this with another episode....okay, so this description is extremely vague , but that's all I remember... I never saw the end of it and always wondered how they got away.*lol*
      Haha, are you sure this is Dr Who it sounds like Monty Python! Hmm, don't know it the BBC website has all the ep lists go and check it out heck I'll go check it out for you. Hmm, why does "The Happiness Patrol" keep popping into my head.


        That is why. Is it this.."The Happiness Patrol" ?

        From the BBC website.

        Sylvester McCoy
        The TARDIS arrives on the planet Terra Alpha where the Doctor and Ace discover a society in which sadness is against the law - a law enforced with considerable zeal by the brightly uniformed Happiness Patrol. The planet is ruled over by Helen A with the aid of her companion Joseph C and her carnivorous pet Stigorax named Fifi.

        The penalty for those found guilty of unhappiness is death in a stream of molten candy prepared by Helen A's executioner, the robotic Kandyman, and his associate Gilbert M. The time travellers help to foment rebellion amongst the downtrodden population and the subterranean Pipe People - the planet's original inhabitants - and Helen A is overthrown.

        Joseph C and Gilbert M escape in a shuttle, while the Kandyman is destroyed and Fifi killed. Helen A finally realises that happiness is nothing without the contrast of sadness.

        Episode Endings
        • The Doctor and a blues musician named Earl Sigma are captured trying to flee the Kandy Kitchen. The Kandy Man tells them that he likes his volunteers to die with smiles on their faces.
        • The Doctor discovers that Ace will be appearing at the Happiness Patrol audition at the forum that night. A member of the Happiness Patrol arrives and paints a large 'R I P' over a poster of a previous forum attraction, a woman named Daphne S. The forum doorman comments that she obviously didn't go down too well.
        • Ace picks up a paint pot to finish off the job of restoring the TARDIS to its normal blue, it having earlier been repainted pink by the Happiness Patrol. She asks the Doctor if he is all right. He replies that happiness will prevail.
        • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (especially the film version).
        • Gloria Gaynor ('I am what I am').
        • The Prisoner.
        • Jean Surry's 'Teen Angel' (Ace's 'Dead Good Song').
        • Return of the Jedi.
        • The Trial.
        • 1984.
        • Fahrenheit 451.


          Originally posted by Easter Lily
          I think you people will appreciate this...

          If you like it, I'll post some more... I've got 11 all up...
          Thanks! Yeah, post them!


            Originally posted by creed462
            It's sad that we can't even watch the classic seris on tv now days. Why is it that america has a large fan back and no one wants to show it?
            The reason why the old episodes aren't available has been discussed, but I forget where...probably

            The BBC is still trying to sell the new series to an American broadcaster.

            They wanted to free up the license for the classic episodes in case a potential broadcaster wants exclusive rights to air all Doctor Who episodes.

            If no one picks up the series by November, they're supposed to release the new series region 1 DVDs.

            I honestly couldn't see anybody airing the old episodes in America except Sci-Fi (which has already refused to air the new series), BBC America, or PBS.

            There was talk of ABC picking up the new series, but that never went anywhere.


              Originally posted by Seshat
              Okay, here's a toughie. I've been trying to remember the episode name....
              Darn it, I knew that answer! Got anymore?


                Originally posted by Deputy-Assistant-Second-Prime
                Darn it, I knew that answer! Got anymore?
                Haha, Well at least I remembered one episode name. Don't know why that one was just sitting there in my head.

                Aw that is a shame about US TV not taking the new series I can understand not wanting to screen the older series but the new one? No I can't see the sense unless they maybe want two series worth of shows eg over 20 episodes to screen at once.

                America never really screened the show though did it? Even in the past? I guess that is the reason that GW doesn't have a Dr Who page, even though every other SciFi show seems to. *she says with a cheeky grin*


                  On the BBC doctor who website they have all the classic theme tunes. Some of them are pretty freaky.
                  You go ahead, I'll be right behind you (In an F-302)
                  And now for a completely unconnected series of random smilies:


                    Originally posted by Indum'kra
                    On the BBC doctor who website they have all the classic theme tunes. Some of them are pretty freaky.
                    I still love the 1982 theme with the big bang at the end. But the new one is O.K I mean they are all basically the same just different musical styles of the day. Oh that reminds me I was going through my records (yes vinyl) when I found "Probably the most nauseating record in the world" Doctor' in the Tardis by the Timelords, who became the KLF.


                      Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                      That is why. Is it this.."The Happiness Patrol" ?
                      Excellent! Yes, indeed, that was the very ep of which I was thinking. Thank you!

                      I should go off to to check out a few more eps for which I have even LESS specific recollections... Thanks for the link and the info everyone!


                        Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                        I found "Probably the most nauseating record in the world" Doctor' in the Tardis by the Timelords, who became the KLF.
                        *LOL*! I love that song! In 2002 at the SG-4 convention in London (with MS and AT), I became seriously hooked on the convention discos, and the songs. I never knew the TV versions of the song until this summer when I started watching the 2005 series. As far as I knew, Doctorin' the TARDIS was the 'real' version of the Doctor Who theme. *blush*

                        I watched The Three Doctors last night. Especially Patrick Troughton made quite an impression on me. Must track down more of his episodes.


                          Originally posted by Dallista
                          *LOL*! I love that song! In 2002 at the SG-4 convention in London (with MS and AT), I became seriously hooked on the convention discos, and the songs. I never knew the TV versions of the song until this summer when I started watching the 2005 series. As far as I knew, Doctorin' the TARDIS was the 'real' version of the Doctor Who theme. *blush*
                          Haha, I love that haha, wow they have alot to answer for then.

                          Originally posted by Dallista
                          I watched The Three Doctors last night. Especially Patrick Troughton made quite an impression on me. Must track down more of his episodes.
                          I love him (I love 'um all) his son appeared in two stories as well as different characters. Yes track them down.

                          Originally posted by Seshat
                          Excellent! Yes, indeed, that was the very ep of which I was thinking. Thank you!
                          No problem, surprised I even remembered the name.


                            Originally posted by Dallista
                            *LOL*! I love that song! In 2002 at the SG-4 convention in London (with MS and AT), I became seriously hooked on the convention discos, and the songs. I never knew the TV versions of the song until this summer when I started watching the 2005 series. As far as I knew, Doctorin' the TARDIS was the 'real' version of the Doctor Who theme. *blush*

                            I watched The Three Doctors last night. Especially Patrick Troughton made quite an impression on me. Must track down more of his episodes.
                            The tomb of the cybermen is on dvd right now and The Mind ripper will be released soon.
                            Tis No Fool to lose what He can not keep, To gain what he will never Lose


                              Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                              I still love the 1982 theme with the big bang at the end. But the new one is O.K I mean they are all basically the same just different musical styles of the day. Oh that reminds me I was going through my records (yes vinyl) when I found "Probably the most nauseating record in the world" Doctor' in the Tardis by the Timelords, who became the KLF.
                              Personally, I like the fourth one best. The visuals of the current one are a homage to it.
                              You go ahead, I'll be right behind you (In an F-302)
                              And now for a completely unconnected series of random smilies:


                                Originally posted by Indum'kra
                                Personally, I like the fourth one best. The visuals of the current one are a homage to it.
                                1: 1963 to 1966.
                                2: 1966 to 1980.
                                3: 1981 to 1985. I think those years were the same. At least, they were very close.
                                4: 1986.
                                5: 1987 to 1989.

                                Visual Sequence
                                1: 1963 to 1966. Smoke (likenesses of William Hartnell & Patrick Troughton not shown in the original sequence).
                                2: 1966 to 1969. Patrick Troughton clouds.
                                3: 1970 to 1973. Jon Pertwee clouds.
                                4: 1973 to 1974. Jon Pertwee tunnel.
                                5: 1974 to 1980. Tom Baker tunnel.
                                6: 1980 to 1981. Tom Baker starfield.
                                7: 1982 to 1984. Peter Davison starfield.
                                8: 1984 to 1986. Colin Baker starfield.
                                9: 1987 to 1989. Sylvester McCoy

