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Classic Doctor Who (Contains SPOILERS)

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    Originally posted by Easter Lily
    I'm bracing myself for the "dreadful" Perri...
    Have you seen Planet of Fire or Cave of Androzani yet? Why do you feel Peri is dreadful?

    Doctor Who Season 22

    IMO, she was spoiled and whiny, but then again, the Doctor (played by Colin Baker) could be very insensitive and oblivious.


      I only discovered Doctor Who some weeks ago, and that was the 2005 series. Since then I've been trying to track down older episodes, see some serials with the older doctors. So far, my favorite is Peter Davison. His Doctor is very 'human', a bit angsty, and I like his interaction with his companions.

      I watched "The Five Doctors" the other day, and really liked the first Doctor... only to figure out afterwards that he wasn't played by the same actor as the one who'd played the First Doctor in the original series (William Hartnell). Patrick Troughton also made quite an impression on me, but as has been pointed out already, unfortunately a lot of his episodes don't exist anymore.


        Originally posted by Dallista
        I only discovered Doctor Who some weeks ago, and that was the 2005 series. Since then I've been trying to track down older episodes, see some serials with the older doctors.
        Years ago, before the fan websites, I watched them on PBS. I had seen much of Jon Pertwee up to Monster of Peladon, went on vacation, and came back to Tom Baker in the Sontaran Experiment. Then months later on another PBS station, William Hartnell played the Doctor in The War Machine, and then they abruptly skipped to Patrick Troughton in The Dominators. It wasn't until War Games aired that I had any idea about regeneration. I was so confused.

        Originally posted by Dallista
        So far, my favorite is Peter Davison. His Doctor is very 'human', a bit angsty, and I like his interaction with his companions.
        I loved how he would get flustered and upset, and his voice would crack. Also, I loved how Nyssa would have to calm him down and gently point him in the right direction.

        Originally posted by Dallista
        I watched "The Five Doctors" the other day, and really liked the first Doctor... only to figure out afterwards that he wasn't played by the same actor as the one who'd played the First Doctor in the original series (William Hartnell). Patrick Troughton also made quite an impression on me, but as has been pointed out already, unfortunately a lot of his episodes don't exist anymore.
        Well, I don't know what episodes you have already seen, but if you're looking for suggestions....


          The Doctor is one of my Favorite shows. Untill I moved to mississippi I only scene from Tom Baker to Paul Magan(sp) So till then Tom Baker was my faviorite Doctor. I have now seen a little of the frist three and I like them as well.
          Tis No Fool to lose what He can not keep, To gain what he will never Lose


            Originally posted by creed462
            The Doctor is one of my Favorite shows. Untill I moved to mississippi I only scene from Tom Baker to Paul Magan(sp) So till then Tom Baker was my faviorite Doctor. I have now seen a little of the frist three and I like them as well.
            No doubt Tom Baker made an indeliable mark on the series. He also had the good fortune to work four years with producer Philip Hinchcliffe and script editor Robert Holmes whose collaberation produced many of the most celebrated episodes, and widened the series appeal to more mature audiences.

            Are they currently showing classic Doctor Who in Mississippi?


              Originally posted by Deputy-Assistant-Second-Prime
              I loved watching the Doctor & Jo, but my favorite Pertwee episode was Inferno.
              I preferred Liz and Sarah Jane ... but I also liked UNIT especially the Brigadier and all manifestations of Venusian martial arts...

              Have you seen the episodes from the Lost in Time collection or the surviving Ice Warrior and Invasion episodes on VHS?
              At the moment the price of that DVD in question is rather forbidding...
              "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                Originally posted by Dallista
                I only discovered Doctor Who some weeks ago, and that was the 2005 series. Since then I've been trying to track down older episodes, see some serials with the older doctors. So far, my favorite is Peter Davison. His Doctor is very 'human', a bit angsty, and I like his interaction with his companions.
                I like Peter Davison too... he's the cute one... However, Pertwee is my favourite because there is something of the benevolent paternal scientist that I like. But they're all good really and bring their own stamp to the character.
                When I first started watching, Tom Baker was my first and favourite but these days I definitely prefer Pertwee's grandfatherly sensibilities...
                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                  Originally posted by Easter Lily
                  I preferred Liz and Sarah Jane ... but I also liked UNIT especially the Brigadier and all manifestations of Venusian martial arts...
                  I always felt bad for Liz. All those degrees and all that professionalism...then the Doctor materializes and reduces her to a sidekick. I always thought they should have made a U.N.I.T. spin-off with Liz as the scientist.

                  I found Sarah Jane annoying in Season 11 & 12. She was awesome in Season 13 & 14.

                  Originally posted by Easter Lily
                  At the moment the price of that DVD in question is rather forbidding...
                  That stinks. There are some good moments in those.


                    Originally posted by Easter Lily
                    I like Peter Davison too... he's the cute one... However, Pertwee is my favourite because there is something of the benevolent paternal scientist that I like. But they're all good really and bring their own stamp to the character.
                    When I first started watching, Tom Baker was my first and favourite but these days I definitely prefer Pertwee's grandfatherly sensibilities...
                    I like how Pertwee would browbeat the politicians and public servents, because he was friends with high government officials and other influential people.

                    But at the same time, he'd hang out with the common people and talk about organizing and protesting.


                      Originally posted by Deputy-Assistant-Second-Prime
                      "Ace, hand me some of that nitro-9 you're not carrying."
                      Hehe, god I haven't seen it since it originally screened in Australia but I can still here his voice loved SM so much he was fun. And they were not afraid to in-vibe some of the old series eps the (what was it?) the one that lent on William Hartnell's first episode, going back to the junk yard and with Daleks climbing stairs, haha which I loved.


                        Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                        Hehe, god I haven't seen it since it originally screened in Australia but I can still here his voice loved SM so much he was fun. And they were not afraid to in-vibe some of the old series eps the (what was it?) the one that lent on William Hartnell's first episode, going back to the junk yard and with Daleks climbing stairs, haha which I loved.
                        That was Remembrance of the Daleks referencing An Unearthly Child.
                        "You told me to aim for the eye-piece."
                        It has been released on DVD.

                        I also like Delta and the Bannermen and The Greatest Show in the Galaxy.


                          Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                          Hehe, god I haven't seen it since it originally screened in Australia but I can still here his voice loved SM so much he was fun. And they were not afraid to in-vibe some of the old series eps the (what was it?) the one that lent on William Hartnell's first episode, going back to the junk yard and with Daleks climbing stairs, haha which I loved.
                          You mean the scrap yard belonging to I.M. Foreman, Scrap Merchant at 76 Totter's Lane?

                          I wonder why I'd know that name.

                          "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
                          "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
                          BAD WOLF!!!


                            Major classic Doctor Who fan here . I was broght up with it and can say theses things that are part of my opinion on how great the show was..
                            My Fave Doctor had to be Colin Baker not only because he was the first Doctor I ever saw but because of is colourfullness and sense of forgetfullness.
                            My favourite episode of Classic Who has got to be The Happiness Patrol ( loved Bertie Basset putting people in molten lava)
                            And my favourite companion is K-9 because he rules.
                            Oh Yes the Sam is Back and hes more Sci-fied up than ever !!!!!!!!!

                            Coming Soon a new Banner from Me


                              Originally posted by Metarock Sam
                              Major classic Doctor Who fan here . I was broght up with it and can say theses things that are part of my opinion on how great the show was..
                              My Fave Doctor had to be Colin Baker not only because he was the first Doctor I ever saw but because of is colourfullness and sense of forgetfullness.
                              My favourite episode of Classic Who has got to be The Happiness Patrol ( loved Bertie Basset putting people in molten lava)
                              And my favourite companion is K-9 because he rules.
                              For some reason, not many folks liked Colin's Doctor. In Season 23, Baker was just hitting his stride and then they pulled the carpet out from underneath him. That was a shame. In Doctor Who, there are two unwritten rules:
                              1.) The actor decides when he's done playing the Doctor.
                              2.) The actor plays the part for a minimum of three years.


                                Originally posted by Deputy-Assistant-Second-Prime
                                For some reason, not many folks liked Colin's Doctor. In Season 23, Baker was just hitting his stride and then they pulled the carpet out from underneath him. That was a shame. In Doctor Who, there are two unwritten rules:
                                1.) The actor decides when he's done playing the Doctor.
                                2.) The actor plays the part for a minimum of three years.
                                Amen to the second one... definitely...
                                *grumbles about Ecclestone*
                                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"

