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Great moments in SPN's nonverbal history

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    I love watching Cas when he's alone with Dean. He always looks hilariously uncomfortable



      Dean's non-look at Sam as Dean's on the phone with Bobby and Sam's getting tossed around the room. He slides his eyes to the side, but doesn't even turn around! Which reminds me of...

      My favourite non-verbal in BDABR. When Sam trips over the lamp and radio in the guys apartment and Dean says "You okay?" But doesn't turn around he just rolls his eyes to the side, exasperated. Others in that one:

      -Sam's spectacular fall outside Biggerson's.
      -Dean's stop when he does fall, like he knows what happened before he even turns around.
      -Sam scratching his nose defiantly after Dean told him not to.
      -Kubrick and pal's look when the curtain reveals them and they see Sam knocked himself out.
      -Dean's look of glee when the pen stops the gun.
      -Sam's look of amazement when the pen stops the gun.
      -Dean casually leaning out of the way as Kubrick's pal rushes him.


        I don't know if this has already been mentioned but I'm going to mention it just in case.

        I was rewatching Two Minutes To Midnight and the scene right after they get Pestilence's ring and Dean tosses it down onto Bobby's desk to after Crowley shows the picture of him and Bobby kissing, is just filled with great facial expressions from everyone; the boys, Cas, Bobby and Crowley. That scene just proves that you don't always need dialogue to be funny.


          Originally posted by Melia View Post
          I don't know if this has already been mentioned but I'm going to mention it just in case.
          It doesn't matter if it has. Everyone's got a unique take on these things.

          I was rewatching Two Minutes To Midnight and the scene right after they get Pestilence's ring and Dean tosses it down onto Bobby's desk to after Crowley shows the picture of him and Bobby kissing, is just filled with great facial expressions from everyone; the boys, Cas, Bobby and Crowley. That scene just proves that you don't always need dialogue to be funny.
          Too right!

          Mystery Spot...

          - Sam's face right after the desk falls on Dean. That little breath he lets out get's me every time.

          And the serious look on Sam's face throughout the Dean/Sam twin talk in the diner. Specially when Sam says, "Cut it out, Sam." The way he looked to the side when he said it.
          Sig by ME.


            I was watching 'Phantom Traveler' this morning. When Dean is trying to see if Amanda is possessed by saying 'Christo' I love the look on his face when he says it the second time after she caught him saying it. He just knew he was looking like a idiot by that point.


              Originally posted by warrior_chic View Post
              I was watching 'Phantom Traveler' this morning. When Dean is trying to see if Amanda is possessed by saying 'Christo' I love the look on his face when he says it the second time after she caught him saying it. He just knew he was looking like a idiot by that point.
              Oh, yeah. Such a great look.

              Sig by ME.


                That's it! While Jared's great at the puppy dog, I think Jensen does the 'getting caught' face pretty well.


                  Here's one from last night:

                  When Dean was testing his new abilities on Bobby over the phone, the way we was shaking his head and making faces as he was saying 'No'. And that cute little nose twitch thing he did in the car! Me likey


                    The look Sam has as Dean is running out of the mill in Yellow Fever. Makes me smile every time I watch it.


                      Originally posted by warrior_chic View Post
                      Here's one from last night:

                      When Dean was testing his new abilities on Bobby over the phone, the way we was shaking his head and making faces as he was saying 'No'. And that cute little nose twitch thing he did in the car! Me likey
                      Oh, that's what you were talking about. Totally missed that.

                      Kinda reminds you of Bewitched, doesn't it?

                      The exchange between Sam and Dean in Monster at the End of this Book after Chuck calls his latest work very 'Vonnegut'.

                      Dean: Slaughterhouse Five Vonnegut or Cat's Cradle Vonnegut?
                      Sam: What?
                      Dean: What?

                      Sam kinda gives a 'can't believe you read that kinda stuff' shrug, and Dean replies with this 'so what? I'm awesome' look and does his cute eyebrow thing.

                      Sorry about those stupid progress bars, the new iTunes won't let them disappear when the vid is paused... &$%#@
                      Last edited by starg8fans; 03 November 2010, 12:07 AM.

                      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                        Sorry for the double post, but I just found a few more in some fanvids.

                        Cas really brings out the best in Dean. For example, Dean's reaction when Cas told him his hamburger consumption was 'in the low hundreds' in My Bloody Valentine...

                        ... and more recently, in The Third Man when Cas tells Sam he and Dean share a special bond.

                        I also loved Sam's half step backwards when Dean pulled the knife on him in the final scene of The End.

                        It was sad to see that the boys' mutual trust had been so thoroughly destroyed that Sam thought it possible that Dean would attack him.

                        Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          It was sad to see that the boys' mutual trust had been so thoroughly destroyed that Sam thought it possible that Dean would attack him.
                          All very nice, and funny, faces And as for that last bit
                          maybe fixing Sam's soul will bring them closer like trying to save Dean's kinda did

                          Oh, now I'm gonna have to go find some awkward Cas pics. Misha is awesome at that.


                            I never noticed this one before. But in 'Bedtime Stories' when Kyle is giving his description to Sam, Dean looks over and gives the best face. This pic doesn't really do it justice, but it's hilarious in motion.



                              Alright...I have a few...

                              Sorry, not sure which eps most of these are from. The one with the gun is from BDABR.
                              Sig by ME.


                                Overload!!!!!!!! The one on the right of the 2nd row is from Tall Tales, when Sam's computer was frozen, I'm pretty sure. And I'm getting a 'Skin' vibe from the big b&w one.

