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Great moments in SPN's nonverbal history

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    If looks could kill...

    From Hunted...when Gordon is positing that Dean know's what Sam is going to turn into someday and that he (Dean) is gonna have to kill him (Sam).
    Sig by ME.


      You expect this from Dean, but SAM? In Tall Tales I love when the frat brother is describing his 'alien' encounter. Twice Sam smirks and then quickly hides it.


        The look on Dean's face in the very last scene, right before it fades to black (the credits) in No Rest For The Wicked. Talk about heart wrenching!

        Sig by ME.


          Well, I'm new to this, so let's see how it goes.

          I know a few of these have been mentioned before.
          -Sam yanking Dean into John's motel room in the pilot, especially the cloud of dust left behind.
          -Dean's head wrapped in a towel when he pokes his head out after the steam shower in "Bugs"
          -Dean freaking out in the back of the airplane in "Phantom Traveller"
          -Dean's face in response to Missouri's spoon threat (love her )
          -The multiple times Dean mouth "provenance" to try to get it right.
          -Contemplating poking the old lady with the stick
          -also his face after the blind lady in "something wicked" caught them in her room
          -The boys wrestling in "Tall Tales"= priceless
          -Sam's face at the end of "Heart" was gut-wrenching enough, but the way they stayed on Dean as he let out the Single Tear, my heart melted i think
          -Dean's face as he debated whether to stab himself in "WIAWSNB"
          -Dean doing the math in his head after meeting Ben, and running into the trashcan only made it better

          I think that's more than enough for now. Sorry for the excess.


            Originally posted by warrior_chic View Post
            I think that's more than enough for now. Sorry for the excess.
            That's not excess, that's a true love for our show!

            Welcome to the thread, warrior (ok if I shorten your name a bit?)!! I saw your posts here and on a couple of the other threads this morning and am happy to have you join us!!


              Originally posted by Crichiel View Post
              That's not excess, that's a true love for our show!

              Welcome to the thread, warrior (ok if I shorten your name a bit?)!! I saw your posts here and on a couple of the other threads this morning and am happy to have you join us!!
              Thanks! Shorten to whatever your heart desires. Most just use WC. When I've got my internet back on a regular basis, I'll have to complete my list. Most likely in multiple installments.


                every single time Sam get´s his "not guilty puppy" look on his face


                  Episode 5.16


                  -The look on Sam's face in Dark Side of the Moon when he watches Dean 'clean up John's mess' by making Mary feel better.

                  -The way Mary is so affectonate with Dean at the table, rubbing his hair, etc.

                  -The smile on Dean's face seeing how happy young Sam is with the fireworks. He's such a dad with Sammy! Awwww...

                  -The look on Sam's face when he FINALLY realises how much his idea of heaven is hurting Dean.

                  -Here's one for the NOT great nonverbal moments: Zachariah nuzzling Mary....*shiver*


                    That whole scene (ep 5.16)
                    with Dean and little Sammy and the fireworks gets me everytime.
                    I think that might be the single greatest scene of Supernatural ever aired.

                    Ep 5.01
                    I also love Becky's face after Sam askes her to stop touching him and she says no.


                      Originally posted by warrior_chic View Post
                      That whole scene (ep 5.16)
                      with Dean and little Sammy and the fireworks gets me everytime.
                      I think that might be the single greatest scene of Supernatural ever aired.
                      It's definitely up there as a favourite of mine. I hadn't watched this episode since the week it first aired. I am trying not to overwatch it, because I don't want it to lose it's impact. I think it worked. When I watched this a couple days ago, I was on the stair climber (so you think it would be hard to be really 'into' the emotion of the scene while exercising)....I still cried at this part!


                        5.18- Point of No Return
                        I'm gonna have to add Dean's wink to Sam. And the looks before as he realizes what he's doing.


                          Dean's look in The Song Remains the Same when (S5 spoiler)
                          Michael tells him Mary is going to go into the nursery and get killed. Dean's look is just a wonderful mixture of sadness and anger and disbelief.

                          Sig by me


                            S5 Swan Song...
                            Sam's face (as Lucifer) as he's reciting the incantation to close the "cage". So intensely evil!

                            Not to mention amazingly wicked!
                            Sig by ME.


                              This isn't exactly non verbal but the scene from Swan Song
                              When Sam and Lucifer are talking through the mirror. The range of expressions that Jared managed to use to help convey the 2 separate personalities was amazing.


                                Originally posted by warrior_chic View Post
                                This isn't exactly non verbal but the scene from Swan Song
                                When Sam and Lucifer are talking through the mirror. The range of expressions that Jared managed to use to help convey the 2 separate personalities was amazing.
                                I agree! He's very good at, shall we say, facial acting. Oh, and, last I checked, expressions are non verbal.
                                Sig by ME.

