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Jared Padalecki Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
    Those are awesome! Padapuddy Just great! And thx for th welcome back! *hugs*
    Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
    *slinks in*

    I always have a thing for drunk icons, but that one works so well. I approve of PADAPUPPY!

    Anyway, I have nefarious reasons for being here this fine day... I've just come off watching the clips of Young MacGyver more times than is healthy, despite the dialogue being the absolute pits. It is lucky this pilot was never aired, it is appalling. It's only saving grace, of course, is Padapuppy *snerk* and Padapuppy's hands which feature prominently in moments of gadgetry.

    Hands and hair are very important on thunks, I've decided.

    So then, inspired by sheer insanity, possibly a lack of Supernatural, I decided to make up a title sequence for Young MacGyver.

    Click here - because how much can it hurt ya?
    Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
    Glad to see you back here, Jenova. I dearly hope you frequent this thread more with lots of gifts once the new episodes air.

    "Padapuppy", JessM, that was just inspired! You really rock! The icons are so cute, especially the first two.
    Thanks so much, guys! Here, have a few more:

    LOL, I totally agree with you on the Young MacGyver clips, hypercaz! Pretty cheesy stuff, but Padapuppy does make it worth watching to me. The hands and hair are indeed for the win

    Speaking of hair... I was reading an interesting tidbit from the S2 Companion book. There are interviews with the crew, and the hair/makeup girls said that it can be a challenge when it's raining, particularly for Padapuppy because his hair can get big and curly, so they have to straighten it a bit. But he doesn't like it to look "done."

    Oh, lovely BUABS pics, Twinny... I love the way he cocks his head to the side and says "there, that's better" after cracking the devil's trap above his head. Evil!Sammy rocks... even though I love the sensitive, sweet Sammy to pieces

    You're welcome for the interview links! And I love the Young MacGyver vid... nice job, hypercaz!!



      awww Padapuppy needs a hug!


        What a great 'What is and What Should Never Be' pic with "Mama"! *melts*

        Hehe, no, it wasn't raining in the second promo... They were surely right when the said that when wearing darker clothes, you wouldn't see the rain so much.

        Originally posted by JessM View Post
        Speaking of hair... I was reading an interesting tidbit from the S2 Companion book. There are interviews with the crew, and the hair/makeup girls said that it can be a challenge when it's raining, particularly for Padapuppy because his hair can get big and curly, so they have to straighten it a bit. But he doesn't like it to look "done."
        Ah, very nice info, JessM. I can totally understand him, my Mom always tells me to straighten my hair because it looks so unruly, and I kept ignoring her since I was ten; I like my curls (when my hair is actually long enough to curl).
        Originally posted by JessM View Post
        Oh, lovely BUABS pics, Twinny... I love the way he cocks his head to the side and says "there, that's better" after cracking the devil's trap above his head.
        Really wonderful scene! EvilSammy was just so nasty and mean! I'm also very fond of his "like a cockroach" comment as means of greeting to Dean. Or how despiseful he laughed at Bobby's exorcism attempt. *evilgrin*

        The way he treated Dean and Bobby, at the forefront all the things he said while beating up his brother, I clearly wasn't surprised at Dean slapping Sammy afterwards. Even if it wasn't really Sam, he absolutely had it coming!

        Although I definitely want to keep sweet-soul Sammy around in general, I would be thrilled for him to explore his darker side for a bit before redeeming himself. I really don't want him to lose his innocence and sensitivity or compassion but those evilSammy performances were certainly something to behold. It shines more of a light on JP's acting chops. Of course I don't mean to say that his "usual" performances aren't testament of his skill but always playing the same character (traits) certainly doesn't come close to convincingly add nuances or delivering subtle changes in character or give completely unexpected performances as a totally different character (for whatever reason). A lot of people are very good at portraying a certain kind of type, but having to play something different is when you see what kind of quality the acting really is.

        Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
        awww Padapuppy needs a hug!
        Most definitely! That pic from 'Mystery Spot' really breaks my heart every single time I see it. And I guess it will even be more intense when I FINALLY get to see the episode (in probably a gazillion years ) *sobs with pity*

        Tonight I paid 'Folsom Prison Blues' a revisit. Garwin Sanford was a very good choice for Deacon. And Dean (purposely) getting into a fight with about everyone was a nice treat. Had he stayed in that jail for a longer period of time, the inmates would have lynched him for his attitude. All I say is "Instant respect"... I'm pretty sure they would have taught him what respect meant.

        The only thing I REALLY didn't like about the episode was Sam's constant griping about not wanting to do this. I can see he was concerned but I got that the first time around. And I actually thought that it was kind of uncharacteristic for Sam to all the time whine about the risk of having to face trial instead of just doing what needed to be done. Prison or no prison, it was haunted, and getting rid of the spirit should have been their choice of honour anyway, no matter whether they felt like owing it to Deacon for being in the corps with their Dad.

        BTW, I was rolling on the floor laughing at Dean's "You from Texas all of a sudden?". (And man, he delivered it!) I wonder if Jensen Ackles or Jared Padalecki spillt their drinks when they first came across that line.

        Furthermore, I noticed Sam wasn't doing a whole of a lot of mopping when talking to that Randall dude the first time. If I had been a guard there, he would have been awarded for his eagerness with the honour of cleaning the floor with a toothbrush. (Yes, I'm evil like that. )


        twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


          Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
          Ah, very nice info, JessM. I can totally understand him, my Mom always tells me to straighten my hair because it looks so unruly, and I kept ignoring her since I was ten; I like my curls (when my hair is actually long enough to curl).
          Me too. When I was a baby, I had curly hair. Then my Mom cut it very short and cut all the curls off But when it grew longer they came back. Now my hair is quite wavy, but I keep it very long so the curls aren't quite as... curly. LOL, it's hard to describe, but hopefully you understand what I mean. It still gets pretty frizzy/curly and unruly when the weather is very humid, though.

          Really wonderful scene! EvilSammy was just so nasty and mean! I'm also very fond of his "like a cockroach" comment as means of greeting to Dean. Or how despiseful he laughed at Bobby's exorcism attempt. *evilgrin*

          The way he treated Dean and Bobby, at the forefront all the things he said while beating up his brother, I clearly wasn't surprised at Dean slapping Sammy afterwards. Even if it wasn't really Sam, he absolutely had it coming!

          Although I definitely want to keep sweet-soul Sammy around in general, I would be thrilled for him to explore his darker side for a bit before redeeming himself. I really don't want him to lose his innocence and sensitivity or compassion but those evilSammy performances were certainly something to behold. It shines more of a light on JP's acting chops. Of course I don't mean to say that his "usual" performances aren't testament of his skill but always playing the same character (traits) certainly doesn't come close to convincingly add nuances or delivering subtle changes in character or give completely unexpected performances as a totally different character (for whatever reason). A lot of people are very good at portraying a certain kind of type, but having to play something different is when you see what kind of quality the acting really is.
          He was quite mean! And I couldn't help wincing when he grabbed Dean's injured shoulder as if he was going to break it again. Ouch! I remember JP said that he watched his S1 DVDs and all the scenes with Meg to prepare for that episode.

          I wasn't surprised at what Dean did either!

          And I totally agree with what you say regarding wanting to see Sammy go a bit dark. I wouldn't want to see him lose his "essence", but wouldn't mind them exploring that just a bit.

          Yay for pics! I love that second one for Jus In Bello where
          he's on the floor... looks like he's saying... "oh boy, here we go again."

          I liked seeing Garwin Sanford as Deacon in FPB, too. Heh... I loved when Dean and Sam were arguing in the prison yard, Deacon grabbed them and said to Sam, "you too, Sweetheart." I dunno, that always makes me grin.

          Always love your thoughts, Twinny!

          oldie but a goodie from IMTOD:



            PICCIE SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!


            "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
            ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
            Card designed by Falcon Horus


              He looks damn fine in black and white!


                Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                He looks damn fine in black and white!
                And with kids



                  thanks for all the pics!!! That first one of him with the cowboy hat... *dies*

                  Love the one of him with his doggie...that is so cute And the last one from Home with the two kids.... awwwww

                  another new icon:

                  I've got the Puppy picspam for Hookman up now.... HERE


                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    I've got the Puppy picspam for Hookman up now.... HERE
                    Super lol at the 'Hookman' captures, JessM! And you did a mighty fine job with the pics and the new icon.

                    Apropos mighty fine pics, that one from 'Home', Jenova...

                    And Paris, you presented an über-thunkworthy pic spam! You really know how to make friends.

                    I'm sorry but I'm a bit on the busy side, so a couple of 'Roadkill' caps will have to suffice.


                    And since five pics are a bit meagre...

                    twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                      He really, really works those jeans


                        Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                        He really, really works those jeans
                        Jeans?! I never pay attention to the jeans...

                        I didn't have time to watch 'Supernatural' today (AGAIN!); somehow I don't think six hours between shifts is enough... maybe I should inform my boss that slavery was abolished over a century ago, but that might just be true for the US I figure...

                        Anyway, I think I could provide a few pics anyway Since I didn't get my dose of the boys, I'm a teamplayer tonight


                        And as a special treat, the rearview...
                        twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                          ha! I see your jeans pics... and that rear view is just so fabulous IN jeans. JEANS JEANS JEANS JEANS JEANS on the Padapuppy! And the right pair of jeans can draw optical attention below the belt.


                            Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                            And the right pair of jeans can draw optical attention below the belt.
                            Like this one?
                            Or a bit more tousled?

                            And the last one to definitely get your thoughts into the gutter
                            Hehe, love them wrestling on the bed!
                            twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                              Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post

                              Whoa. *falls reverently silent*

