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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
    LOL, exactly. Although I prefer well fitting shirts to enhance the top half than topless, but that's just me. I'm very fussy!
    Oh, I totally agree. Shirted is usually better than non-shirted! (There are exceptions to the rule however, Jensen appears to be one of them )


      I made a Dean wallpaper:


        OMG I just watched Ten Inch Hero. I have just found my new favourite movie.


          Originally posted by spork67 View Post
          I made a Dean wallpaper:

          Just beautiful, Spork! That scene was so powerful, it left me breathless when I watched it for the first time. I wish I could have a Dean wally as my background - but hubby would think I'm completely off my rocker if I did.

          Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
          OMG I just watched Ten Inch Hero. I have just found my new favourite movie.
          Lucky you. I can't wait to see it myself.

          Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


            Tongue peekage from Lazarus.

            And some funny faces from the iPod jack scene...

            Finally reached the half-way mark - and already over 300 caps.

            Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


              Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
              Oh, I totally agree. Shirted is usually better than non-shirted! (There are exceptions to the rule however, Jensen appears to be one of them )
              Skin is a perfect example ... not gratuitous, necessary for the plot, and not unpleasant either!!

              Originally posted by spork67 View Post
              I made a Dean wallpaper:

              Wow!! Brilliant spork *snurches although she won't be able to use it unless home alone*

              From my observations, this is one of the few times he brings his tongue right out... in the eps I've noticed it, he usually only brings it so far out then pulls it back in and curls his lip in. I'm not big on tongue pics myself, they block out the yummy lips, but these are lovely!

              And some funny faces from the iPod jack scene...
              Finally reached the half-way mark - and already over 300 caps.
              That was a great scene!

              Loving the caps Stars, I'll be starting again soon!



                *drools over pretty pics*


                  Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post

                  Man, how stressful was that?! Lol. I managed to get my J2 squeeze and Jared single shoot at 10am but it was the most horrifying and stressful 30 minutes of my life! LOL.
                  My plan was to get it 10am but the internet decided it wasn't able to finish loading the page as soon as the tickets went live. By the time the page loaded it was 10.25 and they had sold out. Wanted to try again at 2 but I went to my grandma's so I couldn't and my friend that I'm going with was at work. So we double teamed it at 6 just in case my computer had problems. And then when it did come up it took forever for it not to say it had sold out.

                  So yes, very stressful. Gonna try to get a jensen one at the weekend but if I don't manage to then at least its not the end of the world seen as I'll have the squeeze.


                    Originally posted by kylieS21 View Post
                    My plan was to get it 10am but the internet decided it wasn't able to finish loading the page as soon as the tickets went live. By the time the page loaded it was 10.25 and they had sold out. Wanted to try again at 2 but I went to my grandma's so I couldn't and my friend that I'm going with was at work. So we double teamed it at 6 just in case my computer had problems. And then when it did come up it took forever for it not to say it had sold out.

                    So yes, very stressful. Gonna try to get a jensen one at the weekend but if I don't manage to then at least its not the end of the world seen as I'll have the squeeze.
                    Wow, they really make you work hard for this privilege, don't they? So glad for you that you managed to get it!

                    Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                      Definitely. They were only selling 600 of them and there's almost 1400 people going. So I was VERY lucky.


                        Originally posted by kylieS21 View Post
                        Definitely. They were only selling 600 of them and there's almost 1400 people going. So I was VERY lucky.
                        You need a bit of luck for situations like that. But it looks like it was meant to be for you!

                        Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                        *drools over pretty pics*
                        Glad you like. Some more?

                        Double thunk

                        Am getting into very dangerous waters here - the looks between the boys in the rest of the scene are just... *cough* So I'll leave it up to you if you want to see them. They're on pg 17 of the Lazarus album.

                        I just loved the scene when Pamela was
                        groping Dean under the table.

                        It was great to see how flustered he got to be on the receiving end.

                        Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                          *ihi*thank you


                            Originally posted by kylieS21 View Post
                            My plan was to get it 10am but the internet decided it wasn't able to finish loading the page as soon as the tickets went live. By the time the page loaded it was 10.25 and they had sold out. Wanted to try again at 2 but I went to my grandma's so I couldn't and my friend that I'm going with was at work. So we double teamed it at 6 just in case my computer had problems. And then when it did come up it took forever for it not to say it had sold out.

                            So yes, very stressful. Gonna try to get a jensen one at the weekend but if I don't manage to then at least its not the end of the world seen as I'll have the squeeze.
                            Well I don't know how I managed it, but I got one at 10am. You were incredibly lucky to get them at 6pm cause those ones and the 2pm ones sold out in about a minute LOL.

                            I haven't got my Jensen or Misha singles yet, gonna queue at the con. Luckily, Rogue have added 100 extra shoots of each.


                              WOW So many great caps! Love them all! And that wallpaper of yours, spork67! Nicely done! One of Dean's greatest moments imo.


                                Page 2 boost...

                                Playing with fire...

                                ... and a bit of arm and shoulder peekage.

                                Just capping the Lazarus scene with the
                                demon in the diner
                                . So many great close-ups! *drools*

                                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on

