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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Don't know. I guess we were distracted by some guys.


      Originally posted by Fainne View Post
      *is dead*

      he beefed up? just for understanding: does it mean er hat an gewicht zugenommen?
      If yes i don't think so

      i always find it fascinating how many people work on the set and one does not see anything of that big bunch of people in the show...
      OMG, no! 'Beefed up' means 'Muskelmasse zulegen'. As in worked out.

      I love BTS shots. The atmosphere on set must be amazing. And from what I hear they must be like one big family after all these years. Did you see the scene in the gag reel where they emptied two buckets of water on Jared and Jensen as they were climbing down into this hole? That must have been the set guys.

      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


        Originally posted by Luciana View Post
        Don't know. I guess we were distracted by some guys.
        ahem.. yeah, but just a little bit
        Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
        OMG, no! 'Beefed up' means 'Muskelmasse zulegen'. As in worked out.
        ah, ok, thanks. so i wasn't that wrong... yummieyummie
        I love BTS shots. The atmosphere on set must be amazing. And from what I hear they must be like one big family after all these years. Did you see the scene in the gag reel where they emptied two buckets of water on Jared and Jensen as they were climbing down into this hole? That must have been the set guys.
        me too. i canwatch that over and over again. the way Jared says "Son of a bit**" i always wonder if the cast on his arm was real because he moved it very authentically...


          Originally posted by Fainne View Post
          ahem.. yeah, but just a little bit
          ah, ok, thanks. so i wasn't that wrong... yummieyummie

          me too. i canwatch that over and over again. the way Jared says "Son of a bit**" i always wonder if the cast on his arm was real because he moved it very authentically...
          It WAS real. There was an interview on youtube, and Jensen said Jared broke his arm during a stunt and had to wear a cast for several episodes. And I guess they had to re-shoot the last scene in Children shouldn't play... to have Sam say that line about having broken his hand to explain the cast.

          Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


            I know it was real. Because there so many pics with him and his broken arm.


              It's been a while I posted that one.



                so you knew more than me xD thanks

                hmmm.. sideface...


                  You know I love sideface. *swoons*



                    Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                    so you knew more than me xD thanks

                    hmmm.. sideface...
                    Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                    You know I love sideface. *swoons*

                    ker-THUNK. Sideface, huh? Yup, loving it too.

                    Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                      Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                      Now I'm hungry.

                      Not just for food.
                      Know the feeling!!!

                      Originally posted by Luciana View Post

                      Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                      WOW, great pics Queen, Jen and Luci! It's amazing how hot Dean is stuffing his face with somethings as revolting as - whatever that was.
                      I dread to think what it is. It looks like it might have been chilli and chips at some stage, but I really wouldn't put money on that!!!

                      Got some BTS pictures from Playthings (spoilered for slight oversize). Queen, forgot if it was here or in paradise when you were asking if Jensen had beefed up a bit? Look at the third shot - don't think much beefing up is required there...

                      And just for good measure, on of my all-time-favorite shots.

                      It was in Paradise, but here's the link for the other guys. I don't want him to get any bigger, me no likely huge muscles!!!!

                      I thought it was just the tight jumper at 1st, but the photo of him with the fish makes his pecs look huge!! But I guess Jen will already have spotted those!!!

                      Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                      he beefed up? just for understanding: does it mean er hat an gewicht zugenommen?
                      If yes i don't think so
                      Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                      OMG, no! 'Beefed up' means 'Muskelmasse zulegen'. As in worked out.
                      Ahem, how about for us English speakers?? Or do - or should - I find a translation site?

                      Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                      Playthings. *yay*

                      One of my favorite episodes. That one quote.

                      Dean: Of course the most troubling question is why do these people keep assuming we're gay?
                      Sam: Well you are kind of butch they probably think you're compinsating.
                      Dean: Right.

                      And that smile of Dean. *squeee*
                      I loved that!!

                      Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                      I love BTS shots. The atmosphere on set must be amazing. And from what I hear they must be like one big family after all these years. Did you see the scene in the gag reel where they emptied two buckets of water on Jared and Jensen as they were climbing down into this hole? That must have been the set guys.
                      If you didn't, I have caps of it!

                      Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                      It's been a while I posted that one.

                      Wow, the lighting on that is amazing!!



                        Lots of pretty pics in here And yes, I spotted every single muscle



                          Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                          Lots of pretty pics in here And yes, I spotted every single muscle

                          Hehe, thought you might! Yes, lots of pretties... he looks a bit pissed off in that last one!!



                            Love the last one!



                              Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                              Love the last one!
                              Can't remember where I found it now! *facepalm*

                              More Tall Tales




                                PG thoughts, PG thoughts, PG thoughts...
                                You don't make it easy, you know?


