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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Yeah let`s hope the boys stop fighting and go back to be brothers again. Like you said they argue a lot in every Season,but this is unbearable.

    I think JJ said Dadda first cause Daneel is talking to her about Daddy a lot.What is cute.


      Challenge #23 "Travel"


      Little Creek

      A Supernatural fic

      Close Quarters




      missed the 'summer' challenge from a few weeks ago so decided to give that one a go



        HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!! anyone that celebrates.

        Originally posted by Little Creek View Post
        Fascinating stuff, RiG. I'm looking forward to seeing where they're taking this!
        Me too!

        Originally posted by carry on,dean View Post
        In case anyone interested here in the northeast TNT is starting with season one of SPN sometime next week. Season eight is wrapping up.
        I watch it every day. ...that I don't have to be at work early in the morning.

        Like everyone else I wish they would fix the boys. Watching past episodes it easy to see the constant rift. They're always arguing about something, I get that, but this season is hard to watch..
        I just want them to get along, for them to be happy working together. Dean and Sam against the world!

        Otoh, Jensen is happy, little JJ said Daddy before she said Mama. I wouldn't have the heart to tell him that sound comes early in language development, it makes him happy, so it makes me happy.
        How did you find that out? Did he say it at VegasCon? It's very cool btw.

        And tomorrow's a new ep...yippi!
        Lookin' forward to it!
        Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 17 March 2014, 12:44 PM.
        Sig by ME.


          Challenge #24

          Every week, I get an entry from someone and it says "I'm so sorry this is so crappy" or "this is the best I could do" or something along those lines where they bash their own work. It is not just one person, it is several people and this makes me sad. I think everyone's artwork and fanfic is just wonderful!! And I am SO happy when people take the time to do something and enter the challenges! I wish everyone could just enjoy creating artwork and fanfic and like their own work. That is hard to do, I know I am even guilty of saying "ugh!" when I look at my own artwork.

          Well, this week it is going to be different. This week, the challenge is............Make artwork or fanfic. Anything, everything, whatever. If you are stuck and need a push, then go here and do a challenge you missed, or one that you want to re-do.

          Here's the first catch. DO NOT SIGN YOUR WORK. As I receive entries, I will post them as 'anonymous' and give everyone a chance to comment on them. Only one entry will be posted at a time, so everyone has a chance to be fawned over and see how much everyone loves your work. After that, the artist may choose to reveal themselves if they want.

          The second catch.....when I post an have to comment. Be nice, be honest, say the things you would like to hear. Remember the Golden Rule.

          Why is it anonymous at first? So you can comment on your own work as if it were someone else.

          The point of this challenge? For you to stop bashing yourself over your artwork or fanfic, and to have happy feelings when you see how good your artwork/fanfic really is.


            Sorry we made you feel sad copter. Guess we were just...admitting defeat...when we shouldn't have been. I will try to remember not to do that anymore.

            New challenge is interesting...

            EDIT: I didn't even notice you posted the entries for the last challenge Everyone did a good job, love them all!
            Sig by ME.


              Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
              Sorry we made you feel sad copter. Guess we were just...admitting defeat...when we shouldn't have been. I will try to remember not to do that anymore.

              New challenge is interesting...

              EDIT: I didn't even notice you posted the entries for the last challenge Everyone did a good job, love them all!
              No one made me was just sad that people were bashing themselves and for no reason.

              And I don't think anyone was admitting defeat, I think people in general are just fearful for putting a piece of themselves out there for people to see, afraid people won't like what they worked so hard on. I just want to maybe, for a short time, change that.


                Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                No one made me was just sad that people were bashing themselves and for no reason.
                Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                It is not just one person, it is several people and this makes me sad.
                And I don't think anyone was admitting defeat
                Yeah, I didn't think that was right when I typed it.

                I think people in general are just fearful for putting a piece of themselves out there for people to see, afraid people won't like what they worked so hard on. I just want to maybe, for a short time, change that.
                I'm not fearful at all of putting a piece of myself. If I was I never would have joined AFA way back when. Even in that thread we would admit that a piece we were posting wasn't our best work. You even did it yourself, I think. When you posted those Jensen sigs a few pages back...I think you said that you didn't like a few of them. And I'm just guessing here but the one you are using now is the one you favored of the bunch. If I'm wrong may lighting strike me down!
                Sig by ME.


                  I said I was totally guilty of bashing myself. I know I do it all the freaking time. I am sure every artist does. Doesn't mean it is a good thing, or that it is 'okay'. Saying things like 'oh, I ran out of time" or " I was tired and I know this isn't my best work" is okay, but I am trying to target the specific bashing where people say "oh this sig I made is just utter crap" and stuff like that.


                    I love the new challenge, Copter!

                    I maybe have said those things about my work too, many times. I think it's because I'm comparing my work to other people's, who have been making art a lot longer than me.


                      Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                      I said I was totally guilty of bashing myself. I know I do it all the freaking time. I am sure every artist does. Doesn't mean it is a good thing, or that it is 'okay'. Saying things like 'oh, I ran out of time" or " I was tired and I know this isn't my best work" is okay, but I am trying to target the specific bashing where people say "oh this sig I made is just utter crap" and stuff like that.
                      Okay, I see now where you're coming from. Sorry, so sorry. I hope to be able to make more entries for this new challenge.

                      I completely forgot about my second entry for the "travel" challenge that I started a few days ago. Was gonna be a Los Angeles sig because I LOVE that city! Maybe I'll make it for the new challenge?
                      Sig by ME.


                        Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                        Okay, I see now where you're coming from. Sorry, so sorry. I hope to be able to make more entries for this new challenge.
                        It's okay, I think I was having a hard time trying to explain exactly what I meant too. Hopefully this will be a good thing, I have got a lot of great responses so far.

                        Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                        I completely forgot about my second entry for the "travel" challenge that I started a few days ago. Was gonna be a Los Angeles sig because I LOVE that city! Maybe I'll make it for the new challenge?
                        you should!!


                          Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                          It's okay, I think I was having a hard time trying to explain exactly what I meant too. Hopefully this will be a good thing, I have got a lot of great responses so far.
                          I hope it'll be a good thing too!

                          you should!!
                          I will!
                          Sig by ME.


                            Hi Rodney
                            I saw the blip about JJ abd Jensen on a board I read at IMDB it's Supernatural, " for all lovers of both brothers"

                            It's got some pretty good topics about the show. Lots of opinions. But someone posted today about YouTube Videos for the Vegas Con. There I saw Jensen. say they would do Supernatural as long as they could still walk! there a a bunch of vids but some of them are shaky. I dont think you're suppose to video. I wish they would do a professional one of those of us who don't have a kazillion dollars to go to these things.

                            On the video they both looked so good. I think they look thin but still georgeous. I saw one vid a while back about how they dont workout like they did when they were young. They have ridiculous shooting schedules. Like do they even get to sleep. And now with families, time is tight.

                            I know they use stuntmen but it's still a physical job. One wrong fall and you've got trouble for the rest of your life. I also know that bow legs can lead to bone issues later in life. Just sayin.

                            Lovin the artwork you all are making...can't get enough of those faces!

                            I sees them aging gracefully in the bunker mentoring a new generation of hunters.


                              Originally posted by carry on,dean View Post
                              Hi Rodney
                              I saw the blip about JJ and Jensen on a board I read at IMDB it's Supernatural, " for all lovers of both brothers"
                              Ah, ha. Okay.

                              It's got some pretty good topics about the show. Lots of opinions. But someone posted today about YouTube Videos for the Vegas Con. There I saw Jensen. say they would do Supernatural as long as they could still walk! there a a bunch of vids but some of them are shaky. I dont think you're suppose to video.
                              Yeah, saw some of them shaky videos, don't think there's a problem videoing though. I know some cons don't like it but our fandom doesn't care...we film anyways. Something that I'm very grateful for.

                              I wish they would do a professional one of those of us who don't have a kazillion dollars to go to these things.
                              I too would love it if they officially filmed them because I would buy every single one! And because I, as well, don't have the kind of money it takes to be able to attend a Con. And there's gonna be a Con in NJ ON BY BIRTHDAY, JENSEN and JARED will be in NJ ON MY BDAY and NJ is just one state away from me (CT)... Yes, they'll be THAT CLOSE to me on MY BDAY!!! It's not fair.

                              On the video they both looked so good. I think they look thin but still georgeous. I saw one vid a while back about how they dont workout like they did when they were young. They have ridiculous shooting schedules. Like do they even get to sleep. And now with families, time is tight.
                              They look great! They always look great! I do know that Jared works out more then Jensen does. At least, he used to. If Jared reads in a script that he was to be shirtless he would work out extra hard before filming that scene. And, yes, time is definitely tight for them these days.

                              I know they use stuntmen but it's still a physical job. One wrong fall and you've got trouble for the rest of your life.
                              Thank goodness for their stuntmen!!!

                              I also know that bow legs can lead to bone issues later in life. Just sayin.
                              Well, lets just hope that Jensen never has those issues. I love his bowlegs so much! They are so freakin' cute!!!

                              Lovin the artwork you all are making...can't get enough of those faces!
                              A lot of great faces.

                              I sees them aging gracefully in the bunker mentoring a new generation of hunters.
                              They better age gracefully...I know that Jensen and Jared will.They both are getting better with age Hey, that might make a good fic! you should write it!
                              Sig by ME.


                                That's so cool that the con is on your birthday

                                I'm Easton Pa. My husband worked in Parsippany NJ right next to Whippany where the con is in September. I'm thinking of driving over to NJ that weekend just to be in the same state as the J2's. Hey we should meet for coffee there that weekend!

                                Last nits ep was great! No spoilers ere but gawd there was just such an abundance of stupid georgeousity!

                                The bowlegs are so sweetly sexy...thank God there not severe. I was badly pidgeoned toed as a small child and wore special shoes until like second grade. I wonder if he had issues or is just rollin with it.

                                I have an art background, I really want to do a hand drawn portrait of Dean...I'm so lazy I should be ashamed.

                                Ide love to do a fic... Lots of ideas...too much of everything else goin on...darn!

