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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Part fifteen




      Part sixteen




        Part seventeen




          Part eighteen




            Part nineteen




              Part twenty




                And finally part twenty-one




                  Jen, you have out done yourself this time! Thank you so very much! And you even gave me some rearsearch! I hate to admit this but...I didn't notice it when watching the episode. Bad Rearsearch loving Deangirl, I know.

                  Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                  Hoax inside ( Beware if you're aracnophobic)
                  it alledgelly fed of cats and dogs...*shudders* It's a fake , don't worry!!!"

                  WOW! That would have terrified me had it been real and on the side of my house!

                  Speaking of nice stuff that comes from Texas ( Thanks again, Jenova!!!!)
                  Nice shot!

                  Love how excited he gets over stuff in the Batcave. He's like a little boy on Christmas! I feel bad that he never had anything to get excited about when he was a kid. It's only now that he has things that make him truly happy. His own room for starters, the memory foam remembers him! He even has his kick ass vinyl, LedZep among others. And I love that he has his weapons, sawed-offs et all, decorating his bedroom walls. I even noticed his Purgatory weapon was on display as well. And the scimitar, the minute he noticed it he just had to play with it. Like a little boy finding a light saber under the Christmas tree, he was just drawn to it. Then there's his love of the shower, more importantly, the marvelous water pressure. The man loves a good shower! And they have a real kitchen! Dean is nesting. All of this is why I absolutely love the Batcave.
                  Sig by ME.


                    Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                    Okie doki, captime! ^^
                    I hope you don't mind I brought +400 caps this time. So many smiling and glasses scenes, I just couldn't help myself XP

                    8x14 part one
                    The probability of someone in here complain about too many Dean caps is, let me guess, 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

                    Might be smaller...
                    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                    Jen, you have out done yourself this time! Thank you so very much! And you even gave me some rearsearch! I hate to admit this but...I didn't notice it when watching the episode. Bad Rearsearch loving Deangirl, I know.

                    WOW! That would have terrified me had it been real and on the side of my house!
                    Yep, it gave me nightmares. I'd buy an RPG.

                    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                    Nice shot!

                    Love how excited he gets over stuff in the Batcave. He's like a little boy on Christmas! I feel bad that he never had anything to get excited about when he was a kid. It's only now that he has things that make him truly happy. His own room for starters, the memory foam remembers him! He even has his kick ass vinyl, LedZep among others. And I love that he has his weapons, sawed-offs et all, decorating his bedroom walls. I even noticed his Purgatory weapon was on display as well. And the scimitar, the minute he noticed it he just had to play with it. Like a little boy finding a light saber under the Christmas tree, he was just drawn to it. Then there's his love of the shower, more importantly, the marvelous water pressure. The man loves a good shower! And they have a real kitchen! Dean is nesting. All of this is why I absolutely love the Batcave.
                    Yep, my favourite quote is
                    I'm nesting. Okay! Eat!

                    I loved all the vintage stuff on the cave ( what a inspiration for the Vintage Challenge at the AFAT!) and the real beds, and showers and kitchen; all the stuff we take for granted. It actually moved me. Good for them! And they still can go on road trips, whenever necessary.
                    Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                    Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                      Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                      The probability of someone in here complain about too many Dean caps is, let me guess, 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

                      Might be smaller...

                      Yep, it gave me nightmares. I'd buy an RPG.
                      A role playing game? ...kidding.

                      Yep, my favourite quote is
                      I'm nesting. Okay! Eat!
                      Mine too!

                      I loved all the vintage stuff on the cave ( what a inspiration for the Vintage Challenge at the AFAT!)
                      Oh yeah! You're right, it is! *is getting ideas*

                      and the real beds, and showers and kitchen; all the stuff we take for granted. It actually moved me. Good for them! And they still can go on road trips, whenever necessary.
                      Yeah, it moved me too. I'm so happy they have a "home" now. And, hey, since Dean called it the Bat Cave I think that makes Baby the Batmobile. Right?

                      Oh, and this is just...all kinds of wrong...

                      Click for bigger wrongness!
                      Sig by ME.


                        Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post

                        A role playing game? ...kidding.
                        Everytime someone talks about an RPG in a war movie, that's the exact thought that comes to mind. The other classic is "magazine"- Times, Newsweek or Vogue?

                        Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post

                        Mine too!

                        Oh yeah! You're right, it is! *is getting ideas*

                        Yeah, it moved me too. I'm so happy they have a "home" now. And, hey, since Dean called it the Bat Cave I think that makes Baby the Batmobile. Right?
                        yes, you're right!

                        Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                        Oh, and this is just...all kinds of wrong...
                        Click for bigger wrongness!
                        Yes, so delightfully wrong. *snurches*
                        Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                        Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                          Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                          I love swords as well ( I suspect some are actually sabers, but let's not dwell) and when Jenova posted last week caps I realized it was the common ground among all my three thunks. Oh, Highlander! Connor or Duncan?
                          Methos! but i started with the series.... i only recently saw the original movies.... what were they thinking about for that second one? i mean, really? it was awful....
                          and i still refuse to accept The Source as cannon.... but i did like Endgame, that was a nice resolution for the series....

                          Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                          I have never saw Highlander (the movie) The tv show on the other hand... watched MacGyver ru-runs on USA and Highlander aired right before Mac so I would see the last few minutes of each episode. I did like the (Queen) theme though!

                          Here we are
                          born to be kings
                          we're the princes of the universe...

                          I really liked this part...

                          I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings.
                          I have no rival, no man can be my equal
                          Take me to the future of your world.

                          I think I even sang along at one point.
                          yea... Macgyver was my other first fandom... and i know Prince of the Universe by heart.... it's my favourite Queen song... and it was the song that introduced me to Queen in the first place.... i think they originally wrote that song specifically for the first movie....

                          Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                          Hoax inside ( Beware if you're aracnophobic)
                          it alledgelly fed of cats and dogs...*shudders* It's a fake , don't worry!!!"

                          oh god... i freaked out for 20 mins the first time i saw that on my fb feed.... still makes me shudder....

                          Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                          Oh, and this is just...all kinds of wrong...
                          Click for bigger wrongness!
                          saw that on my fb feeds this morning.... i honestly think misha's face on jared's head doesn't look that bad.... or jensen's face on misha's head....
                          I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                            Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                            yea... Macgyver was my other first fandom... and i know Prince of the Universe by heart.... it's my favourite Queen song... and it was the song that introduced me to Queen in the first place.... i think they originally wrote that song specifically for the first movie....
                            Yes, I believe they did. Saw a YT video that proves it.

                            oh god... i freaked out for 20 mins the first time i saw that on my fb feed.... still makes me shudder....
                            Found a little REAL spider on the faucet of my kitchen sink, right on the edge of where the water comes out. Needless to say I washed it down the drain. It was kinda greenish yellow...*shudders*

                            saw that on my fb feeds this morning.... i honestly think misha's face on jared's head doesn't look that bad.... or jensen's face on misha's head....
                            If you say so.

                            Okay, now for the other reason I came here...

                            Any of you heard of GetGlue? It's a great sight where you can earn virtual stickers by "checking in" to you favorite tv shows/movies. "Checking In" simply means you post something, like, "I'm watching Supernatural right now!"...or "Watching "Falllen Idols" right now. When you "check in" right before or during a new episode you earn yourself a sticker for that episode. The kicker? When you've earned 20 stickers you get the real things mailed to you. Mine are on there way.

                            You can check out mine if you like.
                            Sig by ME.


                              i didn't know that! so many sticker collection opportunities wasted b/c i thought it was just a virtual collection.... -pouts-
                              I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                                Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post

                                Okay, now for the other reason I came here...

                                Any of you heard of GetGlue? It's a great sight where you can earn virtual stickers by "checking in" to you favorite tv shows/movies. "Checking In" simply means you post something, like, "I'm watching Supernatural right now!"...or "Watching "Falllen Idols" right now. When you "check in" right before or during a new episode you earn yourself a sticker for that episode. The kicker? When you've earned 20 stickers you get the real things mailed to you. Mine are on there way.

                                You can check out mine if you like.
                                I didn't know you could order the actual stickers!!!!! I'm thrilled. Here are my stickers. (heads off to Get Glue to choose my 20) :-)

