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Supernatural : General Discussion/Appreciation (Spoiler Tags req for S15)

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    Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
    Continued talk about 3.11...
    Me too! But despite what the Trickster tried to teach Sam, I guess Sammy did learn something very important from the undeniably bad experience. I think he was also horribly scared of what he had become without his brother, so I guess Sam won't give in to the Trickster and accept Dean's dooming end instead of searching on but he of all people will probably also keep a closer eye on himself and do everything in his powers to not become like that ever again. I'm sure he's just as afraid and disgusted at himself as the viewers were while they ached for his broken heart and spirit.

    Some people suggested in a couple of fanfiction tags that this episode rather courted an end for Sam that most people saw for Dean if he hadn't been able to get his brother back in AHBL. And I tend to agree on this. I think Sam would rather kill himself than live like that. The only thing that always had me shy away from thinking that Sam would/could kill himself after Dean dies is the fact that he has a strong faith. I have got the impression that Sam is deeply convinced that committing suicide is a mortal sin, something no one should ever submit to do, under no circumstances, that it would also mean his sure way to hell. But in my opinion he now would weigh this against his fear of becoming that kind of unfeeling robot, and I'm not sure which one it would be.
    Very interesting thoughts! (3.11 continued)

    And I think you could see that just in the way Sam pleaded to the trickster to bring Dean back.

    That's some food for thought as well. I'd be interested in reading some of those fanfiction tags. Do you know of any offhand?

    I think this review of 3.11 sums a lot of my thoughts up nicely:

    Yes, I'm quite fond of Stephen King's "It" too. But this was nothing like it, I rather thought it was lame. And to be honest,
    at first when Dean made the jokes about Sam being afraid of the clowns, I really thought Dean was just joking and Sam was getting annoyed because of Dean's childish behaviour instead of really being afraid of the clowns.

    Anyway, the clown storyline just seemed to interrupt the heartbreaking brotherly moments between Sam and Dean, even the "clown's" death was nothing but anti-climatic the way he so conveniently died as soon as the fight started, like Dean and Sam were of the opinion, "Die already, we've got issues to work out, so we don't want to bother with your sorry a$$ any longer."

    But how Sam and Dean dealt with their father's death was really geat, seeing their very different approach on that matter: Sam (as always) wanting to talk about it while Dean was in full on denial. And then Dean was so annoyed by Sam's constant prodding that he lashed out at an already heartbroken Sam, just to get him to shut up. Both boys stood so helpless in their own pain, unable to provide comfort for each other. Now I just loved how Sam got through to Dean at the end and triggered his outburst; it was what both of them needed at that moment.
    Well, I didn't mean that it was a *direct* comparison to "It." Certainly not.
    It was just that the way the Rakshasa aka the Homicidal Phantom Clown (thank you, Sam... ) stares with the evil grin and waves at the children reminds me of Pennywise the clown from "It" and it amused me a bit. But I have a weird thought process/sense of humor.

    I don't know the whole story behind the clown plotline (except that they wanted to touch on the fear that some people have of clowns... this was mentioned in one of the S2 DVD extras), but perhaps they were concentrating more on how Sam and Dean dealt with their father's death and they wanted to come up with some easier Monster of the Week subplot to tie into it. Though it didn't, really.

    I know what you mean about Dean joking about Sam being afraid of clowns. Though I think we saw some truth in that when they went to talk to Cooper and Dean raced ahead of Sam so he'd have to sit in the clown chair (and Sam's sort of uncomfortable look as he did so ).

    Agree on all points about the way they dealt with John's death. I thought that was done quite well.


      'Mystery Spot'-tags which suggest a certain theme discussed in the spoiler tags before.
      Also thank you for the link to the review for 'Mystery Spot'.
      twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


        This episode was really great! I don't really have anything else to add that hasn't already been said, except that this is the best tag I've read to Mystery Spot for anyone who wants to read them. (found via the fanfic thread on TWoP)


          Last new episode until April on tonight! Don't miss it!

          5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


            Thanks so much for the links, Twinny! I'll be sure to give them a read (and thanks for posting yours too, RainbowMist!).

            I'm so psyched for tonight's episode.


              not much too say.. still way too excited from seeing my fave Deluise!! <3 Peter!!

              haha, as soon as hendrickson said "i shot the sheriff" i knew dean was gonna say "but you did not shoot the deputy"!! omg, priceless.. I <3 Dean!! him and the virgin thing was great too.. if i was nancy i'd be like "well, when this is all over you can rectify that situation..."

              also, SN is nominated for "Best Network Television Series" for the 34th annual Saturn Awards. Its up against Heroes, Lost, Pushing Daisies, TERMINATOR: THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES, and JOURNEYMAN...

              see all nominations HERE

              My Graphix LJ || scifi_abc


                Peter DeLuise is my favorite person.


                  That was a great episode tonight!! Can't wait until more new eps come out, and Im interested to see if the

                  spell that kills all demons in a one mile radius comes into play again it could solve alot of problems if they get around the virgins heart thing


                    Cool news about the Saturn nomination! They totally deserve it.

                    About tonight's episode... (spoilers for 3.12)

                    I agree, it was cool to see Peter DeLuise! Shame he wasn't in it for that long, but still cool to see him.

                    I knew Dean would say that to Hendrickson's "I shot the sheriff"... LOL, what a guy. And I loved Sam's murderous glare at him in response.

                    I honestly had no idea that Hendrickson was possessed at first. I mean, his behavior seemed almost typical of him, given what we'd seen of him in previous episodes. Although the way Sam ripped the cross off Nancy, I guess he'd suspected it?

                    I am glad that Hendrickson realized now what they're up against, that these things Sam and Dean deal with are real. I liked the talk he had with Dean concerning his job and the way he asked if they can beat these things.

                    So we finally learn the name of this new demon that was mentioned 2 episodes back (the one who was "rising in the west"). She sees Sam as competition and Ruby is clearly fighting on his side. A little girl named Lilith (loved how she told Nancy about the 2 guys she was looking for - "one is kinda tall and the other is kinda cute"... heh). Wow, she really is a baddie.

                    I was hoping Hendrickson would make it out alive - shame that he didn't (as well as Nancy... I kind of liked her).

                    Also interesting was the sort of role reversal between Sam and Dean. It was almost chilling the way Sam didn't seem to have any qualms about murdering Nancy. His argument was basically "what's one life vs. many", whereas Dean didn't want to murder an innocent girl. To him it seemed that just taking one life was bad enough.

                    Very interesting ep and I'm very curious to see how this mytharc will continue over the new episodes we're supposed to see later on.


                      OMG i'm sorry but i just gotta....


                      it was just brilliant!!

                      "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                      ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                      Card designed by Falcon Horus


                        This episode met my expectations. I aimed high, and it achieved that level. The best thing, for me, was getting to
                        see this new bad the boys will be up against. I didn't expect it to be a little girl, so they got me there.

                        I really can't wait to see what goes on in the 4 other episodes we will be getting come April.
                        MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                        "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                        Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                          i was surprised to find out

                          that the tattoos were permanent i just thought they were going to be a temp plot device from the spoilers


                          "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                          ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                          Card designed by Falcon Horus


                            The two episodes tonight?



                            I was thrilled to see Peter DeLuise pop up, he's lost a lot of weight since SG-1 went off air and I think that after Hendrickson was possesed he fully understood what Dean had been telling him all this time. And with the 'I shot the shariff' I saw the glint in Dean's eye and surprised it took him that long to say the line. Having Lilith be a little girl was a nice plot twist; it's certainly going to throw a wrench in Sam and Dean's plans because they can't just use the Colt on a little girl (demonically possesed or not) and they don't even have it back from Bella yet (speaking of; can I stab her with Ruby's demon killing magic knife?).

                            It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                              Jus in Bello, great episode! I can see why it was lined up as the finale while the writers strike made more being filmed uncertain.

                              Lilith, what a nasty peice of work! Again a creepy evil kid, SN loves the creepy nasty kids! Of course it is always unsettling to see an innocent child being used for evil. "I shot the sherrif", lol! A marvellous peice of tongue in cheek comic timing there, played wonderfully by all!

                              What is with Sam?! He really isn't far from being like that 'other' Sam we were shown last week in 'Mystery Spot'. I'm interested to see how this development plays out, it's really getting me wondering now. As for Bella, we may hate her and she's given no cause for us to think otherwise, but I can't help thinking she is going to be part of what saves the day in some unexpected way.


                                As for Bella, we may hate her and she's given no cause for us to think otherwise, but I can't help thinking she is going to be part of what saves the day in some unexpected way.
                                Dear God, I hope not.
                                I hated her little pouty "You don't know me!" Yeah Bela he does because you've given him nothing else but crap since he's met you. She's been nothing but a selfish sociopathic b*** and she doesn't deserve to save the day over the far more deserving Winchesters.

                                5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!

