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Supernatural : General Discussion/Appreciation (Spoiler Tags req for S15)

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    Originally posted by Starxgate View Post
    I laughed my ass off when poor Sam himself ended up killing Dean
    What a poor guy! As if what happened wasn't already enough... *hugs poor Sammy*
    twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


      Originally posted by Starxgate View Post
      I laughed my ass off when poor Sam himself ended up killing Dean
      Originally posted by eviladam View Post
      And the ways they found for Dean to die! They were hilarious!

      Do these tacos taste funny to you? (the heat of the moment)

      Awww what a cute dog. Some body needs a friend.(the heat of the moment)

      Not to mention the axe fight.
      Originally posted by Starxgate View Post
      You know its fun seeing Dean die, die & die lol
      Oh wow, now I barely need to even watch it, thanks.


        Maybe we should just put a spoiler warning on this thread. And start another thread to talk about Supernatural without spoilers for international fans. Anyone in favor?
        Last edited by GatetheWay; 15 February 2008, 02:34 PM.

        5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


          Originally posted by GatetheWay View Post
          Maybe we should just put a spoiler warning on this thread. And start another thread to talk about Supernatural without spoilers for international fans. Anyone in favor?
          I personally don't think this thread should be any different than general (non-episode specific) SGA threads - plot details, of the current season at least, should be spoilered. Spoiler-warning threads and then not using tags is fine for episode-specific discussion threads etc but this is a general thread about the show, obvioously involving some discussion of eps as their air etc, and folks are at different stages of the show in various countries. It's really not that much of a hassle to use spoiler tags.


            But our entire conversations are in spoiler tags in order to avoid folks from being spoiled about episodes that already have aired. Why not just separate the threads so we don't have to have all our conversations in spoiler tags because we mostly talk about the current season anyway. It's annoying to have to put spoiler tags on everything when it really isn't officially a spoiler if it has aired in the US.

            5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


              Hiya. Lurker here.
              I just wanted to add my 2 cents to this whole spoiler discussion. As a non-US citizen who doesn't get to see the episodes straight away, I really enjoy coming in here to get an idea about the general reaction to the eps. So posts like

              "I really enjoyed today's episode! I thought it was great when

              spoilery stuff

              And the preview for next week: Wow!"

              are nice to read even without looking at the spoiler, because it either ups the excitement or prepares me for a possibly not so brilliant episode.
              Also, I think that if you move all the spoilery episode discussion into another thread, then this thread will die out pretty much completely. Most of the general discussion in here stems from the talk about the episodes as they air. So I really don't think there'll be much of interest going on in here, and then you'll have just effectively shut anyone out who hasn't seen the newest eps and doesn't want to be spoiled. And that would make for some very sad supernatural fans, me thinks
              Last edited by Pennywise; 16 February 2008, 06:16 AM.

              But remember, Shep: If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!


                Originally posted by GatetheWay View Post
                But our entire conversations are in spoiler tags in order to avoid folks from being spoiled about episodes that already have aired. Why not just separate the threads so we don't have to have all our conversations in spoiler tags because we mostly talk about the current season anyway. It's annoying to have to put spoiler tags on everything when it really isn't officially a spoiler if it has aired in the US.
                For me this comes across as a very selfish view point. Just because it has aired in the US does not stop it being a spoiler for everyone else. It really isnt that much effort to spoiler tag.

                Originally posted by Pennywise View Post
                Hiya. Lurker here.
                I just wanted to add my 2 cents to this whole spoiler discussion. As a non-US citizen who doesn't get to see the episodes straight away, I really enjoy coming in here to get an idea about the general reaction to the eps. So posts like

                "I really enjoyed today's episode! I thought it was great when

                spoilery stuff

                And the preview for next week: Wow!"

                are nice to read even without looking at the spoiler, because it either ups the excitement or prepares me for a posibly not so brilliant episode.
                Also, I think that if you move all the spoilery episode discussion into another thread, then this thread will die out pretty much completely. Most of the general discussion in here stems from the talk about the episodes as they air. So I really don't think there'll be much of interest going on in here, and then you'll have just effectively shut anyone out who hasn't seen the newest eps and doesn't want to be spoiled. And that wuld make for some very sad supernatural fans, me thinks
                I completely agree. We split the threads than this one would just fizzle out and be pointless. I too enjoy coming to this thread to get an idea what people thought and keeping up to date with news etc, what I dont like is coming on and finding spoilers blatantly out in the open when I've been trying so hard to be spoiler free. I find it very dis-heartening. I really dont want to have stop visiting a thread I enjoy just because someone finds it too much effort to use a tag and believe seen as there country has seen it why should they consider other people.


                  Originally posted by kylieS21 View Post
                  Oh wow, now I barely need to even watch it, thanks.
                  Hey I used a spoiler tag. If you don't want stuff spoiled traditionally you don't look under a spoiler tag.
                  Jack likes being invisible.

                  (in shower) Sir, are you in here?

                  (invisible) Nope.


                    I know you used a spoiler tag for most of it and I didnt click but you did however mention thats dean dies outside of the tag which is more than enough.


                      Hey peeps,

                      I'm for keeping this thread also for the current episode discussions because I too think that using spoiler tags isn't all too inconvenient. But up to now I thought this thread was behaving really nice with the discussion and what could be found outside of spoiler tags. So I respectfully disagree with kylie since I know that the fact that Dean would die was the official tag line of the ep, the previews also had several of Dean's deaths in them and therefore in my eyes this is not considered a spoiler. The reasons and what happened or how everything was resolved, that I consider spoilery, and not one of us didn't put such info in spoiler tags.

                      I'm sorry to hear that you think we already took away your excitement and anticipation for the current ep because you know too much about it but let me assure you, Dean's death was only the opening.
                      twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                        According to Sci-Fi Wire,
                        the CW announced that ... Supernatural comes back April 24 with four new episodes...


                          Originally posted by kylieS21 View Post
                          I know you used a spoiler tag for most of it and I didnt click but you did however mention thats dean dies outside of the tag which is more than enough.
                          Those were my thoughts, that since Dean was dying in the episode previews and it's even mentioned in the listing on my tv that I wasn't spoiling any thing. That would be like, in my mind, mentioning that the season 2 finale would have Yellow eyes in it. It was in the previews. Mentioning what Yellow Eyes did would be spoilery too me.
                          Jack likes being invisible.

                          (in shower) Sir, are you in here?

                          (invisible) Nope.


                            I only recently discovered Supernatural but I love it already. I prefer it to Buffy. It's too bad supernatural/horrory shows like it are not 'in' at the moment, so it doesn't really get the respect and attention it deserves.


                              Originally posted by GatetheWay View Post
                              But our entire conversations are in spoiler tags in order to avoid folks from being spoiled about episodes that already have aired. Why not just separate the threads so we don't have to have all our conversations in spoiler tags because we mostly talk about the current season anyway. It's annoying to have to put spoiler tags on everything when it really isn't officially a spoiler if it has aired in the US.
                              It's no different than the GW policy for discussing the current season of Stargate - current season stuff goes in spoiler tags.. unless you're in a clearly-labelled discussion thread for a specific episode. It's really not that annoying to click a button and insert spoiler tags and that way we're considerate of everyone's wishes... those that have seen or are happy to be spoiled can click and those that don't wish to be spoiled can join in discussion or get general ideas of how episodes were received etc without being totally spoiled on plot points.


                                Originally posted by Naonak View Post
                                According to Sci-Fi Wire,
                                That is nice to know that we will have 4 more episodes to look forward to in order to further this season's arc.
                                MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                                "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                                Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead

