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Supernatural : General Discussion/Appreciation (Spoiler Tags req for S15)

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    Originally posted by JessM View Post
    I think I could see Bobby helping Dean out with something like this.
    Totally! Especially with the role he's taken on lately with those two. He almost plays the part of father-figure.
    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


      Bobby would definitely be there for Dean if Sam takes a walk on the dark side.
      He is, like people have said, a father-figure to Sam and Dean.


        Yeah, he certainly has become like a surrogate father.

        All psyched up for the ep tonight... less than 2 hrs to go. Can't wait!


          Originally posted by JessM View Post
          Yeah, he certainly has become like a surrogate father.

          All psyched up for the ep tonight... less than 2 hrs to go. Can't wait!
          I liked the episode. Thought it was great throughout. Especially, of course, the last ten minutes or so.
          Looks like we're seeing more and more of Sam's cold streak. He is most certainly undergoing some serious changes. A sign of things to come, I think.
          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


            Bring on evil Santa


              Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
              Looks like we're seeing more and more of Sam's cold streak. He is most certainly undergoing some serious changes. A sign of things to come, I think.
              I really like the way that Jared is playing Sam, at the end he just seemed as if he knows that something is wrong but doesn't know how to (or does not want to?) stop it...serious changes, to be sure.

              I can't wait to see how things end up...

              "I never wanted to be an actor. I wanted to be a Time just took me a while to figure it out."
              David Hewlett, SciFi Magazine, April 2008


                Originally posted by Chaser View Post
                I really like the way that Jared is playing Sam, at the end he just seemed as if he knows that something is wrong but doesn't know how to (or does not want to?) stop it...serious changes, to be sure.

                I can't wait to see how things end up...
                Same here. This season is really shaping up to be the show's finest yet IMO.
                MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                  Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                  I liked the episode. Thought it was great throughout. Especially, of course, the last ten minutes or so.
                  Looks like we're seeing more and more of Sam's cold streak. He is most certainly undergoing some serious changes. A sign of things to come, I think.
                  Yes, that last 10 minutes of tonights episode, wow! Begs the question.....

                  Is Sam turning into the cold hard leader the yellow eyed demon said he was? Or is Sam doing everything he can to save Dean and if that means losing who he is on the way, looks like he's prepared to do it? He's always been afraid of it and now he seems to be embracing it.

                  It's beginning to look like a case of seeing who can out-sacrifice the other now, sibling rivalry gone bizarrely off the rails!

                  It's all being very cleverly woven into a twisty tale that keeps us guessing right to the end. The writers never let up and constantly give us something new to throw us off the trail, just non stop fantastic viewing! The creepy stuff they have to deal with just seem to be a backdrop to the meaty stuff that's going on. This show is really beginning to work on different levels and its complexity is taking this show to new heights. I don't think it can be dropped that easily now by the network, a good solid show has landed in its lap, going by what we're seeing in season 3 so far!


                    It was brilliant not what i expected hehehehe but totally cool!

                    Spoilers and warning for fangirlyness

                    hehehehe loved Dean calling Sam gay and sam not really having a response...LOL

                    there was dean whump but sadly it didn't amount to much, he didn't even winch afterwards
                    but i really really really loved the nice little angsty nods through out....

                    gads i'm on a serious fangirl high!

                    Okay we all knew sam was going to sneak out... but he killed the demon without even a flinch!
                    Loved loved loved the boys arguing about deans fate and the nice little bit about 'how would you feel if you lost your brother' bit...

                    okay i think this episodes warrants it... are you ready?


                    Possibly more comments when i am more coherent!

                    "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                    ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                    Card designed by Falcon Horus


                      Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                      I sure think so. Believe me, I don't want Sam to
                      go bad permanently or anything. But a nice little arc of at least 4 or 5 episodes would be pretty nice to see IMO.
                      That... would be absolutely perfect.

                      Originally posted by Nameless View Post
                      I dont know if this has been said or not but some are speculating that Sam & Bobbys new friend is Lucifer when she told Sam to think of her as "His Fallen Angel"

                      I thought the same too, but didn't mention it because I thought I'd get mobbed on account of it being too obvious. Hmm, but not the kind of person you'd want around if that were so.


                        Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                        It was brilliant not what i expected hehehehe but totally cool!

                        Spoilers and warning for fangirlyness

                        hehehehe loved Dean calling Sam gay and sam not really having a response...LOL

                        there was dean whump but sadly it didn't amount to much, he didn't even winch afterwards
                        but i really really really loved the nice little angsty nods through out....

                        gads i'm on a serious fangirl high!

                        Okay we all knew sam was going to sneak out... but he killed the demon without even a flinch!
                        Loved loved loved the boys arguing about deans fate and the nice little bit about 'how would you feel if you lost your brother' bit...

                        okay i think this episodes warrants it... are you ready?


                        Possibly more comments when i am more coherent!
                        Hahah...and yes...nice bits throughout 3x05...

                        Did Sam just kill his off-screen girlfriend? lmao! I read in a magazine somewhere...hmm...but she was definitely not the original cross roads gal.

                        Getting seriously excited about possibilities of evil-for-the-sake-of-good Sam. I think it's great how the deal's contract is with someone more powerful. Good fun, good action and good WHUMP ahead.

                        Wonder what Dean will think when he finds out what Sam did. IF he finds out. If is good...


                          As I hear what is not exactly encouraging news this morning about the possible writers strike, I realize that SN is the show I panic most about production stopping on if it happens...

                          "I never wanted to be an actor. I wanted to be a Time just took me a while to figure it out."
                          David Hewlett, SciFi Magazine, April 2008


                            Originally posted by Chaser View Post
                            As I hear what is not exactly encouraging news this morning about the possible writers strike, I realize that SN is the show I panic most about production stopping on if it happens...
                            Me's really the only show I'm worried about. I'm watching it as it airs for the first time and I don't want it to stop.

                            Re 3X5

                            Liked the episode bit not my favorite of the season. Love all the little references to Sam's and Dean's predicament like the guy in the hospital asking how Sam would feel if his brother were killed. And Sam continues his cool killing streak. Eeeks! He shows no mercy at all.
                            Curious about the Crossroad Demon's boss. And dying to know how Sam will get Dean out of the deal. Do you think any of the Crossroad Demon's words to Sam about him being glad when Dean dies are true...maybe just a little bit????

                            Funny bits....Sam as police sketch artist(he draws like I do); Dean calling Sam gay.

                            Another good installment in Season 3. I'm really happy with how things are going so far and am looking forward to more.


                              Ok, after seeing the Director's Cut earlier this week I knew the ep was going to be good, I'm glad it didn't let me down..

                              minor ramblings for 3x05
                              It was so nice to see the Grimm Brothers stories back at thier roots, all creepifying and morbid. I absolutely loved the presence of the frog through out the whole ep.. haha.. though, i was busy trying to ID it by its call, its the animal major person in me, i'm pretty sure it was a bull frog.. anyway.. also loved Dean's "I'll tell you one thing.. There's no way I'm kissing a frog." Which if he had, would have been odd, since they're supposed to turn into Princes. It was interesting how they wove a real-life Snow White into the story. Though, the boys are slow, I knew she was Snow White the first time I saw her. They needed the apple to figure it out.. I was just waiting for Dean to bite into it, being the foodaholic that he his, haha. Probably the thing I liked best was how they dealt with Callie (or however you want to spell it), that they didn't wake her with a kiss, that they killed her.. Staying true to what SN is all about.. So, gotta give props to our boys and Kripke, they did a kick-ass job integrating fairy tales into the show!

                              My Graphix LJ || scifi_abc


                                Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                                I liked the episode. Thought it was great throughout. Especially, of course, the last ten minutes or so.
                                Looks like we're seeing more and more of Sam's cold streak. He is most certainly undergoing some serious changes. A sign of things to come, I think.
                                I really liked it too.

                                (3.05 spoilers)

                                It almost seemed like a season 1 episode to me, at least with the basic plotline. Liked Dean's "could you be more gay" and Sam's stick figure police sketch.

                                Ambassador Joe Faxon played the doctor in this ep! </geek mode off> It was pretty cool seeing the Brothers Grimm tales at their dark roots.

                                Definitely seeing more of Sam's cold streak. Can't wait to see what's ahead for this whole evil-for-the-sake-of-good thing. You could tell just how much he wants to get Dean out of the deal. I am curious about the Crossroad Demon's boss. A few people at one of the forums I visit were speculating that it was Ruby (though I don't know about that, especially after the Crossroad Demon's "she'll get hers" to Sam), who they think could be Meg. Not sure what to think but I guess we'll find out soon enough.

                                I know it's probably wishful thinking but I hope that this writers strike does not happen (or if it does that it doesn't go on for very long at all). I don't want this show to stop. I was a casual watcher up until mid-season 2 when I really got into it, so I still see myself as a pretty new fan.

