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Supernatural : General Discussion/Appreciation (Spoiler Tags req for S15)

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    Thanks, Yeah mines 4 but iv got to 2 drives so could work somethin out. Or im just gona buy a multiregion dvd player. Seen one for £20 so theres a plan, course then i have to buy a tv. it'd so be worth it.


      I thought it's the number of times you can change what region your PC plays the DVDs in. So, unless you need to change it to region 1 then back, or to another one, constantly, you can just leave it on region 1 and play DVDs unlimited times at that region. At least that's what my previous laptop was like.. but I never really messed with that and it's been a while.

      Or perhaps that's what you all are saying and I'm misinterpeting everything.


        Maybe that's it. I haven't had to use my PC for an other-region disc for a few years now. I think I got down to the last one and was afraid it'd get stuck in the wrong region.


          Originally posted by OrangeSwirl View Post
          yay! new thursday! new eppie!! which i'm going to need to brighten up my day after my huge Lit midterm..*hangs head and cries*

          but anyway, as for this season's finale...


          therefor, no cliffie!! yay! as long as kripke is true to his word..

          awww thats kind of sucky hehe i was looking forward to it.
          i hope that doesn't mean its not coming back!?

          i am soooo looking forward to tonight



          "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
          ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
          Card designed by Falcon Horus



            The ending was just so.. i don't even have words! WHat brotherly love.. its so adorable!

            as for the rest of the ep.. ok, the whole sex after knowing she's a werewolf was just lame.. imho, should have been before.. though, i found it interesting that Madi had no idea... but then again, how can you not realized u'r doing something weird in your sleep when things are out of sorts the next moring, hello!!

            My Graphix LJ || scifi_abc


              Great episode! Definitely ranks among my many favorites this season. The ending was pretty sad though. Dean
              really felt for Sam in this one. He wished his brother hadn't had to have done that.
              What sucks now though, is that we have to wait almost another solid month before the next episode. Now I'm depressed.
              MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
              "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
              Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                I love this episode if only for the ending. I thought it started slow.. but damn, the build up between Sam and Madison totally paid off in the end. I was -this- close to crying.

                And let me tell you.. I'm so peeved right now that I was robbed of that. I was still going "wow.." and being all speechless and tearing up.. then suddenly I was shown next episode's preview. And man.. I couldn't stop giggling. Couldn't they have at least gone to commercial and let me just have 30 seconds to digest the last five minutes of the emotionally charged scenes?! ARGH! I went from sad to the point of tears to -giggling- in 5 seconds!


                  Silent Lucidity by Queensryche. What an excellent song choice. Yeah, I was bawling, too. I really liked Madison. Emmanuelle Vaughier really surprised me. I cared what happened to this poor girl.

                  Thumbs up. Big thumbs up.


                    This episode was very hot what with the Sam sex scene and everything but they should have done that before he knew she was a werewolf, the ending was very very sad. It was a pleasant surprise to see Teryl Rothery for a few seconds in the beginning of the episode.


                      That was quick. The episode is already uploaded at the CW website. Just click "full episodes" in the upper right hand corner



                        ending wouldn't have been sad otherwise.


                          Originally posted by Gwynevere View Post
                          It was a pleasant surprise to see Teryl Rothery for a few seconds in the beginning of the episode.
                          It really was! When I saw her I thought she seemed familiar.. but no.. could it be? Then we finally got the close up and I was "hey, it IS her!"


                            great ep ... ending was really emotional ... Supernatural is climbing on my top-shows list .. writing is really great .. and third season is a must
                            VISIT AND JOIN


                              Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                              What sucks now though, is that we have to wait almost another solid month before the next episode. Now I'm depressed.
                              True, but to be fair, I'm pretty sure its a straight run to the season finale after that right?

                              Great episode, absolutely loved the way they filmed the ending, spot on, I'm still missing a chunk of episodes from the middle of the season, but this one ranks as one of the best of S2 for me.
                              Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
                              - Joss Whedon - Equality Now


                                What's with all the breaks that you guys are getting?

