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Supernatural : General Discussion/Appreciation (Spoiler Tags req for S15)

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    New promo photos for the finale, No Rest For the Wicked.

    5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


      I feel like such a bad SGA fan. I noticed Kavan, but totally missed Craig (Grodin)! Had to go back and check my DVR to see what people were talking about.

      Kinda cool to see Billy Drago, whom I knew from The X-Files and a Mike + the Mechanics video w/o looking at (Checking out his career, he plays the bad guy most of the time.)

      Can't wait for the spine-tingling finale!

      "I aim to misbehave." - Capt. Mal Reynolds

      "Alien locale is no excuse for lack of pineapples." - DP

      WALLACE: And if I don't?
      O'NEILL: We'll beam you up to our spaceship.


        Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
        The only thing I have to say is

        DUDE...I´m eating!!

        And I actually WAS

        It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


          Not long to wait now. Thursday will be here before we know it.
          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


            no rest for the wicked pics...

            spoilers of course!

            "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
            ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
            Card designed by Falcon Horus


              I'm taking thursday night off work. Not even chancing getting stuck late and missing a second of the finale.
              Jack likes being invisible.

              (in shower) Sir, are you in here?

              (invisible) Nope.


                FINALE?! FINALE?! AHHH *runs around in panic*

                ...if I don't see some hot Sam powers, I will be massively grumpy.

                *is powaah fangirl*


                  Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                  thoughts on the finale

                  Okay as the CW show description says Lilith holds Dean's contract
                  she is so going to use that as leverage against sam

                  I wonder if Sam makes a counter offer... him for dean.. i mean cause thats what Lilith wants cause then she will have defeated her enemy in a way...just a thought
                  Hmm, interesting thoughts there. I'm kinda torn over this final episode. On one hand, I can't wait to see it (and can't believe we're only 2 days away from it), but on the other hand I get this feeling they're going to leave us with quite a cliffie - like, of Devil's Trap (the S1 finale) proportions...or even greater than that.

                  I just hope that the actors don't strike so it makes our wait even longer. Last I heard it seems the chances of that happening got a bit smaller, so I'm crossing my fingers.

                  Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
                  Oh my god!
                  A "Supernatural" thread?
                  Stargate + Supernatural could it get any better?
                  I love this forum

                  *waves into the round*
                  Busy reading the thread .. 162 pages.. could have been worse
                  Hey, welcome to the thread!!


                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    Hmm, interesting thoughts there. I'm kinda torn over this final episode. On one hand, I can't wait to see it (and can't believe we're only 2 days away from it), but on the other hand I get this feeling they're going to leave us with quite a cliffie - like, of Devil's Trap (the S1 finale) proportions...or even greater than that.
                    I know! That's how I feel; I wanna/don't wanna watch it 'cause we all "know" what's I have a feeling that Kripke is going to deliver with the episode.

                    It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                      A couple of really great clips from the finale. Here.

                      5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                        Originally posted by GatetheWay View Post
                        A couple of really great clips from the finale. Here.

                        Sam going dark side? Dean going to hell? I just hope they leave a tiny glimpse of hope in this cliffhanger. I´m torn between "can´t wait for the finale to air" and "OMG! Soooo long without new episodes? Come on!"

                        No matter what show...always the same thing. I hate those cliffhangers...and I love 'em.

                        Edit: Ah and thanks for the link Gatetheway...almost forgot that over all the excitement
                        Last edited by Karhedron; 13 May 2008, 04:13 PM.
                        Thanks for the Sig go to the talented Fainne
                        Which Supernatural character are you? (I hate those things..but sadly it fits )
                        You're John! You are skilled and smart, but world-weary and a little jaded. You're a serial monogamist, and you love hard. You can sometimes be a little too narrow-minded, and stubborn to a fault, but your heart is always in the right place.

                        The GateWorld Cantina - Kara : Runner gone Wraith gone Wraith Queen gone human barmaid


                          Originally posted by GatetheWay View Post
                          A couple of really great clips from the finale. Here.
                          Thanks a lot for those. Now I really can't wait for Thursday night to get here.
                          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                            I hope they clean up the sound effects. They sound too cartoony for something that's suppose to be a serious fight.

                            5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                              I was talking about Hellhounds with a friend last night. I hope they don't show them too us in the finale. In my opinion they are about a zillion times scarrier when you can't see them, just see the people that can reacting to them, and the damage that they cause. I think what I imagine is a lot scarrier than what they can do with cgi.
                              Jack likes being invisible.

                              (in shower) Sir, are you in here?

                              (invisible) Nope.


                                Yay Finally saw 'Time is on my side' and I'm extremely pumped for the finale (if a little sad, I don't know how I'll cope without a regular dose of Supernatural....those season 3 DVDs better be coming out soon!).

                                I must admit
                                I was a little sad to see Bela go, as much as I despised her, she was something different and I certainly wouldn't be opposed to her returning for an ep or 2 in Season 4. The revelation that she had also made a deal with the devil was something that didn't completely shock me but instead brought something else to the character.

