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Supernatural : General Discussion/Appreciation (Spoiler Tags req for S15)

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    Another very strong episode IMO. You can tell time is running out, and both of them are getting desperate.
    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


      Great episode!
      I loved the 'busty asian babes' refrence as well as Dean's voice mail saying he was Hurman Munster I was kinda hoping that there was a way for Dean to get out of his deal...but I guess that it'll be saved for the season finale, huh?

      I also wonder if there's any credance to Dean's theory about the deamon who Dean made the deal with following him...would make sense since he would be considered a major coup in the deamon world.

      It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


        It is just really amazing how much I have come to love this show. These two actors have come such a long way since Season 1.
        MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
        "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
        Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


          I was finally able to watch Ghostfacers (and now I'm a week behind everyone else, but, it's better than being a month behind ), and I was amazed at how well the writers were able to tie together humour, horror the sadness after
          the death of Corbett.
          . Despite not contributing anything to the main plot (despite a mention of Dean's 'cancer') the episode was still overwhelmingly brilliant. This show just gets better and better.


            Long Distance Calling - great ep! Moved the story arc along quite well.

            Loved the Campbell/Raimi reference! Also, very profound statement by the Big Bad, "You're all so connected, but you've never been so alone. (I don't think that's the exact quote, but it's close.)

            "I aim to misbehave." - Capt. Mal Reynolds

            "Alien locale is no excuse for lack of pineapples." - DP

            WALLACE: And if I don't?
            O'NEILL: We'll beam you up to our spaceship.


              Originally posted by Will Thorne View Post
              I was finally able to watch Ghostfacers (and now I'm a week behind everyone else, but, it's better than being a month behind )
              Ha, that's nothing; try years. Here in Germany we officially haven't even seen the second season of 'Supernatural'. If I wasn't fortunate enough to get the new eps a few months after they have airred, I'd seriously be tearing at my hair.

              Glad you liked 'Ghostfacers', Will. Next week (allegedly) looks awesome too.
              twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                Ha, that's nothing; try years. Here in Germany we officially haven't even seen the second season of 'Supernatural'. If I wasn't fortunate enough to get the new eps a few months after they have airred, I'd seriously be tearing at my hair.

                Glad you liked 'Ghostfacers', Will. Next week (allegedly) looks awesome too.
                Wow, I really feel for you. Thats like here with Stargate, if I didn't have...other means and/or DVDs I think I'd go insane! I can't wait to see the new ep, although I probably won't see it until Next Week...


                  So there are only 16 episodes this season? I was hoping for a few more now that that strike is finally over. I hope it's being picked up for a fourth season because this is absolutelly my favorite show of all time.

                  And I can't wait for the season 3 dvd because I missed big chunks of this season for various reasons.
                  Jack likes being invisible.

                  (in shower) Sir, are you in here?

                  (invisible) Nope.


                    Last nights Sandwich line by Dean made the episode & I believe that Supernatural has been already renewed for a fourth season


                      Good episode last night. The scene with the girl in her room with her computer was creepy.

                      We got some great brother moments again. Yay!!!

                      Poor Dean. Hell is really looming now. I can't wait to see what Kripke and co are going to do for the finale.


                        Supernatural has been renewed for a four season already.

                        Alright SPNers,it's that time of the week again. Check out the sneak peek clips for Thursday's episode 3.15 Time is On My Side as well as quite a few more promo photos (click on the box that has the title Time is on My Side on it)...

                        You know
                        I really don't want that hot guy chained to the table to die. He's so damn good looking!
                        Last edited by GatetheWay; 02 May 2008, 01:55 PM.

                        5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                          Promo stills from the season finale No Rest for the Wicked.

                          5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                            Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                            It is just really amazing how much I have come to love this show. These two actors have come such a long way since Season 1.
                            Totally agree

                            I loved this last episode. I can't really say any more about it than others have said here... if you want to read some of my deeper thoughts on it, I wrote up a review here

                            Originally posted by GatetheWay View Post
                            Supernatural has been renewed for a four season already.

                            Alright SPNers,it's that time of the week again. Check out the sneak peek clips for Thursday's episode 3.15 Time is On My Side as well as quite a few more promo photos (click on the box that has the title Time is on My Side on it)...

                            You know
                            I really don't want that hot guy chained to the table to die. He's so damn good looking!
                            Wow, thanks so much for the link to those sneak peek clips. Pretty intense stuff. I'm looking forward to the ep.

                            And I totally agree w/you on what you said in the spoilers!


                              Originally posted by GatetheWay View Post
                              Supernatural has been renewed for a four season already.

                              Alright SPNers,it's that time of the week again. Check out the sneak peek clips for Thursday's episode 3.15 Time is On My Side as well as quite a few more promo photos (click on the box that has the title Time is on My Side on it)...

                              You know
                              I really don't want that hot guy chained to the table to die. He's so damn good looking!
                              Wow these really look creepy! But the guy looks hot


                                Hmm interesting episode. I don't mind seeing Sam tied to a chair again, but I rather hope they'll get over that particular cliche. All he needed was a party hat, dammit.


                                the demon made it sound like that some phone calls were actually the dead people, or was that just me? and how that guy's daughter must have said she wasn't calling back??

