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Supernatural : General Discussion/Appreciation (Spoiler Tags req for S15)

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    Wow, what an excellent graphic! Thank you for posting the news, sounds interesting.
    twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


      Really cool pic.
      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


        are we there yet? *whine*

        "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
        ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
        Card designed by Falcon Horus


          Wow, the art for that looks really cool. Thanks for posting!

          (((parisindy))) It's just a little further. In the meantime, here's something:


            i haven't enjoyed the art in the comics so far so hopefully this will be better...

            i mean the last comic had a 2 door impala on it .. the boys drive a 4 door and the people are nearly unrecognizable

            Originally posted by JessM View Post
            Wow, the art for that looks really cool. Thanks for posting!

            (((parisindy))) It's just a little further. In the meantime, here's something:

            mmm pic (drool) thank you!!! (((hugs)))
            its exactly 14 days to go!

            "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
            ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
            Card designed by Falcon Horus


              Originally posted by JessM View Post
              Wow, the art for that looks really cool. Thanks for posting!

              (((parisindy))) It's just a little further. In the meantime, here's something:

              Now that's a nice picture, oh how I miss them!! Roll on two weeks!!


                Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                Now that's a nice picture, oh how I miss them!! Roll on two weeks!!
                It sure will be nice to see a new episode on the 31st. It's been a long wait.
                MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                  Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                  mmm pic (drool) thank you!!! (((hugs)))
                  its exactly 14 days to go!
                  Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                  Now that's a nice picture, oh how I miss them!! Roll on two weeks!!
                  *grin* No problem! (((parisindy)))

                  I miss them too... I can't wait to see that new ep. It looks interesting from the previews they've shown.


                    hey guys I can't wait till Supernatural starts up again in the UK I was glued to the T.V the whole time it has been on, I am becomin hooked to the program.


                      Welcome to the thread, wraith_lover!

                      It is so easy to become hooked on this show.


                        First episode I saw all the way through was Hunted and they had me at 'funkytown'. Love that episode, flaws and all.
                        Last edited by GatetheWay; 19 January 2008, 09:34 PM.

                        5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                          Originally posted by JessM View Post
                          Welcome to the thread, wraith_lover!

                          It is so easy to become hooked on this show.
                          Welcome from me too! Totally agree, extremely addictive show!!


                            Just heard that episode 3.11 Jus In Bello and 3.12 Mystery Spot will be switched in airing order
                            making Jus In Bello season 3's finale.

                            I also heard that Jared said at a convention recently that
                            if it hadn't been for the strike this season Sam's powers would have come back in a very scary way. Damn this writer's strike!
                            Last edited by GatetheWay; 20 January 2008, 01:05 PM.

                            5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                              Originally posted by wraith_lover View Post
                              hey guys I can't wait till Supernatural starts up again in the UK I was glued to the T.V the whole time it has been on, I am becomin hooked to the program.
                              Have a very warm welcome to the Supernatural thread, wraith_lover!
                              Originally posted by JessM View Post
                              It is so easy to become hooked on this show.
                              Amen to that, JessM! As I mentioned before, I watched the pilot episode and it scared the cr*p out of me, I had nightmares for two nights and swore I'd never watch the show again but the relation between the brothers drew me so much into the show that by the end of the week I had not only rewatched the pilot a couple of times but also ordered my Season 1 and 2 box set. I know I'm crazy... lol
                              Originally posted by GatetheWay View Post
                              Just heard that episode 3.11 Jus In Bello and 3.12 Mystery Spot will be switched in airing order
                              making Jus In Bello season 3's finale.

                              I also heard that Jared said at a convention recently that
                              if it hadn't been for the strike this season Sam's powers would have come back in a very scary way. Damn this writer's strike!
                              Thank you for the info, GatetheWay! Now I'm even more anticipating what happens next. What JP said sounds extremely intriguing! I would have loved to see that come to pass. I just hope they don't have to cancel that storyline altogether when the strike is over. *chews on fingernails*
                              twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                                Sorry for the double post but I've got a question for you that's been giving me a headache for a couple of days now.

                                Why do you think (spoilers for All Hell Breaks Loose)
                                the Yellow Eyed Demon left the bullit that could (and finally did) kill him in the colt when it was obvious that Jake only needed the colt itself to unlock the Devil's Gate? Do you think that maybe YED was simply arrogant enough to ignore the peril to his "life", or do you think that maybe he wasn't so afraid of the colt in the first place?

                                My twin and I have been speculating that maybe YED knew better about the colt than the hunters, and their assumption that it could kill the demon once and for all wasn't quite as accurate as they would have thought. After all, he wasn't genuinely afraid of the colt, or why would he have handed the loaded one to Jake when the colt would have done exactly what it was meant to do without the bullit. Why leave the mortal danger inside when you give it to someone you don't trust, or it could be retrieved by the brothers and used on him. If he had gotten rid of the darn bullit, the danger would have been eliminated for ever.

                                Furthermore, in the Season one finale 'Devil's Trap' the Yellow Eyed Demon didn't differentiate between the "death" of his son, who was shot with the colt, and that of his daughter, who was merely exorcised and sent back to hell.

                                So, I guess that we haven't necessarily seen the last of the YED. Maybe he is still a major player and pulling the strings on Sam's "downfall" from his hidden spot; and then he comes back with a vengeance.

                                "I now declare the speculation open!"
                                twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic

