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Supernatural : General Discussion/Appreciation (Spoiler Tags req for S15)

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    welcome to the thread newcomer!

    i can't wait til tonight's epi. that christmas epi sounds really good too.

    Sig by SamJackShipLover! Thanks!

    Thanks to Vanity_killsxxx on LJ for my profile pic!


      Now that was one great episode. I enjoyed it from start to finish, and it was a good wrapping up of
      the Gordon storyline that started last season.
      Really good stuff.

      The only thing that kind of sucks now, is the little hiatus it's on until December 13th. I am looking forward to the Christmas episode though, so hopefully the wait will be worth it.
      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


        Aww. poop...we have to wait until Dec. 13th???? And who knows what will happen after that.

        Re: Fresh Blood

        Great episode. Quite dark throughout, especially compared to last week's episode. Good brother moments. Aww, at Dean giving Sam mechanic lessons. Excellent close to the whole Gordon after Sam story. How fitting that he was turned into a vampire.


          Deadline Hollywood

          Who knows what will happen after that? Maybe they'll end the strike. Read the article. The AMPTP has agreed to come back to the bargaining table the Monday after Thanksgiving. Word is the New York advertisters got piiiiiiiiiisssssed off when the networks started cancelling spring upfronts and threatened not to give them advertising dollars at the upfronts next year. Ain't that awful?

          If the writers get back to work by December it'll save this season!!!


            Originally posted by Moulin View Post
            If the writers get back to work by December it'll save this season!!!
            That would be so great. I'll definitely be keeping my fingers, and toes, crossed.
            MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
            "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
            Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


              Originally posted by Moulin View Post
              Deadline Hollywood

              Who knows what will happen after that? Maybe they'll end the strike. Read the article. The AMPTP has agreed to come back to the bargaining table the Monday after Thanksgiving. Word is the New York advertisters got piiiiiiiiiisssssed off when the networks started cancelling spring upfronts and threatened not to give them advertising dollars at the upfronts next year. Ain't that awful?

              If the writers get back to work by December it'll save this season!!!
              If not...according to an article I read today in the Vancouver Sun, those productions not already closed down (Battlestar Glactica and Bionic Woman) are closing down at end of November.

              Supernatural will close on or around Dec.5 while Men in Trees starring Anne Heche is likely to go to Jan.15. The last U.S. television production to be shut down is likely to be Smallville, on Jan.23.
              Now why couldn't Supernatural be in the same position as Smallville?!!!


                Because Smallville PTB are willing to film scripts that haven't had final rewrites and touch ups.


                  Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                  Now that was one great episode. I enjoyed it from start to finish, and it was a good wrapping up of
                  the Gordon storyline that started last season.
                  Really good stuff.

                  The only thing that kind of sucks now, is the little hiatus it's on until December 13th. I am looking forward to the Christmas episode though, so hopefully the wait will be worth it.
                  I agree (spoilers for Fresh Blood)

                  I really enjoyed this episode. Annoyed at Bela's role here though, giving away the boys' position to Gordon and so forth, but at least she wasn't a huge presence in the episode. I have to wonder what Dean will do once they catch up with her again.

                  Anyway, Gordon was one of the guys I loved to hate and strange as it seems I kinda miss him now. It did wrap up that storyline nicely though, and how fitting of him to be turned into one of the things he devoted his life to hunting.

                  The ep was quite dark, but I think it showed that Sam hasn't gone *totally* darkside yet. The look on his face when Dean killed the girl-turned-vampire in the beginning, and his reaction to the whole thing kind of reminded me a bit of how he felt about killing Madison in Heart. There was also his kind of disgusted (and a bit surprised I think) reaction after he'd beheaded Gordon with that wire.

                  I loved the brother moments in it too. Loved how Sam told Dean he could see through his act, that he (Dean) is scared, and how he's looked up to Dean and followed him around since he was 4 and knows him better than anyone else. The way he said "I just wish you'd be my brother again, 'cause.... Just 'cause" was very touching. I think Dean's facade started to crack there.

                  I also loved the auto shop lesson at the end... the way Dean wanted Sam to try fixing the car since it's something he'll need to know for the future. And the way Sam just accepted it...

                  Great episode. Not too happy about the mini-hiatus myself, but at least they ended this run on a high note. And I think we have something great to look forward to in the Christmas episode. Hopefully these 2 weeks will go by fast.

                  Originally posted by Moulin View Post
                  Deadline Hollywood

                  Who knows what will happen after that? Maybe they'll end the strike. Read the article. The AMPTP has agreed to come back to the bargaining table the Monday after Thanksgiving. Word is the New York advertisters got piiiiiiiiiisssssed off when the networks started cancelling spring upfronts and threatened not to give them advertising dollars at the upfronts next year. Ain't that awful?

                  If the writers get back to work by December it'll save this season!!!
                  I really hope this strike won't last too long. I know I read somewhere that they'll stop production on Supernatural around the 5th.

                  I hope they can come to some kind of agreement, sooner rather than later.


                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    Great episode. Not too happy about the mini-hiatus myself, but at least they ended this run on a high note. And I think we have something great to look forward to in the Christmas episode. Hopefully these 2 weeks will go by fast.

                    I really hope this strike won't last too long. I know I read somewhere that they'll stop production on Supernatural around the 5th.

                    I hope they can come to some kind of agreement, sooner rather than later.
                    I hope these next 2 weeks fly by as well.

                    As for the writer's strike, I hope it ends soon too. Preferably before production ends on this show.
                    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                      has this been posted yet?

                      From Vancouver Sun:
                      "Writers strike causing TV show production to shut down here
                      Yvonne Zacherias, Vancouver Sun
                      Published: Thursday, November 15, 2007
                      VANCOUVER - American television shows are scheduled to shut down one by one, with the last one turning out its lights on Jan. 23 unless the screenwriters' strike is resolved before then.

                      One, namely Bionic Woman, closed its doors on November 9. Battlestar Galactica is to shut down this Friday.

                      Aliens in America will close down at the end of November. Reaper will likely shut down then as well although directors are evaluating one of the scripts to see whether it can go a little longer.

                      Supernatural will close on or around Dec. 5, while Men in Trees starring Anne Heche is likely to go to Jan. 15. The last production to be shut down is Smallville on Jan. 23.

                      These are are all approximate dates provided by Don Cott, vice-president of the Canadian affliliate of the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television producers.

                      Each show employs between 100 and 200 Canadians. With Bionic Woman and Battlestar Galactica, the number was closer to 200 each because they are major science fiction productions.

                      The strike is having another hidden effect. Cott said he knows of at least one pilot for a movie that was looking to come to British Columbia but because the script wasn't ready, it won't be coming here now.

                      There are dire predictions in the local industry that the strike could turn film studios here into ghost towns, with the strength of the Canadian dollar and an impending actors strike mitigating against any sure return of the industry if the strike ends soon which no one is expecting.

                      It is also unlikely that unemployed Canadian crews will find much work in the domestic industry which generated only $200 million of a total pie of $1.2 billion in film and television revenues last year. "

                      "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                      ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                      Card designed by Falcon Horus


                        Yep, I think someone mentioned a few posts ago that it'd shut down production around Dec. 5th. *sigh* I also read on another Supernatural forum that a fan had actually talked to Kripke and he said that if they don't get this resolved by the Nov. 26th talks (or before November is up), they'll probably end the season with the last ep that they film... so this season would end up with only 12 eps, or thereabouts.


                          Well that truly does suck. We won't get to see a completed story arc re Dean's "death" and/or Sam's possible going dark. Kripke and co would have to continue things in Season 2.5 or 3 next fall.


                            Yeah, that's what I really hate about this. Things are really starting to heat up now. The timing couldn't be more awful.

                            Really hoping that *something* positive (no matter how big or small) comes out of next week's talks.


                              Folks, they're going to settle it. The networks have to settle it. Apparently much earlier than they wanted to.

                              Strike Has Cash Back Clock Ticking

                              The ad agencies are in revolt much sooner that I expected.

                              ...Media buyers, in light of the Writers Guild of America strike, say they might be a month away from asking the broadcast networks to renegotiate their upfront packages or give them cash back.

                              “The situation may not become a major problem until after the February sweeps, but we have to start thinking about how we are going to deal with things for the remainder of the season now,” said one major media buyer, who did not want to speak for attribution. “In the next three weeks, if there is no settlement in the writers’ strike, and prime-time ratings continue to fall, we will start looking for serious adjustments and even for cash back. That’s going to be awkward and hard for the networks to deal with.”

                              Broadcast network sales executives, none of whom would speak for attribution, believe that their networks have enough fresh episodes of scripted shows to take them through the February sweeps (along with the liberal dose of repeats that are traditionally run in December and January), and enough reality programming to take them through the rest of the season.

                              But buyers, likening that attitude to Nero fiddling while Rome burned, believe the networks are wrong if they think viewers will be retained with repeats and some new reality programming. ...


                                Interesting. I hardly even gave much thought to the ad agencies' side. Hopefully this will mean some good news.

