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What Star Trek Ep/Movie Did you Watch Today?

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    Originally posted by Raw_Deal View Post
    I'm totaly with you on that one. Though I'm actually not a big fan of Worf.
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one , I thought you all gonna kill me for my post!



      Originally posted by Mr.MacGadget View Post
      I'm so glad I'm not the only one , I thought you all gonna kill me for my post!
      There is a very interesting moment between Dax and Worf late in season 7 discussing some interesting cultural shortcomings of the Klingons. Some of the characters themselves share this point of view.


        Originally posted by Cold Fuzz View Post
        There is a very interesting moment between Dax and Worf late in season 7 discussing some interesting cultural shortcomings of the Klingons. Some of the characters themselves share this point of view.
        I see. Dax mentioned something like that in Sons and Daughters I think, that she doesn't want to fight for the big Klingon honour all the time, cause that's boooring, and I was like Hell yeh, finally someone mentioned this!
        I love the relat between Dax and Worf by the way, they are so good together.



          Star Trek III: The Search for Spock


            VOY 5.03 "Extreme Risk"
            Another wasted oppotunity IMO. I love that they decided to explore Torres' guilt following the news of the extermination of the Maquis, but it SHOULD have been an ongoing storyline since they found out, instead of out of left field in this single episode. That would've been a way better story, both in terms of character development and in terms of following through on the earlier Maquis story arc.

            I do like the introduction of the Delta Flyer shuttle. It goes quite a ways to alleviating the annoying issue of the number of shuttles they've blown through over the course of the series (which currently stands at 11, btw). But it also kind of begs the question of where the heck they got the resources to build such a huge frelling shuttle!

            VOY 5.04 "In the Flesh"
            Why are the officers at Starfleet Command all wearing the early DS9/VOY-era pyjama uniforms? At this point they should all be wearing the grey shoulder uniforms. I know it's a 'recreation', but they manage to get all the details right except for uniforms?

            This episode also has the curious effect of revising the crew count down significantly. In my ongoing count I'd had it counted at 142, but the Doctor says there's 127 people aboard as of this episode.

            Loved seeing Kate Vernon, I totally forgot about her appearing in Trek. Cylon infiltrators in the 24th-Century And I notice her name is Archer, too...

            VOY 5.05 "Once Upon A Time"
            Oh dear....Col. Young as a holographic tree monster full of bad puns. Not Louis Ferreira's finest hour

            Um..what to say about this one.... I don't particularly care for the Naomi being shielded from the truth angle, but I really appreciate it as a Neelix story. I like that they finally revisit that he lost his family when he was young, and I really enjoyed when he lost it on Janeway on her ready room. Ethan Philips really was one of the better members of the cast.

            VOY 5.06 "Timeless"
            Really awesome teaser and intro in this episode. The mysterious figures in the snow, the pan back to reveal Voyager beneath the ice, Chakotay and Harry in the desolate and frozen halls of the ship....very solid stuff. I was really looking forward to this one, and the beginning at least did not disappoint.

            There's still some goofiness present here unfortunately. The uh....celebration at the new slipstream warp drive is hugely out of character for everyone and for the show itself. They gathered the whole crew, replicated confetti, replicated a champagne bottle to smash on a railing, and had Janeway give an inspirational speech--over the unveiling of a new drive that hasn't even been tested yet?!

            Still, it's a good episode. Drunk Seven is a laugh, it's nice (if somewhat odd) that Paris catches the problem with the drive. And I really enjoy bitter jaded Harry. That's kind of a "thank god" change of pace from the usual green naive Harry. The Seven skull piece is a lovely and disgusting prop, and it's a really nice pair of touches that Captain La Forge is in command of a Galaxy-class starship and wearing the comm badge from the future timeline seen in All Good Things... And let's not forget the gorgeous VFX sequence of Voyager crashing on the ice planet!

            Unfortunately this episode has one of the biggest WTF moments of the entire series. So their 3 minute flight took 10 years off the journey and then Future Harry's math turned off the drive and they dropped into normal space. And then....Janeway orders the drive dismantled? What the bloody hell is wrong with her?! Just do a series of small hops and you'll be home in no time! You don't have to do one long continuous journey, you stupid.....
            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


              "If we are to engage in mating, it would be easier if you disrobed."

              I decided to rewatch some of my B List ENT episodes and remembered why I really enjoyed The Crossing. The best parts were the intricately beautiful and whale-like alien ship
              and the generally great CGI
              , possessed Reed being a horndog, T'Pol in that rather tight pajamas, and the constant use of humour with Phlox. He got consistently more annoyed each time Archer paged him. Oh! And how can I forget that epic headbutt?!
              While I don't understand certain things like why the aliens didn't know where the crew was, or why possessed Tucker didn't just leave the hatch open for the other aliens to possess the crew or free the locked up possessed crew, I still enjoy the episode. It's not on my A List of ENT episodes, but it's dang close.
              More fun @ Spoofgate!


                VOY 5.07 "Infinite Regress"
                Voyager's "Lifeboat" episode. Ho hum.

                VOY 5.08 "Nothing Human"
                A good episode. This sort of ethical question in fantastic circumstances is exactly what sci-fi is all about.

                VOY 5.09 "Thirty Days"
                Interesting premise, horribly flawed execution. The idea of a crew member being confined for a month for disobeying orders is kind of a neat one. But for me at least, the whole thing is blown out of the water because just the previous episode, Janeway authorized the use of a war criminal's medical research.

                And I'm supposed to believe that she has her panties in a bunch because Paris disobeyed her orders? Come on If she wasn't already, at this point this captain is totally morally bankrupt. She's already violating the Prime Directive by handing Delta Flyer specs over to the aliens, and she's upset with Paris for interfering in the domestic affairs of this world? Yeesh, frakking hypocrite! And solitary confinement for disobeying orders? Cruel and unusual punishment indeed!

                Some nice VFX though.

                VOY 5.10 "Counterpoint"
                The Mahler music playing during the search and seizure of Voyager made for an interesting change of pace. Though I didn't really understand why they were suddenly okay with being boarded and searched by an alien race.

                But then it devolves into another case of Janeway's command being beyond questionable. Prime Directive this, Prime Directive that, but then throw it out the window whenever the heck she feels like it. They are in foreign space, and required to follow local laws BY THEIR OWN LAWS. Great work Janeway

                And what's this nonsense about degrading conditions as a result of transporter suspension? 5 years before, Scotty was pulled out of 70-odd years of transporter suspension in a CRASHED 23rd-century-technology transporter. And they're now having troubles with this after just a few hours a week?
                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                  Behind the Lines
                  Favor the Bold
                  Sacrifice of Angels

                  Oh.My.God. Just amazing.

                  You Are Cordially Invited...

                  That was fun.



                    Originally posted by Mr.MacGadget View Post
                    Behind the Lines
                    Favor the Bold
                    Sacrifice of Angels

                    Oh.My.God. Just amazing.

                    You Are Cordially Invited...

                    That was fun.
                    One of the best multi-episode arcs in all of Star Trek lore. I guarantee you won't see a VFX bonanza like the one with Sacrifice of Angels in any other kind of Trek story line. There are several that come close (like the final episodes of Enterprise's season 3) but nothing like that huge battle against the Dominion. You'll see a few more of these arcs playing out in seasons 6 and 7 with more and more elaborate battles as the Dominion War progresses.


                      Originally posted by Cold Fuzz View Post
                      One of the best multi-episode arcs in all of Star Trek lore. I guarantee you won't see a VFX bonanza like the one with Sacrifice of Angels in any other kind of Trek story line. There are several that come close (like the final episodes of Enterprise's season 3) but nothing like that huge battle against the Dominion. You'll see a few more of these arcs playing out in seasons 6 and 7 with more and more elaborate battles as the Dominion War progresses.
                      Indeed it was, especially Sacrifice of Angels, the lasct scenes , especially the Dukat story, that was just great!



                        Originally posted by Mr.MacGadget View Post
                        Indeed it was, especially Sacrifice of Angels, the lasct scenes , especially the Dukat story, that was just great!
                        As you can imagine, Ziyal's death will be the catalyst for major changes with Dukat. He takes a very interesting turn in season 6.


                          DS9 - Blaze of Glory.

                          Excellent. The Sisko - Eddington interaction is just pure gold.

                          Suffer the dream of a world gone mad, I like it like that and I know it.
                          - R.E.M.


                            Originally posted by Cold Fuzz View Post
                            As you can imagine, Ziyal's death will be the catalyst for major changes with Dukat. He takes a very interesting turn in season 6.
                            And he just did! Today , in Waltz. His 'I should have killed them all.' scene.. oh dear.



                              Originally posted by Mr.MacGadget View Post
                              And he just did! Today , in Waltz. His 'I should have killed them all.' scene.. oh dear.
                              Waltz was an especially chilling episode to watch. Dukat's sociopathic tendencies come out in full force, making the audience wonder just how bad he really was before he mentally cracked before Ziyal's death. If you can believe this Mac, Dukat's sinking into the depths of evil is far from done. His hatred of the Bajorans is clear and one can only wonder just what little sick scheme he's going to cook up next in order to make good on his threat.


                                I envy anyone who gets to enjoy DS9 for the first time

                                Man I miss my TNG and DS9 DVDs, I should get my parents to ship them out to me.
                                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life

