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Star Trek X1 -Open Discussion for those who have seen the movie

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    Originally posted by Alder View Post
    See, that's just cute...

    I'm a Trek omnivore myself. (We've complete DS9 and Voyager in the house, and I'm working on getting Enterprise...) But there's been some funny assumptions made about who would enjoy the new movie and who wouldn't, so I thought it was interesting to have someone talk about it who liked the whole of the existing franchise.
    I've been a Trek fan since I was 3 myself. Parents were TNG fans and I watched it as a kid, been a Trek fan all my life and have seen every episode of all the series, including the Animated series. I loved the film. Only slight annoyance was the brief mention of Cardassians in the beginning (I thought first contact with the Cardassians didn't happen until TNG?). That was the only tiny bit that annoyed me, but overall I felt there was a deep respect for existing canon.

    An interesting thought I had - if Nero survived the fight with the Enterprise at the end and was sucked through the black hole to a different time, could it be possible he's the future guy that contacts the Suliban in Star Trek Enterprise?
    That is just my two cents.


      Originally posted by Browncoat1984 View Post
      An interesting thought I had - if Nero survived the fight with the Enterprise at the end and was sucked through the black hole to a different time, could it be possible he's the future guy that contacts the Suliban in Star Trek Enterprise?
      Ok, that just fried my brain. Too much, too much...
      "You cannot reason with your own heart;
      it has it's own laws and beats about things
      which the intellect scorns."
      - Mark Twain -


        Originally posted by Alder View Post
        See, that's just cute...

        I'm a Trek omnivore myself. (We've complete DS9 and Voyager in the house, and I'm working on getting Enterprise...) But there's been some funny assumptions made about who would enjoy the new movie and who wouldn't, so I thought it was interesting to have someone talk about it who liked the whole of the existing franchise.

        Yeah I think it's funny how most people seem to think the biggest star trek fans will hate it. Strictly speaking I like it cos it slots in so well with the canon of the show. Everything regarding changes from the original shows can be explained quite simply within the context of the film itself and Enterprise (and First Contact to a lesser extent).

        Originally posted by Ncc-72452 View Post
        Overall, I loved the movie, especially what it seems to be doing for the Star Trek franchise. I'm also extremely grateful that Abrams and the writers are definitively stating that this is an alternate reality and that the Trek timeline of the last 43 years is intact, sans Romulus.

        Which brings me to my biggest problem with the movie. There was no earthy way anyone should have NOT evacuated Romulus (& Remus) and Spock's plan would always have failed, and finally, ships cannot survive passages through blackholes.

        They would have known about the impending nova years in advance. That kinda thing can be detected even today with conventional telescopes. Their plan involved creating a black hole that would have sucked up the nova. Still, Romulus (& Remus) would no longer have a sun (death for everyone there) and would be orbiting a black hole which would have sucked it up. Romulus (& Remus) would have been doomed from the get-go, which is why no one (Nero) should have been surprised to see it die, thus preventing vengeance crazed trek to end Trek.

        Spock's plan would always have failed because black holes are remnants of novas (stars of the correct mass that go nova), formed at the very center of the nova. If a nova could be sucked up by a black hole, it would be sucked up by the very black hole created from its origin. Also, novas would not threaten more than a single solar system. They travel sub-c, and any world in danger would have years to evacuate (stars are lightyears apart). Also, even the energy of a nova would be dissipated over that much time and area (area of an expanding sphere).

        Finally, any ship entering a black hole would emerge (if this is even possible) as a block of super-dense nuetronium smaller than my fist. The crew would instantly die from the radiation and gravitation effects.

        Please don't infer that these flaws means I did not like the movie. I did enjoy it, but these things just kinda stuck in my mind.
        Yeah that is really one of the very few problems I have with the show. The science was just........bad........The script writers clearly didn't have a terribly good knowledge of any sort of physics.

        Originally posted by PMN1 View Post
        Did anyone else think the Romulan ship looked a bit like a cross between a Vorlon ship and a Shadow ship?
        Yeah it does now you mention it. I wasn't too fond of the design of the Nerada either but it does make sense when you think about it as a mining ship. Actually I think it's less of a mining ship and more of a mobile mining station......Capable of operating nearly completely independantly.

        Originally posted by Browncoat1984 View Post
        I've been a Trek fan since I was 3 myself. Parents were TNG fans and I watched it as a kid, been a Trek fan all my life and have seen every episode of all the series, including the Animated series. I loved the film. Only slight annoyance was the brief mention of Cardassians in the beginning (I thought first contact with the Cardassians didn't happen until TNG?). That was the only tiny bit that annoyed me, but overall I felt there was a deep respect for existing canon.

        An interesting thought I had - if Nero survived the fight with the Enterprise at the end and was sucked through the black hole to a different time, could it be possible he's the future guy that contacts the Suliban in Star Trek Enterprise?
        Well, in that regard it can be quite easily explained by some fumbleing with the timeline. Even the destruction of the Kelvin could have meant that the cardassians were met earlier. (Though first contact with the cardassians has never been seen in the show. TNG was just the first series in which we see them so we assume it's somewhere between the Kirk era movies and TNG)

        That's an interesting thought. It'd be cool if that was true.
        Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


          Originally posted by Browncoat1984 View Post
          An interesting thought I had - if Nero survived the fight with the Enterprise at the end and was sucked through the black hole to a different time, could it be possible he's the future guy that contacts the Suliban in Star Trek Enterprise?
          Interesting thought. But he would have to had help in a future time zone. Because he was just a miner an certainly could not of gave all that technology to the Suliban on his own, he was not guy with the brains. My guest he probably not that guy. We never did fine out who his was did we through so there a possibility I guest.


            I've not long got back from watching this new Star Trek movie, and to be totally honest with you folks, I both enjoyed the film, and was disappointed by it.

            I'll start with the disappointments.

            Please See:
            #1: The USS Kelvin - A ship with 800+ crew, and a hull full of Shuttles. The Kelvin is smaller than the Enterprise (or your typical Constitution Class starship). The Constitution is about 1/6th the size of the Galaxy Class (overall). A Galaxy Class can hold roughly 1500 people, so I question what the Kelvin was doing with a crew of 800, that 800 which could have not possibly fit onto that ship.

            In addition to the crew, how many shuttles did this ship have? During the scene when the Kelvin rammed Nero's ship, we saw a fleet of shuttles passing the sun. How could that many shuttlecraft fit into the hull of the Kelvin? It just doesn't seem possible. On top of that, there seemed to be an awful lot of shuttles in the rear of the Enterprise too... Just where do they keep the crew quarters these days?

            The word TARDIS springs to mind here. Obviously the Enterprise and Kelvin are bigger on the inside, than they are on the outside.

            #2: Nero, the Bald Romulan, and his misfit crew, of more Bald Romulan's (I do believe we saw one with hair too). I don't get the tattoos either, they just didn't work, not for a Romulan. Was it just me, or did his ship, his crew, and the general scheme of things just shout 'Shinzon' and 'Scimitar'. They might as well have had a crew full of Reman Soilders.

            #3: The Federation Fleet - I am beginning to suspect that those heading the Federation are in fact, dumb. Why is it, that it seems every capable ship is sent away from Earth during a crisis? When Nero's ship came to Earth, there was no defence. No fleet standing there ready to fight for the Federation.

            Sure, a lot of their ships were in that one sector (I forget its name), and the rest were around Earth, but then went to Vulcan. Why? Even if Vulcan was in trouble, why send every last resort out to help? If there were a cloaked Klingon or Romulan fleet just popping by, Earth would have been easy pickings.

            #4: Romulus (and the Romulan people). Not so technologically advanced as one might have thought. I don't know what era Spock and Nero came from, but we can presume it is after the time of the Enterprise-D, and quite possibly, Enterprise-E.

            That being the case, would it not be safe to conclude that the Romulan people are more than capable of abandoning their planet? It is rare that a Supernova just happens, usually there are going to be signs (there must have been, else Spock wouldn't have had time to build his little science ship). So why on Earth didn't they evacuate Romulus before their Sun exploded?

            In addition to that, what does that sun exploding have to do with the Federation? Why was it their fault? Nero blamed Spock (because he was trying to help), ok, but I still don't see what the Federations involvement was during the destruction of Romulus.

            #5: New Aliens - I don't understand the reason for them adding new species in here. We had several species which we've never seen before. Instead of half of them, could we not have had some Andorian's, Tellarite's, more Vulcan's etc?
            And for the Satisfaction:
            #1: The new Enterprise - After seeing the design, I originally didn't like it at all. I thought it was too futuristic for the era it was set in. However, having watched the film, and having seen it in action, I've come to terms with it not being so bad. The only thing I'd change are the nacelles and size of the deflector dish (these, in my opinion, still seem out of place).

            #2: The fact that we got to see several Federation designs, not only with the Enterprise and Kelvin. Granted we didn't get to see a lot of them in great detail, but for the most part, we got the general gist if their shape and size. I had feared we'd only get to see two new designs, and we saw more. I was quite impressed with that.

            #3: The D7 / K't'inga during the Kobayashimaru - A welcome sight I thought. Granted the Klingon's were never shown, it was nice to see a friendly design on the screen.

            #4: The Humour - Always good to see in any movie, even if a serious one. The fact Sulu left the brakes on was good, along with Scotty being beamed into a water tank, and beaming Kirk / Spock onto the main bridge. Must love the humour if nothing else, I thought it was a winner.

            #5: The Cast and Crew - Got to hand it to them, they did a great job. Each of the actors portrayed their role well, and done a superb job. I thought that Scotty was a bit different from the character we've come to know over the years, but everyone else worked well in their redefining moments.
            And finally, the other things that didn't quite fit in to either of the above categories:
            #1: The Spock - Uhura romance. I honestly didn't see that one coming. From the Trailers, it made out that it was Kirk, and not Spock that was going to end up in the romance with Uhura. I would say it added a nice twist, but I am unsure if this is a better thing, or worse.

            #2: The Klingons - I know they were mentioned, but we never actually saw them. I think it would have been nice to see those 47 Klingon ships (and a few Klingon faces) fight Nero. It wouldn't have been too long a scene, just some weapons fire and ship destruction. I just think it would have been nice to see the Klingons in some way. Maybe in the next 2011 movie?

            #3: Vulcan (gone boom) - This adds something to this new 'refurbishment' of Trek. Vulcan (throughout all past shows) has been a planet of considerable importance, it was one of the planets that helped found the Federation. Because of the events in the latest film, we've got two conclusions. We either assume that the new planet the remaining Vulcan's go too, is renamed to Vulcan, and named that way onward, or, the planet name 'Vulcan' died with the destruction of it.

            There are two ways of looking at that, if we take the first, then everything we've seen in any show and movie can still be made sense of. If we take the second, then that contradicts everything in every other show (excluding Enterprise).

            #4: The Orion - I was surprised to see an Orion girl in the movie, especially enrolled with Starfleet. Considering how the Orion Syndicate is a race of Pirates and Bandits throughout ENT and TOS, I did not expect to see them where they were.

            #5: The Enterprise Construction / Launch - I know we saw her being built on ground, but it would have been nice (I thought) to have seen her being launched, or put together in space. It would also have been nice if they'd have mentioned the USS Constitution, maybe stating that the Enterprise was the 2nd or 3rd of her kind. Something to that extent.
            And finally, time lines, and time travel. Normally, I'd bring up the USS Relativity, USS Aeon, and Daniel, but to be honest, I see little point. I have ultimately decided that the Trek timeline we know and love, is in fact, three. I know some people will argue this, but to be honest, it is the only conclusion that gives anything any meaning.

            First, we've have the 'original' timeline. That being, TOS, TNG, DS9, and VOY, along with all the movies from The Motion Picture, through too Nemesis. That would be the first (and original) timeline. Following that, we'd have the ENT timeline. I believe this is a completely different set of events, more specifically because we've never heard of the Suliban or Xindi since. And thirdly, we'll have this latest one, following Abram's timeline.

            Some people may say that the ENT timeline could be the same one as Abram's new one, but I'd like to keep them separate until the Xindi show up with Spock.
            It's Probin' Time!


              Originally posted by Detox View Post
              I'm sorry knowles2, but you're wrong on pretty much all the things you've stated.

              This movie did exactly what it was supposed to do. It took something that hasn't been relevant or good in years, and made it into something that people, all sorts of people are getting hyped for.

              96% Average on Rotten Tomatoes, $31 Million first day at the box office and complete mainstream success for the franchise while keeping the core fans pleasantly pleased. This is the most successful Star Trek movie ever made and it's not hard to say that this probably saved the entire franchise from dying off.
              Thank you for hitting the nail squarely on the head. Star Trek has been dead for years. This incredible movie could wind up saving the entire Star Trek franchise.

              I've been a fan of Star Trek since the 1960s. I watched first run episodes when I was a kid. I've seen every episode of every Star Trek series more times than I can count.

              It's been very sad the last few years for Star Trek fans. Even though Star Trek Enterprise was a high quality show, practically NOBODY watched it. When it was canceled hardly anyone noticed and even fewer cared. Star Trek was dead.

              I went to this movie expecting it to be good, because the previews looked good and it got good reviews. However, I was blown away. This movie was 1000 times better than I expected.

              I am not just a fan who would love anything related to Star Trek. I thought the original Star Trek movie from the 1970s was far too long and completely lacking in originality. I thoroughly enjoyed The Wrath of Kahn, but the rest of the Star Trek movies have been (in my opinion), fair at best.

              This is by far the best Star Trek movie ever.

              Face it people, a new Star Trek movie MUST have a different look and feel from a TV show that ran in the 1960s. Yet JJ Abrams was completely respectful to the original franchise by providing numerous references to events and people in the original series and movies. He got every detail right.

              Having Leonard Nimoy play Spock's future self was incredible. As someone who has been a fan of Leonard Nimoy as Spock for over 40 years, I was thrilled when the Vulcan on the ice planet turned around and it was my old friend the original Spock. Killing over 6 billion Vulcans was an interesting plot twist that proved that this movie would not be simply a retelling of the original story. It's new, it's fresh, it's original, and it's great.

              I sit here in complete shock than any Star Trek fan would dislike this movie. I just don't get it. I submit that any Star Trek fan who dislikes this movie had completely unreasonable expectations.


                It was a fun popcorn action movie. It was a bit low in the drama, social commentary, exploration side though. Lower lets say than 12 monkeys, Batman returns or Gattaca (even lower that The Island).

                I would call the movie "Star Trek troopers".

                Like the movie StarShip troopers, which I like. A good space action movie for the summer. Putting Star Trek back into the mainstream with humor and action. Still the "off action scene" drama and overall stories could have been better and more mature.
                Currently watching: Dark Matter, 12 Monkeys, Doctor Who, Under the Dome, The Mentalist, The Messengers, The Last Ship, Elementary, Dominion, The Whispers, Extant, Olympus, Da Vinci's Demons, Vikings


                  Originally posted by Detox View Post
                  I'm sorry knowles2, but you're wrong on pretty much all the things you've stated.

                  This movie did exactly what it was supposed to do. It took something that hasn't been relevant or good in years, and made it into something that people, all sorts of people are getting hyped for.

                  96% Average on Rotten Tomatoes, $31 Million first day at the box office and complete mainstream success for the franchise while keeping the core fans pleasantly pleased. This is the most successful Star Trek movie ever made and it's not hard to say that this probably saved the entire franchise from dying off.
                  31million, cool but still it more important what next weeks numbers are and whether it can sustain a high number in the audience. Revitalising star trek was not hard, in fact it was fairly easy to do, it just required money and freedom to do the film how the directors and writers wanted.

                  The hard part is actually doing it with new characters, ships and keeping the essence of what star trek is and I do not think they quite achieve it here imo.

                  I would say the 96% is the movie critic one , the professional ones that got invited to those after parties with orion slave girls, what did you expect, they not going to let those bedroom antics get in the public domain are they. and to be honest I cannot blame them for it, those girls look very nice in the photos how could you not turn them down.

                  And actually read some of these so called critics, an barely any of them sound like they actually went to watch the film. With not one I have read pointing out any flaws, and no film has zero flaws in it, surly. Everything has and this one did have a couple pretty obvious flaws in it.
                  For instant no one mentions the lack of character developed and screen time on the villain Nero, which was the criticism in the last two films made by critics . And another one is the lack of explanation on how a super nova can threaten an entire galaxy, in film. I do not know how I can be wrong about those two, they pretty much fact and any half descent critic would agree with me, if they was not all bought off.

                  Everything else in my post is personal opinions on the film, which cannot be wrong because they are opinion, base on my view. And they were not half as bad as I thought they would be at the end of the film, given how it started off.

                  As for the person above who mentions the aliens, they were one of the few things I can say I love about the film, I shall wait to see if JJ will attempt to actually develop any of them in the next film. And it does not bother me because we have only ever seen a hand full on species in the past,. out of the hundreds in the federation.

                  Commander Zelix as pretty much nailed it. I say that the critics and press have gotten so use to block buster season that they have given up actually reviewing the films knowing no matter what they say they will probably still bring in the audience, still be a uccess making there reviews redundant, irrelevant.
                  Last edited by knowles2; 10 May 2009, 04:55 PM.


                    Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
                    I would say the 96% is the movie critic one , the professional ones that got invited to those after parties with orion slave girls, what did you expect, they not going to let those bedroom antics get in the public domain are they. and to be honest I cannot blame them for it, those girls look very nice in the photos how could you not turn them down.
                    I can barely understand what you're trying to say. I'm guessing you want to say that the score's biased. Which quite frankly, is bull****. The Star Trek review drew from over 200 various critics, from large entertainment site to independent reviewers. And the site's user review scores was 88%. So however you cut it, the general consensus is, this was an excellent movie.
                    These are the wrong people... in the wrong place.


                      Originally posted by Detox View Post
                      I can barely understand what you're trying to say. I'm guessing you want to say that the score's biased. Which quite frankly, is bull****. The Star Trek review drew from over 200 various critics, from large entertainment site to independent reviewers. And the site's user review scores was 88%. So however you cut it, the general consensus is, this was an excellent movie.
                      I am not saying it was bias I am saying they were bought and bribe by paramount to write positive reviews.

                      I read a lot of reviews for the film , about 20 or so and have yet read one which made me convince they seen the film.

                      I have seen several which sounded like they have been written either from a paramount press sheets, or they been copying each other and a few which sound like they have never even seen the film.


                        I have definitely gotten the sense that more people liked this movie than didn't. This goes for online and the "real" world. But, everybody has a right to think what they want to about this film.
                        MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                        "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                        Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                          Wow, I can't believe anyone would think reviewers were bribed to give this a higher school, then again I've read some pretty crazy things on the Internet before so this is no different. I mean I don't like BSG but I don't go around saying people are paid to give it high ratings and reviews.

                          Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                          I have definitely gotten the sense that more people liked this movie than didn't. This goes for online and the "real" world. But, everybody has a right to think what they want to about this film.
                          Same here, there are some people I know in real life that I know aren't Sci-Fi fans yet loved the movie. For me it was one of the few movies I went into with high expectations yet did not get disappointed. Saw it for a second time today actually lol.


                            Let me put it this way, is this film equal to space odyssey 2001, probably the single best scifi film ever made, because according to Rotten tomatoes they are.


                              Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
                              Let me put it this way, is this film equal to space odyssey 2001, probably the single best scifi film ever made, because according to Rotten tomatoes they are.
                              I'd say its better, mostly because I found 2001 to be boring and dull, gotta love opinions though eh? But I won't I go off on a tangent saying the people who reviewed 2001 back in the day were bribed. I don't expect everyone, even a majority of people/reviewers/whatever to agree with me, and you shouldn't either.


                                Pretty good opening weekend for star trek. 76.5 million


                                I'd say this film is doing very well

                                Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                                I have definitely gotten the sense that more people liked this movie than didn't. This goes for online and the "real" world. But, everybody has a right to think what they want to about this film.
                                I agree, everyone i know, even non-star trek fans likes the film.

                                He seems to have done good in the promise to attract newer fans. A lot more people like it then dislike.

