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Star Trek X1 -Open Discussion for those who have seen the movie

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    Originally posted by Shan Bruce Lee View Post
    That whole movie was a lame comedy. Slingshot around the sun?
    Star Trek IV is one of my favorite Trek movies. To each their own.
    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


      thought i would post my timeline theory in here

      as for as i'm concerned the original timeline still exists.

      think of it like a tree branch the main branch is the original timeline and the smaller branches that break away from the main one is all the alternate timelines that we experience over the whole franchise.

      response to a post
      IMo it only makes sense. the comic that came with the trek 2009 takes place years after Nemesis and takes place with the tng crew granted now split up and working on personal projects.

      there is no mention of vulcan being destroyed just that spock has been lost. so if the timeline still exist then we may still have story's from this era of trek


        Originally posted by Thunder Hawk View Post
        thought i would post my timeline theory in here

        as for as i'm concerned the original timeline still exists.

        think of it like a tree branch the main branch is the original timeline and the smaller branches that break away from the main one is all the alternate timelines that we experience over the whole franchise.

        I quite like that kind of explanation. Its just like how they explain the alternate world of Back To The Future II. As the doc says to Marty the original timeline still exists but it branches off into this one when Biff went back in time with the sports almanac... So both timelines still exist but at some point they diverge into two seperate timelines.
        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
          I quite like that kind of explanation. Its just like how they explain the alternate world of Back To The Future II. As the doc says to Marty the original timeline still exists but it branches off into this one when Biff went back in time with the sports almanac... So both timelines still exist but at some point they diverge into two seperate timelines.
          Ahhh... Back to the future time travel logic. It never fails


            Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
            Ahhh... Back to the future time travel logic. It never fails
            Darn right, it doesn't. You can't argue with the Doc.
            MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
            "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
            Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


              Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
              I quite like that kind of explanation. Its just like how they explain the alternate world of Back To The Future II. As the doc says to Marty the original timeline still exists but it branches off into this one when Biff went back in time with the sports almanac... So both timelines still exist but at some point they diverge into two seperate timelines.
              Yuppers... :-) Its a good explanation!


                Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                Star Trek IV is one of my favorite Trek movies. To each their own.

                It is one of mine, it has to be the most funny quotes I have used in it of all the others combined.

                Computer, Computer.

                Just use the keyboard.

                Spock cussing.

                I guess I usually get a kick out of when any show goes back to past Earth like SG1 when they returned 1969 and watching the writers play around and have some laughs.


                  Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                  Star Trek IV is one of my favorite Trek movies. To each their own.
                  I completely agree!



                    The problem with that time travel explanation is that is clearly not how it works in the Star Trek universe. Otherwise every time travel story would not have needed the protagonists to fix whatever went wrong.

                    Star Trek IV is one of my favorites too. I actually liked all the previous 10 Star Trek movies, even the ones that are significantly weaker than the best ones.

                    I suppose to be fair I should mention I watched the new movie again recently, it was better than I remembered but almost all of my major problems with it stand.
                    Last edited by Infinite-Possibilities; 21 August 2009, 10:00 AM.
                    "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                    *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                    "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                      I'm not going to get all analyse-y about this movie, mostly because I'm not very good at analysing TV shows and movies I don't really need to anyway, because I loved it and I was grinning like some kind of lunatic all the way through (except during the sadder parts of course). I loved it so much I felt like skipping out of the cinema Now I'm counting the days 'til I get my hands on the DVD
                      Newly liberated multi-thunker
                      Julia xx


                        Originally posted by Mirela View Post
                        I'm not going to get all analyse-y about this movie, mostly because I'm not very good at analysing TV shows and movies I don't really need to anyway, because I loved it and I was grinning like some kind of lunatic all the way through (except during the sadder parts of course). I loved it so much I felt like skipping out of the cinema Now I'm counting the days 'til I get my hands on the DVD
                        That will indeed be a wonderful day.
                        MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                        "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                        Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                          Originally posted by warmbeachbrat View Post
                          I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the movie. I wasn't looking forward to it and had resigned myself to disappointment. I'm glad I was wrong.

                          Things I liked:

                          *The whole Spock/Uhura thing--it works surprisingly well.
                          *The comedy (although, I do think they went overboard in making Kirk the comic relief)
                          *The Enterprise (so shiny!)
                          *Bruce Greenwood was awesome!
                          *The wonderful music during the birthing scene
                          *The action, the interaction, the acting....

                          Things I didn't like:
                          *the transporter effect
                          *the wildly improbable spaceship designs
                          *playboy Kirk (they went just that much overboard)
                          *Amanda's hideous outfit
                          *Vulcan ears
                          *the Kobayashi Maru sequence--I'm thinking he would have been a LOT more subtle

                          I'm thinking I'll have to see the movie again!
                          i've already seen the movie like four times and i love it, also i agree with pretty much all of that except the not liking playboy kirk, if u watch the series you'll know that that he is sort-of a playboy, and you're always expecting to see a playboy magazine in his quarters, so it makes sense that he'd be even more playboy-ish when hes a teenager.

                          i also don't like the spock/uhura thing. its just weird Spock shouldn't have a girlfriend
                          Last edited by Bagpuss; 30 August 2009, 11:00 AM.

                          Spock- I am Spock
                          Kirk- ........bull****

                          Star anything= way cool

                          is awesome so there

                          lol very likely


                            Originally posted by Garrowan5th View Post
                            It should have followed on from Nemisis, which, btw, wasn't as horrible as everyone says it was.
                            YES IT IS!!!!! the movie was great really, but DATA GETS FREAKING BLOWN UP the movie has to be horrible, i listened to it on audio-book before i watched it so i was prepared but my bff amy who is in love with data (and how can you blame her) refuses to watch or listen to it, the enterprise just isnt the enterprise without a main character being emotionless- for example: TOS Spock, TNG Data, ENT T'pol. (i'm not mentioning voy or ds9 cuz they're not on the enterprise)

                            Spock- I am Spock
                            Kirk- ........bull****

                            Star anything= way cool

                            is awesome so there

                            lol very likely


                              So you think the movie is great and horrible?
                              "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                              *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                              "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                                Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                                The problem with that time travel explanation is that is clearly not how it works in the Star Trek universe. Otherwise every time travel story would not have needed the protagonists to fix whatever went wrong.
                                (snip for space)
                                Unfortunately, time travel works differently every time they use it. But if it makes anyone feel better we can just say Spock and Nero got spit out in the past of one of the alternate universes from TNG "Parallels".
                                "Enemies of the Ori show no mercy in their attempts to draw believers away from the path."
                                "Those who abandon the path are evil."
                                "Hallowed are the Ori!"

                                "Individuals who point the finger and assign blame based on nothing more than their gut instinct are ignorant at best, cretins at worst." -- Joseph Mallozzi

