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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, DS9 was back on this morning! LOVED the episode (Favour the Bold), wow, those fleets are impressive, and Odo.....well that story continues to be fascinating, and I really liked Quark in this one again, who knew he could care so much about his brother? And of course all followed by a "To Be Continued..."

    My only nit-pick is in the Odo storyline. Not much actually happens in terms of events, and because of that I think they should have focused more on the actor performances, and the emotion that they bring to the characters. Which I don't think they did enough. I'd chalk this up to the director (whoever that was). Half the time it felt like the camera was too distant (like there's a giant slab of plexiglass between the camera and the actors) and wasn't getting everything from the actors that I know they can provide in those scenes (which is actually a grievance that I have with all Star Trek, but because of this story and it's content, it stood out a lot more. There are a few exceptions throughout the various incarnations of Trek, but overall it seems to be a fairly consistant flaw.). It's too bad, because it is a more emotional storyline, but that emotion isn't quite being played enough, the performances are there but they aren't- it felt almost too scripted, if you get my meaning. Of course I've only seen the episodes once, so it's more of the residual feeling after watching them that I base this on. But have to see what happens tomorrow.

    Hope that made sense.


      Originally posted by MB.Eddie View Post
      Yep. Watched the 1st 4 eps tonight. Was suprised that they kicked off the season with a 3 episode long story, but it worked imo. I enjoyed how ST Enterprise did this several times in season 4.
      That was a great little arc- my favourite scene in there has to be when Kira was in her quarters and the rest of the characters kept coming in one by one in I believe what was the second episode of those three. Great scene with some lovely comedic elements, that I thought were played quite nicely.


        Season two and season three are where the series starts to get really good, you'll enjoy it a lot, M.B. Eddie.

        To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


          Originally posted by Starbase View Post
          That's excellent MB.Eddie. DS9 is definetly an aquired taste, but most Trek fans that invest time in watching it, end up loving it, and in a lot of cases, it ends up not only being there being there favorite Trek series but there favorite scifi series.

          To echo what brother Fifth Race said, the earlier seasons have a lot of great stand alone episodes, but the series doesn't really hit its stride till the end of season 2 with the epic episode The Jem'Hadar. Ronald D Moore of TNG and BSG fame joined the show as a writer and producer in season 3 which made the show even better. Each season after season 2 (seasons 3 -7) gets better and better with a number of movie quality episodes that follow the Dominion War storyline. The ending of the series was by far the best ending of any television series I have ever seen.
          Totally agree with you Brother Starbase, The Jem'Hadar is a stand out episode and really set the tone for the rest of the DS9 series. As to the ending, I was disappointed with what they did with the Sisko character.


            Originally posted by HirogenGater View Post
            Totally agree with you Brother Starbase, The Jem'Hadar is a stand out episode and really set the tone for the rest of the DS9 series. As to the ending, I was disappointed with what they did with the Sisko character.
            Indeed. It just made me feel like they were going to have a sequel... that never would come...

            To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


              Originally posted by MB.Eddie View Post
              I have looked up the complete episode list for DS9 and saw that they have quite a few multi episode stories, as well as a couple of epic size ones that go for 7-8 episodes! Although they are several seasons away, im really looking foward to them, as it may be similar to the way they did the Zindi storyline in ENT, which was fantastic imo, as it was all linked and had meaning.
              The long multiple episode storyline arc was something new to the Trek franchise when DS9 started that trend with the start of the Dominion War, they especially use the multiple episode arc in seasons 4, 5, 6 & 7.

              I also enjoyed the Xindi storyline from ENT, that was the best thing about that whole series.
              Originally posted by MB.Eddie
              Anyway. 1st four eps werent bad. Will try to watch some more soon. What are the best eps from season 2 in peoples opinions?
              I hope and assume you are watching them all in sequence my friend, but if I were to give my favorite episodes from season II (in no particular order), I would pick....
              1) Armegeddon Game
              2) Sancutuary
              3) Whispers
              4) Blood Oath
              5) The Maquis: Parts I & II
              6) The Jem'Hadar
              7) The Wire
              the Fifth Race

              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                That was a great little arc- my favourite scene in there has to be when Kira was in her quarters and the rest of the characters kept coming in one by one in I believe what was the second episode of those three. Great scene with some lovely comedic elements, that I thought were played quite nicely.
                Yeah i loved that scene. Good comedy. Kira also then realised that they were actually her friends.
                Science Fiction is an existential metaphor; it allows us to tell stories about the human condition.

                Isaac Asimov once said individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all.




                  Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, DS9 was back on this morning! LOVED the episode (Favour the Bold), wow, those fleets are impressive, and Odo.....well that story continues to be fascinating, and I really liked Quark in this one again, who knew he could care so much about his brother? And of course all followed by a "To Be Continued..."
                  Favor the Bold is a damn near perfect storytelling assembly of just about every major facet of DS9 that comes to mind right now. There's so, so much going on in this world, so many characters to examine, so many issues to address, so much action to carry, and so many relationships to ponder. It's an incredible feat that "Favor the Bold" manages to cover so much ground in a single hour, moving us through huge storytelling events and relaying a number of very compelling character pieces in the process. Every bit of this episode is utterly engrossing.

                  Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                  My only nit-pick is in the Odo storyline. Not much actually happens in terms of events, and because of that I think they should have focused more on the actor performances, and the emotion that they bring to the characters. Which I don't think they did enough. I'd chalk this up to the director (whoever that was). Half the time it felt like the camera was too distant (like there's a giant slab of plexiglass between the camera and the actors) and wasn't getting everything from the actors that I know they can provide in those scenes (which is actually a grievance that I have with all Star Trek, but because of this story and it's content, it stood out a lot more. There are a few exceptions throughout the various incarnations of Trek, but overall it seems to be a fairly consistant flaw.). It's too bad, because it is a more emotional storyline, but that emotion isn't quite being played enough, the performances are there but they aren't- it felt almost too scripted, if you get my meaning. Of course I've only seen the episodes once, so it's more of the residual feeling after watching them that I base this on. But have to see what happens tomorrow.

                  Hope that made sense.
                  Makes perfect sense Lady Trek, wait till tomorrow, very emotional.

                  Odo's self-search proved every bit as interesting as the setup in "Behind the Lines" let on. His introducing the Female Changeling to "solid" sexuality only deepened the sense that he had put himself in real trouble, either uncaring or oblivious to the gravity of his actions in "Behind the Lines." But his subsequent bewildered realization that three days have passed without his knowledge really worries him, suggesting that "oblivious" describes him better than "uncaring", as if he has been cut off from the world and, until now, left unaware of the severity of his actions.

                  How great is the Female Changling?, sure she is evil, but a brillaint portrayal and very unique character.

                  Weyoun came off very three-dimensional through the current Dominion DS9 occupation storyline. Not only did Jeffrey Combs deliver a wonderful performance, Weyoun's facial expressions are one of the most striking and effective aspects of the character, but the writers gave him some good stuff. Little details about the Vorta having no understanding of art or music, the fact that they have poor eyesight but great hearing, really make a difference. The first Weyoun we met in "To the Death" didn't leave me with much of an impression, but ever since "Ties of Blood and Water," the more they do with this guy, the more interesting he is. His actions in the plot aren't simply at odds with Kira's wishes and her hidden agenda, they're understandable from Weyoun's point of view as well. You simply don't release prisoners with Rom's evident destructive capabilities ... and if you're the Dominion you probably do execute them in order to set an example.
                  the Fifth Race

                  Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                    Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                    I hope and assume you are watching them all in sequence my friend
                    Yep i'm watching them in order. Makes more sense that way
                    Science Fiction is an existential metaphor; it allows us to tell stories about the human condition.

                    Isaac Asimov once said individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all.




                      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                      Weyoun came off very three-dimensional through the current Dominion DS9 occupation storyline. Not only did Jeffrey Combs deliver a wonderful performance, Weyoun's facial expressions are one of the most striking and effective aspects of the character, but the writers gave him some good stuff.
                      Weyoun is a wonderfully conceived character and J.Combs did a sensational job with him. It took a while to even understand what the Vorta were about, but once you "get it" they are fun to hate, laugh at and wish for their endings. Hey, what's a villian for?


                        Originally posted by kmiller1610 View Post
                        Weyoun is a wonderfully conceived character and J.Combs did a sensational job with him. It took a while to even understand what the Vorta were about, but once you "get it" they are fun to hate, laugh at and wish for their endings. Hey, what's a villian for?
                        I wholeheartedly agree kmiller, Weyoun is not only a very deep and well thought out character, to which Jeffrey Combs plays brilliantly, but Weyoun is an actually likable villain. Sure he follows the Founders orders to the letter and was to be given Earth if the Dominion wins the war, but there is just something about the character that makes you want more.

                        Let's not forget that Weyoun - 6 tried to defect to Odo and Federation in the wonderful Odo/Weyoun episode Treachery, Faith, and the Great River. That incarnation of Weyoun had learned to appreciate freedom and saw the Founders for what they truly are. Although this shouldn't come as to big a surprise, after all certain Jem'hadar had shown signs of independence as well.

                        I love the the diologue from the episode Treachery, Faith, and the Great River between Odo and Weyoun. Both characters showed there acting chops beautifully, plus the writing was exceptional!. I love the quote .....

                        Odo - "Has it ever occurred to you that the reason you believe the Founders are gods is because that's what they want you to believe? That they built it into your genetic code?"

                        Weyoun - "Of course they did. That's what gods do. After all, why be a god if there's no one to worship you?"
                        the Fifth Race

                        Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                          Watched episodes 5-7 tonight. Episode 7 'Rules of Acquisition' was the first time the Dominion has been mentioned. I really like the Ferengi now. Great comedy with them everytime

                          I'm also starting to get a better feel for the characters. At this stage i'd say Quark is my favourite. Then Bashir 2nd. I like Dax the least of the main characters...
                          Science Fiction is an existential metaphor; it allows us to tell stories about the human condition.

                          Isaac Asimov once said individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all.




                            Originally posted by MB.Eddie View Post
                            Watched episodes 5-7 tonight. Episode 7 'Rules of Acquisition' was the first time the Dominion has been mentioned. I really like the Ferengi now. Great comedy with them everytime ]
                            Rules of Acquisition is a fine example of an early Deep Space Nine episode, I personally liked it. Whilst this episode is mostly a filler, it does make mention of the Dominion, a very important part of the later seasons. I had forgotten that those tweaky aliens the "Dosi" first mentioned Dominion and how they could be a big threat in the future.

                            This is another episode that has a moral issue that it's trying to drive home. Again, like Melora, it's poured on a little heavy, but it's made better by some great comedy. It was nice to see a more 'human' side to Quark in this episode. Seeing him develop feelings for Pel made him a more complete character to me.
                            Originally posted by MB.Eddie
                            I'm also starting to get a better feel for the characters. At this stage i'd say Quark is my favourite. Then Bashir 2nd. I like Dax the least of the main characters...
                            Brother Fifth Race always asks people that are fabs of the show to post there top 5 or 10 characters from the show and maybe a brief explanation why. It gives others a good and close glimpse at how others viewed the show, which is interesting and kind of cool. You are still in the early seasons and personally my favorite characters list changed over the seasons.

                            Here is the last favorite chatacers list I made ......
                            1] Garak --- you never knew what he was thinking no matter how he acted, a very deep and unique character.
                            2] Bashir --- not much in the early seasons but by season 5 he was the best
                            3] Kira --- IMHO the best actor on the show
                            4] Sisko --- he came across as flawed and very realistic, great character!
                            5] Quark --- what's not to love
                            6] Worf --- much better on DS9 than he was on TNG
                            7] Weyoun & Brunt --- Combs is must see television
                            8] Odo --- couldn't stand him at frist but grew to love his character
                            9] O'Brien --- again, much better on DS9 than he was on TNG
                            10] Jadzia --- the beautiful Terry Ferrell

                            I also loved Martok, Morn, Damar, DuKat, Jake, Nog, and even Ezri Dax


                              Just saw "Sacrifice of Angels" So glad I found a spare hour of videotape this morning, there's one that I definitly must re-watch soon.

                              My favourite moment- when Gul Dukat said dazedly "but victory was in our grasp" almost childlike.....that was GREAT.

                              One teeny tiny complaint (I love to nit-pick my favourite eps )
                              Zyal's(sp?) death. It felt.....tacked on, like a footnote in such an eventful episode. While obviously important to the plot (Dukat insane!) I think it would have done better if left to the next episode. A little rearranged editing, have this one end with Sisko arriving back on the station, show the other Cardassian (Damar?) approaching Dukat and Zyal with a phaser before that, beginning of the next ep, flash back to Damar shooting Zyal, cue opening credits, go from there with the storyline, I think it would feel more impactful-like that way. And add a more serious tone to set up the rest of the season.

                              Andto conclude.....SPACE BATTLES(!!!).....need I say more?


                                Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                                And to conclude.....SPACE BATTLES(!!!).....need I say more?
                                Yes! Scrafice of Angels was my favorite space battle.

                                To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.

