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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    I know thinking isn't your strong point Linda but a space battle seems hollow without a reason or motivation behind it. The Battle to Retake DS9 felt so epic because you could see why Sisko and the Defiant were doing what they were doing in the battle
    I like space battles

    Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
    Hi all. I just got back from a 7 day business trip. I left my lap-top behind and did no Internet surfing for a full week. It sure is nice to be home and back online.

    So what do you all think of the new forum set-up?. I'm not sure how I like it, especially considering I just saw it for the first time a few minutes ago. Looks kind of kewl. I guess like everything, it will take awhile to get used to it.
    Welcome home Brother Fifth New forum layout confuses me


      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      I like space battles

      Welcome home Brother Fifth New forum layout confuses me
      But would you like them if they occured no reason just to have them. Their has to be feeling behind the battle. To borrow a Stargate analogy the battle over Antarticia would have been lame if Bra'tac and SG1 wasn't there. Its the same for DS9. A good space battle needs buildup. Its literally story payoff
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
        But would you like them if they occured no reason just to have them. Their has to be feeling behind the battle. To borrow a Stargate analogy the battle over Antarticia would have been lame if Bra'tac and SG1 wasn't there. Its the same for DS9. A good space battle needs buildup. Its literally story payoff
        No I wouldn't like them if they happened for no reason But I like things that go BOOM


          That's why I love DS9 and B5: Explosions for Reasons.

          Fifth: Welcome back! Glad to hear you disconnected yourself for a bit.
          More fun @ Spoofgate!


            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
            No I wouldn't like them if they happened for no reason But I like things that go BOOM
            I would have liked to have Quark to have gone BOOM. Its my deepest DS9 wish
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
              Maybe that is where our opinions differ. Of course the war was important but I never had the feeling, that the war itself dominated the show.
              What event did you think dominate the show, if any?

              For me it always was more of a 'How do the people we know deal with it?' not the military actions during the war itself. Very much like the losses were mere numbers and most battles were not shown at all, because the stress and despair it put on the DS9 crew, was far more important.
              Only thing that I did not like too much was Siskos temporal transfer to Starfleet command. That might have indicated a change to the style of show you expected. Yet they didn't make that this sudden interest in the strategic overview and still staying with the focus on DS9 felt a bit out of place.
              Well that is one of things I was concerned about. They seemed to put a if stress on the numbers right from the beginning of the war. 14 ships out of 112. One thousand-two hundred fifty four to 600, we won't survive the Dominion makes to many ships and cones....Dominion ships are too strong.

              But never any...resolution or depth given to the problems they just seem to okay.
              Remeber the Dom Battleship...the big bad ship killing machine...well they're everywhere now and they aren't a big deal any more.

              I'm not sure that sat right with me.
              I played more loose with ship strength and strategy in DS9 than in any other series.

              Originally posted by nx01a View Post

              You're saying, Saq, that DS9 introduced problems them forgot about then or resolved them easily? I would love to sit down and point by point [as you said someone would] dispel all the examples you've given, but I'm working.
              That's not necessary. I'm perfectly aware of all the little conclusions they did offer.
              We'll only get into a debate on writing and story-telling.

              In one sentence you say that DS9 had the most reliance on continuity, then you say that things weren't the same from episode to episode. DS9 had more continuity than VOY and TNG put together [and they did have quite a bit] as well as long term repercussions for actions and character development unheard of before or since in Trek.
              For the Drama yes but not for anything else.
              VOY and TNG did as badly as any Trek series has with stats and smart science they all did much better than DS9 most of the time. DS9 didn't explore science almost at all.

              inconsequential. Seeing 5 episodes of Starfleet scientists try to find a way to nullify the Breen weapon would be ridiculous, but having a single Klingon ship with a defect survive and then replicate said defect across the entire Klingon fleet and then have them single-handedly have to keep the Dominion at bay for two episodes, leading to a power struggle between Martok and Gowron... Far more interesting. Well, it is to me.
              I thought it was fast and easy.
              War is not...easy.

              Getting the Enigma Machine was not easy.
              Making the Atomic bomb was not easy.

              So I just wanted to relate some of my concerns about the war story. But I guess I'm the only one.


                The Dominion's biggest and newest ship was described as new, maybe there weren't many of them. Just like there were few Prometheus or Sovereigns. And I wouldn't say they're everywhere. We only saw them in 3 episodes.

                As for your other points... Sorry, I really don't share your concerns about the story. Those things were never issues for me or I don't see them as issues.
                More fun @ Spoofgate!


                  Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
                  Maybe that is where our opinions differ. Of course the war was important but I never had the feeling, that the war itself dominated the show. For me it always was more of a 'How do the people we know deal with it?' not the military actions during the war itself. Very much like the losses were mere numbers and most battles were not shown at all, because the stress and despair it put on the DS9 crew, was far more important.
                  Only thing that I did not like too much was Siskos temporal transfer to Starfleet command. That might have indicated a change to the style of show you expected. Yet they didn't make that this sudden interest in the strategic overview and still staying with the focus on DS9 felt a bit out of place.

                  Heya Brother Fifth. Glad to have you back here
                  Changes always take time to get used to. I didn't like it at all but I am confident that Darren and Greg will make some changes for the better. Like....the new background. Where did that come from all of a sudden? Woooohoo finally it is less bright *takes off sunglasses*
                  Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                  The Dominion's biggest and newest ship was described as new, maybe there weren't many of them. Just like there were few Prometheus or Sovereigns. And I wouldn't say they're everywhere. We only saw them in 3 episodes.

                  As for your other points... Sorry, I really don't share your concerns about the story. Those things were never issues for me or I don't see them as issues.
                  There was about 5 or six of those things in visual range at the end...


                    BayGateScape, glad to see that you have decided to give DS9 a look. Always nice to see additions to the DS9 fold.

                    I must be among the few who actually enjoy the early seasons of DS9. As it's been said, the foundations are laid here, and laid with some really good stories I think, I love the way the Bajoran culture is created and becomes so believable. Most of all we get to notice many characters pretty early on. This for me is what makes DS9 so watchable, the character interactions. Whether you love or hate them, they are so wonderfully written and portrayed that we love and hate them for wonderfully created reasons! That's how much we as viewers get pulled in.

                    I've just finished watching the last 4 episodes of the series. Believe me, by the time you get there you'll be wondering how you hadn't watched this amazing show before now!


                      Originally posted by Saquist View Post
                      There was about 5 or six of those things in visual range at the end...
                      Surrounding Cardassia? Yeah. Remember that the Dominion pulled their forces back to make a final stand on Cardassia. Those 5 or 6 megaships might have been all the Dominion had the chance/resources to build.
                      More fun @ Spoofgate!


                        Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                        BayGateScape, glad to see that you have decided to give DS9 a look. Always nice to see additions to the DS9 fold.
                        I must be among the few who actually enjoy the early seasons of DS9. As it's been said, the foundations are laid here, and laid with some really good stories I think, I love the way the Bajoran culture is created and becomes so believable. Most of all we get to notice many characters pretty early on. This for me is what makes DS9 so watchable, the character interactions. Whether you love or hate them, they are so wonderfully written and portrayed that we love and hate them for wonderfully created reasons! That's how much we as viewers get pulled in.
                        I've just finished watching the last 4 episodes of the series. Believe me, by the time you get there you'll be wondering how you hadn't watched this amazing show before now!
                        Same here, on all counts.

                        I loved the early seasons because of the character interaction between great characters.

                        I'm also rewatching The Nine right now. *sigh* Almost done.
                        More fun @ Spoofgate!


                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          I would have liked to have Quark to have gone BOOM. Its my deepest DS9 wish


                            Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                            Surrounding Cardassia? Yeah. Remember that the Dominion pulled their forces back to make a final stand on Cardassia. Those 5 or 6 megaships might have been all the Dominion had the chance/resources to build.
                            No way to know.

                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post

                            There were times I felt the same way.


                              Finished Season 2, onto season 3 now. Getting hang of it
                              I give 7/10 for Second season.

                              btw, my question is is there any particular chronological order am I supposed to watch DS9, voyager and other movies? Episode 9 of season 3 now; where thomas riker impersonating Will riker.
                              Favorite Characters:
                              Babylon 5: Londo Mollari, G'Kar
                              Farscape: Rygel, Zhaan
                              SG1: Jack O'Neill
                              SG-A: Rodney McKay

                              Favorite Shows In Order:
                              Stargate SG-1 | DS9 | Babylon 5 | Farscape | ST:VOY | Firefly |Stargate Universe | Stargate Atlantis | BSG


                                Originally posted by BayGateScape View Post
                                Finished Season 2, onto season 3 now. Getting hang of it
                                I give 7/10 for Second season.

                                btw, my question is is there any particular chronological order am I supposed to watch DS9, voyager and other movies? Episode 9 of season 3 now; where thomas riker impersonating Will riker.
                                Besides the Maquis storyline which has some mention in TNG not really anything major as far as crossovers go. DS9 never makes any mention of VOY and the VOU references of DS9 are low at best.
                                Thomas Riker works like this before their TNG their was a transporter accident that created two Rikers. One was abandonded on a planet and the other was the Cmdr. Riker we all know. Years later the Ent D visited to discover the abandoned Riker. The story unfolds for that Riker to discover who (blah blah blah) and Thomas Riker goes away never to be seen until the DS9 episode.

                                If you want to know the exact order TNG and the first two seasons of DS9 run together. VOY runs along side DS9 S3 all the way up to S7. The movies at most make refernce to a future DS9 plotline that I will not mention. As it stands. Star Trek: Generations occurs in late DS9 S3 but no mention is made of the events until the S4 premiere. Star Trek: First Contact occurs in early S5 but no mention is made until the episode called In Purgatory's shadow and its a small mention. Star Trek:Insurrection occurs in mid S7 and no mention of it is made at all in DS9. As for Star Trek:Nemesis it occurs after DS9
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

