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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by the Fifth Race
    The Magnificent Ferengi was just that, a magnificent episode!. I absolutely love the Quark character and I am huge Armin Shimerman fan. Not all the Ferengi dedicated episodes were great but this is one of my favorites. Some of the interesting things I liked about this episode is that we get the first mention of the Breen being involved with the Dominion when the Vorta named Yelgrun (played by the great Iggy Pop of the Spiders from Mars band for David Bowie) mentions that "I hate Ferengi, they are even more annoying than the Breen".
    I liked this Ferengi heavy episode myself, it was great seeing Brunt and Gaila again. I noticed Iggy Pop right away, his Vorta character (Yelgrun) was the creepiest of all the Vorta.

    Originally posted by the Fifth Race
    I had more than few belly laughs during this episode. One of them was when Quarks Arm's dealing cousin Gaila accidentally shot and killed the Vorta Kevon who they were supposed to trade with the Dominion to get back Ishka (aka. Moogie, Quarks and Roms mother). And then when they hooked the now dead Kevan up to those nuero stimulators that basically turned him into a walking zombie, he kept bumping into the walls as they were making the trade. It was also funny when Rom suggested that Moogie might be a changeling, so Quark grabbed Moogie's hand and cut her to see if she bled (which she did) and then she grabs Quarks ear and yanks on it . I also got a good laugh when Moogie was showing Yelgrun the skin lotion she uses after he commented on how soft her skin felt.
    Moogie was alright in this episode, you know I can't stand her or the Grand Nagus for the matter, but she was funny. Kevon is a pretty creepy Vorta character and that scene where he was accidently shot and then hooked up to nuerotransmitters so he could walk and appear alive was hilarious!
    Originally posted by the Fifth Race
    The Ferengi called Leck who was a Ferengi hit man creeped me out in a funny sort of way.
    I liked the Leck character, he was scary and very physcotic but he still had that carefree silly Ferengi thing going on as well.


      Originally posted by the Fifth Race
      Season VI DS9 episode discussion
      Episode # 10

      The Magnificent Ferengi

      It seems I've finally thought of a few things to say about this episode. First off, I'll establish that I thought it was a pretty good episode that had me laughing quite often. I loved when Nog was training the team, the Vorta got shot, and when the team had to use the stimulators to make the prisoner exchange. Yep. That about does it for my few things to say.


        Originally Posted by the Fifth Race
        Season VI DS9 episode discussion
        Episode # 10

        The Magnificent Ferengi

        To fully enjoy this episode, watch The Magnificent 7, which it is obviously based on. I enjoy Ferengi episodes which send up and celebrate their character flaws: cowardice, avarice, greed, boldness in the face of opportunity. This was quite funny, although in the very beginning, I thought they were actually going to make them into gunslingers. Then Quark says something like: We're not fighters, we're negotiators and the episode took off (for me anyway.....)


          Yeah I really enjoyed that episode and Iggy Pop, though I don't usually enjoy Ferengi Profit and Lace.
          "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
          DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


            Originally posted by kmiller1610

            The Magnificent Ferengi

            To fully enjoy this episode, watch The Magnificent 7, which it is obviously based on. I enjoy Ferengi episodes which send up and celebrate their character flaws: cowardice, avarice, greed, boldness in the face of opportunity. This was quite funny, although in the very beginning, I thought they were actually going to make them into gunslingers. Then Quark says something like: We're not fighters, we're negotiators and the episode took off (for me anyway.....)
            Very well said kmiller, no matter how bumbling the Ferengi are when it comes to business or getting what they want or need, they are second to none!.

            The scene where Quark gets his epiphany and suddenly remembers while they were all cowering, he says "were Ferengi, and I am going to do what Ferengi's do best, negotiate".

            LOL the cowering Magnificent 7

            Originally posted by Descent
            Yeah I really enjoyed that episode and Iggy Pop, though I don't usually enjoy Ferengi Profit and Lace.
            As much of a Quark fan I am, I am not the biggest fan of Ferengi dedicated episode as well Descent, but like you The Magnificent Ferengi was one of the better ones. Iggy Pop rocked (no pun intended) as the Vorta Yelgrun in this fun episode!.
            the Fifth Race

            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


              Originally posted by Oranos
              It seems I've finally thought of a few things to say about this episode. First off, I'll establish that I thought it was a pretty good episode that had me laughing quite often. I loved when Nog was training the team, the Vorta got shot, and when the team had to use the stimulators to make the prisoner exchange. Yep. That about does it for my few things to say.
              Nog was particulary good in this Ferengi dedicated episode, I failed to mention him in my post earlier. There was a scene with Nog that really struck a chord with me, it was when Quark was putting together his group of Ferengi's to rescue Moogie, Quark and Rom asked Nog to join the group, which he wasn't interested in even though Moogie is his grandmother. Even though he was offered substantial Latinum to join he refused, it wasn't till they offered him a chance to train, drill and be there platoon leader did Nog agree. I guess the lure of Latinum and Power rule a Ferengi's mind way more than family or friendship, no surprise there.


                Originally posted by Starbase
                Nog was particularly good in this Ferengi dedicated episode, I failed to mention him in my post earlier. There was a scene with Nog that really struck a chord with me, it was when Quark was putting together his group of Ferengi's to rescue Moogie, Quark and Rom asked Nog to join the group, which he wasn't interested in even though Moogie is his grandmother. Even though he was offered substantial Latinum to join he refused, it wasn't till they offered him a chance to train, drill and be there platoon leader did Nog agree. I guess the lure of Latinum and Power rule a Ferengi's mind way more than family or friendship, no surprise there.
                I also failed to mention Nog in this episode, he was fantastic!, I also noticed that rescuing Moogie simply because she is family and that his father (Rom) and uncle (Quark) asked wasn't nearly enough for Nog. Even the offer of a lot Latinum didn't make Rom bat an eye, but as soon as they offered him a chance to be platoon leader and train there small group, he jumped at it. I have said it before and I will say it again, DS9 really concentrates on the details and back-stories when writing storylines for episodes, which in turn enhances everything and makes it much better and more interesting to the viewer!.
                the Fifth Race

                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                  Meh, to me the Ferengi episodes were the weaker aspect of the series. The only ones I really liked were "Little Green Men" and "The Magnificent Ferengi", least those are the ones I remember I liked.

                  Speaking of which, some other great Nog episodes are The Seige of AR-558 and Its Only A Paper Moon. Is it just me or does he get more episodes than Jake usually?
                  "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                  DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                    Originally posted by Descent
                    Meh, to me the Ferengi episodes were the weaker aspect of the series. The only ones I really liked were "Little Green Men" and "The Magnificent Ferengi", least those are the ones I remember I liked.
                    Little Green Men was a great episode as was The Magnificent Ferengi, both two of my favorite Quark episodes. Other good Quark episodes I truly enjoyed....Rules of Aquisition (S2), House of Quark(S3) big thumbs up for that one!, Body Parts(S4), The Ascent(S5) great Odo and Quark episode, Who Mourns for Morn(S6) one of favorite all-time Trek episodes!. I am sure a I forgot a few, especially in S7.

                    Originally posted by Descent
                    Speaking of which, some other great Nog episodes are The Seige of AR-558 and Its Only A Paper Moon. Is it just me or does he get more episodes than Jake usually?
                    The Siege of AR-558 is da Bomb!, in my top 10 of all DS9 episodes. It's Only a Paper Moon is also a great episode!, good calls Descent.

                    Jake and Nog had a lot of screen time in S4 & S5, not so much in S6.
                    the Fifth Race

                    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                      late to the party, and really couldn't read through all the pages of the thread, so not sure if anything I'm about to say has been said before or not. sure it probably has, but none the less.

                      I really liked DS9, Its my 2nd fave ST. Especially the later seasons. The dominion wars Was just excellent in my honest opnion. All the characters in DS9 also had a little more grit to them then was the norm for Star Trek, which I found refreshing... The minor characters also just seemed to be more realised, and fleshed out... That could be more to do with the persistant setting and story arc nature of the show.

                      Out of all the characters in DS9 though Garak has to be my favourite. He was just an awesomely wrote and played character.

                      "Damn straight! I'd have busted you out, blown this rat hole to hell and made sure that sonofabitch suffered!"

                      "The Others would've stopped you."

                      "They'd have a hell of a fight on their hands."

                      "You wouldn't do that," Daniel tells him, shaking his head.

                      "Ba'al would be dead--"


                      "And don't think I'd stop there!!"

                      "You're a better man than that," Daniel says calmly.

                      "That's where you're wrong!!"


                        Originally posted by Wayan
                        late to the party, and really couldn't read through all the pages of the thread, so not sure if anything I'm about to say has been said before or not. sure it probably has, but none the less.
                        Better late than never Wayan, welcome to the DS9 thread, good timing we are in the middle of season 6 episode discussion. Things are run fairly loose on this wonderful thread, there is a great core group (best on GW if you ask me ) that are Trek and especially DS9 fans. We often get side tracked on side subjects about any thoughts or theories, which is awesome because some of the best debates or conversations come out of those discussions.

                        Originally posted by Wayan
                        I really liked DS9, Its my 2nd fave ST. Especially the later seasons. The dominion wars Was just excellent in my honest opnion. All the characters in DS9 also had a little more grit to them then was the norm for Star Trek, which I found refreshing... The minor characters also just seemed to be more realised, and fleshed out... That could be more to do with the persistant setting and story arc nature of the show.
                        Your opinion meshes perfectly with mine as well as most of our regulars here, weak but not bad earlier seasons, definitely got better starting at the end of season 3 and by season 5 when the Dominion War storyline arc was in full effect the series became wonderfully epic.

                        DS9 did have a lot of grit and was totally unique from anything that Trek has done, even to this day. All the characters from the regular to especially the minor ones did seem "more realized" like you so aptly stated (I have some DS9character history info for the major and minor characters, which I have been waiting for a good time to post, now is as good a time as any).

                        Originally posted by Wayan
                        Out of all the characters in DS9 though Garak has to be my favourite. He was just an awesomely wrote and played character.
                        I couldn't agree with you more!, overall he is in my top 5 characters for DS9. I try to get all fellow DS9 fans to post there top 10 or top 5 favorite characters from DS9, they can be regulars or minor characters, doesn't matter. My top 10 looks like this.....

                        1) Sisko ....he's still my #1.
                        2) Kira ....moved up the list.
                        3) Bashir ....also moved up a notch.
                        4) Martok ....the best Klingon character of any Trek series or movie.
                        5) Garak ....truly brilliant!
                        6) Quark ....again, a truly brilliant character played by a brilliant actor.
                        7) Worf ....much better in DS9 than he was on TNG.
                        8) Odo ....really shined in season 7.
                        9) Jadzia ....the Dax symbiont character was a stroke of genius.
                        10) O'Brien ....again, much better in DS9 than he was on TNG.

                        I also really loved the characters of Rom, Nog, Jake, Leeta, Ezri, female Changeling, Morn, Gowron and especially Weyoun!.

                        I love favorite character list's, they give you good insight into how a person views a great show you have in common. Let's hear yours
                        the Fifth Race

                        Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                          My list goes as follows:

                          1.) Garak: Just a really good character, magnificently acted. I loved not know quiet on which side of the fence he stood... for sure he was on the side which favoured his interests the most, but sometimes you could never quiet tell.
                          2.) Sisko: I just really liked how the character played out, wasn't too keen on him at first.. well Picards a hard act to follow, but as soon as he got the hair cut his character stepped up in my opnion. I love how although he was a born obvious leader type, unlike prior Star Trek captains, he was falluable, and showed it. Especially in episodes that involved the Starfleet turn Maquis guy, his name escapes me just this minute.
                          3.) Odo: I liked the whole shapeshifter idea and really liked his character type, and his growth over the shows length. RA played him amazingly though I'm a fan of his anyway.
                          4.) Quark: Liked the character on his own, but him and Odo's relationship was really good to watch. I liked the mutaul admiration they had for each other even they they were on the opposite sides of the moral spectrum. It was aparent by the end they respected each other highly and I dare say even cared about each other.
                          5.) Weyoun: I loved to hate this guy.
                          6.) Morn: For someone who never uttered a single line he sure made his presence felt in the show.
                          7.) Jadzia: I agree the Dax character was a stoke of genious, and DS9's 7 of 9 for sure
                          8.) O'Brien: He's just a legend. Such a beleivable character. Also had a lil crush on Kako myself *blush*
                          9.) Bashir: I ended up quite liking him at the end of the show... but I remeber loathing him at first... no idea why. I really like his relationship with Miles, and my fave Garak. Some of there conversations, both Miles and Garaks, with him were very good, and comical to watch.
                          10.) Gul Dukat: He played the cardasian role to a T, but also like Garak showed there was more to him than just underhanded schemes and plots. He had heart, and most definatly conviction in himself. Some of the Kira Episodes with him showed a little of that, and when he lost his daughter I truely felt for him... I also liked Ziyahal hehehe.

                          Saying that though I can't really think of, a single character I disliked in the show.. even the ones I didn't like at first I grew to love. Except maybe with Jake as the exception. I dunno, his character just seemed to annoy me the older he got.

                          anyway thats my lists I guess

                          "Damn straight! I'd have busted you out, blown this rat hole to hell and made sure that sonofabitch suffered!"

                          "The Others would've stopped you."

                          "They'd have a hell of a fight on their hands."

                          "You wouldn't do that," Daniel tells him, shaking his head.

                          "Ba'al would be dead--"


                          "And don't think I'd stop there!!"

                          "You're a better man than that," Daniel says calmly.

                          "That's where you're wrong!!"


                            Originally posted by Wayan
                            late to the party, and really couldn't read through all the pages of the thread, so not sure if anything I'm about to say has been said before or not. sure it probably has, but none the less.

                            I really liked DS9, Its my 2nd fave ST. Especially the later seasons. The dominion wars Was just excellent in my honest opnion. All the characters in DS9 also had a little more grit to them then was the norm for Star Trek, which I found refreshing... The minor characters also just seemed to be more realised, and fleshed out... That could be more to do with the persistant setting and story arc nature of the show.

                            Out of all the characters in DS9 though Garak has to be my favourite. He was just an awesomely wrote and played character.
                            Like brother Fifth Race said better late than never, welcome to the superior thread Wayan. Reading your first post and your list post, I can tell you are a very savy Trek and DS9 fan, you fit in very well with all the other DS9-philes on this great thread!.

                            IMHO seasons 4, 5, 6 & 7 of DS9 were the best scifi let alone Trek ever. The continuing storyline arc of the Dominion was fantastic and cutting edge.

                            I haven't done a favorite character list in awhile.........
                            1] Garak --- I agree Wayan, you never knew what he was thinking no matter how he acted, a very deep and unique character.
                            2] Bashir --- not much in the early seasons but by season 5 he was the best
                            3] Kira --- IMHO the best actor on the show
                            4] Sisko --- he came across as flawed and very realistic, great character!
                            5] Worf --- much better on DS9 than he was on TNG
                            6] Weyoun & Brunt --- Combs is must see television
                            7] Odo --- couldn't stand him at frist but grew to love his character
                            8] O'Brien --- again, much better on DS9 than he was on TNG
                            9] Jadzia --- the beautiful Terry Ferrell
                            10] Quark --- what's not to love

                            I also loved Martok, Morn, Damar, DuKat, Jake, Nog, and even Ezri Dax

                            Great stuff Wayan!.


                              Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                              The Siege of AR-558 is da Bomb!, in my top 10 of all DS9 episodes. It's Only a Paper Moon is also a great episode!, good calls Descent.

                              Jake and Nog had a lot of screen time in S4 & S5, not so much in S6.
                              Thanks. The only Jake and Nog episode I can recall from S6 was "Valiant", really great episode btw.
                              "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                              DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                                Originally posted by Wayan
                                late to the party, and really couldn't read through all the pages of the thread, so not sure if anything I'm about to say has been said before or not. sure it probably has, but none the less.
                                At least you came to the party. Most of us are pretty nice here, the exception being me.

                                And since we seem to be in the habit of reposting the lists of favorite characters, I'll do my top 1, since I'm feeling lazy today.

                                1. Bashir.

