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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Welcome back brother Base, I held off talking about season III episodes till you got back in town. I will post up my favorites from season III in the next couple days.
    Last edited by the Fifth Race; 04 March 2006, 03:25 AM.
    the Fifth Race

    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


      Originally posted by Starbase
      I will gladly loan you my DVD season sets (my pleasure). I am watching season 5 right now for episode discussion we are having here. I will be done with it by next week. What I would like to do is ship season 5 then when you are done and send it back I will promptly send you season 6 then season 7 the same way.
      Thank you so much. I will follow your instructions to the letter. Please send me an email and I will give you tons of security information on my identity.

      [email protected]


        Originally posted by kmiller1610
        Thank you so much. I will follow your instructions to the letter. Please send me an email and I will give you tons of security information on my identity.

        [email protected]

        I will send you an email in the next to exchange addy info Kmiller. I should be finished with season 5 this week. Watching DS9 on DVD is awesome! plus the extra's. There are so many great episodes in season 5!.


          When are you going to start and post up your picks for favorite season III episodes brother Fifth?. I got my choices ready.


            Season III episode discussion......Here are my favorites from the first half of season III.

            The Search parts I & II::::This is the introduction to the Founders, Odo finds his home planet and talks with his own kind then discovers that his people hatred for solids is very disheartening and decides to go back to DS9 with his solid friends and leave the 'great link' behind. We are also introduced to the Vorta.

            The House of Quark::::Great Quark episode!. Quark takes credit for killing a Klingon that fell on his own blade in a drunken stupor. Friends and family of the dead Klingon come to DS9 to find Quark and revenge the killing. Quark ends up in front of the Klingon high council and refuses to fight to the death and is granted a divorce.

            Second Skin::::Kira wakes up on Cardassia looking like a Cardassian and is unsuccessfully trying to be convinced she is really a Cardassian that has been working as a spy on Bajor for the Obsidian order. It is all being done to frame a Central Command member by having Kira look like his long lost daughter. This is truly a very important and intriguing episode!.

            Defiant::::Riker is back, or should I say Thomas Riker is back (Will's duplicate). He flirts with a smitten Kira and gets a tour of the Defiant then stuns Kira and steals it right under Sisko nose.

            Past Tense parts I & II:::isko, Dax and Bashir are transported to 2024 San Francisco by accident right after the apocalyptic nuclear world war destroyed most of any kind of civilized society. They start an uprising knowing the way the past is going to play out. Great stuff!.
            the Fifth Race

            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


              The Search: Amazing. I loved this episode, the twist at the end that Odo's people were the Founders was great. As it was nearing the end of the episode i had no idea how they were gonna get everything back to normal, like they do in TV etc. I didn't suspect that. We'vre already covered the Jem'Hadar ship and the Odyssey so i'll leave that bit out... I especially loved the way they introduced the Defiant. Now that's an entrance!!

              Second Skin: Unfortunately, i haven't seen this episode. It's one, if not the, episode of Trek i most want to see. If i've read right, this is the one with the Obsidian Order and the Tal Shiar working together with the fleet of Keldon class warships destroyed etc. Huge repercussions in terms of the Trek universe.
              Last edited by Anubis69; 07 March 2006, 01:52 PM. Reason: Thanking ye' MF!

              The center of Khlysty surrounds me


                So, somehow the episodes at 12 and 1pm on Spike got out of synch?
                The first episode was when Rom gets caught trying to sabotage DS9 while the Dominion is there, and Odo is pimpin it in the Link.
                And the second episode was "You Are Cordially invited" which is Worf and Dax's wedding (which is a pretty funny episode).

                how did that happen?
                I noticed the TNG ones are messed up too. There was all of a sudden a second season ep on yesterday followed by two 6 or 7th season ones.


                  Good choice of episodes Fifth! Those would be my choice of first-half episodes. Any episode that gives depth to a character or the overall story, definitely earns plus-points with me.

                  'The Search' in particular was excellent, with the introduction of the Defiant (a well-placed plot device), which helped get the characters into adventures off the confines of a space station. And then there is Odo, this episode gave his character HUGE depth, which the writers would explore in future episodes.
                  "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                    Originally posted by Anubis69
                    Second Skin: Unfortunately, i haven't seen this episode. It's one, if not the, episode of Trek i most want to see. If i've read right, this is the one with the Obsidian Order and the Tal Shiar working together with the fleet of Keldon class warships destroyed etc. Huge reporcussions (sp?) in terms of the Trek universe.
                    The repercussions (I had to spellcheck this myself ) you refer to, actually occur in the second half of the season. First hints of this alliance were made known to us in the episode 'Defiant', the episode Fifth Race reviewed previously.

                    Going back to the season two episode ‘The Wire’ for a minute, this is the first appearance of Enabran Tain, the former leader of the Obsidian Order. It seems that the writers already had future plans for Tain’s character, as we saw in the two-part story in the second half of season 3 .

                    Oh, and something interesting I picked up near the end of the episode. When Garak sat down to eat with Bashir, he gave Bashir an isolinear rod containing a story about a Klingon/Cardassian war set in the future. Could it be that the writers were cooking up story ideas a whole year before?

                    Damn, sorry Anubis69, I hope I haven't spoiled this for you. It's bloody hard to give information without including spoilers I tell ye .
                    "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                      Originally posted by Missster.Freeman
                      The repercussions (I had to spellcheck this myself ) you refer to, actually occur in the second half of the season. First hints of this alliance were made known to us in the episode 'Defiant', the episode Fifth Race reviewed previously.

                      Going back to the season two episode ‘The Wire’ for a minute, this is the first appearance of Enabran Tain, the former leader of the Obsidian Order. It seems that the writers already had future plans for Tain’s character, as we saw in the two-part story in the second half of season 3 .

                      Oh, and something interesting I picked up near the end of the episode. When Garak sat down to eat with Bashir, he gave Bashir an isolinear rod containing a story about a Klingon/Cardassian war set in the future. Could it be that the writers were cooking up story ideas a whole year before?

                      Damn, sorry Anubis69, I hope I haven't spoiled this for you. It's bloody hard to give information without including spoilers I tell ye .
                      Not at all! I've read memory alpha over and over again to try and memorise DS9 info as well as reading the Trek Encyclopedia as well but it's a lot easier when folk lay out the connecting threads. Thanks for the info, i appreciate it! *lobs green*

                      The center of Khlysty surrounds me


                        No problem Anubis69 matey. Glad I could help a bit.

                        Talking of hitting the 'reset' button, like Stargate does (more than I would like IMO *sigh*), it was pretty neat how they resolved the episode. After all, they were hooked up to a simulator, so there was bound to be a big red reset button
                        "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                          Originally posted by Missster.Freeman
                          Good choice of episodes Fifth! Those would be my choice of first-half episodes. Any episode that gives depth to a character or the overall story, definitely earns plus-points with me.

                          'The Search' in particular was excellent, with the introduction of the Defiant (a well-placed plot device), which helped get the characters into adventures off the confines of a space station. And then there is Odo, this episode gave his character HUGE depth, which the writers would explore in future episodes.

                          Thanx brother MF!, characterization is DS9's strongest asset combined with great acting a writing.

                          'The Search' was a great way to kick off season III. Odo rally became a favorite of mine after turning against the great link to come back to DS9 to be with his true friends. This episode also showed the growing intrest of romantic feeling between Kira and Odo.
                          the Fifth Race

                          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                            Originally posted by Morbo
                            So, somehow the episodes at 12 and 1pm on Spike got out of synch?
                            The first episode was when Rom gets caught trying to sabotage DS9 while the Dominion is there, and Odo is pimpin it in the Link.
                            And the second episode was "You Are Cordially invited" which is Worf and Dax's wedding (which is a pretty funny episode).

                            how did that happen?
                            I noticed the TNG ones are messed up too. There was all of a sudden a second season ep on yesterday followed by two 6 or 7th season ones.

                            One-thing I have noticed ever since I started collecting DVD box sets of ST and SG and few other scifi shows, is that TPTB have rearranged the order of a few episodes on various seasons. I seem to remember reading awhile ago that they do this to better put together the overall stroyline arc during that paticular season.
                            the Fifth Race

                            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                              Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                              Season III episode discussion......Here are my favorites from the first half of season III.

                              The Search parts I & II::::This is the introduction to the Founders, Odo finds his home planet and talks with his own kind then discovers that his people hatred for solids is very disheartening and decides to go back to DS9 with his solid friends and leave the 'great link' behind. We are also introduced to the Vorta.

                              The House of Quark::::Great Quark episode!. Quark takes credit for killing a Klingon that fell on his own blade in a drunken stupor. Friends and family of the dead Klingon come to DS9 to find Quark and revenge the killing. Quark ends up in front of the Klingon high council and refuses to fight to the death and is granted a divorce.

                              Second Skin::::Kira wakes up on Cardassia looking like a Cardassian and is unsuccessfully trying to be convinced she is really a Cardassian that has been working as a spy on Bajor for the Obsidian order. It is all being done to frame a Central Command member by having Kira look like his long lost daughter. This is truly a very important and intriguing episode!.

                              Defiant::::Riker is back, or should I say Thomas Riker is back (Will's duplicate). He flirts with a smitten Kira and gets a tour of the Defiant then stuns Kira and steals it right under Sisko nose.

                              Past Tense parts I & II:::isko, Dax and Bashir are transported to 2024 San Francisco by accident right after the apocalyptic nuclear world war destroyed most of any kind of civilized society. They start an uprising knowing the way the past is going to play out. Great stuff!.
                              Great choices brother Fifth!

                              The Search----What a great II parter!, it really kicked off the whole Dominion/Founders arc.

                              The House of Quark----Really the first episode that showed Quark in a good light and that he actually did have a sense of honor.

                              Second Skin----My favorite episode from season III, Kira showed her skills big time!. great great stuff!

                              Defiant----This episode in a strange way made me like Riker a whole lot more even though it was his duplicate. Frakes directed this episode as well as starring in it.

                              Past Tense parts I & II----Probably the first 'go back in the furutre' epidoe I liked from the whole ST franchise, it was not the last one though.


                                Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                                Season III episode discussion......Here are my favorites from the first half of season III.

                                The Search parts I & II::::This is the introduction to the Founders, Odo finds his home planet and talks with his own kind then discovers that his people hatred for solids is very disheartening and decides to go back to DS9 with his solid friends and leave the 'great link' behind. We are also introduced to the Vorta.

                                The House of Quark::::Great Quark episode!. Quark takes credit for killing a Klingon that fell on his own blade in a drunken stupor. Friends and family of the dead Klingon come to DS9 to find Quark and revenge the killing. Quark ends up in front of the Klingon high council and refuses to fight to the death and is granted a divorce.

                                Second Skin::::Kira wakes up on Cardassia looking like a Cardassian and is unsuccessfully trying to be convinced she is really a Cardassian that has been working as a spy on Bajor for the Obsidian order. It is all being done to frame a Central Command member by having Kira look like his long lost daughter. This is truly a very important and intriguing episode!.

                                Defiant::::Riker is back, or should I say Thomas Riker is back (Will's duplicate). He flirts with a smitten Kira and gets a tour of the Defiant then stuns Kira and steals it right under Sisko nose.

                                Past Tense parts I & II:::isko, Dax and Bashir are transported to 2024 San Francisco by accident right after the apocalyptic nuclear world war destroyed most of any kind of civilized society. They start an uprising knowing the way the past is going to play out. Great stuff!.
                                Excellent choices Fifth Race. The Defiant is probably my least favorite of your choices with Past Tense just edging out the Search by a nose for my favorites. They were both fantastic episodes.

