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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    A month at the earliest if not later
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      Originally posted by Mclean View Post
      (This is a few pages late :O)

      Just saw the quiz scores. It turned out better than expected considering I know/remember almost nothing about Voyager.

      Well done to USS Defiant, Jelgate and Rac80 for the high scores. And cheers to the Fifth Race for making it, whens the next one?
      How about a well done to me and Lady Pitry for getting the wooden spoon


        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
        Can you say - VOY rehash (boooring!) It's the mutiny show done the only way VOY could ever do it - with abnormal behavior caused by an outside influence and therefore having no lasting significance to the people who participate in it. What's worse, the whole show is telegraphed from the very beginning, rendering the hour painfully obvious.
        Ah-hem: I think you mean that it is a TNG rehash, not a Voyager rehash. Allegiance anyone ?


          I think calling every munity episode after the original a rehash is a little narrow minded. Its like saying every time travel or Mirror universe episode is a rehash. They all went in different direction. Well I know Allegiance and Regression went in different directions. I am a little fuzzy on the Enterprise episode
          Originally posted by aretood2
          Jelgate is right


            For me, 'Hatchery' failed because, in the universe they live in where mind control and manipulation are rampant, why the hell didn't the crew agree to drag Archer to sickbay and have him checked out. I mean, if he's fine, y'all go to the brig. If he's being manipulated, fix him. It seemed simple enough to me.
            More fun @ Spoofgate!


              Originally posted by gopher65 View Post
              Ah-hem: I think you mean that it is a TNG rehash, not a Voyager rehash. Allegiance anyone ?
              I think it qualifies as rehash from brother TNG and VOY. But then again all 3 shows were based on a Starship, which is still a poor excuse for seeing a lot of similar storylines that are dressed up to try and make you think there different. Personally I don't have that much of a problem with rehashed storylines as long as they bring a new or fresh take on it.
              The USS Defiant Rocks!


                Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                For me, 'Hatchery' failed because, in the universe they live in where mind control and manipulation are rampant, why the hell didn't the crew agree to drag Archer to sickbay and have him checked out. I mean, if he's fine, y'all go to the brig. If he's being manipulated, fix him. It seemed simple enough to me.
                It was awfully fishy how the crew was so slow in reacting to how Archer was behaving (just bad writing). It seemed very obvious to everyone but the Enterprises crew.

                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                How about a well done to me and Lady Pitry for getting the wooden spoon
                I see that you and Lady Pitry shared the coveted Wooden Spoon lolol It was fun reading through both your rather sarcastic and funny answers. Well done ladies.
                The USS Defiant Rocks!


                  Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                  I see that you and Lady Pitry shared the coveted Wooden Spoon lolol It was fun reading through both your rather sarcastic and funny answers. Well done ladies.
                  Well if we don't know the answer we may as well amuse you guys


                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    Well if we don't know the answer we may as well amuse you guys
                    No one appreciates that more than me. I enjoy the Grading part of the quizzes - it's quite fun reading some of the answers (alot of very smart and sarcastic peeps on this thread) plus every quiz I get surprised by someone finding a different or new answer for one of my questions, which I love.
                    the Fifth Race

                    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                      No one appreciates that more than me. I enjoy the Grading part of the quizzes - it's quite fun reading some of the answers (alot of very smart and sarcastic peeps on this thread) plus every quiz I get surprised by someone finding a different or new answer for one of my questions, which I love.
                      I bet it takes longer than it should to grade them What with laughing an' all


                        Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                        It was awfully fishy how the crew was so slow in reacting to how Archer was behaving (just bad writing). It seemed very obvious to everyone but the Enterprises crew.
                        The 1701D crew acted even more stupidly. Anyone still trying to forget "Lonely Among Us"?
                        More fun @ Spoofgate!


                          Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                          The 1701D crew acted even more stupidly. Anyone still trying to forget "Lonely Among Us"?
                          How about DS9's mutiny episode "Dramatis Personae?" Granted, they were all under alien influences, but during season 1 it seemed plausible, considering her attitude towards Sisko and the Federation, that Kira would consider committing a mutiny.


                            I don't see it that way. Kira knew that Bajor needed the Federation to help rebuild, to keep the Cardassians at bay and to help them fully exploit the wormhole. I doubt she'd try to oust them without some serious reason... and Bajoran backing. And, at that point, the Bajoran Provisional Gov. was still really provisional.
                            More fun @ Spoofgate!


                              Originally posted by jsonitsac View Post
                              How about DS9's mutiny episode "Dramatis Personae?" Granted, they were all under alien influences, but during season 1 it seemed plausible, considering her attitude towards Sisko and the Federation, that Kira would consider committing a mutiny.
                              That is why Odo is the smartest character on all Star Trek.
                              Originally posted by aretood2
                              Jelgate is right


                                Talking of DS9, that's me *just* finished season six. Jadzia is no more...poor ol' Worf.

                                I have one episode left of season three of Enterprise to watch, the folk that recommended that season were right, it's by far the best. (Season four is winging its way from Amazon as we speak, since it was still reduced!)

