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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by Alder View Post

    ...'twas done in an amusing manner, but I really, really didn't need that image in my head.

    Also, "The pellet with the poison's in the vessel with the pestle; the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true..."
    LOL,Danny Kaye in 'The Court Jester', I love that scene! One of my favourite old time movies, it's just so silly and I wonder sometimes where Monty Python may have got some inspiration!

    I'll just think about that scene rather than the Phlox one! Although I quite liked the character of Phlox despite that!

    So here’s my list of Docs.

    1. McCoy – Had to be, what with immortal lines such as…… “It’s worse than that, he’s dead Jim!” Nothing got by him I can tell you!!
    2. The Holographic Doctor – Loved watching the ‘bedside’ manner evolve over the years.
    3. Bashir – Looked out of his depth but looks were deceiving, he never gave up, a great Doc. An affable likeable character.
    4. Phlox – Liked the fact he was an alien and brought a totally different set of skills into the medical field.
    5. Crusher – I never took to her as a Doctor really, still, a big improvement on Pulaski so that is a saving grace I guess!.
    6. Pulaski.- Really dismal and bland character, irritated me….a lot!


      Another brief musing upon an Enterprise episode...

      I was a teeny bit disappointed with 'Hatchery' when it turned out Archer was being affected by the stuff sprayed on him by the egg. Somehow I'd've preferred it if he'd been protecting them because it genuinely was the correct thing to do rather than the standard "being sprayed in the face by an alien substance is always a Bad Thing", particularly when most of his reasoning - "even in war there are rules", "the Xindi think humans are ruthless, here's a chance to prove them wrong" - was fairly logical.


        Originally posted by Krisz View Post
        LOL,Danny Kaye in 'The Court Jester', I love that scene! One of my favourite old time movies, it's just so silly and I wonder sometimes where Monty Python may have got some inspiration!

        I'll just think about that scene rather than the Phlox one! Although I quite liked the character of Phlox despite that!

        So here’s my list of Docs.

        1. McCoy – Had to be, what with immortal lines such as…… “It’s worse than that, he’s dead Jim!” Nothing got by him I can tell you!!
        2. The Holographic Doctor – Loved watching the ‘bedside’ manner evolve over the years.
        3. Bashir – Looked out of his depth but looks were deceiving, he never gave up, a great Doc. An affable likeable character.
        4. Phlox – Liked the fact he was an alien and brought a totally different set of skills into the medical field.
        5. Crusher – I never took to her as a Doctor really, still, a big improvement on Pulaski so that is a saving grace I guess!.
        6. Pulaski.- Really dismal and bland character, irritated me….a lot!
        Pulaski struck me as a half assed attempt of trying to inject a bit of TOS into TNG, except changing the sex of the doctor. She was afraid of transporters, she was witty, she was skeptical of Data, etc. That was a move that a show, which was trying to differentiate itself from its predecessor definitely didn't need to make.


          i never felt TNG tried to differentiate itself from TOS, the first season was full of TOS reworked stories. Data ...cold unemotional... was merely TNG's spock! Riker was the randy Kirk.
          Last edited by Rac80; 11 August 2009, 06:35 AM.


            Originally posted by jsonitsac View Post
            Pulaski struck me as a half assed attempt of trying to inject a bit of TOS into TNG, except changing the sex of the doctor. She was afraid of transporters, she was witty, she was skeptical of Data, etc. That was a move that a show, which was trying to differentiate itself from its predecessor definitely didn't need to make.
            LOL, that is a quite funny and somewhat accurate assessment. They did seem to want to emulate the grumpy ole grisled veteran Bones with the rather surly Pulaski character. Good take jsonitsac.
            Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
            i never felt TNG tried to differentiate itself from TOS, the first season was full of TOS reworked stories. Data ...cold unemotional... was merely TNG's spock! Riker was the randy Kirk.
            I somewhat agree with that statement as well Lady Rac (at least as far as the first 2 seasons of TNG went). In my humble opinion TNG's best years were its later seasons.
            the Fifth Race

            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


              Originally posted by Alder View Post
              Another brief musing upon an Enterprise episode...

              I was a teeny bit disappointed with 'Hatchery' when it turned out Archer was being affected by the stuff sprayed on him by the egg. Somehow I'd've preferred it if he'd been protecting them because it genuinely was the correct thing to do rather than the standard "being sprayed in the face by an alien substance is always a Bad Thing", particularly when most of his reasoning - "even in war there are rules", "the Xindi think humans are ruthless, here's a chance to prove them wrong" - was fairly logical.
              Archer is too one-sided. Its all we need to save Earth from the Xindi no matter what the cost. He could care less what happens to eggs as long as Earth is saved. The Xindi will realize eventually that humans aren't really that illogical
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                Originally posted by Alder View Post
                Another brief musing upon an Enterprise episode...

                I was a teeny bit disappointed with 'Hatchery' when it turned out Archer was being affected by the stuff sprayed on him by the egg. Somehow I'd've preferred it if he'd been protecting them because it genuinely was the correct thing to do rather than the standard "being sprayed in the face by an alien substance is always a Bad Thing", particularly when most of his reasoning - "even in war there are rules", "the Xindi think humans are ruthless, here's a chance to prove them wrong" - was fairly logical.
                Good morning Lady Alder I have recently re-watched "Hatchery" myself (it wasn't very good was it) - the take on the mutiny plot is about as authentic as any of the supposed mutinies that happened on VOY ("Repression" comes to mind) - which is to say, not at all. There are some reasonably decent situational dynamics here, but the story is built on a cheat plot's foundation, where the mutinous behavior arises only because a Strange Alien Influence has compromised one or more of the characters - in this case, Captain Archer.

                Can you say - VOY rehash (boooring!) It's the mutiny show done the only way VOY could ever do it - with abnormal behavior caused by an outside influence and therefore having no lasting significance to the people who participate in it. What's worse, the whole show is telegraphed from the very beginning, rendering the hour painfully obvious.
                the Fifth Race

                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                  Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                  LOL, that is a quite funny and somewhat accurate assessment. They did seem to want to emulate the grumpy ole grisled veteran Bones with the rather surly Pulaski character. Good take jsonitsac.

                  I somewhat agree with that statement as well Lady Rac (at least as far as the first 2 seasons of TNG went). In my humble opinion TNG's best years were its later seasons.
                  You've got to remember that TNG recycled a few scripts (or concepts) for the un-produced "Phase Two" series. What helped TNG establish itself was the fact that Gene kinda took a back seat for the day-to-day production (before his death) and that old blood in the writing staff (Bob Justman, D.C. Fontana, et. al) were replaced by, Michael Piller, Rene Echiveria, Brannon Braga, Ronald D. Moore, Jeri Taylor, etc. (yes Berman probably belongs in this list too).

                  HOWEVER, they did do something right in the beginning, having characters that, for the most part, did not really have analogues to TOS. Picard is so differnt than Kirk that its spawned many flame wars. They intentionally forgot about a regular chief engineer before settling on Geordi, who was significantly not Scottie (Relics was a great episode though). Crusher was a bit more caring than McCoy and not a hot-head. Yar didn't really have an analog to any TOS characters and Worf was totally unprecedented in Star Trek.

                  Data, Riker and Troi, are the only exceptions to this. Data was a more mechanical Spock, but at least his motivations were different. Spock sought to distance himself from humanity, Data tried to become human. Riker and Troi were actually supposed to be the "Phase II" characters Decker and Illea, but that series never got made and they got turned into one-off movie characters.


                    Good morning to you too!
                    ...well, afternoon now.
                    Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                    What's worse, the whole show is telegraphed from the very beginning, rendering the hour painfully obvious.
                    I haven't heard that phrase before, but if you mean how you know from the very instant that Archer is splashed that Bad Things Will Happen, then that's what drove me nuts about it! It's so much better when something like that happens and it's genuinely harmless.


                      Originally posted by jsonitsac View Post
                      You've got to remember that TNG recycled a few scripts (or concepts) for the un-produced "Phase Two" series. What helped TNG establish itself was the fact that Gene kinda took a back seat for the day-to-day production (before his death) and that old blood in the writing staff (Bob Justman, D.C. Fontana, et. al) were replaced by, Michael Piller, Rene Echiveria, Brannon Braga, Ronald D. Moore, Jeri Taylor, etc. (yes Berman probably belongs in this list too).

                      HOWEVER, they did do something right in the beginning, having characters that, for the most part, did not really have analogues to TOS. Picard is so differnt than Kirk that its spawned many flame wars. They intentionally forgot about a regular chief engineer before settling on Geordi, who was significantly not Scottie (Relics was a great episode though). Crusher was a bit more caring than McCoy and not a hot-head. Yar didn't really have an analog to any TOS characters and Worf was totally unprecedented in Star Trek.

                      Data, Riker and Troi, are the only exceptions to this. Data was a more mechanical Spock, but at least his motivations were different. Spock sought to distance himself from humanity, Data tried to become human. Riker and Troi were actually supposed to be the "Phase II" characters Decker and Illea, but that series never got made and they got turned into one-off movie characters.
                      I would jump into those and say your both wrong. Sisko trumps all. Then imagine people would call me a troll.
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        I would jump into those and say your both wrong. Sisko trumps all. Then imagine people would call me a troll.


                          Musing number X on Enterprise:

                          Season three is definitely not bad...I've only been watching it for four days, and I'm two episodes from the end... <insert slightly guilty 'I ate all the cake' look here>

                          [Oh! Does anyone else find that the Reptilian leader reminds them of Sarus from GalaxyQuest? ]
                          [Also, the 'Guardians' from the future look weirdly like a DS9 Wormhole Alien/Founder hybrid...]
                          Last edited by Alder; 11 August 2009, 01:12 PM.


                            All I remember about Galaxy Quest was the blonde lady. No I'm not shallow. What gave you that idea?

                            Yes I have made a simliar comparassion before. Since the Reptilian were actually smart which Sarus lacked
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              I loved Galaxy Quest


                                (This is a few pages late :O)

                                Just saw the quiz scores. It turned out better than expected considering I know/remember almost nothing about Voyager.

                                Well done to USS Defiant, Jelgate and Rac80 for the high scores. And cheers to the Fifth Race for making it, whens the next one?

