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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    *Waves good morning to Lady Rac and Lady Linda and anyone else up early on this fine Saturday.

    I got some good news and I got some bad news my friends. I am packing my over-night as soon as I get back from the gym this morning and I am headed to Los Angeles for a Gift and Souvenir covention later this afternoon for 2 days. I will not be back until Tuesday which mean no quiz this coming week.

    Now for the good news, I have a new quiz almost complete and I did decide on spotlighting the DS9 episode Defiant for the multi-part episode question. So the quiz has been rescheduled for a week from Monday (August 3), which makes brother USS Defiant happy since he wasnt going to be around next week himself. So to make it up - I am going to make this next quiz a little longer and tougher than normal (well maybe not, I haven't decided yet).
    the Fifth Race

    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


      Originally posted by Starbase View Post
      Say what you want, but us fellow Trekkers are one loyal group, and we tend to like each others company, especially considering what geniuses we are. lol
      I reck'on we are, ain't we. LOL
      Originally posted by Starbase
      In all seriousness, I know exactly what you mean. This thread has been a juggernaut from the very beginning. When you have DS9 and Star Trek as your subject matter it's really hard to go wrong. Throw in the wonderfully eclectic mix of personalities, we never manage to lose our sense of humor, we always respect each other no matter what while watching out for each other, and we have brother Fifth's quizzes.
      Well said, and as always the real strength of this thread is the people (#1) and the subject matter (#2). Through all my online years of browsing and doing Mod jobs (on a number of various topics and websites) - This is by far the best thread I have ever been associated with.
      the Fifth Race

      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
        *Waves good morning to Lady Rac and Lady Linda and anyone else up early on this fine Saturday.

        I got some good news and I got some bad news my friends. I am packing my over-night as soon as I get back from the gym this morning and I am headed to Los Angeles for a Gift and Souvenir covention later this afternoon for 2 days. I will not be back until Tuesday which mean no quiz this coming week.

        Now for the good news, I have a new quiz almost complete and I did decide on spotlighting the DS9 episode Defiant for the multi-part episode question. So the quiz has been rescheduled for a week from Monday (August 3), which makes brother USS Defiant happy since he wasnt going to be around next week himself. So to make it up - I am going to make this next quiz a little longer and tougher than normal (well maybe not, I haven't decided yet).
        have a safe and fun trip... those LA drivers are crazy (ok crazier than I am... I got lost on the I-5 once...not pretty )! Will watch the ep while you are gone!


          Originally posted by Krisz View Post
          Woo hoo, Friday night and Saturday, my time out from the intense studying I’m engaged in at present. Wonderful to wander in here to chill out for a bit. Lots of catching up here!
          Always great to see you Lady Kris, you have been missed around here.
          Originally posted by Krisz
          Talking of movies, I got hold of ‘Watchmen’ on blue ray the other day. I really liked this movie, everything came together well, characterization, story telling and wonderful CGI. CGI that wasn’t there for CGI’s sake, always makes me happy when CGI compliments the movie rather than drives it. I’m beginning to appreciate blue ray and find the almost 3D effect the sharpness and clarity blue ray gives really added to this movie.
          I have Watchmen on my queque list at Netflix. I believe brother nx saw it in the theaters and loved it. I have heard some great and not so great things about it. I'm looking forward to it.
          Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
          we are total "potterheads" and LOVED the new movie. So much so that hubby is willing to see it again this weekend. (we went last saturday) He's as frugal as I am (it'a a new england thing I guess... he's from Boston) and will usually only do a rewtach at a second run theater where it is cheaper ($2/ ticket) but he suggested we go again this weekend. If you like the HP movies it is one of the best ones, if you don't like them... i dunno what to tell you. The story doesn't follow the book 100%- seems more action-packed, the cgio and other special effects are wonderful.
          Thats great to hear Lady Rac. I usually wait until they come out on DVD, but I might make an exception for the new one and go see it sometime next week. Nothing worng with being frugal - heck, I make a great living but I always go to bargain matinee's for movies (more for avoiding crowds than saving money) - But I do always bring my own snacks and bottled water. I don't know what they charge up there in Canada for movie snacks but here in states you need to be millionaire to afford a box of Popcorn and a diet soda, and god forbid you if want a box of Goobers or JuJu Fruits, for that you need to take out a second loan on your house.
          the Fifth Race

          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


            Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
            have a safe and fun trip... those LA drivers are crazy (ok crazier than I am... I got lost on the I-5 once...not pretty )! Will watch the ep while you are gone!
            Thanx and I appreciate it. Getting lost on I-5 is not pretty LOL. I used to live in LA so I know the area and freeways very well. I will get off the plane this evening (only a 55 minute flight from SFO to LAX), take a taxi to the hotel and then take another taxi to my favorite dinner spot The Cheese Cake Factory in Brentwood for a Chicken Stir-Fry dinner. I rarely do any driving when I go down south.
            the Fifth Race

            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


              Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
              Always great to see you Lady Kris, you have been missed around here.
              I have Watchmen on my queque list at Netflix. I believe brother nx saw it in the theaters and loved it. I have heard some great and not so great things about it. I'm looking forward to it.
              Thats great to hear Lady Rac. I usually wait until they come out on DVD, but I might make an exception for the new one and go see it sometime next week. Nothing worng with being frugal - heck, I make a great living but I always go to bargain matinee's for movies (more for avoiding crowds than saving money) - But I do always bring my own snacks and bottled water. I don't know what they charge up there in Canada for movie snacks but here in states you need to be millionaire to afford a box of Popcorn and a diet soda, and god forbid you if want a box of Goobers or JuJu Fruits, for that you need to take out a second loan on your house.
              (you remember I am in Indiana right? ) yep that is why I carry a large purse... so much fits in it. we are matinee goers too and there is a good quality second run theater not too far away.


                Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                *Waves good morning to Lady Rac and Lady Linda and anyone else up early on this fine Saturday.

                I got some good news and I got some bad news my friends. I am packing my over-night as soon as I get back from the gym this morning and I am headed to Los Angeles for a Gift and Souvenir covention later this afternoon for 2 days. I will not be back until Tuesday which mean no quiz this coming week.

                Now for the good news, I have a new quiz almost complete and I did decide on spotlighting the DS9 episode Defiant for the multi-part episode question. So the quiz has been rescheduled for a week from Monday (August 3), which makes brother USS Defiant happy since he wasnt going to be around next week himself. So to make it up - I am going to make this next quiz a little longer and tougher than normal (well maybe not, I haven't decided yet).
                *waves back* Well it's afternoon here And for once the weather is beautiful

                Have fun on your trip


                  Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                  Now for the good news, I have a new quiz almost complete and I did decide on spotlighting the DS9 episode Defiant for the multi-part episode question. So the quiz has been rescheduled for a week from Monday (August 3), which makes brother USS Defiant happy since he wasnt going to be around next week himself. So to make it up - I am going to make this next quiz a little longer and tougher than normal (well maybe not, I haven't decided yet).
                  Sweet. The wife and are headed out of town Monday morning to help her mother with some moving and other choirs. I read in one of the trade magazines I swiped from your shop that there was a big show down in LA this month.

                  Good choice on Defiant. I will give it a rewatch next week and post up a review before the quiz.
                  Last edited by USS Defiant; 25 July 2009, 09:01 AM.
                  The USS Defiant Rocks!


                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    *waves back* Well it's afternoon here And for once the weather is beautiful
                    Waves hello to Lady Linda and Lady Rac. Glad the weather is good your way.
                    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                    (you remember I am in Indiana right? ) yep that is why I carry a large purse... so much fits in it. we are matinee goers too and there is a good quality second run theater not too far away.
                    Nothing wrong with bargain matinee's. Personally I won't go to a crowded theater, I am very particular about who sits next to me, and a bunch of strangers are not on my list (happily anti-social) lol

                    Hmmm, I was under the impression that you lived in Canada as well Lady Rac, or was it your husband is Canadian or something, or you used to live in Canada?. lol
                    The USS Defiant Rocks!


                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      Well i've never been called a genious before (shut up Jel )
                      Come one. You even spelled it wrong
                      It's great to have someone to talk to about star trek and other scifi shows. Only one other person I know likes scifi *shrugs*
                      Your father? What? That is how I got introduced to SciFi. My father use to watch all the time from when I was a little toddler.

                      Well us Scots do tend to get a little crazy at times Especially in the winter
                      What do you mean? You people are whimps. I heard how you people panic last winter with a little bet of snow where I easily got 3 times that amount or more

                      Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                      we are total "potterheads" and LOVED the new movie. So much so that hubby is willing to see it again this weekend. (we went last saturday) He's as frugal as I am (it'a a new england thing I guess... he's from Boston) and will usually only do a rewtach at a second run theater where it is cheaper ($2/ ticket) but he suggested we go again this weekend. If you like the HP movies it is one of the best ones, if you don't like them... i dunno what to tell you. The story doesn't follow the book 100%- seems more action-packed, the cgio and other special effects are wonderful.
                      I never cared for the movies. I have read the book and for the most part liked them. I fully understand that a lot of scenes need to be taken out for the movies but it always seems they take out the wrong scenes. Prisoner of Azkaban was a terrible movie but I admit to being impressed by Goblet of Fire

                      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                      *Waves good morning to Lady Rac and Lady Linda and anyone else up early on this fine Saturday.

                      I got some good news and I got some bad news my friends. I am packing my over-night as soon as I get back from the gym this morning and I am headed to Los Angeles for a Gift and Souvenir covention later this afternoon for 2 days. I will not be back until Tuesday which mean no quiz this coming week.

                      Now for the good news, I have a new quiz almost complete and I did decide on spotlighting the DS9 episode Defiant for the multi-part episode question. So the quiz has been rescheduled for a week from Monday (August 3), which makes brother USS Defiant happy since he wasnt going to be around next week himself. So to make it up - I am going to make this next quiz a little longer and tougher than normal (well maybe not, I haven't decided yet).
                      I think the quiz being on the day after my bithday that I am entitled to some birthday bonus quiz points.

                      Speaking of the quiz what is the time frame where you will be entering questions for the new Trek movie because I still haven't seen
                      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                      I have Watchmen on my queque list at Netflix. I believe brother nx saw it in the theaters and loved it. I have heard some great and not so great things about it. I'm looking forward to it.
                      Thats great to hear Lady Rac. I usually wait until they come out on DVD, but I might make an exception for the new one and go see it sometime next week. Nothing worng with being frugal - heck, I make a great living but I always go to bargain matinee's for movies (more for avoiding crowds than saving money) - But I do always bring my own snacks and bottled water. I don't know what they charge up there in Canada for movie snacks but here in states you need to be millionaire to afford a box of Popcorn and a diet soda, and god forbid you if want a box of Goobers or JuJu Fruits, for that you need to take out a second loan on your house.
                      My advice on Watchmen is how do you feel about darkness. Because it is a very dark and a little disturbing but overall good.
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Alright, last night I continued my little rewatch of Season 3 and..

                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        It will give us something to argue about for I love Life Support.
                        Nope. No real arguing from me over this one. I pretty much loved the A-Story and everything that was going on in it. I loved that, no matter what, Bareil was going to see this through for his people.

                        It's the classic example of a man willing to die for his cause. That scene where half his brain has been replaced with some positronic implants is very unsettling.

                        And Bashir was just fantastic in this one. Flat out calling Winn a "coward" for what she's doing. This is why the guy is No. 2 on my favorite Doctor's list. And the last scene between Kira and the almost dead Bareil was truly moving.

                        My only real problem with the episode is the B-Story. It feels out of place in such a grim episode and ultimately, amounts to nothing. It's about Jake and Nog going "hey, we're culturally different! Oh well, life goes on." So, what? Aside from some good lines from Odo and Sisko, this one was a waste for me.

                        Much better than I remembered. So yay, we agree on something this time.
                        "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                        DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                          Originally posted by Descent View Post
                          Bashir was just fantastic in this one. Flat out calling Winn a "coward" for what she's doing. This is why the guy is No. 2 on my favorite Doctor's list. And the last scene between Kira and the almost dead Bareil was truly moving.
                          Though most will simply remember Life Support as the episode they killed off Bareil. What could have been a maudlin melodrama is instead a sincere story about one man's sacrifice and Bashir's moral dilemma to keep him artificially alive. The reasons, however, behind Bareil's deletion from the recurring character list escaped me. Did they simply kill him off to foment the Odo/Kira relationship?

                          It was a great vehicle for Bashir, probably his best of season 3.
                          Originally posted by Descent
                          My only real problem with the episode is the B-Story. It feels out of place in such a grim episode and ultimately, amounts to nothing. It's about Jake and Nog going "hey, we're culturally different! Oh well, life goes on." So, what? Aside from some good lines from Odo and Sisko, this one was a waste for me.
                          The B-Story escapes me right now, What was it about brother Descent.
                          The USS Defiant Rocks!


                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            I think the quiz being on the day after my bithday that I am entitled to some birthday bonus quiz points.
                            lol, you are going need them brother jelagte.
                            Originally posted by jelgate
                            Speaking of the quiz what is the time frame where you will be entering questions for the new Trek movie because I still haven't seen
                            I think brother Fifth meant he was going to create a dedicated quiz (where all the questions are about the new Star Trek movie) after he gets his personal copy where he can rewatch it while taking notes. And since they aren't releasing it until November, we wont see that quiz for awhile.
                            Originally posted by jelgate
                            My advice on Watchmen is how do you feel about darkness. Because it is a very dark and a little disturbing but overall good.
                            I am looking forward to this one myself.
                            The USS Defiant Rocks!


                              Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                              It was a great vehicle for Bashir, probably his best of season 3.
                              The B-Story escapes me right now, What was it about brother Descent.
                              Jake gets a date with this girl. Nog comes to him and convinces him to make it a double date. During the double date, Nog says some typical sexist Ferengi things to his date. This causes them (Jake and Nog) to get mad at each other over how different they are (they're just finding this out after three years of friendship...?). Jake then convinces Odo to lock the both of them up in the same cell so they can work this out. They do. The end.

                              Very uninteresting to me and a lot of the things Nog was saying is the kind of stuff I hate about the Ferengi.
                              "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                              DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                                Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                                Though most will simply remember Life Support as the episode they killed off Bareil. What could have been a maudlin melodrama is instead a sincere story about one man's sacrifice and Bashir's moral dilemma to keep him artificially alive. The reasons, however, behind Bareil's deletion from the recurring character list escaped me. Did they simply kill him off to foment the Odo/Kira relationship?

                                It was a great vehicle for Bashir, probably his best of season 3.
                                The B-Story escapes me right now, What was it about brother Descent.
                                From what I hear they just felt like Bareil had gone far enough and story and characterization and they weren't just interested in writing for him anymore
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

