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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by the Fifth Race
    Call to Arms is a great episode!, it is part I to a III part episode where Sisko vows to comeback after himself and Starfleet had to abandon DS9 because of the Cardassians and Dominion flexing there muscles. The scene with Weyoun confronting Sisko about the mining of the wormhole was fantastic and gripping. Sisko was pissed and Weyoun was equally as perturbed when it was understood that neither of them was backing down. Weyoun and Sisko to a lesser degree acted semi-cordial when Weyoun offered his phony proposal to limit the Dominion traffic through the wormhole to non-military transports. Weyoun #5 (there clones) started to show his true colors in this episode and its not that I liked his character, its just that he portrays it so beautifully!, just like most of the characters on DS9.
    This was a great season ending episode, it had drama and it brought forth the impending Dominion conflict and set up season VI beautifully!. There were some great Starship fighting scenes as well, in particular the scene where Martok's ship comes to the aid of the Defiant so they could plant the last of the mines to block the wormhole was very well done considering the special effects of the time. Another scene that stood out was when Weyoun, DuKat and his crony Damar strolled onto DS9 after Starfleet abandoned it, you could see the delight in DuKat and Damars eyes. I also found it interesting that Jake decided to go against his fathers wishes and remain on DS9 to work as a reporter on the whole Dominion conflict, he sure has a unique perspective now.

    The more I rewatch DS9 I realize that not only are most if not all the characters very rich and well portrayed but the writing was especially outstanding in season V. Just the right mix of stand alone episodes with Dominion continuation episodes. Martok, Worf, Weyoun, Kira and Sisko especially shined in season V, it was also nice, like you stated brother Fifth, watching Jake and Nog grow up before our eyes in season V.


      Originally posted by the Fifth Race
      Call to Arms is a great episode!, it is part I to a III part episode where Sisko vows to comeback after himself and Starfleet had to abandon DS9 because of the Cardassians and Dominion flexing there muscles. The scene with Weyoun confronting Sisko about the mining of the wormhole was fantastic and gripping. Sisko was pissed and Weyoun was equally as perturbed when it was understood that neither of them was backing down. Weyoun and Sisko to a lesser degree acted semi-cordial when Weyoun offered his phony proposal to limit the Dominion traffic through the wormhole to non-military transports. Weyoun #5 (there clones) started to show his true colors in this episode and its not that I liked his character, its just that he portrays it so beautifully!, just like most of the characters on DS9.
      Amazing episode. TBH, this and the 6 episode arc in S6, was about the time i realised that DS9 in general was gonna be something unbelievable, not just an amazing series. I can't remember much of the episode () in terms of character development etc. but my favourite part was when the Defiant joined the main fleet... That shot with the Defiant leading the fleet that spanned as far as the eye can see... it was incredible...

      The center of Khlysty surrounds me


        It was the most amazing thing to see a massive federation/klingon fleet at the end. Usually in Star trek you could only see one or two ships at a time but to see entire federation fleet with klingons mixed for the first time was awesome.


          Call to Arms.. huge dramatic tension, great action, one of the best DS9 eps....


            Originally posted by Anubis69
            Amazing episode. TBH, this and the 6 episode arc in S6, was about the time i realised that DS9 in general was gonna be something unbelievable, not just an amazing series. I can't remember much of the episode () in terms of character development etc. but my favourite part was when the Defiant joined the main fleet... That shot with the Defiant leading the fleet that spanned as far as the eye can see... it was incredible...
            That was incredible and like jree said that was something new and different for Star Trek in that usually all we got was 1 or 2 ships in an engagement, not a whole damn fleet and then some. But as you well know brother Anubis69 season 6 & 7 had many scenes from various episodes with massive fleets getting ready to or doing battle.

            As we talked about earlier on this thread the special effects improved dramatically in season V compared to previous seasons. You know some of the other scenes that are truly awe-inspiring are the ones of DS9 (the station itself) we get when they comeback from a commercial or change scenes where it shows various ships orbiting or docking at the station, great stuff!.
            the Fifth Race

            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


              Originally posted by Anubis69
              Amazing episode. TBH, this and the 6 episode arc in S6, was about the time i realised that DS9 in general was gonna be something unbelievable, not just an amazing series. I can't remember much of the episode () in terms of character development etc. but my favourite part was when the Defiant joined the main fleet... That shot with the Defiant leading the fleet that spanned as far as the eye can see... it was incredible...
              Amen brudder!, like yourself, Jree and brother fifth stated those fleet of ships and battle scenes were second to none, especially during seasons 6 & 7!. I even like the scenes where they show a fleet of Starfleet vessels limping back after a battle leaking plasma and with a N-Cel half destroyed. Besides all the great battle scenes and fleet shots, the storyline from season V on is amazing and very entertaining. Everyone (all the actors) IMHO stepped there game up big time!.

              You have the coolest rotating avatar showing all the great Starfleet ships brudder. ^5


                Originally posted by jree
                It was the most amazing thing to see a massive federation/klingon fleet at the end. Usually in Star trek you could only see one or two ships at a time but to see entire federation fleet with klingons mixed for the first time was awesome.
                Agreed. It was this reason I feel in love with DS9.


                  Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                  Call to Arms is a great episode!, it is part I to a III part episode where Sisko vows to comeback after himself and Starfleet had to abandon DS9 because of the Cardassians and Dominion flexing there muscles. The scene with Weyoun confronting Sisko about the mining of the wormhole was fantastic and gripping. Sisko was pissed and Weyoun was equally as perturbed when it was understood that neither of them was backing down. Weyoun and Sisko to a lesser degree acted semi-cordial when Weyoun offered his phony proposal to limit the Dominion traffic through the wormhole to non-military transports. Weyoun #5 (there clones) started to show his true colors in this episode and its not that I liked his character, its just that he portrays it so beautifully!, just like most of the characters on DS9.
                  It was this episode that I started to watch DS9 when it was on the air. I was bored after working on a Sat and turned the TV on to find this. Ever since I watched DS9 religiously!


                    Originally posted by HirogenGater
                    It was this episode that I started to watch DS9 when it was on the air. I was bored after working on a Sat and turned the TV on to find this. Ever since I watched DS9 religiously!
                    Excellent HG....I always liked DS9 from the beginning, mainly for the great characters and being a huge Avery Brooks (Sisko) fan plus the fact that the premise of DS9 was different than other Trek series and movies. But when season V aired and especially with the great season-ender they came up with in Call to Arms, I knew I was watching something exciting and special.

                    I knew that DS9 had been renewed to do 2 last seasons half way way through season V, so Braga and the other 'powers that be' could set up the rest of Dominion war storyline without having to rush through it in a 1/2 season. They were given 2 1/2 seasons to let the Dominion arc play out and the end result was brilliant and IMHO the best damn Trek there ever was.
                    the Fifth Race

                    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                      Great season finale episode. A real tense adrenaline pumping type one. I liked the idea that the show wasn't afraid to shake things up and we got to see the Dominion take over the station for quarter of a season which totally change the dynamic of the show. I remember being stunned to see it end on such a note.


                        Originally posted by Wolf Eire
                        Great season finale episode. A real tense adrenaline pumping type one. I liked the idea that the show wasn't afraid to shake things up and we got to see the Dominion take over the station for quarter of a season which totally change the dynamic of the show. I remember being stunned to see it end on such a note.
                        Agreed brother Wolf, the way they wrote the storyline with the Dominion and Cardassians taking over DS9 or as the Cardassians called it 'Tarack Nor', the whole mining of the wormhole with cloaked self replicating mines was a stroke of genius. Especially with leaving Kira, Odo, Quark, Rom and Jake behind to start a new resistance cell.

                        Good to seeing you back on the DS9 thread Wolf, hope to see more of you on here my friend!.


                          Originally posted by Wolf Eire
                          Great season finale episode. A real tense adrenaline pumping type one. I liked the idea that the show wasn't afraid to shake things up and we got to see the Dominion take over the station for quarter of a season which totally change the dynamic of the show. I remember being stunned to see it end on such a note.
                          Welcome back to the DS9 thread brother Wolf, good to see you again my friend. Like brother Base and you said the story arc with the Cardassians and the Dominion taking over DS9 was brilliant. I also agree with Base about leaving Kira, Odo, Jake, Quark and Rom behind enhanced and worked well with the storyline. Kira was particularly good while DS9 was temporarily taken over.
                          the Fifth Race

                          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                            Season VI of DS9 episode discussion....
                            Episodes 1 & 2 (II parter)

                            A Time to Stand
                            Several months into their war against the Dominion/Cardassian alliance, the Federation is fighting a losing battle. Having long ago abandoned Deep Space Nine, Sisko and his crew have been taking on the enemy from the U.S.S. Defiant. But they grow more and more demoralized as fleets of promised reinforcements are demolished. Reacting to the heavy losses, Federation Admiral Ross informs Sisko that he is no longer in command of the Defiant.
                            Ross soon reveals that the crew's new mission is to destroy the main Alpha Quadrant storage facility of ketracel-white, the drug to which the Jem'Hadar are genetically addicted. Without it, they will die. Ross reveals that he has a secret weapon to help them infiltrate Cardassian territory — a Jem'Hadar attack ship Sisko captured the year before.

                            The crew soon embarks in the alien vessel. Unfortunately, the headsets used for piloting are painful for humans, and Sisko struggles with intense headaches. Suggesting Cardassian physiology may be more compatible, Garak volunteers to wear the headset, further proving his loyalty to Sisko. Meanwhile, Nog delivers some bad news — a Federation ship, the Centaur, is firing on them.

                            Unable to identify themselves, Sisko suggests heading into Cardassian space in hopes that the Centaur will not follow. When the Federation captain doesn't give up, Sisko orders O'Brien to fire at his weapons array. The Centaur turns back toward Federation space, and the crew soon realizes why — three Jem'Hadar warships are approaching. Luckily, the enemy passes them without incident. Sisko discovers from where the ships came — the asteroid where the ketracel-white is stored. O'Brien sends down empty canisters to be "filled," with a bomb hidden inside one of them. Just as they prepare to leave, the facility raises its safety net, trapping the ship.

                            Sisko realizes that the explosion will disable net before it hits them, meaning they have a chance to outrun the blast. They prepare to leave when the explosion hits early! The crew is able to ride the "wave" to safety, and the facility is successfully destroyed. However, the ship has been left without warp drive — and more than 17 years from the nearest Federation Starbase.

                            Rocks and Shoals
                            Traveling in a crippled Jem'Hadar warship, Sisko and his crew enter an uncharted nebula. They crash in the ocean of a desolate planet, and Dax is seriously wounded. Bashir stabilizes Dax's condition, after which the group takes shelter in a cave. Later, while Garak and Nog are searching for food and water, they are captured by Jem'Hadar soldiers who also crashed on the barren world.
                            Garak and Nog are taken to Keevan, the badly wounded Vorta leader of the stranded Jem'Hadar. When Garak reveals there is a doctor in their group, Keevan orders his soldiers, led by Remata'Klan, to locate the Starfleet unit without engaging them in battle. Meanwhile, Sisko and the crew try to locate their missing comrades. They are spotted by the Jem'Hadar who, ignoring Keevan's instructions, open fire.

                            Remata'Klan frantically orders his soldiers to lower their weapons. The Jem'Hadar retreat, and Keevan gives Remata'Klan a new mission. Soon afterward, he arrives at the Starfleet camp and reveals to Sisko that Garak and Nog are being held as prisoners. Keevan wants to trade them for Sisko and Bashir, and after Remata'Klan gives his word that no one will be harmed, Sisko agrees.

                            Sisko and Bashir soon learn that they were summoned to save Keevan's life. Once the Vorta's condition improves, he reveals that his Jem'Hadar group has been marooned. Unfortunately, he has only one vial of ketracel-white, the drug used to control the Jem'Hadar, left to give them. The soldiers are already suffering from withdrawal, and once the drug is completely gone, they will go insane and kill everyone. To stop this, he will order his troops to attack the Starfleet base camp — but will provide Sisko with their plans. This will enable the Jem'Hadar to be ambushed and killed, Keevan to surrender and O'Brien to repair Keevan's communication system. Sisko is disgusted that Keevan will turn against his men to save himself, but sees no other choice.

                            At dawn, Remata'Klan and his men are trapped by the Starfleet crew, but Sisko offers to help the group escape. Remata'Klan refuses to surrender, explaining that as a Jem'Hadar he has no choice but to follow Keevan's command. Sadly, Sisko orders his crew to proceed, and the Jem'Hadar troops are massacred. The communication equipment is repaired, and Worf answers their call for help.


                            A Time to Stand and Rocks and Shoals were both great episodes (II parter) following the storyline from a Call to Arms. What a great way to kick off season VI!. The plan is to attack the only Ket'ra Cel White factory in the Alpha Quadrant so the Jem Ha'Dar will be cut off from there supply and eventually die off. The plan is a success while the Defiant barely escapes but loses there main warp drive and is stuck in Dominion space limping back home. Then in Rocks and Shoals we get the Defiant being attacked and forced into a nebula that hides a planet they crash in to. There is a Vorta and group of Jem Ha'Dar also marooned on the planet that are running out of Ket'ra Cel White. The Vorta is dying from injuries and is in need of a Dr. badly, so he makes a deal by capturing Nog and Garak and offers an exchange for Dr. Bashir's services to which Sisko and Bashir meet the injured Vorta and while Bashir fixes the Vorta up he makes an offer to Sisko knowing that he is about to run out of Ket'ra Cel White which in turn will lead the Jem Ha'Dar to kill everyone in a rage. We get another great look into the whole Jem Ha'Dar culture and learn that they aren't as dumb as first thought. Two truly great episodes to the start of season VI.
                            Last edited by the Fifth Race; 06 July 2006, 11:51 PM.
                            the Fifth Race

                            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                              Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                              A Time to Stand and Rocks and Shoals were both great episodes (II parter) following the storyline from a Call to Arms. What a great way to kick off season VI!. The plan is to attack the only Ket'ra Cel White factory in the Alpha Quadrant so the Jem Ha'Dar will be cut off from there supply and eventually die off. The plan is a success while the Defiant barely escapes but loses there main warp drive and is stuck in Dominion space limping back home. Then in Rocks and Shoals we get the Defiant being attacked and forced into a nebula that hides a planet they crash in to. There is a Vorta and group of Jem Ha'Dar also marooned on the planet that are running out of Ket'ra Cel White. The Vorta is dying from injuries and is in need of a Dr. badly, so he makes a deal by capturing Nog and Garak and offers an exchange for Dr. Bashir's services to which Sisko and Bashir meet the injured Vorta and while Bashir fixes the Vorta up he makes an offer to Sisko knowing that he is about to run out of Ket'ra Cel White which in turn will lead the Jem Ha'Dar to kill everyone in a rage. We get another great look into the whole Jem Ha'Dar culture and learn that they aren't as dumb as first thought. Two truly great episodes to the start of season VI.
                              Ahhhhh, the greatness that is season 6 of DS9. A Time to Stand and Rocks and Shoals were two great episodes that did continue the end of the season 5 Dominion storyline. It does fast forward a few months from the end of season 5 where Sisko and crew with the Defiant have been fighting a losing battle with the Dominion when Adm. Ross comes up with the plan to destroy the only KetreCel White factory in the Alpha Quadrant, which IMO was a stroke of genius. We got to see the inside of Dominion attack vessel with good ole Garak helping out invaluably, then after successfully completing there mission they get stranded on a planet with a group of stranded Jem'Hadar and like Fifth said we get another interesting look into the inner workings of the Dominion heirarchy. Sisko's willingness to try and help the Jem'Hadar behind the Vorta's back was dumb and showed a side of Sisko where to much honor can get you into to trouble in certain circumstances.


                                2 Genius eps. I loved "Rocks and Shoals" especially, not just because we got such an insight into the Dominion's culture (as you both said) but because of Keevan. Whoever the actor was, or maybe it was the writing, but the guy was just so easy to hate! He was one of the characters i kind hated through and through for using the Jem'Hadar like that (which we talked about a little bit ago).. unlike Weyoun where i loved to hate him 'cause he was just so dang cunning and smart...
                                Man... i really hate Keevan. If i met the guy in real life i'd give him a thorough beating...

                                Btw, i've got an amazing video on youtube to show you guys when we get to "Favour the Bold"... I watched the eps the other day and it was amazing, but this music video is immense. i think you folks'll like it!!

                                The center of Khlysty surrounds me

