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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by Starbase
    We miss you around Morbo.

    By the way, Happy Birthday, I'm sending you some green


      Originally posted by Missster.Freeman
      Ah yes, you're 100% correct. I was just about to post and say that Riker had appeared in all four - TNG, DS9, VOY and First Contact. I had forgot about the Enterprise finale.

      The Voyager episode Riker briefly appeared in was "Death Wish." He was wisked aboard by Q2 to testify for him in his hearing.
      Good call indeed MF, I knew Riker appeared in all the (modern) series including VOY and ENT. Jonathan Frakes is a Star Trek icon, like brother Starbase said Frakes did a lot of directing and even wrote some episode storylines for TNG, DS9 and Voyager. Levar Burton (Geordi) also did some directing and writing for the various Trek series as well.

      Originally posted by Morbo
      i miss this thread
      We miss you as well Morbo, and a happy belated B-Day.
      the Fifth Race

      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


        A very small, slightly off topic point about the DS-9 DVDs.

        On the last disk of the season 6 set, there are extras. With most DVD sets these are interviews and documentaries that are rather long. And while there are a few substantive pieces with each "last disk" there are also these very cool hidden files which are just hot spots on the station outline. These short filmed interview and clip segments are terrific and once you know they are there, easy to share.......


          Originally posted by kmiller1610
          On the last disk of the season 6 set, there are extras. With most DVD sets these are interviews and documentaries that are rather long. And while there are a few substantive pieces with each "last disk" there are also these very cool hidden files which are just hot spots on the station outline. These short filmed interview and clip segments are terrific and once you know they are there, easy to share.......
          I agree kmiller, Star Trek and DS9 in particular do a great job on there whole packaging on there box sets including extras.

          The interviews are especially sweet, they do a good job of asking informative and interesting questions. I love when the actors talk about there fellow actors or the characters they portray, great stuff!
          the Fifth Race

          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


            Episodes 17 & 18 of DS9 season V.....

            A Simple Investigation
            In Quark's, Odo meets a beautiful woman named Arissa and is impressed by her powers of observation. Later, he is surprised when the same woman is arrested for trying to break into the station's computer. Odo questions her about the man she was waiting for in Quark's — an Idanian named Tauvid Rem. Arissa tells Odo Tauvid has information about the daughter she gave up fifteen years before. Odo takes her to Tauvid's quarters, where they discover he has been killed.
            Soon afterward, Odo catches Arissa retrieving a datacrystal Tauvid hid. She admits to Odo that she doesn't really have a daughter, and tells him that she came to meet with Tauvid because she wants to escape working for the Orion Syndicate — a notorious criminal organization. Her boss, a man named Draim, probably had Tauvid killed to keep her from getting the unknown information contained in the crystal.

            Odo hides Arissa in his quarters as he begins an investigation, while Dax and O'Brien attempt to access the heavily protected datacrystal. Arissa tells Odo how she began to work for Draim, only to want out when she learned the deadly consequences her assignments meant for others. Odo encourages her to testify against Draim and take back her life. That night, he returns to his quarters, where the two of them give in to their growing attraction to each other.

            After spending a passionate night with Odo, Arissa sends a message to Draim proposing an exchange — the crystal for her life. Draim agrees, but instructs his hit men, Traidy and Sorm, to kill her after the crystal is retrieved. Meanwhile, an Idanian official arrives, informing Odo that Arissa is not who she appears to be, but actually an Idanian agent given a new identity in order to infiltrate Draim's organization. Even Arissa does not know this, since her memory has been erased. The crystal contains all of her real memories. The Idanian asks to be taken to Arissa, and Odo quickly complies — only to find both the woman and the crystal missing.

            Arissa prepares to give Traidy the Crystal in exchange for her life. But just as he and Sorm try to ambush her, Odo and the Idanian save Arissa. Later, her memories and true appearance are restored. She and Odo then meet one last, painful time, after which Arissa returns to her married life — and Odo is left brokenhearted.

            Business as Usual
            Quark's cousin Gaila arrives at the station with a business proposition. He offers a piece of his weapon-selling business to Quark — which would pay off all of Quark's debts within a month. But the best part is Quark will technically not be breaking the law. Instead, he will be in charge of "hospitality," showing customers a good time and allowing them to test harmless replicas of their offerings in his holosuites. Once Quark agrees, Gaila introduces him to his associate, Hagath, who takes to Quark immediately, but warns the Ferengi never to cross him. Soon, the trio is in business, and Quark is making more latinum than he ever imagined.
            Odo learns of Quark's activities and arrests his nemesis. But the Bajorans have him released because Hagath and Gaila gave them arms during the Cardassian resistance. Later, Quark is present when Hagath fires Farrakk, an associate who has been performing substandard work. Quark is shocked when Gaila later reveals that Hagath had him killed, reminding Quark that he must never go against his new boss.

            The pressure builds when the Regent of Palamar, a very important client, arrives to do business with Hagath, but Quark impresses Hagath with his preparations. The Regent requests weapons to kill millions, and while Gaila and Hagath immediately begin to determine what will do the job most effectively, Quark is horrified. He later confides this to Gaila, who reminds his cousin of the money to be made, not to mention the fact that Hagath will kill him if he blows this deal.

            Quark, having been alienated by Sisko, Dax and everyone else because of his arms dealings, lets his conscience get the better of him and realizes that he must do something. He decides that he has to stop Hagath, even if he must sacrifice his own life in order to save millions of others.

            Having delayed the transaction with the Regent, Quark brings General Nassuc, the Regent's enemy, to the station, also to buy arms — and supposedly to double their profits. In actuality, however, Quark arranges for Nassuc to "accidentally" encounter the Regent — and disappears before the fireworks begin. Gaila and Hagath flee with Nassuc in pursuit, and the Regent is killed. Quark has escaped with his life — and all of his debts paid.


            A Simple Investigation was a rather interesting stand alone episode, we get Odo and a love interest Arissa (I love that name). This was a decent episode in my book. Seeing Odo lovestruck was good stuff and story surrounding the datacrystal and Arissa's past was entertaining.

            I loved Business as Usual!, Best stand alone episode of season V. Quark gets involved in selling weapons which alienates him even more from everyone on DS9. Quark becomes wary of where his new found success selling weapons is taking him and comes up with an ingenious plan to get out of that and his debts, it's risky but works pretty well.
            the Fifth Race

            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


              Originally posted by the Fifth Race
              A Simple Investigation was a rather interesting stand alone episode, we get Odo and a love interest Arissa (I love that name). This was a decent episode in my book. Seeing Odo lovestruck was good stuff and story surrounding the datacrystal and Arissa's past was entertaining.
              I couldn't get into this episode to much, it wasn't a bad episode but it wasn't a good stand alone for season V.

              Originally posted by the Fifth Race
              I loved Business as Usual!, Best stand alone episode of season V. Quark gets involved in selling weapons which alienates him even more from everyone on DS9. Quark becomes wary of where his new found success selling weapons is taking him and comes up with an ingenious plan to get out of that and his debts, it's risky but works pretty well.
              This by far one of favorite stand alones from all seasons of DS9! as well as being my favorite Quark episode. It showed a side of Quark that was more human than Ferengi. I think living among Huumon's changed Quark for the better. Watching Quark twist and turn uncomfortable when he had to face the ridicule of fellow DS9 brethren after they learned that he had become an arms dealer selling to both sides of the fence. The scene where Sisko shows utter contempt for Quark after he learns of Quarks new job selling arms made Quark feel quilty and ashamed. But in typical Ferengi fashion Quark found away out of it while managing to clear his debts and not get killed.


                Originally posted by Starbase
                This by far one of favorite stand alones from all seasons of DS9! as well as being my favorite Quark episode. It showed a side of Quark that was more human than Ferengi. I think living among Huumon's changed Quark for the better. Watching Quark twist and turn uncomfortable when he had to face the ridicule of fellow DS9 brethren after they learned that he had become an arms dealer selling to both sides of the fence. The scene where Sisko shows utter contempt for Quark after he learns of Quarks new job selling arms made Quark feel guilty and ashamed. But in typical Ferengi fashion Quark found away out of it while managing to clear his debts and not get killed.
                I am right with you brother Base!, Quark was fantastic in this dedicated stand alone. Quarks ability to come up with schemes to make money or to purchase goods in downright brilliant and always funny. Shimerman played the Quark character so darn well whether he was playing it serious or as a goof ball.

                I wish we would have gotten more Ferengi's visit Earth episodes other than the one where Quark, Rom and Nog crash land on Earth circa. 1942.
                the Fifth Race

                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                  I am frankly hoping that someone in Paramount decides to put a fan collection together and call it Ferengi - Master Entreprenuers. (just kidding - it will never happen, but I really like the Ferengi as Entreprenuer eps and tend to dislike the Frenegi in love eps) Quark is such a great character and seems to always nearly have to pay for being such an opportunist and escape artist.

                  On a related subject, are there any Trek sites that have an episode databse which is searchable by topic?


                    Originally posted by kmiller1610
                    I am frankly hoping that someone in Paramount decides to put a fan collection together and call it Ferengi - Master Entreprenuers. (just kidding - it will never happen, but I really like the Ferengi as Entreprenuer eps and tend to dislike the Frenegi in love eps) Quark is such a great character and seems to always nearly have to pay for being such an opportunist and escape artist.
                    Thats a great idea kmiller, I wouldn't be surprised if they put together a Ferengi dedicated box set, I know I will buy one.

                    I think the houdini act Quark pulls off regulary is by design. The Ferengi are a very particular race, there egocentric, paranoid racists and completely driven by the Ferengi's favorite word Profit. Quark gets himself into trouble because he is a risk junkie, thats another Ferengi credo "there is no profit without risk". It's part of Quarks charm, afterall he became a battender then a bar owner because, and I quote "drunk customers have loose tongues, and loose tongues equals profit".


                      Originally posted by kmiller1610
                      I am frankly hoping that someone in Paramount decides to put a fan collection together and call it Ferengi - Master Entreprenuers. (just kidding - it will never happen, but I really like the Ferengi as Entreprenuer eps and tend to dislike the Frenegi in love eps) Quark is such a great character and seems to always nearly have to pay for being such an opportunist and escape artist.
                      I have a feeling these new "fan collective" box sets they have been releasing lately will be very popular (I read that the early pre-orders and sales have been very good). I know brother Base and myself have ordered all 5 of the new ones. They will probably come out with a handful of different ones eventually, I would definetly buy a Ferengi fan collective box set, a Romulan fan collective box set and any other one they come up with.
                      the Fifth Race

                      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                        Originally posted by Starbase
                        I think the houdini act Quark pulls off regulary is by design. The Ferengi are a very particular race, there egocentric, paranoid racists and completely driven by the Ferengi's favorite word Profit. Quark gets himself into trouble because he is a risk junkie, thats another Ferengi credo "there is no profit without risk". It's part of Quarks charm, afterall he became a battender then a bar owner because, and I quote "drunk customers have loose tongues, and loose tongues equals profit".
                        So true!, Quark took a lot of risk because he knew that profit was to be had. I think Quark also enjoyed to take risks as well, he had a knack for getting himself into dangerous situations whether he tried or not.

                        I definetly want a Quark fan collective box set.
                        the Fifth Race

                        Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                          Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                          I have a feeling these new "fan collective" box sets they have been releasing lately will be very popular
                          I got the Borg set and since I do not own ANY Trek TV on DVD, I was quite appreciative of the set. The commentary on the Enterprise Borg ep was pretty interesting albeit quite defensive.


                            Originally posted by kmiller1610
                            I got the Borg set and since I do not own ANY Trek TV on DVD, I was quite appreciative of the set. The commentary on the Enterprise Borg ep was pretty interesting albeit quite defensive.
                            Yup, that's why I love these things to. Although some of the Klingon eps wouldn't have been my choice, I still can't wait to get that set. Only got Time Travel so far, but I'll pick up Borg and Q eventually.....It's hard to choose between these and starting a Stargate collection with the slim packs.


                              I still haven't gotten the "fan collective" box sets I ordered yet The Borg and Q ones look the most interesting. Brother David (Fifth Race) and I made some of our own "fan collective" DVD's a few years back when he got a DVD-R burner. We actually made a best of Q set and a personal favorite episode set of DVDs for TNG. We planned on making some best of DVDs for all the Trek series but we kind of lost our motivation . After doing this DS9 season by season episode discussion we are in the middle of, I will probably make a best of DS9 DVD set when we finish.


                                Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                                Yup, that's why I love these things to. Although some of the Klingon eps wouldn't have been my choice, I still can't wait to get that set. Only got Time Travel so far, but I'll pick up Borg and Q eventually.....It's hard to choose between these and starting a Stargate collection with the slim packs.
                                The Borg and Q ones are awesome Trek_Girl!, two of the best things about TNG were the Borg and Q, personally I never get tired of watching any episode with either of them involved in it.

                                Originally posted by Starbase
                                Brother David (Fifth Race) and I made some of our own "fan collective" DVDs a few years back when he got a DVD-R burner. We actually made a best of Q set and a personal favorite episode set of DVDs for TNG. We planned on making some best of DVDs for all the Trek series but we kind of lost our motivation. After doing this DS9 season by season episode discussion we are in the middle of, I will probably make a best of DS9 DVD set when we finish.
                                I was thinking about those DVDs we made with the best of TNG when these fan collective DVDs became available. I am pretty sure they had all the TNG Q and Borg episodes on them.
                                the Fifth Race

                                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom

