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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    I just have a low tolerance for cheesy shows. Its also why I can't stomach Doctor Who
    I guess I like Cheesy shows, I like a good mix. Doctor Who, Eureka...Good Stuff!

    Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
    Well I'm off to see the movie. I have avoided all major spoilers and am ready.
    I'm jealous, all my friends saw it yesterday but it was my 5 year wedding anniversary so I was out for obvious reasons. I'm planning on catching a Saturday matinee if possible! Can't wait!!!



      Originally posted by Spimman View Post
      I guess I like Cheesy shows, I like a good mix. Doctor Who, Eureka...Good Stuff!

      I'm jealous, all my friends saw it yesterday but it was my 5 year wedding anniversary so I was out for obvious reasons. I'm planning on catching a Saturday matinee if possible! Can't wait!!!

      it is an enjoyable movie, you (and davis) will enjoy it a lot.
      Oh jel.... well it's not a final, just a final paper and to compare TOS to Dr. who!!! you are a bigger heathen than I thought! Dr.who, I always found just plain stupid!


        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
        it is an enjoyable movie, you (and davis) will enjoy it a lot.
        Oh jel.... well it's not a final, just a final paper and to compare TOS to Dr. who!!! you are a bigger heathen than I thought! Dr.who, I always found just plain stupid!
        The fact remains while you are doing work this weekend I will be a couch potatoe.
        And I don't care if you want to call me a heathen. I don't like the TOS.
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          No Doctor Who comment. Not gonna do it.

          It opens down here in the sunny Caribbean on Wednesday, I think. If I'm lucky, I can get a double feature with Wolverine!

          Edit: it actually opens tonight! I love same day! On the other hand, the last same day movie I saw was X-Men 3... and that wasn't that too good on my stomach. I'll watch it tomorrow.
          Last edited by nx01a; 08 May 2009, 12:02 PM.
          More fun @ Spoofgate!


            Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
            *shudders* kids today heathens the lot of them... wouldn't know good scifi if it bit them on their ascots the 90210 generation doesn't have a clue! oh was that in my outloud voice? Gee I sound like my Dad used to
            Haha. What can I say? WoK just doesn't hold up that well in my eyes. I'm definitely not saying it's a bad movie, but I don't find it very satisfying on the entertainment level.

            Saavik wasn't that great of a character to me (and she became downright horrible when she was played by Robin Curtis). Kahn, even though he is 'genetically superior', is blinded by revenge.

            I'd gladly take Voyage Home or Undiscovered Country over WoK.
            "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
            DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


              Originally posted by CarsonsKitty View Post
              has anyone here watched Fringe?

              that is a weird show... kinda like a new X-Files
              I watch and enjoy Fringe. I am very much looking forward to the guest appearance of a certain actor in the season finale.

              *avoids movie spoilers* I plan to go to the theater tomorrow. I'm crossing my fingers that it's good...or at least not really bad....


                Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
                I watch and enjoy Fringe. I am very much looking forward to the guest appearance of a certain actor in the season finale.
                Hey there Lady Mariel, always good to see you. I just read a last week that Fox decided to re-new Fringe for another season. Which means I will buy the first season DVD Box Set and give the show another try.
                Originally posted by marielabbott
                I plan to go to the theater tomorrow. I'm crossing my fingers that it's good...or at least not really bad....
                Sweet!, please give us your critique when you can.
                the Fifth Race

                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                  Originally posted by Alder
                  My dad has been asked on a 'boy's night out' tomorrow to see it. I'm a little concerned at what his reaction may be...

                  He said if it's any good, he'll take me. So we'll see.
                  I was supposed to go see the new Trek flick on "boys night out" myself. I'm hoping I get around to seeing it early next week.
                  Originally posted by Alder
                  [Note: that's the dad who chose TOS over getting a maths qualification at night school. So this'll be interesting...]
                  LOL. Your pop's sounds like my kind of guy Lady Alder.
                  the Fifth Race

                  Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                    Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                    I was supposed to go see the new Trek flick on "boys night out" myself. I'm hoping I get around to seeing it early next week.
                    I'll probably go see it with my brother next Friday. It has been far too long since he's seen anything Trek related... (pretty sure the last Trek thing he saw was Insurrection in 1998! )
                    "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                    DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                      Originally posted by Alan Wake
                      Why not see it in the theaters ?
                      Unless it is something I am dying to see its not worth the time and money to see it at the cinema. The new Trek movie just doesn't fit into that category for me. I can wait a month to see it
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                        I was supposed to go see the new Trek flick on "boys night out" myself. I'm hoping I get around to seeing it early next week.

                        LOL. Your pop's sounds like my kind of guy Lady Alder.
                        I'm going to ask for reviews from all of them - it'll be two guys who remember TOS from the beginning and two who don't...

                        It's basically his fault I like sci-fi so much. He's currently working his way through my 4400 DVDs right now. Then he's threatening to start SG-1 from the beginning again...I think he has O'Neill withdrawal symptoms...


                          DS9 Season IV Episode Discussion
                          Episode #78 Rejoined

                          While I would have nothing at all against a Star Trek story that deals with homosexual issues, this is not really the focus of "Rejoined." This episode is a love story--plain and simple--and it's one of Trek's better love stories. It has a fresh Trill twist that proves to be a very effective storytelling conduit. (Leave all the Trill manipulation up to Rene Echevarria, DS9's resident expert on Trill customs and culture.)

                          A brilliant Trill scientist, Dr. Lenara Kahn (Susanna Thompson), comes to the station to test some possibly ground-breaking research: the attempted formation of an artificial wormhole. Dax knew Kahn in a previous life--they were, in fact, married. At that time, Dax was Torias Dax and Kahn was Linale Kahn. Torias, however, died in a shuttle accident, leaving Linale a widow. The Dax symbiont was passed to a new host, and Dax never saw Kahn again...until now, several host lifetimes later.

                          And in the present, there is room only for discomfort. One of Trill's strongest taboos forbids "reassociations"--that is, the active pursuit of reestablishing intimate relationships from past lifetimes. The taboo makes sense from what we know about Trills; since each host is supposed to lead its own life and live new experiences, it stands to reason that turning around and living and old life a second time would be counterproductive to a symbiont's interests. Furthermore, pursuing a reassociation is grounds for exile from the Trill homeworld, and means the symbiont would die with its host since it would not be able to be joined again.

                          So Kahn and Dax find themselves reunited for the first time in generations, and it takes neither of them much time to realize they still have feelings for one another. "Rejoined" isn't about whether or not they have these feelings, it's about what they choose to do about it. And the reason this works so well as a character show is because it feels like rational people trying to make rational decisions. There isn't excessive plot getting in the way here, which is refreshing.

                          From the moment the two set foot in the same room everyone is staring at them--as if to make sure they stay out of trouble. In an early formal party scene, the two can't come within five feet of each other without the entire room casting a suspicious eye in their direction. And on the bridge of the Defiant during wormhole experimentation, Lenara's aide Dr. Pren (James Noah) begins to notice what he suspects is a more-than-simply-professional relationship. Pren tells Lenara's brother Bejal (Tim Ryan) what's going on, and this leads to a very sensible and relevant scene where Bejal tries to dissuade his sister from playing with fire.

                          Lenara tells Bejal that there's nothing going on and that she has no intention of allowing anything to come out of her past relationship with Dax. But as she says this it's obvious she's on the fence--that she wants to succumb to her desires but hasn't decided whether she can do it or not.

                          Dax, on the other hand, "with that little bit of rebellious Curzon in her," barely has a doubt about what she intends to do. She wants to throw herself at Lenara even if it means being exiled from Trill and causing her symbiont to be condemned to die when she dies. Dax goes to Sisko for advice, which leads to a scene that really hits home where Sisko forcefully reminds Dax that a Trill's most important responsibility is safeguarding the best interests of the symbiont. This scene is the show's best--it highlights what an asset the Sisko/Dax relationship can be to the series. When Dax tells Sisko that she didn't come to him for a lecture, Sisko's response "You came here for advice from a friend, and that's exactly what you're getting," is perfect in both delivery and content. It goes a long way to highlighting the severity of the consequences Jadzia would face should she go through with this. When she does indeed decide to pursue it, it feels like a dynamic and refreshing turn of the character, and allows Terry Farrell to display more depth than she is often permitted in plot-driven episodes.

                          The question becomes whether or not Lenara is willing to face the consequences. Simply put, she isn't. She wants to be with Dax, but the price for going against the custom is just too high for her to deal with
                          The interesting thing about "Rejoined" is how all of this comes together and what all of the characters represent. Dr. Pren is the character who believes in the custom. Jadzia is the one who wants to thwart it. Lenara wants the benefits of thwarting it, but can't accept the punishments. In complicated issues as such, all of these sides exist. Avery Brooks' direction of these complex characters feels right on target.

                          As for the much-ballyhooed kiss: It's not what this show rides on. "Rejoined" is about a situation and how the characters deal with it. Those who see the show as "my god--two women are kissing" are completely missing the point. I think the kiss was put in there simply as a contemporary metaphor to get the point across of how the reassociation is taboo in Trill culture. Obviously (as demonstrated by the dialogue between Kira and Bashir), no one in the 24th century has a problem with same-sex relationships.

                          "Rejoined" isn't a particularly ground-breaking hour in the way it ultimately affects the characters or the series. Instead, it's an example of plausible, compelling, character-driven storytelling. The characters drive the plot instead of the plot driving the characters. The result is an episode that feels dramatically real and believable. I give it a solid 7.2 rating.
                          The USS Defiant Rocks!


                            I need to hurry up and catch up to you, USS Defiant =).

                            I started season 2 today. Great start with "The Homecoming"/"The Siege"/"The Circle". I really like Bajoran story arcs as well. Why does Kira keep getting hit in the left shoulder? LOL.

                            I can't wait for season 3 when Ronald D. Moore comes on board. I checked IMDB and it doesn't look like he writes many episodes for DS9, how much of an impact did he have? I love RDM!


                              I gotta say folks, that whole pesky 'respecting others' DOES extend to real people outside of the stargate fandon adn definitely extends to real people. Hate their work all you want but you will NOT threaten them or wish they'd die or anything like that.

                              Folks, IT'S A MOVIE

                              You don't like it, don't watch it. You can certainly express that opinion, but you need to do so with respect. Just like those of you that like it, respect the opinions of those that don't.
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by gopher65 View Post
                                Yup. We tend not to troll too much on this thread, and heated discussions have a way of eventually just ending with everyone wandering away to cool down rather than turning into flame wars. That's why it's approaching 10,000 posts instead of being locked.
                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                I gotta say folks, that whole pesky 'respecting others' DOES extend to real people outside of the stargate fandon adn definitely extends to real people. Hate their work all you want but you will NOT threaten them or wish they'd die or anything like that.

                                Folks, IT'S A MOVIE

                                You don't like it, don't watch it. You can certainly express that opinion, but you need to do so with respect. Just like those of you that like it, respect the opinions of those that don't.
                                Oh, the irony... Gopher, you jinxed the thread!!!

