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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    I think the closest we have to Tivo over here is Sky+ Fifth. It's an integrated digital recorder and satelitte receiver. The digital box has a built-in hard disk, and programmes can be set to record through the interface. There is a digital sci-fi channel, but it doesn't have sci-fi premiers like the US version. Nearly all new and continuing series are premiered on Sky1.

    Re: The Hannibal docu-drama. I'm fairly certain that there will be a DVD release. Oh by the way, if you're able to receive BBC America, it probably will be shown there. Or perhaps it might be aired on a History channel at some time.
    "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


      Originally posted by Missster.Freeman
      I think the closest we have to Tivo over here is Sky+ Fifth. It's an integrated digital recorder and satelitte receiver. The digital box has a built-in hard disk, and programmes can be set to record through the interface. There is a digital sci-fi channel, but it doesn't have sci-fi premiers like the US version. Nearly all new and continuing series are premiered on Sky1.
      That sounds just like Tivo, I suppose you have to pay a fairly small monthly fee to cover the daily uploads of scheduling information of shows?.

      The first week I had Tivo (about 3 years ago) I realized this is greatest damn invention for television ever!. No fumbling and pre-programming of VCR's, superior picture quality, the ability to go through 5 minutes of commercials in about 3 seconds, and whole bevy of other great features.....(my Tivo box even has a built in DVD recorder so I can save recorded stuff onto a DVD if I please ) truly spoils you and makes your whole television viewing experience 100X better.

      Originally posted by Missster.Freeman
      Re: The Hannibal docu-drama. I'm fairly certain that there will be a DVD release. Oh by the way, if you're able to receive BBC America, it probably will be shown there. Or perhaps it might be aired on a History channel at some time.
      Fortunately I do get BBC America and few other BBC channels with my digital package I have with ComCast cable. I will definetly look for that show thanx to the heads up from my fellow GW and DS9 thread brothers across the pond in the UK.
      the Fifth Race

      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


        Originally posted by the Fifth Race
        The first week I had Tivo (about 3 years ago) I realized this is greatest damn invention for television ever!. No fumbling and pre-programming of VCR's, superior picture quality, the ability to go through 5 minutes of commercials in about 3 seconds, and whole bevy of other great features.....(my Tivo box even has a built in DVD recorder so I can save recorded stuff onto a DVD if I please ) truly spoils you and makes your whole television viewing experience 100X better.
        I resisted getting a Tivo DVR box myself, it wasn't till brother Fifth bought my wife and I one for X-Mas a couple of years ago that my eyes were opened up. Like Fifth said, after the first week I was in love and my TV viewing has never been better. I love the 'season pass' option so all you have to do is pre-set your favorite shows once and it recordes them for you every week till you un-program it. It also has a back-tracking option built in where when you fast forward through the commercials (lightening fast) it automatically cues up the show you are watching to right when the last commercial ends and your show comes back on, brilliant!. It also has what they call 'smart technology' built into the Tivo box where it knows the type's and genre of shows you like to watch (ie. scifi, sitcoms, sports , news...etc...) and it records similar shows for you without you having to preset it.


          Originally posted by Starbase
          I resisted getting a Tivo DVR box myself, it wasn't till brother Fifth bought my wife and I one for X-Mas a couple of years ago that my eyes were opened up. Like Fifth said, after the first week I was in love and my TV viewing has never been better. I love the 'season pass' option so all you have to do is pre-set your favorite shows once and it recordes them for you every week till you un-program it. It also has a back-tracking option built in where when you fast forward through the commercials (lightening fast) it automatically cues up the show you are watching to right when the last commercial ends and your show comes back on, brilliant!. It also has what they call 'smart technology' built into the Tivo box where it knows the type's and genre of shows you like to watch (ie. scifi, sitcoms, sports , news...etc...) and it records similar shows for you without you having to preset it.
          Wow.....*stares around wildly* has the time of Star Trek come already?

          *returns to dreaming of tivo*

          If I had one of those, I don't I'd ever do anything else though.


            (IMHO) It is boring people to death!


              Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
              Wow.....*stares around wildly* has the time of Star Trek come already?

              *returns to dreaming of tivo*

              If I had one of those, I don't I'd ever do anything else though.
              LOL...actually I spend less time watching TV, because I do not have pre-set a VCR everyday with only 6 or 8 hours of space to use. I got a 100 hours of memory on mine so I can save up all my favorite shows for whatever day or time I have a chance to watch them.

              They are so dirt cheap as well. A box with 40 hours of memory is $100, 80hrs is $200. And the monthly service to upload your daily digital on screen TV guide is $12 a month.
              the Fifth Race

              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                LOL...actually I spend less time watching TV, because I do not have pre-set a VCR everyday with only 6 or 8 hours of space to use. I got a 100 hours of memory on mine so I can save up all my favorite shows for whatever day or time I have a chance to watch them.
                Me too, I let my Tivo box get loaded up with a few weeks worth of stuff (with the exception of a few shows) then sit down and dedicate a day long television marathon to catching up on my favorites.

                Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                They are so dirt cheap as well. A box with 40 hours of memory is $100, 80hrs is $200. And the monthly service to upload your daily digital on screen TV guide is $12 a month.
                The box I got from you is 80hrs which is plenty of memory space, I have never filled it all the way up, yet.

                Have you seen the new Tivo boxes in your latest monthly newsletter brother Fifth?. It an 80hr box that can also record 2 shows at the same time on different channels. Not sure if I would ever have a need for that option. But it sounds pretty sweet!.


                  Ok time to start season V episode. I am going to it a little differently by putting all the episodes up for discussion instead of my hand picked favorites. Season V is loaded with great episodes and developing storylines that make each episode worthy.

                  I will list the 2 episodes at a time starting from the beginning of season V from the DS9 box set........

                  Season V of DS9
                  Ep.1) Apocalypse Rising.... Sisko approaches Starfleet Command with Odo's suspicion that Gowron, the Klingon leader, is really one of Odo's people — a Changeling.
                  Sisko is then instructed to expose the Changeling. He is given four emitters that, when set up and activated around the Gowron impersonator, will force him to revert to his gelatinous state. The challenge is getting into Klingon territory while the warrior race is at war with the Federation — not to mention getting four individuals close enough to Gowron to expose him. Bashir solves this problem by surgically altering Sisko, Odo, and O'Brien to look like Klingon's, while slightly altering Worf's appearance so he won't be recognized.

                  The foursome is taken into enemy territory on Gul Dukat's Klingon Bird-of-Prey, while Worf drills the group on Klingon behavior. Dukat also creates Klingon identities for the team and adds them to the list of candidates for the Order of the Bat'leth — an honor that will be bestowed by Gowron himself. The men plan to use their emitters on Gowron during the ceremony. Dukat's ship arrives at their destination, where he leaves Sisko, Odo, O'Brien, and Worf on their own.

                  The Klingons arrive at the Hall of Warriors, where the Ceremony of Commendation has begun. Sisko and the others blend in as best as they can until General Martok — Gowron's right-hand man — arrives, meaning Gowron won't be far behind. They hurry to set up their emitters, but Martok seemingly recognizes O'Brien, who is able to fool Martok into believing they fought side-by-side in battle. No sooner is O'Brien in the clear than a drunken Klingon bumps into Odo, causing him to drop his emitter. Another Klingon picks it up, demanding to know what it is. Worf hurries over and pretends the emitter is a prize from the battle. This is enough to send away the Klingon, just as Gowron enters the hall. Odo attempts to again set up his emitter, but a young Klingon has taken the designated spot. Acting every bit the warrior, Odo makes him move and finally accomplishes his task. Sisko is about to trigger the emitters when his name is called to accept his award. After he does, Sisko steps off the platform and prepares to finally activate the emitters. At that moment, he is knocked to the floor. Martok has recognized him and throws Sisko and the others into a cell.

                  In private, Martok admits to Sisko that he also suspects Gowron has been replaced by a Changeling. Since the emitters have been destroyed, he says Gowron must be killed in order to prove his identity, and leads the four back into the hall. But when Worf attacks Gowron, the Klingon leader insists on fighting one-on-one — behavior typical of a real Klingon. Martok wonders aloud why Sisko doesn't just shoot Gowron, and Odo realizes he has no concept of honor — meaning he must be the real Changeling — and exposes Martok. Everyone fires their weapons at Martok, who promptly turns into goo. Gowron realizes that the Founders misled Odo into thinking he was a spy so that the Federation would eliminate him and allow Martok to take control. But Gowron is still doubtful the war will end, since Klingons never turn back from battle. Still, he agrees to call a temporary cease-fire, and sees that Sisko and the others are delivered safely back to Deep Space Nine.

                  Ep.2) The Ship.... While exploring a Gamma Quadrant world, Sisko, Dax, Worf, O'Brien, and Muniz — one of O'Brien's men — watch as a Jem'Hadar warship crashes into the planet's surface.
                  The ship survives the impact, and Sisko's group finds a way into the alien craft. Once inside, they determine that all aboard are dead, and Sisko — realizes the tactical advantage that could be gained — decides to get the ship back to Deep Space Nine for study. He sends for the U.S.S. Defiant to haul the vessel with its tractor beam, while O'Brien and Muniz try to get the ship's systems on line. However, their work stops when another Jem'Hadar warship appears and destroys their orbiting runabout, killing all of Sisko's crewmembers still aboard.

                  Sisko and the others on the surface flee inside the Jem'Hadar ship for cover. Muniz is wounded, but all make it inside alive. They prepare for the Jem'Hadar soldiers to transport inside and kill them, but no one comes. Instead, a Vorta — the race that the Jem'Hadar serves — named Kilana makes contact and requests a meeting with Sisko outside. Kilana asks him to relinquish the ship, but he refuses. While they talk, a Jem'Hadar soldier secretly materializes aboard the vessel.

                  On the ship, the crew spots a sensor device that wasn't there when they arrived. They then see the Jem'Hadar soldier, and the invader is killed after a brief fight. Since the Jem'Hadar won't attack the vessel, the crew realizes there must be something on-board they want. Meanwhile, Muniz's condition worsens — the bleeding won't stop. O'Brien realizes he is dying. Later, Kilana requests another meeting and offers Sisko the ship in exchange for what she really wants — the item hidden aboard. Sisko refuses, not believing Kilana will really let him take the vessel. Kilana doesn't trust Sisko to bring her the item, so she won't tell him what it is. She then dematerializes, and huge explosions begin rocking the ship. The explosions continue, and Muniz grows weaker. Finally, O'Brien is able to restore main power, giving Sisko hope that they may be able to fly the vessel. They strap Muniz to the bulkhead and attempt to make their move. Unfortunately, an imminent core breach forces Sisko to cut power. O'Brien unstraps Muniz, only to make the horrible realization that his friend is dead. Then, suddenly, Dax notices liquid dripping to the floor. They look up, and see a Changeling.

                  The creature tries to attack Sisko and Dax, but it cannot hold its shape. They realize it is dying — and that this is what the Vorta wants. The Jem'Hadar couldn't attack the ship and risk killing a Founder. As the creature dies, it emits a high-pitched humming sound. Then the sound stops — along with the explosions outside the ship. Kilana then materializes in front of Sisko. They realize that their mistrust has cost two lives — if she had told Sisko about the Founder, he would have let her take the creature before it died. If Sisko had trusted Kilana to come aboard and get what she wanted, he could have taken the ship before Muniz died. He is left to ponder the cost of their mistrust as the Defiant arrives to tow the Jem'Hadar vessel.

                  IMHO, 2 truly great episodes!. From the vivid colors to the much improved special effects. Season V starts off with a bang!.
                  the Fifth Race

                  Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                    Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                    Season V of DS9
                    Ep.1) Apocalypse Rising....
                    What an awesome episode to kick off season V!. This episode set up the whole Dominion invasion and war perfectly. The Dominion have spies all over our quadrant imitating TPTB of our galaxy. Odo very smartly identifies Martok as the changling when everyone thought it was Gowron. This episode shows just how great an actor J.G. Hertzler (Martok) is, he gives us a totally different character than Martok and is very convincing as a changling!. We also got Du'kat being his usual meglomaniac self and Damar being his evil self before he turned into a good guy rebel leader. Damn those Cardassians are so arrogant!.

                    It sure was fun seeing O'Brien, Sisko, Odo as Klingons not to mention Worf who gets altered by Bashir to look like a different Klingon than he already is.

                    Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                    Ep.2) The Ship....
                    We get a first look at how the hierarchy of the Jem Ha'Dar and Vorta work. Sisko and O'Brien were paticulary great in this episode. O'Brien shows his acting chops quite well in this pretty emotional episode. The animosity between Worf and him is uncomfortable yet very intriguing throughout the whole episode. I loved the ending scene where Worf joins O'Brien to sit with O'Briens dead Starfleet friend while Worf and him settle there differences and are once again friends. Another truly great episode!.


                      Originally posted by Starbase
                      We also got Du'kat being his usual megalomaniac self and Damar being his evil self before he turned into a good guy rebel leader. Damn those Cardassians are so arrogant!.

                      It sure was fun seeing O'Brien, Sisko, Odo as Klingons not to mention Worf who gets altered by Bashir to look like a different Klingon than he already is.
                      The Cardassians are a breed apart, there arrogance coupled with there holier than thou attitude make them the perfect bad guy race. Du'kat was great in his short appearance and seeing Damar still being "evil Damar" was good stuff.

                      Sisko made a great Klingon!, you can see the edginess in his character coming out in season V.

                      Originally posted by Starbase
                      We get a first look at how the hierarchy of the Jem Ha'Dar and Vorta work. Sisko and O'Brien were particularly great in this episode. O'Brien shows his acting chops quite well in this pretty emotional episode. The animosity between Worf and him is uncomfortable yet very intriguing throughout the whole episode. I loved the ending scene where Worf joins O'Brien to sit with O'Briens dead Starfleet friend while Worf and him settle there differences and are once again friends. Another truly great episode!.
                      The whole O'Brien/Worf confrontation was intriguing television!. O'Brien is kind of out of character in parts of this episode but like you stated brother Base he shows his acting diversity quite well. I just love Worf period!, he is the consummate Klingon. We even got Jadzia acting surely and angry in this episode
                      the Fifth Race

                      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                        Originally posted by Starbase
                        how the hierarchy of the Jem Ha'Dar and Vorta work.
                        I am trying to catch up. The Jem Ha'Dar are the warriors. But how does the guy with the funny ears and the shapeshifters fit into the chain of command. I understand that they view the shapeshifters as their uppers, but does that mean they take commands from them or what?


                          Originally posted by kmiller1610
                          I am trying to catch up. The Jem Ha'Dar are the warriors. But how does the guy with the funny ears and the shape-shifters fit into the chain of command. I understand that they view the shape-shifters as their uppers, but does that mean they take commands from them or what?
                          The Vorta (the funny shaped ear people) do the bidding for the Founders (changelings). The Vorta were a monkey tree dwelling type race that the Founder genetically altered and made them there slaves. They are now cloned. The Vorta have great hearing and eye sight, they are passive yet intelligent and look upon the Founders as God's who they would do anything and everything to protect.

                          The Jem Ha'Dar are an engineered race made up by the Founders. They are bred in tube like cases and when they are ready to be born they grow into a full grown adult in less than a few weeks. They to view the Founders as God's and there sole purpose is to serve and protect while taking there orders from the Vorta. All Jem Ha'Dar are bred to be addicted to 'Ket'ra Cel White' a white powder that you see being constantly fed into there bodies via a clear tube that injects it into there neck. They do not have names just numbered designations like the Borg.

                          You will get to see a lot of the Vorta (including Weyoun played by the brilliant Jefferey Combs) in seasons 6 & 7. You will get to see how they became and what exactly they do for the Founders.

                          You will also get to see and learn all about the Jem Ha'Dar and just how strong and a great an adversary they are in seasons 6 & 7.
                          the Fifth Race

                          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                            /\/\/\Great explanation of what a Vorta and a Jem Ha'Dar are brother Fifth /\/\/\

                            Like David said Kmiller you will learn all about the Vorta and Jem Ha'Dar in seasons 6 & 7 in depth. Weyoun is the main Vorta you will be introduced to. Along with Jeffrey Comb's also playing the Ferengi Brunt, his Vorta character Weyoun is unforgettable and IMHO one of the very best Trek characters of all time!.


                              Actually they appeared in season 5 and I'm into the first disk of 6. But without understanding the hierarchy before now, I did not "get" the Vorta. Without understanding what Fifth Race just explained, I couldn't see why the JH wouldn't just smash those irritating Vorta. Fairly complex and interesting lines of authority. I do remember some stuff on the Founders from season 4, but clarify this for me. Do the founders want to civilize the Alpha quadrant because we are backward and they are trying to "save" us? They didn't strike me as the power hungry types.


                                I have a question (not exactly about season five), I saw the episode "Jem'Hadar" the other day, and was that woman trapped with Sisko and Quark who turned out to be a spy a Vorta?

