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    Originally posted by Franklyn Blaze View Post
    Ya the supreme court ruled against states having interracial marriage bans a while back. You're going to need more than luck.
    Well we are also going to try and ban all marrage in the state of CA under the equal rights protection act. Or sue the Mormon church and try and make them lose their tax exempt status.


      Doesn't that undermine the democratic process.
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Marriage shouldn't be run by the government in any case. It is a religious thing, and thus shouldn't be touched by the government with a ten foot stick. The fact that governments SANCTION marriage is just... wrong, and is a clear violation of the separation of church and state.


          Originally posted by gopher65 View Post
          Marriage shouldn't be run by the government in any case. It is a religious thing, and thus shouldn't be touched by the government with a ten foot stick. The fact that governments SANCTION marriage is just... wrong, and is a clear violation of the separation of church and state.

          It's not a religious thing, it's a civil thing, between one human being and another. Shouldn't be touched by either the state nor the church.
          Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
          Yes, I am!
          Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
          Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
          Peter Pan R.I.P


            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
            Doesn't that undermine the democratic process.
            Well it's a lot better then some of the other ideas being floated around. I'm going to donate about 500k to the fight against this sick vote.


              Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
              Well it's a lot better then some of the other ideas being floated around. I'm going to donate about 500k to the fight against this sick vote.
              Thats sounds kind of subjective. Especially in politics one person's hell is another person's paradise.
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                One man's Palin is another man's Obama.
                More fun @ Spoofgate!


                  Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                  LOL, only in San Francisco (my home town) would they have the gall to do this. Apparently there is a stipulation that allows for the renaming of public and service works buildings to be renamed after out-going presidents. And it just so happens that a local sewage plant here in San Francisco is up for renaming and the out going president is the lame-O George W Bush Jr.

                  I did forget to post the now infamous answer to the Wright Brothers/Roddenberry question. I'm to tired to dig it up tonight, let's just say it has a Klingon connection, I will post it tomorrow, I promise.
                  I was glad to see that petty bit of foolishness went down. I get so darn sick of the INTOLERANT attitudes of all of the so-called tolerant liberals. They will tolerate ONLY opinions like theirs and demean anyone who thinks differently! Pres. Bush has much more class than the Clintons (or any democrat) does, he publically instructed his staff not to engage in the petty semi-vandalism the clinton staff did (removing all W's from the keyboards for one-- can we say poor losers??!) NOW that is CLASS!
                  Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
                  Well we are also going to try and ban all marrage in the state of CA under the equal rights protection act. Or sue the Mormon church and try and make them lose their tax exempt status.
                  warning what is beneath these spoilers WILL offend the liberals so open at your own risk
                  Well, Good luck... luckily the LDS church (the correct name of the "mormon church") wasn't the only one who fought that battle. OH BTW-- I am LDS. And I fully supported their efforts. This silliness that a church (that is not a black church) can't express it's opinion is nuts!
                  FYI: I too am against gay marriage for two big reasons:
                  1. the usual reason the gays state for wanting to get married is FINANCIAL... my marriage is not a financial arrangement.
                  Ok that is my rant... now be as intolerant of me as you like!!! (gee and doesn't it just burn you libs that I am in Law school?? INTELLIGENT,EDUCATED, UPPER- MIDDLE CLASS, AND CONSERVATIVE!!!!! NOT AN OXYMORON AFTER ALL!)


                    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                    I was glad to see that petty bit of foolishness went down. I get so darn sick of the INTOLERANT attitudes of all of the so-called tolerant liberals. They will tolerate ONLY opinions like theirs and demean anyone who thinks differently! Pres. Bush has much more class than the Clintons (or any democrat) does, he publically instructed his staff not to engage in the petty semi-vandalism the clinton staff did (removing all W's from the keyboards for one-- can we say poor losers??!) NOW that is CLASS!
                    Word Lady Rac!. I have steered well clear of any and all poltical discussion, and I still am. But I must take notice of that wonderful anti-liberal post you made, good stuff. Sometimes I can't believe I used to be one of those card carrying liberals that liked to get in the face of anything that I didn't agree with. Thankfully a lot liberals will change there tune as soon as they grow a little older and start making good money.


                      Originally posted by Starbase View Post
                      Word Lady Rac!. I have steered well clear of any and all poltical discussion, and I still am. But I must take notice of that wonderful anti-liberal post you made, good stuff. Sometimes I can't believe I used to be one of those card carrying liberals that liked to get in the face of anything that I didn't agree with. Thankfully a lot liberals will change there tune as soon as they grow a little older and start making good money.
                      I never have respected Lady Rac and you more then I have right now. Mark my words in 1-8 years a Republician will be president
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post

                        warning what is beneath these spoilers WILL offend the liberals so open at your own risk
                        Well, Good luck... luckily the LDS church (the correct name of the "mormon church") wasn't the only one who fought that battle. OH BTW-- I am LDS. And I fully supported their efforts. This silliness that a church (that is not a black church) can't express it's opinion is nuts!
                        FYI: I too am against gay marriage for two big reasons:
                        1. the usual reason the gays state for wanting to get married is FINANCIAL... my marriage is not a financial arrangement.
                        Ok that is my rant... now be as intolerant of me as you like!!! (gee and doesn't it just burn you libs that I am in Law school?? INTELLIGENT,EDUCATED, UPPER- MIDDLE CLASS, AND CONSERVATIVE!!!!! NOT AN OXYMORON AFTER ALL!)
                        They don't want to force the churchs to marry them, there are already a good number of churches that accept everyone they way they are. This is a civil rights issue, my grandfather (after fighting with black solders in WW2) martched with the protesters, got deported for standing up for what he believed in (he's from Canada) and now is proud that Obama has won. You shouldn't deny rights to anyone, no matter what race, gender, or sexual orantation they are. Remember, if it weren't for people like my grandfather and myself you wouldn't be able to vote because of your gender.


                          Conservative = Order.
                          Liberal = Chaos.
                          Conservative Liberal = Confused.

                          The universe, and society, is based on chaos theory. You have the more set in their ways aspects of society which are undermined by shifts in psychological and technological factors. I.e., standing in the way of two guys who want to get married because a) they love each other, and b) they'll get great tax cuts is like the southern planter who doesn't want to get with those crazy northeners and abolish slavery because giving those darn slaves the same rights as him would just lead to them abusing their new-found rights. Who cares why someone wants to get married? Should we pass laws against Anna Nicole Smiths? That was quite rhetorical. A human right has nothing to do with why the human wants to exercise it or would do if given it.
                          I guess I'm one of those staunchly anarchistic liberals after all.
                          There endeth the rant. Thanks be to God.
                          More fun @ Spoofgate!


                            Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
                            They don't want to force the churchs to marry them, there are already a good number of churches that accept everyone they way they are. This is a civil rights issue, my grandfather (after fighting with black solders in WW2) martched with the protesters, got deported for standing up for what he believed in (he's from Canada) and now is proud that Obama has won. You shouldn't deny rights to anyone, no matter what race, gender, or sexual orantation they are. Remember, if it weren't for people like my grandfather and myself you wouldn't be able to vote because of your gender.
                            Last time I checked the right for women to vote was passed LONG before you were born... and I had a great great aunt who marched with the other women frequently. (poor gal had a long arrest record for public disorder) I thank MY ancestors for MY freedom. They did the work.
                            Actually YOUR grandfather wouldn't have fought with those black soldiers if MY ancestors hadn't fought the civil war to free the ancestors of those soldiers. Just as the civil war wouldn't have happened if my ancestors hadn't founded some of the first abolitionist societies in New England. Actually as my daddy used to say-- our family has fought in every war this country has been involved in from the french and indian wars forward (8 Revolutionary war ancestors... 7 patriots, 1 tory--- he was the cannuck in the bunch, a mercenary, after land only--- we are a bit embarrassed by him) and daddy fought his way accross the pacific. I have 5 cousins in Iraq and both of my brother's in law are vietnam vets. (not going to whip it out and measure... I am sure "mine is bigger")
                            As for the marriage in churches issue... visit the websites of the gay & lesbian movement and read what they say. OH aren't they rioting outside the LDS temple in LA today? clue number 1. I also find it funny that they have attacked ONLY the churches and not the minority groups that whole-heartedly supported both Obama and the ban. 70% voted for both.
                            I really don't care what someone does in their own life (unlike a liberal ) but I don't want them forcing my church to condone it.

                            Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                            Conservative = Order.
                            Liberal = Chaos.
                            Conservative Liberal = Confused.

                            The universe, and society, is based on chaos theory. You have the more set in their ways aspects of society which are undermined by shifts in psychological and technological factors. I.e., standing in the way of two guys who want to get married because a) they love each other, and b) they'll get great tax cuts is like the southern planter who doesn't want to get with those crazy northeners and abolish slavery because giving those darn slaves the same rights as him would just lead to them abusing their new-found rights. Who cares why someone wants to get married? Should we pass laws against Anna Nicole Smiths? That was quite rhetorical. A human right has nothing to do with why the human wants to exercise it or would do if given it.
                            I guess I'm one of those staunchly anarchistic liberals after all.
                            There endeth the rant. Thanks be to God.
                            it's not a HUMAN right, merely a religious RITE. as previously stated... I could care less what someone does in their private life, but when they want to start interferring with MY religion... THAT gets my dander up. and with my family's history... do you think I support the 2nd amendment... you betcha
                            Last edited by Rac80; 07 November 2008, 02:24 AM.


                              Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                              Conservative = Order.
                              Liberal = Chaos.
                              Conservative Liberal = Confused.
                              LOL, ok I'll buy that. Althouhg I would purpose that both have quite a bit of chaos going on.
                              Originally posted by nx01a
                              The universe, and society, is based on chaos theory. You have the more set in their ways aspects of society which are undermined by shifts in psychological and technological factors. I.e., standing in the way of two guys who want to get married because a) they love each other, and b) they'll get great tax cuts is like the southern planter who doesn't want to get with those crazy northeners and abolish slavery because giving those darn slaves the same rights as him would just lead to them abusing their new-found rights. Who cares why someone wants to get married? Should we pass laws against Anna Nicole Smiths? That was quite rhetorical. A human right has nothing to do with why the human wants to exercise it or would do if given it. I guess I'm one of those staunchly anarchistic liberals after all.
                              There endeth the rant. Thanks be to God.
                              Interesting post brother nx01a, I think I understand the point you were trying to make. Personally I am quite happy with the way the election turned out. I am die-hard conservative that is a registered non-partisan because I do not like selling my soul to one party. Some issues my conservative core values kick in and I take a staunch stand and with other issues I find myself being one of those compassionate liberals that doesn't mind my hard earn tax money going to some social program. There definetly needs be a balance between the two and IMO that is where the centralist thinking voter like myself comes into play. There will always be conservative and liberal, but the more this country and world moves towards the center the better off we will be.

                              As far as Prop 108 goes, I had mixed feelings. Part of me is a traditionalist that thinks that marriage should be about just a man and a woman, then another part of me screams that is biased and not fair. I got no problems either way.
                              Last edited by Weyoun; 07 November 2008, 05:29 AM.


                                Originally posted by Weyoun View Post
                                LOL, ok I'll buy that. Althouhg I would purpose that both have quite a bit of chaos going on.Interesting post brother nx01a, I think I understand the point you were trying to make. Personally I am quite happy with the way the election turned out. I am die-hard conservative that is a registered non-partisan because I do not like selling my soul to one party. Some issues my conservative core values kick in and I take a staunch stand and with other issues I find myself being one of those compassionate liberals that doesn't mind my hard earn tax money going to some social program. There definetly needs be a balance between the two and IMO that is where the centralist thinking voter like myself comes into play. There will always be conservative and liberal, but the more this country and world moves towards the center the better off we will be.As far as Prop 108 goes, I had mixed feelings. Part of me is a traditionalist that that thinks that marruage should be about just a man and a woman, then another part of me screams that is biased and not fair. I got no problems either way, it's a moot point to me.
                                In my state you don't have to register with a political party. I do follow conservatiive values but I have been known to vote for Democrats
                                Last edited by jelgate; 07 November 2008, 05:28 AM.
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

