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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    I actually meant preteen Dick Grayson / Robin of 'Batman & Robin' fame. A pilot is apparently being written for his adventures before the really interesting stuff happened to him, like having his family killed before his eyes and going to live with an older man who made him dress up in tights with him at night. Yes! From the same people who gave us Smallville!
    More fun @ Spoofgate!


      Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
      LOL, I like the young Robin Hood BBC show. Hollywood and now seemingly the BBC have run out of original idea's. That is why we see so many repeat show and movies being re-made. It is also why a host of ex and current British shows have been made into American television shows and vice-versa. Which isn't necessarily always a bad thing.
      I dunno. For example, I've tried watchnig the American Life on MArs. I really did. I found it uninteresting plotwise because what I watched was either identical or a very very close to the original, I found that without the violence, swearing, alcoholism and smoking the show loses its realism, and I found all of the actors - Harvey Keitel included - to lack the charisma of the original cast. And this is often the case with other remakes...

      LOL, huh what?.
      Sorry, that was PitrySpeak for "nothing goes through their head, they're tv execs?"
      Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
      Yes, I am!
      Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
      Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
      Peter Pan R.I.P


        DS9 season II episode The Wire

        (some particulary cool stuff on this episode)
        Background and Inside Information
        Robert Hewitt Wolfe's original idea for this episode was to have Kira addicted to battle stimulants ever since her days in the Bajoran Resistance, but that idea was rejected because it would be difficult to do subsequent episodes with Kira without referencing the addiction and it was felt it could tarnish her character too much (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion)

        This episode was written as a bottle show.

        Andrew Robinson has said of this episode, "I wish there was more writing like that for television. I think we'd have a much healthier industry." (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion)

        This is the first DS9 episode to be directed by a woman: Kim Friedman. The producers were so impressed with her work that they brought her back to direct several crucial episodes, such as the season 2 finale, "The Jem'Hadar", the season 3 opener, "The Search, Part I", and the conclusion to the Michael Eddington/Maquis story arcs, "Blaze of Glory".

        Paul Dooley made his first appearance as Enabran Tain in this episode. This was originally intended to be his sole appearance, but, much like the situation with Andrew Robinson's Garak, the fans liked Tain so much, and the producers were so impressed with Dooley, that they decided to bring him back. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion) He later reprised the role in "Improbable Cause", "The Die is Cast", and "In Purgatory's Shadow".

        When Tain first meets Bashir, he calls the doctor Julian Subatoi Bashir, the first and only mention of Bashir's middle name in the series. It is also the only time Bashir is addressed by rank, lieutenant, although Tain doesn't clarify it as "junior grade."

        Garak's claim that he and Elim were "the sons of Tain" hints at the fact that Enabran Tain is his father, which is revealed in "In Purgatory's Shadow".
        This is the first time Cardassia Prime is mentioned and the first time that the Cardassian homeworld is actually named.

        This also marks the first appearance of the Obsidian Order, which was going to be the Grey Order until the producers learned that Babylon 5 planned to introduce a group called the Grey Council and felt the names were too similar (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion).

        The war between the Klingons and Cardassians in Garak's novel foreshadows the events of "The Way of the Warrior" and the Klingon-Cardassian War.

        A line in the script but not contained in the finished episode would have revealed that Benjamin Sisko served at the Federation embassy on Romulus early in his career, where he befriended a Romulan member of the kitchen staff named "Stolpan." It was further revealed that Stolpan was arrested by the Tal Shiar for "political improprieties," and in response, Sisko was prepared to go to the Tal Shiar Headquarters and convince them to set him free, however, Sisko was eventually persuaded by Curzon Dax not to go.

        Although the producers were extremely happy with how this episode turned out, they were disappointed to discover that many fans felt let down because they hadn't learned anything new about Garak. Ira Steven Behr responds to this by saying, "That's such a misreading, a real refusal to see what the show was supposed to be about." Robert Hewitt Wolfe also feels that the episode reveals a lot more than fans gave it credit for; "When I was writing the story, the movie Schindler's List had just come out and Ira was saying , 'Maybe he was Schindler; maybe he was the guy who let the prisoners go.' And then it was, 'Maybe he wasn't; maybe he was the Butcher of Budapest.' So we just kept telling all these lies, and I think the truth lies somewhere in there. Maybe he did let people go. Maybe he did shoot down the ship. Who knows?" (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion).

        Garak and Bashir's exchange at the end of the episode appears to echo one of the koans of Discordianism, which goes as follows:

        Malaclypse the Younger: Everything is true.
        Greater Poop: Even false things?
        Malaclypse the Younger: Even false things are true.
        The USS Defiant Rocks!


          Originally posted by Pitry View Post
          I dunno. For example, I've tried watchnig the American Life on MArs. I really did. I found it uninteresting plotwise because what I watched was either identical or a very very close to the original, I found that without the violence, swearing, alcoholism and smoking the show loses its realism, and I found all of the actors - Harvey Keitel included - to lack the charisma of the original cast. And this is often the case with other remakes...
          Life on Mars is a great example of them taking a good British show and turning out a crappy American version. The Office, Dancing with the Stars, Supernanny, Who wants to be a Millionaire, Deal or no Deal, American Idol are examples of a very good British shows being turned into equally good American versions.
          The USS Defiant Rocks!


            I'm sorry but American Idol. That show is everything that is wrong with soceity.
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              I'm sorry but American Idol. That show is everything that is wrong with soceity.
              ITA!!! that and so-called reality tv in general! green for the truth! My favorite example of how stupid AI is, can be found with Jennifer Hudson's Oscar win... she was booted off american idol. uh-huh! shows how smart they are!


                Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                That's what I was wondering as well Mariel?. I just did a search of all the various BBC channels I get and I couldn't find anything about Merlin. I am curious about the BBC show Primeval, which I have Tivo'd but haven't gotten around to watching yet.
                Yeah, I couldn't find Merlin anywhere on my cable either. I don't think it's airing here yet. Oh, my, Primeval...I did give that one an episode try...I think Krisz had a good critique of it a few months back. Basically, I agree with her, and thought it was a fairly horrible show.

                LOL, I like the young Robin Hood BBC show. Hollywood and now seemingly the BBC have run out of original idea's. That is why we see so many repeat show and movies being re-made. It is also why a host of ex and current British shows have been made into American television shows and vice-versa. Which isn't necessarily always a bad thing.
                LOL, huh what?.
                I admit to watching the BBC's Robin Hood too. It's complete and utter cheese, and I take nothing about it seriously. I think I've continued to watch it simply because it has swordfights. And Much, my favorite character.


                  I'm heading off for 3 weeks of vacation. Well, not really vacation since I'll be working on my thesis, but I won't be working.
                  Stay safe. Don't vampire hoist anything, people!
                  More fun @ Spoofgate!


                    Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
                    Yeah, I couldn't find Merlin anywhere on my cable either. I don't think it's airing here yet. Oh, my, Primeval...I did give that one an episode try...I think Krisz had a good critique of it a few months back. Basically, I agree with her, and thought it was a fairly horrible show.

                    I admit to watching the BBC's Robin Hood too. It's complete and utter cheese, and I take nothing about it seriously. I think I've continued to watch it simply because it has swordfights. And Much, my favorite character.
                    Gosh, you managed to watch a whole episode of Primeval!

                    I think I found the critique you mentioned. Maybe it will spare you USS Defiant from losing a chunk of your life to this show that is terrifying only to the extent of how badly made it is!

                    This is being shown on the Space channel here in Canada. I tried watching this and only managed about 20 minutes. I just disliked everything about it, less than stellar acting, dinosaurs rampaging around a mall, Jurassic Park did all this sort of stuff a lot better! A bit with a guy walking down the stairs and then something that was supposed to be a monster sucker or something came and plonked itself on his head. The scene only managed to look like an actor trying to convince us that it was not a prop that was dropped on him. Really bad, just put me off.


                      Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                      Sigh.I'm heading off for 3 weeks of vacation. Well, not really vacation since I'll be working on my thesis, but I won't be working.
                      Good luck brother nx. See you in 3 weeks, unless you find some time for us scifi peons between studying. I seem to remember you mentioning what you were doing your thesis on, give us a reminder, I'm curious.
                      the Fifth Race

                      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                        Time for the results. (I will post graded Quizzes in about an hour)
                        NOTE: A perfect score is 35/35 due to the multi-part questions

                        1)- A

                        2)- D He played a Vulcan Captain in 'Emissary', a Human in 'Far Beyond The Stars', the Changeling Laas in the episode 'Chimera' and is best known as the Klingon General Martok.

                        3)- B He was being attacked by the Calamaran when his powers were restored by Q2 after his selfless act to save Enterprise.

                        4)- B Opaka sent Prylar Bek to inform them of the location of a Bajoran Resistance cell in the Kendra Valley. This saved the lives of 1,200 other Bajorans, but Opaka sacrificed her son in the process – as a member of the cell, he was killed in the resulting massacre. Opaka's involvement was never discovered, even after Prylar Bek made a full confession. Vedek Bareil lost the kaiship to keep secret the fact she had sacrificed her son and his group in order to save hundreds of civilians from retribution.

                        5)- D

                        6)- D

                        7)- C We don't know what species 112 is. (Actually, we don't what species 125 is, but the Borg Queen mentions it as her species in the episode "Dark Frontier" P2.) 180 is Fenergi and 329 is the "unworthy-to-be-assimilated" Kazon.

                        8)- A The Yamato was destroyed, so she would have died with the rest of the crew since the Enterprise didn't beam anyone aboard before the explosion. Crusher didn't learn about metaphasic shielding until about the middle of the fifth season, and her husband is already deceased.

                        9)- D The "Trip" is short for "triple" (or, more accurately, "triplicate"). He, his father, and his grandfather are all named Charles Tucker.

                        10)- D Counselor Troi: "You owe me one Samarian sunset made in the traditional style, as only you can make it, Data."

                        11)- Michael Dorn Dorn has neither confirmed or denied he did show up to audition is full Klingon garb, which leads most people to believe he actually did.

                        12)- 10 Yeara The series begins 10 years prior to the founding of the United Federation of Planets and 90 years after the events of Star Trek: First Contact (1996). Episode one takes place approximately 115 years prior to the start of "Star Trek" (1966) and 213 years before "Star Trek: The Next Generation" (1987).

                        13)- Jem'Hadar First // Transporter Accident // Saving Odo // Worf // Garak Weyoun IV died in To the Death, killed by the Jem'Hadar First -- Weyoun V died in a transporter "accident" at Dominion headquarters on Cardassia -- Weyoun VI died trying to save Odo from being killed in Trechary, Faith and the Great River -- Weyoun VII died when Worf broke his neck during the final story arc -- Weyoun VIII died in What you Leave Behind, phasered by Garak.

                        14)- (Various Trek Movie Questions)

                        George & Gracie

                        Tasha Yar, Kirk, Dax


                        he growled "Irving Berlin"

                        15)- (Garak Specific Questions)

                        He fired torpedo's at the Founders home world In hopes of finding any survivors of the Cardassian fleet, Garak returned to the Gamma Quadrant on the Defiant in 2372. During the trip he was informed by the Female Changeling that there were no survivors, and that in fact, one day all Cardassians would die by the Dominion's hand. While in orbit of the Founders' new homeworld, Garak attempted to obliterate the Great Link using the ship's quantum torpedoes. His attempt failed, and he was imprisoned on Deep Space 9 for six months. (DS9: "Broken Link")

                        He Bombed it himself In 2371, an explosion destroyed Garak's shop. Garak was later revealed to have caused the explosion himself, to preempt an upcoming assassination attempt by the Flaxian Retaya by drawing Odo into investigation. The two later learned that the assassination was ordered by his former mentor, Enabran Tain. Tain offered Garak his old position back, and despite their past history, Garak accepted (DS9: "Improbable Cause"). Garak joined Tain on a joint Obsidian Order-Tal Shiar mission to destroy the Founders' homeworld in the Gamma Quadrant. The mission failed and the Dominion destroyed Tain's fleet at the Battle of the Omarion Nebula, though Garak escaped aboard the USS Defiant. He returned to Deep Space 9 and rebuilt his shop. (DS9: "The Die is Cast")

                        He helped Starfleet de-code Cardassian transmissions Garak spent the rest of the war decoding Cardassian transmissions for Starfleet Intelligence. Although he excelled at this duty, the thought that he was betraying and enabling the deaths of numerous Cardassians was so deeply troubling that it subconsciously aggravated his claustrophobia to a debilitating severity. However, Ezri Dax, in her first major case as the station's counselor, was able to treat his psychological difficulty to a manageable degree. (DS9: "Afterimage")

                        Mila When the fledgling resistance was crushed by the Jem'Hadar, Garak, Kira, and Damar retreated to Tain's house, his boyhood home, where he was reunited with Tain's housekeeper and confidante, Mila. From there they led a civilian uprising on Cardassia. (DS9: "The Dogs of War")

                        16)- (Various Questions on the episode The Wire)

                        Headaches Garak had been suffering from headaches for weeks before he finally collapses

                        The Obsidian Order Booheka tells Quark you just killed me when he realizes that he tripped up an Obsidian Order trap on his computer

                        To stimulate endorphins in his brain It was designed for Obsidian Order agents to use un case they were caught and being tortured for information

                        Garak left in running continuously for almost 2 years He claimed he counldn't stand the shame of living on DS9 so he left it on

                        Garak destroyed a Cardassian shuttle just to kill escaped Cardassian prisoners which resulted in 97 Cardassian civilians getting killed as well. // Garak set some starving children go with some Latinum because he was hungry and cold and wanted to get inside. (Both answers are acceptable)

                        Anabrane Tain That was Tain's first appearence

                        Classic Cardassian Literature from Peroc Garak has been trying to get Bashir to like Cardassian literature by giving him selected works.

                        \/ \/ \/ Look for Results Below \/ \/ \/
                        the Fifth Race

                        Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                          Everyone did very well on this quiz, you all make me proud. Ok, let's get down to business - This weeks Top Dawg's are ... USS Defiant ... Franklyn Blaze ... Rac80 ... Starbase ... ./freelancer ... jelgate ... Jumper One Honorable Mentions ... Gopher65 ...Weyoun ... Xicer
                          Originally posted by ./freelancer View Post

                          1) A*
                          2) D*
                          3) B*
                          4) B*
                          5) D*
                          6) D*
                          7) C*
                          8) A*
                          9) D*
                          10) C
                          11) _____
                          12) The Federation was created in 2161, right? That would make it...ten years?*
                          Ometiklan (sp?)*
                          Transporter accident (caused by Damar?)*
                          Suicide to protect Odo*
                          Garak ("I really wish you hadn't done that. He was the last Weyoun." - "I was hoping you would say that" )*


                          Tasha (TNG: Skin of Evil)*
                          Jadzia (DS9: Tears of the Prophets)*
                          Also, doesn't Kirk die in Generations, and Spock in The Wrath of Khan? I have some vague memories about that, but I really know very little about the TOS part of Star Trek...*
                          Ziyal and Bareil died aswell, but they were hardly regulars...

                          The Federation? Something about genocide iirc. It was also used against the Romulan Senate, wasn't it? I have (willingly) forgotten most parts of Nemesis *

                          Unlike everyone else, he did not enjoy it.*

                          He tried to destroy the Great Link*
                          Garak was responsible for the bomb*
                          He helped Starfleet Intelligence decode Cardassian transmissions*

                          Migraine and something about his pupils (I'm not a doctor!)*
                          The Obsidian Order*
                          To help him resist torture*
                          Garak overused it. It was not designed for continuous use.*
                          According to Garak, he and a friend (himself ) were interrogating a group of Bajoran children. He chose to release them rather than turn them over to the soldiers. Though knowing Garak, everything about that story is a lie. But it's all true, especially the lies *
                          Tain, Garak's father (Though that is not revealed yet. Unless I'm mistaken, that was revealed in In Purgatory's Shadow)*
                          Another novel ("Meditations on a something something")*
                          31/35 for ./freelancer -- Outstanding brother ./freelancer!. Great answers and great knowledge, you will definetly be one of the top dawgs this week.
                          Originally posted by Xicer View Post

                          1. A*
                          2. D*
                          3. B*
                          4. B*
                          5. D*
                          6. D*
                          7. C*
                          8. C
                          9. D*
                          10. D*
                          11. ?
                          12. 10?*
                          13. Worf, Garak, himself, that guy's name that starts with an O that I can't pronounce, ?****
                          14. George and Gracie, Spock, Trip, Tasha Yar, Jadzia, Earth, he didn't like it (wasn't a fan of Irving Berlin)*****
                          15. ?, Garak himself, Garak never came to terms with becoming a traitor, Mila**
                          16. He got a massive headache, the Obsidion Order would be coming after him, it was supposed to make Garak feel good during torture making him immune to pain, it was not meant for long-term use and Garak abused it, ?, Enabran Tain, a Cardassian book.******
                          28/36 for Xicer -- Solid as ever brother X, you da man.
                          Originally posted by marielabbott View Post

                          1. A*
                          2. A
                          3. D
                          4. B*
                          5. D*
                          6. D*
                          7. D
                          8. C
                          9. D*
                          10. D*
                          11. ??
                          12. ??
                          13. Female Changeling, Odo, Damar, Gul Dukat, Porthos ***
                          14. ??, ??; Kirk, Trip, Jadzia Dax ; ?? ; ??**
                          15. attempted genocide; Garak himself; gave the Federation information that while helping their war effort, caused the death of many Cardassians; ?? ***
                          16. headache, irritibility; the Obsidian Order; to aid him in withstanding torture by triggering the release of endorphines; it was not meant for continual use; we don't know the truth (could've been he ordered the destruction of a vessel with the daughter of a prominent Cardassian aboard, he released Bajoran prisoners out of pity, or he was framed--or any combination thereof, or another mysterious reason); Tain; another piece of Cardassian literature to read*******
                          19/36 for Mairelabbott -- Great job young lady. You aced the "The Wire" questions, well done!.
                          Originally posted by Pitry View Post

                          3)B.* Like the name...
                          4)B.* Saint Opaka. One of the things I like about DS9, really. The realisation that not all good people do good things and not all bad peopel do bad things. Stargate Atlantis: Watch and learn! - no, I'm still not over Outsiders.
                          5)C. Cos it'd be cool, yeah yeah.
                          6)A. Actually E)They are both Unknown to Pitry!
                          7)C.*' Cos it's 5 in the power of three. No other number is that neat.
                          8)A. *I'm assumign it's A cos the other options don't make too much sense. However I'd go for E) in that one as well - she needed some time away from her annoying Marty Stu son!
                          9)D.* Cos it's that sort of random.
                          10)A. Since when does Troi drink anythign with "sunset" in it?
                          11) Someone who really wanted the job??? Personally, I'd be wary of soemone like that. Well, unless I'm Russell T Davies and he's David Tennant. Although it'd still work even if I'm not Russell T Davies. I'm not. Really.
                          12)a.... 100? 150? let\'s say 100.
                          13)Ah, c'mon! One pof them was Weyoun, I remember from the last one, although I still disagree. The female changeling was one? Martok? Ooooh! The JemHadar commander person! Alien. Thing... And let's throw in Kira for good measure. I'm pretty sure it's wrong but I need a fifth and she deserves the pleasure. *
                          14)Daisy. No idea, so Daisy. Both of them! ; Scotty, Jadziah, someone from ENT, cos it's that kind of show. ; the ultimate weapon's target - who's Shinzon?.... ; Dance. The Macarena. **
                          15) oh I know this one I know this one! But I'm confusing him with G'Kar here. So I can't remember, bah.; Garak. In a very entertaining cunning plan. ; betrayed his people by decoding messages for the Federation; his mum but for hte life of me I can't remember her name.**
                          16)headache... ; The Obsedian Order! Which, mind you, is a rather dull name for a secret organisation.; to be able to trigger a feeling of pleasure in case he was captured and tortured; cos he was using it all the time cos living with humans in exile is torture. I can see his point - I mean, two years ni a station run by Benjamin Sisko... ; Betraying Tain, wasn';t it? In the end? After all his "Elim" nonsense...; Enabran Tain, a.k.a "Daddy!"; another one of his horrid books? a suit?*******
                          18/36 for Pitry -- Why do I even bother Brilliant commentary and wit as usualy Lady Pitry. Well done on #16.
                          Originally posted by Krisz View Post

                          1 A*
                          2 G*
                          3 C
                          4 A
                          5 D*
                          6 D*
                          7 C*
                          8 C
                          9 D*
                          10 D*
                          14 George and Gracie**
                          Spock, Kirk, Trip*
                          15 Krila (sp?) or more than likely completely wrong!
                          16 Severe headaches*
                          An anti torture device*
                          He became dependant on it and it couldn’t keep giving him the ‘fix’*
                          Enabrin Tain*
                          15/35 for Krisz -- Well done as always Kris. It's always a pleasure reading your posts and grading your quizzes.
                          Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post

                          11) Michael Dorn*
                          13)Weyoun, Worf, Gerak, Kira, Martok***
                          14)Grace and ?*
                          There are actually five others: Captain Kirk, Spock, Natasha Yar, Jadzia Dax, Commander Tucker ****
                          a groan
                          15)stole something
                          Climbed into a small space.

                          16)headache and dizziness*
                          The Obsidian Order*
                          For the Obsidian Order to keep control of him*
                          He didn't have it regularly maintained.
                          He wasn't loyal.*
                          Starfleet Medical
                          The implant.
                          21/35 for Trek_Girl -- Not to bad Lady Trek, You are first one I have graded that got #11 correct.
                          Originally posted by SpinningChevron View Post

                          1) A*
                          2) D*
                          3) C
                          4) C
                          5) D*
                          6) D*
                          7) A
                          8) A*
                          9) D*
                          10) D*
                          11) Patrick Stewart
                          12) 80 Years
                          13) Killed by Major Kira, Shot by Cardassian, Shot by his own Jem'Hadar, committed Suicide and neck broken by Worf ****
                          14) 'George and Gracie', 'Tasha Yar, Captain Kirk and Tucker', 'Earth', 'Surprise'******
                          15) 'Tried to hack into Station Security', 'Enabran Tain', 'Helping the Federation decode Cardassian Transmission', 'Sella'*
                          16) 'Anxiety', 'Being sent back to Cardassia', 'To suppress his Anxiety', 'System failure', 'He was kicked out because he was considered weak minded', 'Damar', 'A jumper'.****
                          23/35 for Spinning Chevron -- Good to see you back on the superior thread brother SC.
                          Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                          11-Dorn as Worf
                          12-10 Years
                          13-Transporter accident - Saving Odo - Garak - Worf - Jem'Hadar first
                          14-Gearge - Gracie - Yar - Kirk - Dax - Earth - Growled "Berlin"
                          15-Fired Torpedo's at Founders home world - Himself - Decode for Starfleet - Mila
                          16-Headached - Obsidian Order - To dull pain of torture - Overuse - 2 stories (he blew up a transport with prisoners and civilians on it just to get prisoners // he let some homeless youth go because he wanted to get inside with some shelter) - Enabran Tain - Cardassian book (which Bashir hates)
                          35/35 for USS Defiant -- Simply perfect my friend, well done!.
                          the Fifth Race

                          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                            Originally posted by Franklyn Blaze View Post

                            1.A *
                            2.D *
                            3.B *
                            4.B *
                            5.D *
                            6.D *
                            7.C (I hate Borg designations!) *
                            8.A (Good season to be written off too season two was horrible) *
                            9.D *
                            10.D *
                            11. Michael Dorn *
                            12. Hmm Enterprise started in 2150's I think something like ten years or so if I remember These are the Voyages correctly.*
                            13. Hmm lets see: Worf killed him by breaking his neck, He committed suicide, Garak shot him, The Gem Hadar killed him on that Iconian planet. Damar had to have killed him once. I know Dukat never did. ****
                            14a. George and Gracie!**
                            14b. ( OMG why did you ask this question!)
                            David, Kirk's Son. Spock. Commander Deker from the motion picture. Khan. Sybock, Spock's Brother. Tasha Yar. Gowron. Kimpeck, the chancellor of the high council. Durass, from the house of Durass. Lursa and Beytor. The Borg Queen. Soran from STGenerations. Worf's first mate Kaylar. Worf's second mate Dax. Vedek Bariel. Vedek Winn. Kai Opaka Vedek Fala took a pill and killed himself. Damar. Enabran Tain, Meelah the housekeeper for Garak. ZeaAl, Dukata's daughter. Weyoun X 5. Jeniffer Sisko. Lee Nalas. Older Janeway! In the Au's Vic fontaine, Sisko, Odo,Quark and Rom, Brunt, Dax.(off screen I think) Jeniffer (human scientist)***

                            14c. Earth*
                            14d. He put his head on the table and mumbled something romulan ale, I think he was hammered.
                            15a. I think he tried to blow up the founders homeworld. I remember that fight scene with worf well. If you look closely during the fight one of the doors on the jerfferys tube falls over. *
                            15b. He blow it up himself.*
                            15c. He was decoding dominion transmissions from cadarassian space. *
                            15d. Meelah. *
                            16a. Diuzzyness, headache, and irritability *
                            16b. The Obsidian Order!*
                            16c. It was an anti torture device designed to suppress pain.*
                            16d. It was left on for longer than it was designed for.*
                            16e. I don't remember why. Garak told so many lies. I think Tain kicked him out for some reason or another.
                            16f. Tain*
                            16g. A book.*
                            33/35 for Franklyn Blaze -- Fantastic as always brother FB.

                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post

                            1. A) Intrepid *
                            2. D) J. G. Hertzler. Don't forget the Hirrogen *
                            3. B) Deja-Q *
                            4. B) Kai Opaka *
                            5. D) Spock*
                            6. D) They were both spies sent to infiltrate the Maquis*
                            7. C) 125 *
                            8. A) She was filling in as the head of Starfleet Medical. *
                            9. C) He loves to take vacations
                            10. D) Samarian sunset *
                            11. Anthony Montgomery
                            12. 10 years*
                            1. Killed by Jem’Hadar and his energy weapon*
                            2. Suicide after defecting to Odo*
                            3. Worf snapped his neck*
                            4. Shot by Garak *
                            5. ?????

                            1. George and Gracie**
                            2. Spock, Tasha, Jadzia Dax***
                            3. Earth*
                            4. Something about Irving*

                            1. Killing the Romulan senator to get them involved in the Dominion War
                            2. Enbram Tain*
                            3. Committing treason against his people*
                            4. Milia*

                            16[LIST=1][*]Migraines*[*]Obscidian Order*[*]To reduce pain during torture*[*]It’s been on nonstop since the Federation and Bajorans took control of DS9*[*]That’s up for debate. Garak gave many reasons why he was exiled and many they are possibly false.*[*]Enbram Tain*[*]A Cardassian novel*
                            31/35 for jelgate -- Smells like Top Dawg to me.
                            Originally posted by Weyoun

                            1. A
                            2. D
                            3. B
                            4. B
                            5. D
                            6. D
                            7. B
                            8. A
                            9. D
                            10. D
                            11. Dorn trying out for Worf
                            12. 10 years
                            13. Jem'Hadar ... Accidental ... Suicide to save Odo ... Garak ... ???
                            14. George ... Gracie ... Tasha Yar ... Kirk ... Jadzia ...Earth ... ???
                            15. ??? ... Himself ... ??? ... Mila
                            16. ??? ... Obsidian Order ... Stimulate Pleasure ... Overuse .. He let some prisoners go ... Tain ... ???
                            30/35 for Weyoun -- Great job this week my friend, way to step it up.
                            Originally posted by Rac80 View Post

                            11.Levar Burton
                            12.10 years*
                            13.jem'hadar leader (don't remember the name), Damar,suicide,worf, and garak****
                   and gracie (after george burns and gracie allen),Kirk, tasha yar, and picard(?),earth,didn't like the song, *******
                            15.for trying to kill the founders while they were in their "great link",he did it himself,decoding cardassian transmissions for the federation,Mila****
                            16.severe headaches (migrains which turned into seizures), the obsidian order, designed to help a cardassian resist torture by producing more endorphins, it was not designed for continuous use, we are not sure- garak told several stories involving a fictional best friend/brother named Elim--himself and allowing Bajorans to be freed, garak's former mentor (and father) E (?) Tain, another cardassian novel... a futuristic one. *******
                            32/35 for Rac80 -- Female domination in the Trek ranks, nothing new here. You rocked it again Lady Rac, you have found a permanent home in the Topr Dawg's yard.
                            Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post

                            1) A*
                            2) D*
                            3) B*
                            4) B*
                            5) D*
                            6) D*
                            7) C*
                            8) A*
                            9) D*
                            10) D*
                            11) Michael Dorn (?)*
                            12) 10 years*
                            13) Word, Damar, Garak, suicide, ?***
                            14) George and Gracie; Spock, Trip, Jadzia, Tasha, Kes; Earth; he was drinking Romulan Ale (?)******
                            15) attempted to destroy the Great Link; Garak was responsible; he tried to modify the subspace transmitter; Mila***
                            16) a migraine; the Obsidian Order; it was supposed to make him immune to pain; it had been active for several years; he killed the daughter of a Cardassian Gul; Tain; a Cardassian book*******
                            31/35 for Jumper One -- You came prepared this week brother J1, very strong my friend!.
                            Originally posted by gopher65 View Post

                            1) A*
                            2) D*
                            3) C
                            4) B*
                            5) D*
                            6) D*
                            7) C*
                            8) A*
                            9) D*
                            10) D* (in the traditional fashion, as only he could make it)
                            11) Michael Dorn*
                            12) 13
                            13) Omecra, Damar, Suicide, Worf, Garak****
                            14) George, Gracy; **
                            (he wasn't the last trek character to be killed, Trip was) Spock, Kirk, Trip, Seska; ***
                            Earth; *
                            He said "Irving Berlin", groaned, and headdesked;*
                            15) Attempted to destroy the Founder homeworld with Quantum Torpedoes, and attacked Worf;*
                            Garak Destroyed his own shop;*
                            He constantly worked on decoding messages, until he snapped;*
                            16) Pain;*
                            The Obsidian Order;*
                            To eliminate pain in the event of torture;*
                            He turned it on and left it on. It wasn't meant to operate continuously, so it eventually just wore out;*
                            He refused to destroy a transport;
                            Taim, Garak's father, and the former head of the Obsidian Order;*
                            He tells him that all the stories were true, even the lies;
                            30/35 for gopher65 -- Well done brother J1, great knowledge!.
                            Originally posted by Starbase

                            12)10 Years
                            13)Jem'Hadar - Saving Odo - Worf (brutal) - Garak - ?
                            14)George - Gracie - Tasha Yar - Kirk - Dax
                            15)? - Himself - ? - Mila
                            16)Headaches - Obsidian Order - Overuse - He let children go and He blew up a shuttle with civilians on board - Tain - More boring Cardassian literature
                            32/35 for Starbase -- Well done my good friend.
                            Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                            Well, this was

                            1) A)*

                            2) B)

                            3) C)

                            4) A)

                            5) D)*

                            6) D)*

                            7) B)

                            8) A)*

                            9) D)* 'Trip' as in 'triple'.

                            10) D)* Dang, if only a sure fire giveaway like 'chocolate' were in the name...

                            11) Garret Wang

                            12)- 15... Nothing about ENT in the early years was right, anyway.*

                            13)- [Not in chronological order...] Worf, Weyoun, Demar, Sisko, Kira****

                            14)- Paul, Paula

                            [Random order] Spock, Tasha Yar, Trip***

                            [DUH!] Earth*

                            Groaned, grabbed his head, suffering from excess Romulan ale.*

                            15)- (Garak related questions)
                            No idea.

                            [Duh!] Garak.*

                            Trapped in a small space doing surveillance for an extended period.

                            No idea.

                            16)- Clammy skin, pupil dilation issues, obvious whincing in pain.*

                            The Obsidian Order!*

                            It was supposed to, ironically, make him immune to pain should he be tortured.*

                            He used it constantly for 2 years.*

                            Some screwup which he tried to pin on Tain too late, as Tain had already pinned it on him first. Well, that was his last story. How many licks? The world may never know...*

                            Enabran Tain*

                            A book, Meditations on a Crimson Sunset... or something like that. Cardassia vs Qonos. How foreshadowy.*
                            25/35 for nx01a -- Not bad brother nx, and I always enjoy your rather sarcastic answers.
                            the Fifth Race

                            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                              Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                              Gosh, you managed to watch a whole episode of Primeval!

                              I think I found the critique you mentioned. Maybe it will spare you USS Defiant from losing a chunk of your life to this show that is terrifying only to the extent of how badly made it is!
                              What can I say, I have a strong stomach. Thanks for reposting that critique, I agree with it 100%.

                              Congrats to all the top dawgs!


                                Woah, top dawg? I was not expecting that! Ok fine, I kinda were, since brother Fifth told me, but still...

                                I'd like to thank...myself, for knowing the answer to these questions. Also, I'd like to thank brother Fifth for creating an awesome quiz as usual

                                I should probably savor this moment, as it will never happen again

                                "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
                                The Church of Mappothism | My YouTube Videos (mostly Farscape music videos)

                                Starburst 1.1 1.2 1.3 | 2.1 2.2 2.3 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 | 4.1 4.2 4.3

