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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by s72450 View Post
    I am working my way through the series after not watching since I was a child. I just recently saw the second season episode dealing with the Mirror Universe. I always loved those episodes when I was younger, who doesn't love Attendant Kira?
    you mean Crossover. yeah that's a great ep! the Attendant is a cool character but my favorite is mirror Jadzia
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      Yep that was it.

      I'm up to the Season Two finale as of right now. I wish everyone would take notice of how well written DS9 is and how well it stands up as a series, it's not nearly so dated looking as TNG or even Voyager.


        Originally posted by s72450 View Post
        Yep that was it.

        I'm up to the Season Two finale as of right now. I wish everyone would take notice of how well written DS9 is and how well it stands up as a series, it's not nearly so dated looking as TNG or even Voyager.
        You are preaching to the choir here s72450. Star Trek fans in general are a very loyal lot, but it has been my experience that us fellow DS9 fans seem to take it to another level. IMHO the over-all writing was far superior to any other Star Trek series or any other scifi series for that matter. I also agree that DS9 looks a lot less dated and is definetly the most fun to re-watch. Those are just a few of the reasons why I named this thread Deep Space 9 Superior.

        I hope you join us regulary for our daily DS9/Trek/Scifi conversations and episode discussions. We even do all purpose Trek Quizzes here every other week or so.
        the Fifth Race

        Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


          Originally posted by s72450 View Post
          Yep that was it. I'm up to the Season Two finale as of right now.
          The season 2 ending episode The Jem'Hadar is epic and basically launched the whole Dominion War arc that lasts until the every end of the series. I also really love the season 3 premiere episodes The Search: Parts 1 & 2
          Originally posted by s72450 View Post
          I wish everyone would take notice of how well written DS9 is and how well it stands up as a series, it's not nearly so dated looking as TNG or even Voyager.
          Like brother Fifth stated, I don't think you will get any any arguement here, although it sure is nice seeing other people, especially someone like yourself, come to the realization of just how great a show DS9 is.
          The USS Defiant Rocks!


            I agree that DS9 is the only show that still holds up today. Aside from the clothes/costume style in the earlier seasons and some of the special effects, it might as well have been a new trek series. It would still work.


              The three parter at the end of S2/beginning of S3 was whrn IMO DS9 found their direction. It didn't seem like the show knew where they were going until the Dominion showed up. It was from S3 and beyond where they could write some very interesting stories. A Federation coup would never have existied in the old formula. Sorry I watching Paradise Lost the other day
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                Originally posted by Weyoun View Post
                I rewatched "Visionary" last night after being reminded of it from the current episode discussion. This might be a good episode to feature in one of your upcoming quizzes brother Fifth.
                Yes it would brother Weyoun. I will do a multi-part question on the DS9 season III episode Visionary in the next "All Purpose Trek Quiz" I do in a few weeks.
                the Fifth Race

                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                  I love the show and especially its character development. There's a lot more of that in DS9 than in the other shows. There's also a lot less of the episode reboot stuff, where what happens in one ep has no effect on the next, which was particularly a problem with TOS.

                  However, I do think that they find the solutions to their problems, even when it's supposed to be something completely new, a bit too easily sometimes. Things often work out on the first try, and it usually involves reversing the polarity of something.

                  Coincidentally to the first post of this page, I watched Visionary tonight and it struck me how easily they worked out what caused O'Brien's temporal shifts, and particularly, how to manipulate them so that he could move to the point in time he needed.


                    I know this is the DS9 thread but some of you guys also watch SG, right? well just so you know Atlantis has been cancelled
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                      Have a day off within my week off!

                      It's Gatecon week so I've taken a day out, well, I couldn't afford to go whale watching with some of my fellow gaters so a day off. I've been having fun being a tourist in my home town, and an excuse to go out and feel like I'm away on holiday. The con itself starts on Friday when I finally get to see RDA!

                      Anyway, it's given me some time to come here and it's good to see another new person on the thread who appreciates the wonderful show that is DS9.

                      'Visionary' is a great episode, poor old O'Brien, he does get the short straw sometimes! Especially his shock at having to deal with his own death on a couple of occasions, those moments were particualarly well played by him and I felt his horror and discomfort along with him. I agree, he is particularly good in this episode and Keiko....!! I particularly liked the bit at the end where he questions if he really belonged in the timeline he ended up in as the O'Brien of the future ended up in the in the past, love these sorts of time twists. The little teasing touch at the very end as he goes "Dabo!" to Quark just before the crowd round the table shouts Dabo is a fun DS9 character moment!

                      We were talking a while back and lamenting the lack of DS9 being shown anywhere in syndication. Lo and behold the Space channel here are showing every Trek series starting for the fall season. Up till now they've only shown TOS, ENT, VOY and TNG but in the trailer I was happy to see a scene with Sisko and Jadzia as they meet the Prophets in the first episode. So at least now DS9 is being shown on a TV screen somewhere in the world at a reasonable hour of the day.

                      Oh dear, SGA cancelled...I'm not really surprised to be honest. I never got into it that much and it always seemed to be struggling to find fresh ideas. It will be weird though not having any more Stargate in production, perhaps Stargate Universe might see the light of day at some point. I feel though it should be left for a couple of years maybe and then it may be better recieved as the concept is too far from the Stargate world we're familiar with and it could end up being a bit like the Stargate franchise's 'Voyager'!


                        Hey I liked Voyager, lol.


                          I sadly enjoy O'Brien episodes as well, despite not being a huge fan of the character.


                            Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                            It's Gatecon week so I've taken a day out, well, I couldn't afford to go whale watching with some of my fellow gaters so a day off. I've been having fun being a tourist in my home town, and an excuse to go out and feel like I'm away on holiday. The con itself starts on Friday when I finally get to see RDA!

                            Anyway, it's given me some time to come here and it's good to see another new person on the thread who appreciates the wonderful show that is DS9.
                            How nice Kris, I sometimes like to take a day off and play tourist in and around San Fran myself. How sweet is the fact that the man himself (RDA) is making a appearance. I have always been a big admirer of Anderson since he became Col./Gen. Jack O'Neill.

                            We have had a handful of new and fellow Trek fans visit us in the last month or so. Isn't it wonderful, the more the merrier.
                            Originally posted by Krisz
                            'Visionary' is a great episode, poor old O'Brien, he does get the short straw sometimes! Especially his shock at having to deal with his own death on a couple of occasions, those moments were particualarly well played by him and I felt his horror and discomfort along with him. I agree, he is particularly good in this episode and Keiko....!! I particularly liked the bit at the end where he questions if he really belonged in the timeline he ended up in as the O'Brien of the future ended up in the in the past, love these sorts of time twists. The little teasing touch at the very end as he goes "Dabo!" to Quark just before the crowd round the table shouts Dabo is a fun DS9 character moment!
                            LOL, great call Kris, the look of Quarks face was hilarious as was Julians. It was also interesting to watch O'Brien interact with himself when they finally caught up with each other. It was also nice to see them both care about one another and not be worried just about themselves (there own O'Brien so to speak).
                            Originally posted by Krisz
                            We were talking a while back and lamenting the lack of DS9 being shown anywhere in syndication. Lo and behold the Space channel here are showing every Trek series starting for the fall season. Up till now they've only shown TOS, ENT, VOY and TNG but in the trailer I was happy to see a scene with Sisko and Jadzia as they meet the Prophets in the first episode. So at least now DS9 is being shown on a TV screen somewhere in the world at a reasonable hour of the day.
                            Great news Kris. It should be fun following the series from beginning to end again.
                            the Fifth Race

                            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                              Originally posted by maneth View Post
                              I love the show and especially its character development. There's a lot more of that in DS9 than in the other shows. There's also a lot less of the episode reboot stuff, where what happens in one ep has no effect on the next, which was particularly a problem with TOS.
                              Very well said maneth!. Characters make or break a show especially in scifi and especially a show like DS9 where you have a rather large group of main and recurring characters. As I have stated many times before - the lack of Starfleet automaton type characters like we got on TNG & VOY mixed with a bevy of wonderfully quirky and flawed characters gave DS9 a completely new and refreshing premise for a Trek series.
                              Originally posted by maneth
                              However, I do think that they find the solutions to their problems, even when it's supposed to be something completely new, a bit too easily sometimes. Things often work out on the first try, and it usually involves reversing the polarity of something.
                              LOL, now it wouldn't be scifi if we didn't have the occasional miracle solution or crazy explanation to problems.
                              Originally posted by maneth
                              Coincidentally to the first post of this page, I watched Visionary tonight and it struck me how easily they worked out what caused O'Brien's temporal shifts, and particularly, how to manipulate them so that he could move to the point in time he needed.
                              Some of it did seem rather convenient. Although I am sucker for O'Brien episodes and this one was definetly one of his best performances of the earlier seasons.
                              the Fifth Race

                              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                                Originally posted by s72450 View Post
                                I sadly enjoy O'Brien episodes as well, despite not being a huge fan of the character.
                                I wasn't the biggest fan of O'Brien myself. I didn't dislike him I just always thought he was kind of blase. Now that being said, Colm Meaney is fantastic actor and the Miles O'Brien character was portrayed brillliantly and like Visionary he starred in a lot of truly great episodes (especially in the later seasons).

                                Originally posted by s72450 View Post
                                Hey I liked Voyager, lol.
                                As did I. Sure I struggled with the early seasons and rather mundane characters, but after 7 of 9 joined the crew the show got much better IMHO.
                                The USS Defiant Rocks!

