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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    yeah they are
    Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


      Originally posted by the Fifth Race
      Does anybody else feel DS9 was the most superior and best written show of all the Star Trek genre's?. I truly loved all the ST shows (I even learned to like Enterprise eventually). TNG was second favorite (Picard and Data are two favorite Star Trek characters).

      The storyline and character developement of DS9 was outstanding. The way the series unfolded over it's 7 season run leading up to Dominion war (basically seasons 6 & 7) was must watch television. so agree with you on this.


        Originally posted by HirogenGater
        I don't really have a favorite season of DS9, but if I must choose I would say Season 6.

        This is somewhat off topic but I think the DS9 DVD sets are the best looking and have the best functionality.

        I totally agree brother HirogenGater, the DS9 are the best looking DVD box sets of all my vast DVD box set collections. The TNG box sets are not quite as nice but also very sweet!.
        the Fifth Race

        Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


          Originally posted by NG.1
 so agree with you on this.

          Welcome to the DS9 superior thread NG.1, please feel free to frequent and comment on this wonderful thread. We have it all here and we talk about all things Trek, just not DS9. The regulars that post here IMHO are second to none.
          the Fifth Race

          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


            Originally posted by the Fifth Race
            Welcome to the DS9 superior thread NG.1, please feel free to frequent and comment on this wonderful thread. We have it all here and we talk about all things Trek, just not DS9. The regulars that post here IMHO are second to none.
            That was the nicest welcome I had in a long time. Thanks!!!


              Season IV episode discussions (first half of the season).....these are my choices for standout or my personal favorites. Again, feel free to add or agree/disagree and comment on them.

              The Way of the Warrior (parts I & II).....The Klingon's show up unexpectedly at DS9 in numbers, Sisko calls Worf (his introduction to DS9) to DS9 to help find out whats going on. Worf finds out that the Klingon's want to invade Cardassia to gain a foothold on the wormhole in case the Dominion invade. Great episode, also Martok's introduction to DS9 as well as Worf's.

              The Visitor.....Sisko disappears leaving Jake to search for his father over most of his lifetime, most of the episode is of an old dying Jake telling his story to a young grad student who sought out Jake to learn from what he has become, a great author. Great stand alone episode!.

              Hippocratic Oath.....Bashir and O'Brien respond to distress cal and find a Jem'Hadar soldier who has been cured of his Ketracel-white addiction and has a lab where he forces Bashir to help find a cure for other Jem Ha'dar. O'Brien and Bashir clash over weather to help or not. Another great Bashir/O'Brien dedicated episode.

              Starship Down.....The Defiant is attacked by two Jem Ha'dar vessels and is crippled, they manage to find protection in a gaseous cloud around a planet to try and repair the ship. Quark and Hanok are trapped in the mess hall where a quantum torpedo has been lodged into the hull of the defiant and is still active. They both have to work together to disarm the weapon.

              Little Green Men.....Quark, Nog and Rom crash land on Earth while taking Nog to Starfleet academy on a booby-trapped ship he was owed. They all wake up in a locked room in Area 51 at Roswell (circa. 1947) they are examined and probed before finally escaping back to there own time. Great Ferengi dedicated episode, I laughed my butt off every time I watch this one.

              The Sword of Kahless.....Kor, Dax and Worf set out to find the sword of Kahless that Kor says he knows where its at. They find the sword but realize it has sinister repercussion's if brought back to the Klingon people, so they beam into to space and hope it never is found again. I love Klingon dedicated episodes!.

              Homefront.....Changelings on Earth, a bomb goes off killing 27 people at a Romulan/Federation conference. Odo discovers that a Starfleet Officer (Leyton) is actually a changeling which leaves Sisko and him to prove to the president that changeling are on Earth and they have prepare. Good stuff!.

              Those are my choices for the first half of season IV, tell me what you think.

              I will bust out my favorites from the second half of season IV in a few days.
              Last edited by the Fifth Race; 11 April 2006, 05:24 AM.
              the Fifth Race

              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                W00t, i've seen most of these! Excellent choices if i do say so myself Brother Fifth...

                I have to say, the pick of the bunch in S4 (and places i've read say the best ST ever) is "The Visitor". That was the episode i realised DS9 was something majorly special. Much like SG's "Fifth Race" but IMO much more potent in it's delivery. Jake wasn't exactly my favourite character, but the episode still drew me in and allowed the viewer (i can only speak for myself but i don't like saying "me" and "I" a lot!) a window into his thoughts and hence empathise with him. I can't even describe how much i love this episode, as evident by the ramblings above...

                Starship down - A great episode. Really tense... I loved Kira and Sisko's interactions when he was out cold. They were great, (if i remember rightly) the "I now you've always kept me at arms length..." was a good one. I really liked their relationship, it really shined through in later years.

                That'll do for now... I have studying to do. I'll post the rest later as situations arise.

                The center of Khlysty surrounds me


                  I agree with brother Anubis69 that your picks are great Fifth!, I also agree with him about the episode The Visitor . That was a special episode for a lot of reasons, it was touching, informative and so very well written!, I really bought into and started to like Jake a lot more after this great episode.

                  Braga was hitting his stride with DS9 in season IV.

                  I also will comment later on your other choices.


                    Originally posted by Starbase
                    Braga was hitting his stride with DS9 in season IV.
                    Interesting to see that comment about Braga hitting his stride with DS9. He clearly hit a peak with DS9 and should be recognised for it. But once he'd hit that summit, it could only be downhill from then on. He stayed with the Star Trek franchise far too long and should have moved on at the end of DS9 or Voyager.
                    "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                      As one Daniel Jackson would say, "It's easy to predict the score when the game is over". As far as he was concerned he was probably doing what he saw as a ratings hit in the form of Enterprise etc. but yeah, i agree. He should've moved over when he started reusing ideas and destroying 400 years of Trek history and ruining continuity.
                      (Something completely random but loosely connected: I said that to a mate the other night and his reply was particularly amusing... "Continuity's overrated. Just like lungs!")

                      I'm quite surprised no one's brought up Dax's kiss in "Rejoined" yet...

                      The center of Khlysty surrounds me


                        Originally posted by KatG
                        Definitely agree. DS9 was the best trek ever. It was a little darker and grittier than the other series. TNG would come in a close second, followed by Voyager, TOS, and Enterprise in that order.
                        That is what drew me to DS9 - the darkness.


                          Originally posted by Anubis69
                          (Something completely random but loosely connected: I said that to a mate the other night and his reply was particularly amusing... "Continuity's overrated. Just like lungs!")
                          And I should add, Neelix would say the same, or at that particular moment, "Ack Ack *gasp* Ack.."

                          I'm quite surprised no one's brought up Dax's kiss in "Rejoined" yet...
                          Well aye, there is... that.
                          "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                            Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                            I whole-heartedly agree!....I re-watch season 6 & 7 about every other month or so I have'nt gotten sick of it yet!. I wish Jadzia Dax would have stayed till the end.
                            Me too, but Ezri wasn't too bad.


                              Originally posted by flippy18
                              DS9 is my favourite Trek show, the only one where I've watched every episode. Kira was my favourite character all the way through, with Dr Bashir a close second I just loved all the Bajoran/Prophet/Emissary stuff to bits.

                              TNG was okay in places and Voyager wasn't too bad. Managed to sit through one episode of Enterprise and that was enough.

                              Each to their own
                              Liked Kira, Odo...ah heck all of them.

                              Agree about Voyager. Enterprise started to irritate me after two seasons, because of the "rape" of vulcan culture.


                                Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                                That's exactly the way my favorites list would go for the various ST series.

                                1) DS9
                                2) TNG (a very close second!)
                                3) Voyager (especially the last 2 seasons) 7 of 9 ...droool
                                4) TOS
                                5) Enterprise
                                Mine is as follows:

                                1. DS9
                                2. TNG
                                3. TOS
                                4. Voyager
                                5. Enterprise

