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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
    Well I'm guessing that I'm not the oldest one here. (34)
    Nope! I hit the big five O this June!

    Good old CCR! Got to love those guys!

    That video brought to mind the DS9 episode 'Little Green Men'. Quark wondering in horror and disbelief as they were flying into that nuclear bomb explosion how "Hoomans" could irradiate their own planet.

    That's interesting about those movies Starbase, I was wondering whether to watch 'No Country for Old Men'. I can't decide if it's too violent in subject matter from what I've seen in trailers and reviews. However if there is a purpose to it as part of a well told story then I'm more receptive to the idea of watching it.

    As for 'I am Legend', I may yet see this having had some reservations since I really liked 'The Omega Man'. 'Into the Wild' sounds interesting and I may go out and rent these movies after what you've said.


      Originally posted by Krisz View Post
      Nope! I hit the big five O this June!
      I will be 43 years young in September. Age is subjective, my muscles have never been bigger and I am in best shape of my life. Mid-life crisis be damned.
      Originally posted by Krisz
      That's interesting about those movies Starbase, I was wondering whether to watch 'No Country for Old Men'. I can't decide if it's too violent in subject matter from what I've seen in trailers and reviews. However if there is a purpose to it as part of a well told story then I'm more receptive to the idea of watching it.
      No Country for Old Men is brutally violent, but it's not violence for the sake violence. It's done as part of storyline or with a "purpose" as you put it. The story and the characters involved are well worth the ensuing violence. This is one movie NO adult should miss!.
      Originally posted by Krisz
      As for 'I am Legend', I may yet see this having had some reservations since I really liked 'The Omega Man'. 'Into the Wild' sounds interesting and I may go out and rent these movies after what you've said.
      Into the Wild is hand's down the best movie I have seen all year!. Not only was the guy (Christopher McCandless) a pretty amazing individual with an even more amazing adventure to tell, but Sean Penn directed one of the most beautiful films I have ever seen. Don't miss this one. I still haven't seen I Am Legend, but I am looking forward to it.
      Originally posted by Krisz
      That video brought to mind the DS9 episode 'Little Green Men'. Quark wondering in horror and disbelief as they were flying into that nuclear bomb explosion how "Hoomans" could irradiate their own planet.
      Good call on Little Green Men Kris. Like brother Starbase, you look at those old black & white clips of the nuclear tests they did in the 1950's and 1960's and there hypnotic. It's man flexing his most evil muscle.
      the Fifth Race

      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


        Originally posted by Krisz View Post
        Nope! I hit the big five O this June!

        Good old CCR! Got to love those guys!

        That video brought to mind the DS9 episode 'Little Green Men'. Quark wondering in horror and disbelief as they were flying into that nuclear bomb explosion how "Hoomans" could irradiate their own planet.

        That's interesting about those movies Starbase, I was wondering whether to watch 'No Country for Old Men'. I can't decide if it's too violent in subject matter from what I've seen in trailers and reviews. However if there is a purpose to it as part of a well told story then I'm more receptive to the idea of watching it.

        As for 'I am Legend', I may yet see this having had some reservations since I really liked 'The Omega Man'. 'Into the Wild' sounds interesting and I may go out and rent these movies after what you've said.

        well Krisz I run you a close second! I will be 46 this summer (but, I say vainly, I was told by the gal at the estee lauder counter [and it was against her financial interests to tell me this! ] I only look 36 thank heavens for good genes, l'oreal hair dye, and clean living! ) and am blessed with a hubby my own age who has no gray hair! it isn't fair!!!! HE is why I dye my hair, he looks about 30 with a head of thick wavy brown hair. so I dye and dye, once he gets gray, I can stop! our daughter loves to tease us about being so young looking! but then at 25 she can pass for 18! it's all in the genes I say!
        I find I don't like "grim" movies...give me silly or an adventure, scifi, or a happy ending! RL can be too grim for me (I am currently studying criminal there are wackos out there ) at times. This weekend my hubby, daughter and myself went to the a second run theater (ok I am too cheap to pay full price unless I am sure I'll like it!) and saw the water horse and enchanted. both were cute but we roared through enchanted... it was a hilarious send-up of disney movies...what can i say... simple pleasures!
        I have no interest in "Into the wild"...hated the book and thought Chris needed a "slap upside the head" to quote my nana!
        I too loved Omega man and haven't had the heart to watch I am legend.


          Well i have no grays, yet but my Uncle is 60 and still has his hair and it's still brown.


            Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
            Well i have no grays, yet but my Uncle is 60 and still has his hair and it's still brown.
            Uncles don't is your maternal grandfather who matters. Male-pattern baldness comes through your mother. My hubby's maternal grandfather died at 88 with a head full of black hair...and a thick mustache too. It is lucky i never had any dad was a bald as Picard...only daddy had a sense of humor! I have two nephews (i only have sisters) who are 34 and 30 and are balding... badly! they complain it isn't fair because their dad has plenty of hair! It's all in the genes as I say! My daughter teases that she can have sons... HER dad has plenty of hair! (of course that is when she is allowed by me to have kids...I don't intend on being a grandma before I hit 50! )


              Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
              Uncles don't is your maternal grandfather who matters. Male-pattern baldness comes through your mother. My hubby's maternal grandfather died at 88 with a head full of black hair...and a thick mustache too. It is lucky i never had any dad was a bald as Picard...only daddy had a sense of humor! I have two nephews (i only have sisters) who are 34 and 30 and are balding... badly! they complain it isn't fair because their dad has plenty of hair! It's all in the genes as I say! My daughter teases that she can have sons... HER dad has plenty of hair! (of course that is when she is allowed by me to have kids...I don't intend on being a grandma before I hit 50! )
              My grandfather on my mothers side died at 34 fighting the Nazis in WW2, my grandfather on my dads side also fought the Nazis and lived, he is still kicking at 98 and has all his origanal hair but it is sandy gray. But my family has really good genes, my grandfather on my dads side picked my grandmother because of her genes(yes my family is messed up, you should see how many crazy ones come to the reunions) so I am all good, except i am the first person in my familys history to get cancer.(My brother Eric is my twin and he didn't get it, but he did have to joy of getting his marrow checked) So I think I'll have my hair for a long time, and I hope it stays brown until I'm at least 45, then I can pull off the salt and pepper look.


                Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                Uncles don't is your maternal grandfather who matters. Male-pattern baldness comes through your mother.
                That's actually an extremely prevalent old wives tale. Male-pattern baldness is inherited through both sides of the family, though both parents. Men can indeed pass their baldness on to their sons in certain circumstances.

                Also, baldness is not caused by just a single gene, but rather it has many different causes, all of which add up for total hair loss. That's why some people are Picard level bald at 20 and others just start to get a small bald spot when they are 50, and never lose any more than that.


                  Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair - Flow it, show it - Long as God can grow it - My hair. God I love the musical movie Hair!.

                  Something is very fishy about those husbands and uncles or whomever that are in there middle to 40's and older with little or no grey hair (can you say "Just for Men Grecian formula"). Men can be just as vein (or even more so) than woman when it comes to hiding there grey hair. I am in my early 40's and I am sporting some grey on the sides and on top (not noticable unless you are standing right next to me), which I would never think about hiding or coloring. My wife is also in her early 40's and she started coloring her hair years ago to hide grey. Fortunetly my father and both sets of grand parents all had full heads of hair (as do I) all there lives. Brothers Starbase is sporting some grey like myself but brother Fifth Race who is a year older than both Starbase and myself has less grey than either of us. Brother Fifth also looks 10 years younger than he is as well (baztard!). I think it's his insane exercise, diet and weight lifting regiment that keeps him looking younger than he is.
                  Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                  I have no interest in "Into the wild"...hated the book and thought Chris needed a "slap upside the head" to quote my nana!
                  I also read the book and I was also put off with McCandlesses antics and attitude, he was brilliant but a meathead. My wife wanted to see the movie so I rented it and ended up loving it a lot more than the book. The movie follows the storyline of the book quite closely. Sean Penn (who I can't stand personally) made a "beautiful" film with In To the Wild. John Hurt as Christopher's father was brilliant as was Vince Vaughn as the friend /mentor who gave McCandless a job on his farm. I highly recommend the movie even if you did'nt care for the book or McCandless himself. It's the kind of movie that warms your heart and is good for your soul.
                  The USS Defiant Rocks!


                    Looks like I'm the Venerable Ancient Elder of this thread.

                    I'm happily collecting more grey hair, although it's still a bit more on the salt & pepper side rather than grey grey! I have never dyed my hair as I've never worried about fending off the signs of ageing. I'm lucky I guess in that I hardly have any wrinkles so that's something.

                    I only ever put some moisturiser on my face if my skin gets a bit dry. It's really difficult to find a simple moisture cream that just does that rather than cure wrinkles and goodness knows what else with 'seremides', 'goglblabberoids' ,'lipids' and whatever else that is the secret ingredient for the secret of "younger skin"! Gosh if any Sci Fi writer is stuck for any odd alien names for anything they are writing, they only need to go to the beauty counter at the local store and look at the ingredients in the various skin care products for inspiration!!


                      *bows to the elder*

                      Teach me the wisdom you have learned
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        *bows to the elder*

                        Teach me the wisdom you have learned
                        Always eat yellow snow, always cross on the red, leap before you look......


                          At times like this, I'm glad your not the elder.
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            At times like this, I'm glad your not the elder.
                            And when busting ghosts, remember to cross the streams.


                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              *bows to the elder*

                              Teach me the wisdom you have learned
                              I would if I could remember, what..........what did you say again?!!

                              I like the bowing thing!!


                                Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
                                And when busting ghosts, remember to cross the streams.
                                Ghostbusters!!! That's a welcome blast from the past, I used to watch that film repeatedly in my younger days. I bet I could still say the dialogue along with the actors. I need to add that movie to my wish list....

                                What other sci-fi films from the '80s do people enjoy? Other than the Star Trek films of that decade, there is Star Wars, of course. I also really like ET: the Extraterrestrial and the Back to the Future movies. I was pretty young that decade, so I also watched Gremlins repeatedly. And while not sci-fi, The Princess Bride is one of my favorite all-time films and it came out in 1988, I think.

