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    Star Trek Quiz #11
    This Quiz has a Easy to Medium Diffculty Level, with questions about TNG, VOY, TOS, ENT, DS9 and even a Trek movie question or two. The last 6 questions are fill-in's, some are 2 and 3 parters - the 2 parters are worth 2 points and the 3 parters are worth 3 points. A perfect score is 26/26.

    Rules: NO Internet searches ... Be honest and have fun ... NO commenting on someones elses answers ... Some answers have multiple choice and some answers are fill-in's ... Leave your answers in a reply with a spoiler tag (hidden) ... I will post up results Wednesday afternoon to give some of our brethren an extra day to take the quiz. Good Luck

    1)- DS9 has a complement of small ships. What are thses ships called?
    A)Star Furies B)Shuttlecrafts C)Star Gliders D)Runabouts

    2)- Geordi's mother was the Captain of what ill-fated vessel?
    A)USS Hera B)USS Drake C)USS Aires D)USS Iris

    3)- Voyager received this piece of technology in the 29th Century.
    A)Metaphysical clock B)Multispatial transporter C)Mobile emitter D)Memory-enhancing computer

    4)- The Enterprise does not possess a tractor beam, as the starships of 'TOS,' 'TNG,' 'DS9,' and 'VOY' do. What does it have instead?
    A)Magnetic plates B)Grapples C)Anti-grav emitters D)None of these

    5)- From "Favour the Bold" - When Sisko gathered a fleet of ships to retake the station, how many Dominion ships were waiting for them?
    A)1,254 B)912 C)2,600 D)354

    6)- What was the name of Riker's son?
    A)Kyle B)Ian Andrew C)Jean-Luc D)Will, Jr.

    7)- How many years did "TOS" (the Original Series) air on T.V.?
    A)Two B)Five C)Three D)Four

    8)- Where was Odo brought up?
    A)In a family on Bajor B)In a family on Earth C)Deep Space 9 D)Bajoran Institute for Science

    9)- Name of ship that Tom Paris struck a deal for - a ship which tried to take him away from Voyager.
    A)Amore B)Amy C)Althea D)Alice

    10)- In the TNG episode 'Time's Arrow', what did Mark Twain leave behind in the cave at the end of the story?
    A)Ring B)Pocket watch C)Glasses D)Coat

    11)- How long do Denobulans (Dr. Phlox) hibernate when they need sleep?
    A)5 days B)4 days C)6 days D)14 days

    12)- Who killed Chancellor Gowron in the DS9 episode 'Tacking Into the Wind'?
    A)Martok B)Kurn C)Sisko D)Worf

    13)- In what rather creepy VOY episode does Janeway literally confront Fear?
    A)Timeless B)The Thaw C)State of Flux D)Nothing Human

    14)- In an effort to escape the romantic overtures of Lwaxana Troi in the TNG episode "Manhunt," Captain Picard enjoys some time in the holodeck running his Dixon Hill program. When Riker enters the program later in the episode, how does Picard introduce his first officer to the holodeck characters?
    A)Big Willy B)Nails C)Carlos D)Willy Two-Time

    15)- In the final TNG episode, 'All Good Things...', what did the Enterprise have to create at the center of the anti-time anomoly in order to close it? _________

    16)- What is the name of the simulation (that is also the name of a ship), that Saviik failed at the beginning of the movie The Wrath of Kahn? ________ ... How was Kirk able to pass the same test (Hint: He is the only one to ever pass it)? _________

    17)- What is the full name of Harry Kim's character in the "Captain Proton" holo-program? _________ (First and Second name please) ... What is the name of the Guard who works for Chaotica? _________ ... What is the name of the robot in the "Captain Proton" series? _________

    18)- What was the name of T'Pol's and Trip's child? ________ ... What is special about said name? ________

    19)- What gift did Q give Data at the end of the TNG episode Deja Q? ________

    20)- What did Odo admit to and find "the most comforting" after he was made human? ________ ... Whom did he tell this to? _________

    21)- What do Star Trek and the Wright Brothers share or have in common? (Hint: Think Klingon) ________
    the Fifth Race

    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


      15)Create an inverse static warp shell
      16)Kobiashi Maru, He cheated
      17)Buster Kincade, Lonzac!, Satan's Robot
      18)_________, ______________
      20)He enjoyed consuming foods, Sisko
      21)The Wright brothers were known for eating live worms, ritual combat to the death, and concentrating on putting big weapons on their aircraft to the detriment of the energy shielding and flight capabilities. Also their planes lacked proper inertia dampeners. Truly that was a design flaw if there ever was one. On the plus side, Breen dampening weapons are known to have no effect on any plane built by the Wright brothers, but no one is quite sure why. This is the reason why Wright brother aircraft are still flown by the US airforce, as witnessed on The Simpsons.


        1) D
        2) C
        3) C
        4) B (Technically grappler, but I assume that's what you meant?)
        5) B
        6) D
        7) C
        8) D
        9) D
        10) B
        11) D
        12) D
        13) D
        14) D
        15) _____
        16) Haven't seen TWoK yet
        17) That was years ago!
        18) _____, _____
        19) Laughter
        20) I don't know...sleeping?, Quark?
        21) _____

        Couldn't you at least pretend that it was hard, so I wouldn't feel so bad about this
        Last edited by ./freelancer; 25 February 2008, 02:56 PM.

        "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
        The Church of Mappothism | My YouTube Videos (mostly Farscape music videos)

        Starburst 1.1 1.2 1.3 | 2.1 2.2 2.3 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 | 4.1 4.2 4.3


          Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
          Star Trek Quiz #11
          This Quiz has a Easy to Medium Diffculty Level, with questions about TNG, VOY, TOS, ENT, DS9 and even a Trek movie question or two. The last 6 questions are fill-in's, some are 2 and 3 parters - the 2 parters are worth 2 points and the 3 parters are worth 3 points. A perfect score is 26/26.

          Rules: NO Internet searches ... Be honest and have fun ... NO commenting on someones elses answers ... Some answers have multiple choice and some answers are fill-in's ... Leave your answers in a reply with a spoiler tag (hidden) ... I will post up results Wednesday afternoon to give some of our brethren an extra day to take the quiz. Good Luck

          1)- DS9 has a complement of small ships. What are thses ships called?
          A)Star Furies B)Shuttlecrafts C)Star Gliders D)Runabouts

          2)- Geordi's mother was the Captain of what ill-fated vessel?
          A)USS Hera B)USS Drake C)USS Aires D)USS Iris

          3)- Voyager received this piece of technology in the 29th Century.
          A)Metaphysical clock B)Multispatial transporter C)Mobile emitter D)Memory-enhancing computer

          4)- The Enterprise does not possess a tractor beam, as the starships of 'TOS,' 'TNG,' 'DS9,' and 'VOY' do. What does it have instead?
          A)Magnetic plates B)Grapples C)Anti-grav emitters D)None of these

          5)- From "Favour the Bold" - When Sisko gathered a fleet of ships to retake the station, how many Dominion ships were waiting for them?
          A)1,254 B)912 C)2,600 D)354

          6)- What was the name of Riker's son?
          A)Kyle B)Ian Andrew C)Jean-Luc D)Will, Jr.

          7)- How many years did "TOS" (the Original Series) air on T.V.?
          A)Two B)Five C)Three D)Four

          8)- Where was Odo brought up?
          A)In a family on Bajor B)In a family on Earth C)Deep Space 9 D)Bajoran Institute for Science

          9)- Name of ship that Tom Paris struck a deal for - a ship which tried to take him away from Voyager.
          A)Amore B)Amy C)Althea D)Alice

          10)- In the TNG episode 'Time's Arrow', what did Mark Twain leave behind in the cave at the end of the story?
          A)Ring B)Pocket watch C)Glasses D)Coat

          11)- How long do Denobulans (Dr. Phlox) hibernate when they need sleep?
          A)5 days B)4 days C)6 days D)14 days

          12)- Who killed Chancellor Gowron in the DS9 episode 'Tacking Into the Wind'?
          A)Martok B)Kurn C)Sisko D)Worf

          13)- In what rather creepy VOY episode does Janeway literally confront Fear?
          A)Timeless B)The Thaw C)State of Flux D)Nothing Human

          14)- In an effort to escape the romantic overtures of Lwaxana Troi in the TNG episode "Manhunt," Captain Picard enjoys some time in the holodeck running his Dixon Hill program. When Riker enters the program later in the episode, how does Picard introduce his first officer to the holodeck characters?
          A)Big Willy B)Nails C)Carlos D)Willy Two-Time

          15)- In the final TNG episode, 'All Good Things...', what did the Enterprise have to create at the center of the anti-time anomoly in order to close it? _________

          16)- What is the name of the simulation (that is also the name of a ship), that Saviik failed at the beginning of the movie The Wrath of Kahn? ________ ... How was Kirk able to pass the same test (Hint: He is the only one to ever pass it)? _________

          17)- What is the full name of Harry Kim's character in the "Captain Proton" holo-program? _________ (First and Second name please) ... What is the name of the Guard who works for Chaotica? _________ ... What is the name of the robot in the "Captain Proton" series? _________

          18)- What was the name of T'Pol's and Trip's child? ________ ... What is special about said name? ________

          19)- What gift did Q give Data at the end of the TNG episode Deja Q? ________

          20)- What did Odo admit to and find "the most comforting" after he was made human? ________ ... Whom did he tell this to? _________

          21)- What do Star Trek and the Wright Brothers share or have in common? (Hint: Think Klingon) ________

          1. D
          2. C
          3. C
          4. B
          5. B
          6. D
          7. C
          8. D
          9. D
          10. B
          11. B
          12. D
          13. D
          14. D
          15. A Paradox.
          16. Kobiyashi Maru, Kirk cheated
          17. ?, ?, ?
          18. Elizabeth, she's named after Trip's deceased sister
          19. Laughter
          20. The ability to feel pain?, Kira
          21. ?


            1. D
            2. A
            3. C
            4. B
            5. B
            6. D
            7. C
            8. D
            9. D
            10. B
            11. B
            12. D
            13. B
            14. D
            15. ?
            16. Kobiyashi Maru, he cheated
            17. Buster Kincaid, ?, Satan's Robot
            18. Elizabeth, its the name of Trip's sister who died when the Xindi attacked
            19. Laughter
            20. Eating, ?
            21. ?

            This one wasn't so bad, though there were a few that stumped me (like the last one).
            Folding@Home|Babylon 5 Canon Guide

            Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw,...or be destroyed.
            Earth Captain: Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.
            Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.
            --Babylon 5 - "Severed Dreams"


              10. b
     antimatter explosion
              16. Kobyashi Maru, Kirk reprogrammed the simulation so he could win.
              17.buster?,lunkhead?, chaotica?
              18.Elizabeth, named after trip's deceased sister
              19. a good belly-laugh
              20. eating, kira
              21. both crashed in Ohio!

              now we get to see how good at BS I am



                1. D
                2. A
                3. C
                4. B
                5. A
                6. C
                7. C
                8. D
                9. D
                10. B
                11. A
                12. D
                13. B
                14. A
                15. ???
                16. Kobayashi Maru -- He re-wrote the program
                17. Buster Kinkaid -- ??? -- ???
                18. Elizabeth -- ???
                19. Laughter
                20. Food and Drink -- ???
                21. ???
                Nice tough Quiz brother Fifth.


                  Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post

                  1)- DS9 has a complement of small ships. What are thses ships called?

                  2)- Geordi's mother was the Captain of what ill-fated vessel?
                  A)USS Hera

                  3)- Voyager received this piece of technology in the 29th Century.
                  C)Mobile emitter

                  4)- The Enterprise does not possess a tractor beam, as the starships of 'TOS,' 'TNG,' 'DS9,' and 'VOY' do. What does it have instead?
                  D)None of these ( The reason I picked D is because they had Grapplers;

                  5)- From "Favour the Bold" - When Sisko gathered a fleet of ships to retake the station, how many Dominion ships were waiting for them?

                  6)- What was the name of Riker's son?

                  7)- How many years did "TOS" (the Original Series) air on T.V.?

                  8)- Where was Odo brought up?
                  D)Bajoran Institute for Science

                  9)- Name of ship that Tom Paris struck a deal for - a ship which tried to take him away from Voyager.

                  10)- In the TNG episode 'Time's Arrow', what did Mark Twain leave behind in the cave at the end of the story?
                  B)Pocket watch

                  11)- How long do Denobulans (Dr. Phlox) hibernate when they need sleep?
                  D)14 days

                  12)- Who killed Chancellor Gowron in the DS9 episode 'Tacking Into the Wind'?

                  13)- In what rather creepy VOY episode does Janeway literally confront Fear?
                  B)The Thaw

                  14)- In an effort to escape the romantic overtures of Lwaxana Troi in the TNG episode "Manhunt," Captain Picard enjoys some time in the holodeck running his Dixon Hill program. When Riker enters the program later in the episode, how does Picard introduce his first officer to the holodeck characters?
                  D)Willy Two-Time

                  15)- In the final TNG episode, 'All Good Things...', what did the Enterprise have to create at the center of the anti-time anomoly in order to close it? static warp shell (Had to think on that one)

                  16)- What is the name of the simulation (that is also the name of a ship), that Saviik failed at the beginning of the movie The Wrath of Kahn? Kobiaisy Maru (SP) ... How was Kirk able to pass the same test (Hint: He is the only one to ever pass it)? Reprogramed it so he could win.

                  17)- What is the full name of Harry Kim's character in the "Captain Proton" holo-program? Buster Kinkaid (First and Second name please) ... What is the name of the Guard who works for Chaotica? ?? ... What is the name of the robot in the "Captain Proton" series? ??

                  18)- What was the name of T'Pol's and Trip's child? ?? ... What is special about said name? ???

                  19)- What gift did Q give Data at the end of the TNG episode Deja Q? The Gift of Laughter

                  20)- What did Odo admit to and find "the most comforting" after he was made human? eating?... Whom did he tell this to? Troi?

                  21)- What do Star Trek and the Wright Brothers share or have in common? (Hint: Think Klingon) ??

                  This was hard, granted I haven't gotten any sleep yet.


                    Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                    1)- DS9 has a complement of small ships. What are thses ships called?

                    2)- Geordi's mother was the Captain of what ill-fated vessel?
                    A)USS Hera

                    3)- Voyager received this piece of technology in the 29th Century. C)Mobile emitter[/B]

                    4)- The Enterprise does not possess a tractor beam, as the starships of 'TOS,' 'TNG,' 'DS9,' and 'VOY' do. What does it have instead?
                    C)Anti-grav emitters

                    5)- From "Favour the Bold" - When Sisko gathered a fleet of ships to retake the station, how many Dominion ships were waiting for them?

                    6)- What was the name of Riker's son?

                    7)- How many years did "TOS" (the Original Series) air on T.V.?

                    8)- Where was Odo brought up?
                    D)Bajoran Institute for Science

                    9)- Name of ship that Tom Paris struck a deal for - a ship which tried to take him away from Voyager.

                    10)- In the TNG episode 'Time's Arrow', what did Mark Twain leave behind in the cave at the end of the story?
                    B)Pocket watch

                    11)- How long do Denobulans (Dr. Phlox) hibernate when they need sleep?
                    B)4 days

                    12)- Who killed Chancellor Gowron in the DS9 episode 'Tacking Into the Wind'?

                    13)- In what rather creepy VOY episode does Janeway literally confront Fear?
                    D)Nothing Human

                    14)- In an effort to escape the romantic overtures of Lwaxana Troi in the TNG episode "Manhunt," Captain Picard enjoys some time in the holodeck running his Dixon Hill program. When Riker enters the program later in the episode, how does Picard introduce his first officer to the holodeck characters?
                    D)Willy Two-Time

                    15)- In the final TNG episode, 'All Good Things...', what did the Enterprise have to create at the center of the anti-time anomoly in order to close it? ???

                    16)- What is the name of the simulation (that is also the name of a ship), that Saviik failed at the beginning of the movie The Wrath of Kahn? Kobiashi Maru ... How was Kirk able to pass the same test (Hint: He is the only one to ever pass it)? He rewrote the program.

                    17)- What is the full name of Harry Kim's character in the "Captain Proton" holo-program? ??? (First and Second name please) ... What is the name of the Guard who works for Chaotica? ??? ... What is the name of the robot in the "Captain Proton" series? ???

                    18)- What was the name of T'Pol's and Trip's child? Elizabeth? ... What is special about said name? Trip's sister's name

                    19)- What gift did Q give Data at the end of the TNG episode Deja Q? Laughter?

                    20)- What did Odo admit to and find "the most comforting" after he was made human? Eating/drinking ... Whom did he tell this to? Sisko

                    21)- What do Star Trek and the Wright Brothers share or have in common? (Hint: Think Klingon) ???

                    Yikes, I really need to brush up on my Trek! This quiz is advanced college level.


                      1) D
                      2) C
                      3) C
                      4) B
                      5) A?
                      6) C
                      7) C
                      8) D
                      9) C (no idea)
                      10) B
                      11) C?
                      12) D
                      13) B?
                      14) A?
                      15) a static warp shell
                      16) Kobayashi Maru; he cheated (reprogramed it)
                      17) ???
                      18) ??
                      19) laughter
                      20) eating; Kira?
                      21) ?

                      great quiz brother Fifth
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                        1 D
                        2 C
                        3 C
                        4 B
                        5 C
                        6 A
                        7 4
                        8 D
                        9 D
                        10 B
                        11 D
                        12 D
                        13 A
                        14 B
                        15 Tachyon beam (sp!) if it’s even right!
                        16 Kobyashu Maru,
                        19 Laughter
                        20 stroking cats ?, Kira

                        *collapses on laptop sobbing* Am I doomed never to grace a position other than last?!

                        Still, someone's got to be there and I think I'm doing a grand job! I'm really kicking myself about question 17. I really like that episode and have seen it at least four times, but can I remember the answers? NO! Useless brain, need to trade it in for a more reliable model!

                        Great quiz as always and I will continue to battle with my bumbling brain to get some correct answers one day!


                          Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                          *collapses on laptop sobbing* Am I doomed never to grace a position other than last?!

                          Still, someone's got to be there and I think I'm doing a grand job! I'm really kicking myself about question 17. I really like that episode and have seen it at least four times, but can I remember the answers? NO! Useless brain, need to trade it in for a more reliable model!

                          Great quiz as always and I will continue to battle with my bumbling brain to get some correct answers one day!
                          I know what you mean. Ah, memory like a seive.....I've seen "All Good Things..." probably at least six times and I know I STILL got the question pertaining to that episode wrong.


                            Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                            I know what you mean. Ah, memory like a seive.....I've seen "All Good Things..." probably at least six times and I know I STILL got the question pertaining to that episode wrong.
                            LOL, I know exactly what you mean.

                            1] D
                            2] C
                            3] C
                            4] B
                            5] A
                            6] C
                            7] C
                            8] D
                            9] D
                            10] B
                            11] C
                            12] D
                            13] B
                            14] B
                            15] Static Warp Shell
                            16] Kobyashi Maru -- He proudly cheated by re-writing the program
                            17] Buster Kinkaid -- ?? -- Satan's Robot
                            18] Elisabeth -- Trip's dead sisters name
                            19] Belly Laugh
                            20] Food and Drink -- He told Sisko in Quarks bar
                            21] ??, ughh
                            The USS Defiant Rocks!


                              Hi everyone, I am holding off on posting the results of the latest Trek Quiz until this evening or tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. There are still a few regulars who have'nt taken it yet and they have requested that I hold off on the posting results until they have there chance.

                              I have graded everyone that has already taken the Quiz, and I must say I am very impressed this week.
                              the Fifth Race

                              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                                Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                                Hi everyone, I am holding off on posting the results of the latest Trek Quiz until this evening or tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. There are still a few regulars who have'nt taken it yet and they have requested that I hold off on the posting results until they have there chance.

                                I have graded everyone that has already taken the Quiz, and I must say I am very impressed this week.
                                Well I know I got one question right that everyone else didn't.

