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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by gopher65 View Post
    I think you may have been dealing with a... how would they say it in Quebec... le moron. I've never travelled outside Canada and the US, but I've happened across that particular boarder many a time, and I've yet to have a pleasant experience with a Customs and Immigration official from either country. Either that job wears people to the point where they become but a thin filament of their former selves, or it attracts a lot of idiots.
    I vote for the latter, most US civil servants aren't picked for their grand supply of brains! (gee that goes with some polticians too but no more politics )

    I agree with you marie, DS9 did the romance so well with Dax and Worf it seemed a natural outgrowth of their relationship (it was obvioous that she was attracted to him from the first) it was fun to watch (until she died! )


      I was always a big fan of the Odo and Kira romance
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
        I agree. DS9 is just brilliant at developing characters. Even the recurring characters that might be one-note players in a lesser series get their share of development. Rom could have been relagated to just Quark's goofy brother, instead we get to see other sides of him.
        Great point Mariel. - DS9 did a wonderful job of developing all there characters (including occasional characters and guest stars). Some of my favorite 'minor' characters are ... Rom (like you mentioned), Nog, Jake, Brunt, Ezri, Female Changeling, Ziyal (all 3 diff. actresses), Kai Winn, Morn, Kurn, Damar, Gowron (among others). My favorite 'regular' characters list looks like this (I consider the first 5 all equal in my rankings) ....

        1) Sisko .... his flaws make him the most realistic Captain in all of Trek.
        2) Kira .... sexy, strong and a great actress
        3) Bashir .... kind of whiny and arrogant, whats not to love.
        4) Garak .... truly brilliant!
        5) Quark .... again, a truly brilliant character played by a brilliant actor.
        6) Martok .... the best Klingon character of any Trek series or movie.
        7) Worf .... much better in DS9 than he was on TNG.
        8) Weyoun .... got our first glimpse at how great Combs is.
        9) Odo .... really shined in season 7.
        10) Jadzia .... the Dax symbiont character was a stroke of genius.
        11) O'Brien .... again, much better in DS9 than he was on TNG.
        Originally posted by marielabbott
        I really like the Dax/Worf pairing too. I think it can be difficult to do romance in sci-fi, and in my opinion DS9 managed to do it the best of any sci-fi show I've ever seen. Well, I'm not a big fan of the stand-alone romances (I watched A Simple Investigation last night which featured Odo's ill-fated first romance), but the pairings that they develop over seasons are generally believable and really well-done.
        I agree, DS9 did manage to do some very believable and truly moving romances throughout the series. They took there time developing them - (Dax & Worf, Odo & Kira, Leeta & Rom, Sisko and Kassidy) to name a few. Whats even more amazing is the fact that Worf, Dax, Leeta, Rom, Kira and Odo are not human. - So the writers had to come up with all these unique marital issues and customs when putting these relationships together, it's hard enough making a human relationship work let alone aliens and there culture, simply brilliant work!.
        the Fifth Race

        Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


          Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
          Great point Mariel. - DS9 did a wonderful job of developing all there characters (including occasional characters and guest stars). Some of my favorite 'minor' characters are ... Rom (like you mentioned), Nog, Jake, Brunt, Ezri, Female Changeling, Ziyal (all 3 diff. actresses), Kai Winn, Morn, Kurn, Damar, Gowron (among others). My favorite 'regular' characters list looks like this (I consider the first 5 all equal in my rankings) ....
          (Damar was my favourite character overall in the series. He was a truly dynamic two dimensional recurring character, and that is a rare thing indeed.)

          Hahaha Morn. I liked Who Mourns for Morn. "You really should invest in a better lock." How many other shows have you watched that had an entire episode built around a background extra who never had a speaking line? AND he had major plot points in other episodes. He was the one who carried the message out from Tarok Nor that The Dominion was about to bring down the minefield. That is my favourite thing about DS9. There are many little details like that all over the place to pick up on when you watch the episodes.

          I still remember that whole "4 shift rotation" thing that was mentioned in many a early episodes even though it was pointless information. It helped bring a sense of continuity to the episodes that would otherwise have been lacking in a largely episodic show (at least during the first few seasons). They weren't critical bits of information that you needed to enjoy an episode, but if you noticed them they helped bring the show alive for you. It was like there was a sense of change from episode to episode; it was as if life went on even when you weren't watching.

          In my opinion that is something that every show should strive for, whether episodic or serial.


            Originally posted by gopher65 View Post
            (Damar was my favourite character overall in the series. He was a truly dynamic two dimensional recurring character, and that is a rare thing indeed.)
            Definetly a "truly dynamic two dimensional character". Damar was great as both the easy to hate character and the good guy character, not easy to pull off.
            Originally posted by gopher65
            Hahaha Morn. I liked Who Mourns for Morn. "You really should invest in a better lock." How many other shows have you watched that had an entire episode built around a background extra who never had a speaking line? AND he had major plot points in other episodes. He was the one who carried the message out from Tarok Nor that The Dominion was about to bring down the minefield. That is my favourite thing about DS9. There are many little details like that all over the place to pick up on when you watch the episodes.
            Great points brother gopher. For a character that never uttered anything, he did have a sizable impact in certain episodes and even in the over-all story-line.
            Originally posted by ./freelancer View Post
            Hey, what about Leeta?!
            I am HUGE fan of Dabo girls, including the lovely Leeta (hopes my wife does'nt read this) Let's not forget the other lovely Dabo girls - Aluura ... Mardah ... Sarda and mine and Quarks personal favorite M'Pella.
            The USS Defiant Rocks!


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              I was always a big fan of the Odo and Kira romance
              I think that might be my favorite Star Trek couple. Though I also really like Dax/Worf. I also appreciated the O'Brien's--you don't often get to see a married couple in sci-fi, and I think the writers did a good job with them.

              Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
              Great point Mariel. - DS9 did a wonderful job of developing all there characters (including occasional characters and guest stars). Some of my favorite 'minor' characters are ... Rom (like you mentioned), Nog, Jake, Brunt, Ezri, Female Changeling, Ziyal (all 3 diff. actresses), Kai Winn, Morn, Kurn, Damar, Gowron (among others). My favorite 'regular' characters list looks like this (I consider the first 5 all equal in my rankings) ....

              1) Sisko .... his flaws make him the most realistic Captain in all of Trek.
              2) Kira .... sexy, strong and a great actress
              3) Bashir .... kind of whiny and arrogant, whats not to love.
              4) Garak .... truly brilliant!
              5) Quark .... again, a truly brilliant character played by a brilliant actor.
              6) Martok .... the best Klingon character of any Trek series or movie.
              7) Worf .... much better in DS9 than he was on TNG.
              8) Weyoun .... got our first glimpse at how great Combs is.
              9) Odo .... really shined in season 7.
              10) Jadzia .... the Dax symbiont character was a stroke of genius.
              11) O'Brien .... again, much better in DS9 than he was on TNG.
              Great list! I can't think of a regular or recurring character that I dislike on DS9 (not counting the characters like Gul Dukat, who are the "love to hate" variety ). They are all terrific. I agree that Worf and O'Brien--much as I loved them on TNG--were better on DS9. They came into their own there. I like the way you describe Bashir! That's true, but he's one of the most compassionate characters as well.


                You guys are so right. The DS9 characters were the most well-rounded and well written, though I do like some other characters from other Trek series. The romances were great too. My favorite is Odo/Kira, but I also liked Worf/Dax and Sisco/Kassidy. They were believable and well written.

                I also liked that the villians were well written and believable. They weren't evil for the sake of being evil. They had depth, and their reasons for doing what they did were believable. Even characters like Dukat has areas where they were good, like Dukat truly loving his daughter.


                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  I always regret that we don't learn that much about Ezri. I did like her character. At first she nervous but slowly learns to trust herself.
                  yea she does seem to have some serious confidence issues. glad to hear she sorts it out

                  Originally posted by ./freelancer View Post
                  Hey, what about Leeta?!

                  Fine, I'll behave
                  nah don't bother! how about T'pol and Seven of Nine??! RROOOWW!!! :-D who else hmm? *puts thinking cap on*


                    What about the hot men? Bashir, Bariel, Sisco, Jake (in later seasons), and others. There was definately plenty of man candy as well. Yummy.


                      Originally posted by philstar22 View Post
                      What about the hot men? Bashir, Bariel, Sisco, Jake (in later seasons), and others. There was definately plenty of man candy as well. Yummy.
                      You have your fantasies, I have mine

                      "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
                      The Church of Mappothism | My YouTube Videos (mostly Farscape music videos)

                      Starburst 1.1 1.2 1.3 | 2.1 2.2 2.3 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 | 4.1 4.2 4.3


                        Yes, I know. You posted yours, so I posted mine. Plus, I think us ladies have one up on you. We've had guys go shirtless on Trek. Yum.


                          Originally posted by philstar22 View Post
                          Yes, I know. You posted yours, so I posted mine. Plus, I think us ladies have one up on you. We've had guys go shirtless on Trek. Yum.
                          It always gives me a little jolt when I watch European television or movies and they occasionally casually show women topless just like guys. Hopefully the weird custom against female toplessness will disappear here as well. Honestly, why is it ok for a guy to be topless and not a woman? Guys have nipples too, so it can't be that. And it's not like women don't find topless guys arousing or anything. It's just weird.


                            Originally posted by philstar22 View Post
                            What about the hot men? Bashir, Bariel, Sisco, Jake (in later seasons), and others. There was definately plenty of man candy as well. Yummy.
                            male "eye candy" and list-

                            I always had a thing for Riker (love a man with facial hair and he is my type...tall dark and handsome!) and worf of course. Trip from ENT was a cutie too. I also liked Chakotay (see explanation for riker above ).
                            lastly (but definitely not least in anyway) was Benjamin sisko... OMG! I adored avery brooks from his days on spenser for hire. That man is simply delicious! Fine actors and all five were a pleasure to watch!


                              lastly (but definitely not least in anyway) was Benjamin sisko... OMG! I adored avery brooks from his days on spenser for hire. That man is simply delicious! Fine actors and all five were a pleasure to watch!
                              Oh, Sisco was definately hot, especially in later seasons. I'm a big fan of gotees, though I do prefer guys with a head of hair as well.

                              I also always liked Shakaar Edon. Again, I liked his hair.

                              Riker never really did it for me, but I did like Worf, Tom Paris, and Scotty (from the Original series, not the movies).

                              Plus, there were lots of really hot male guest stars on all the series'.


                                Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                                I’m a great fan of the Dax character, loved the episodes that dealt with Dax’s previous hosts and how each host shaped the symbiont and eachother in turn. I agree wholeheartedly with you Fifth Race about how good Worf and Jadzia Dax were together.

                                Couldn’t agree more Jelgate. I think they did a great job with Ezri in the short time we saw her. It’s another example of how skillfully DS9’s writers could give us a meaningful well developed character in what seems like an impossibly short time. It’s one of the things that makes DS9 stand out of the crowd for me as a tv show. SG-1 had the same gift of character development although not so much in the last two seasons. DS9 was consistently good at this.
                                I liked Ezri right from the start (I still haven't seen the ep in which she was from her second ep). She's cute, and a much lighter character than the others- she didn't have the same amount of baggage as Odo or Kira or Bashir etc. she so complemented the rest of the characters quite well.

                                Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                                My GW name is short for my middle name which is Krisztina.
                                I must admire your middle name- it's very nice.

                                Originally posted by philstar22 View Post
                                Oh, Sisco was definately hot, especially in later seasons. I'm a big fan of gotees, though I do prefer guys with a head of hair as well.

                                I also always liked Shakaar Edon. Again, I liked his hair.

                                Riker never really did it for me, but I did like Worf, Tom Paris, and Scotty (from the Original series, not the movies).

                                Plus, there were lots of really hot male guest stars on all the series'.
                                Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                                male "eye candy" and list-

                                I always had a thing for Riker (love a man with facial hair and he is my type...tall dark and handsome!) and worf of course. Trip from ENT was a cutie too. I also liked Chakotay (see explanation for riker above ).
                                lastly (but definitely not least in anyway) was Benjamin sisko... OMG! I adored avery brooks from his days on spenser for hire. That man is simply delicious! Fine actors and all five were a pleasure to watch!
                                Ahhh, all the drooling over the lovely Trek men.....I'm quite partial to Bashir, Trip, Worf in his DS9 years, Picard, Sisko, Jake in later seasons.....but I never understood the appeal of Riker or Chakotay.

