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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    The Magnificent Ferengi

    To quote brother Fifth from a previous episode review just turn your brain off for this episode. Its not a overly deep episode. Just shut your mind off and enjoy the antic the miseable Ferengi. And despite my hate of all Ferengi.

    Thier is not much to review its just one instance of insanity after another from a Ferengi shooting Ishka to the part where Nog walks a a dead Vorta using neural stimulation. Its really lets make a comedy people by mocking them. And who is better then mocking then the Ferengi. I especially like the Ferengi Elminatior and his psychopath nature. Its hilarious.

    Although one compliant I have is what is the reason for kidnapping Ishka. Given their highly sexist nature the Ferengi wouldn't care that the Dominion captuered a woman. It seems if they wanted to use a ransom to negioate. It seems like another Ferengi leader would make more sense. Although I will say I like Yeldrin's banter with Ishka. Actually I found Yeldrin to be an entertaining Vorta overall.


    Two people crash landing on a planet and being forced to work with one another. Its almost a Star Trek cliche. And it is. Just like how the Defiant saves Sisko at the the 11th hours. There are both cliches. But this episode isn't about trying to get rescued.

    This episode is quite simply about Dukat and his delusion of grandeur. Its about breaking this rationalization Dukat believes he was helping the Bajorans. Dukat is a megalomanic who can't see past his own ego. And that is what this episode is simply about. Dukat tries to convince to Sisko that he is actually a good person but through the rationalization Dukat suddenly realized the monster who truly is and vows to kill all Bajorans. The depth of this being discovered and how it investigated is so interesting I love it. Dukat is one of the most complex villians on Star Trek and the ability to see though his psychie is nothing more then awesome. I like this episode for that reason.
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      Originally posted by Weyoun View Post
      lolol good answer Or they might send Leck after you.
      Don't get me wrong, when I said it was the weakest of the 3-Part arc, I didn't mean it was a bad episode or that I don't enjoy it every single time I rewatch it. I just thought they wrapped things up a little to nicely/conveniently for my taste.
      Oh yes, that's how I feel as well. That's why I made sure to emphasize that I feel as an episode, it's certainly great. For me, 8.5 means well above average. It's just a little too neat and tidy for a three-parter, and I would have liked to have seen one more scene with Jaro, or something.

      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      I personally find The Homecoming the weakest of the 3. Thier was a little too much setup for my taste. Its funny how Jaro was nothing more then Winn's puppet
      Yeah, he really was. I love how Winn quickly slides over to Kira's side as soon as she arrives.
      If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


        Originally posted by Jeff O'Connor View Post
        Yeah, he really was. I love how Winn quickly slides over to Kira's side as soon as she arrives.
        Interesting how Winn ended up being the more crafty politician in that case. I'm sure she hung Jaro out to dry. No surprise that someone like her ended up throwing in her lot with the Pah-wraiths.


          I know this is a day early, but as I'm going to be out much of tomorrow, I wanted to wish the honorable founder of the thread Brother Fifth an early:

          I hope your birthday is filled with LOTS of DS9 and a lot of good company!

          Enjoy the hasperat soufflé. It's guilt-free.

          Edit: And for dessert, there's cellular peptide cake with mint frosting.

          Last edited by Cold Fuzz; 11 September 2010, 04:37 PM. Reason: Some dessert.



            The most interesting part of this storyline is the idea of an alternate Bareil who wants to start a new life in this universe. The idea of somebody crossing over to escape is intriguing. Considering the alternate Bareil is a thief who has never come close to religion, the differences are sure to prove challenging for Kira, who finds herself falling for this Bareil despite Sisko's warning to be cautious.

            Bareil's attempt to find religion through Kira is among the episodes best notions. He respects the strength of these Bajorans' faith, and he wants to take the opportunity to obtain a new perspective on life. Bareil gets more than he bargained for when he encounters an orb and stares into his own destiny. Bareil's confusion following the orb experience is rather well-conceived.

            There's also a nice scene where Kira brings Bareil as her guest at Dax and Worf's dinner. Not only is there finally some welcome evidence of a realistic relationship between Worf and Dax, but the scene also ends with Worf respectfully acknowledging Bareil's theft talents when he tricks Worf.
            The USS Defiant Rocks!


              Statistical Probabilities

              The storyline brings four genetically enhanced eccentric individuals to the station, where they're to learn from interacting with Bashir, who represents a sort of "best case scenario" for those were genetically enhanced. Bashir was spared the side effects the four got.

              There's Jack, the aggressive, adversarial, spastic guy: Lauren, the calm, seductive man-lover: Patrick, the plump, elderly goofy guy: and Sarina, the shy woman who never speaks. These colorful characters seem like they were created to please an audience who simply wanted to see funny, lovable crazy people, not the case!. This episode is really more about Bashirs central problem.

              The problem faced by the four is that they feel like outcasts to normal society, there are many jobs/roles they're not permitted to take. An early discussion with Bashir and the senior staff does an excellent job of addressing why this denial is deemed necessary, while also highlighting a dilemma faced by a public that limits children who had no decision in the enhancements given to them by their parents.
              The USS Defiant Rocks!


                Originally posted by Cold Fuzz View Post
                I know this is a day early, but as I'm going to be out much of tomorrow, I wanted to wish the honorable founder of the thread Brother Fifth an early:
                I was hanging with brother Fifth last night while we were rewatching DS9 episodes, and I mentioned his upcoming B-day, talk about a conversation killer lolol. He grumbled and changed the subject right away. I'll take a piece of the Troi cake please.

                This is for you brother Fifth, happy birthday....
                The USS Defiant Rocks!


                  Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                  I was hanging with brother Fifth last night while we were rewatching DS9 episodes, and I mentioned his upcoming B-day, talk about a conversation killer lolol. He grumbled and changed the subject right away. I'll take a piece of the Troi cake please.

                  This is for you brother Fifth, happy birthday....
                  Seems remarkablely simliar to last year. I remember he wasn't the happiest about the mention of his birthday coming up. A little mid-life crisis maybe?
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    Originally posted by Cold Fuzz View Post
                    I know this is a day early, but as I'm going to be out much of tomorrow, I wanted to wish the honorable founder of the thread Brother Fifth an early
                    Thanx brother Fuzz. You have become quite the good friend since you joined GW.
                    Plus you are a home-boy. 49ers tomorrow woohooo!
                    Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                    This is for you brother Fifth, happy birthday....
                    I love the Stevie Ray vooodooo chile clip brother USS defiant, thanx my friend.
                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    Seems remarkablely simliar to last year. I remember he wasn't the happiest about the mention of his birthday coming up. A little mid-life crisis maybe?
                    LOL, and it will be my same message next year, God willing of course. The mid-life crisis has already come and gone brother jelgate. I was born 9/12/65 I'm going to be 45 at 12:06 am.
                    the Fifth Race

                    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                      Thanx brother Fuzz. You have become quite the good friend since you joined GW.
                      Plus you are a home-boy. 49ers tomorrow woohooo!
                      I love the Stevie Ray vooodooo chile clip brother USS defiant, thanx my friend.
                      LOL, and it will be my same message next year, God willing of course. The mid-life crisis has already come and gone brother jelgate. I was born 9/12/65 I'm going to be 45 at 12:06 am.
                      Wow. I thought you were 10 years younger then that. You're almost as old as my father.


                      I think I'll leave now

                      Wait I got something. You should treat age like the Cardassians. Garek once told Bashir that his people growing older they embrace it with the wisdom it brings
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        Wow. I thought you were 10 years younger then that. You're almost as old as my father.
                        Great, now I feel much better. I can always count on you for that brother jelgate. LOL

                        The way I look at it my good friend - I have been a dedicated and competitive weightlifter/power lifter for over 25 years now. I have built up a physique that is superior to what I was when I was 25 or 35. Sure I feel the aches and pains a little more now, but I'm still kicking butt in gym and I'm still adding new muscle mass each year. So another words, I am fighting that thing called age, and for the moment, I am dominating and taking names.
                        Originally posted by jelgate
                        Wait I got something. You should treat age like the Cardassians. Garek once told Bashir that his people growing older they embrace it with the wisdom it brings
                        I like that, and thanx.

                        One thing I realize with each year I get older - there is no substitute for wisdom and experience. If you have half a brain in your head or if you consider yourself a genius at a young age - you are in for a shock when life slaps you in the face when you step out on your own. It doesn't matter if you have money or if you have the easy life, there will be times when you will have to do things you do not want to do, especially if you are a man who plans on getting married. Trust me, I know - Oh boy do I know!.
                        the Fifth Race

                        Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                          Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                          Great, now I feel much better. I can always count on you for that brother jelgate. LOL

                          The way I look at it my good friend - I have been a dedicated and competitive weightlifter/power lifter for over 25 years now. I have built up a physique that is superior to what I was when I was 25 or 35. Sure I feel the aches and pains a little more now, but I'm still kicking butt in gym and I'm still adding new muscle mass each year. So another words, I am fighting that thing called age, and for the moment, I am dominating and taking names.
                          I like that, and thanx.

                          One thing I realize with each year I get older - there is no substitute for wisdom and experience. If you have half a brain in your head or if you consider yourself a genius at a young age - you are in for a shock when life slaps you in the face when you step out on your own. It doesn't matter if you have money or if you have the easy life, there will be times when you will have to do things you do not want to do, especially if you are a man who plans on getting married. Trust me, I know - Oh boy do I know!.
                          45 ain't old at all. A friend of mine, who is turning 46 in November (she doesn't know that I looked up her information ) is more active and lively than she was 10 years ago. In fact, if you saw her picture 10 years ago, you would've thought she were older back then.

                          Two days ago my dad turned 69. Today my mom turned 67. Neither one of them looks their age and people tell them that frequently. In fact, neither one of them acts like they're in their late 60s either.

                          I guess I inherited a bit of this from my parents. At work, people still are astounded when I tell them I'm 33 (only 3 months from 34 now). People tell me I look like I'm in my early or mid-20s, especially with the amount of energy I have for exercising, etc. There's plenty of fire where that came from.

                          I think youth is a state of mind. Nobody in my family, myself included, thinks of themselves as old and that's reflected in our personalities, appearance, and the vitality we approach life. I think you've got the same thing goin' for you Brother Fifth and that's a good thing indeed. Happy Birthday again.


                            Yeah, 45 really isn't old. Happy birthday, etc.
                            If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


                              Oh, and I wanted to reply directly to something Brother Fifth said. If you work out often like that, you really do beat the age thing for a lot longer than most. My friend and I work out sometimes and I know at 23 I'm a hell of a lot stronger than I was at 16. I mean, not that 23 is a year where I should start feeling age or anything, but it's just nice to look back and say that. People can do that well into their 70's sometimes.
                              Last edited by Jeff O'Connor; 12 September 2010, 03:43 AM.
                              If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


                                "Invasive Procedures"

                                "Don't call me Benjamin."

                                Seriously, Verad. Stop. It's annoying.

                                Is it just my imagination, or has the station been evacuated (to varying degrees of success) twice in two episodes? And is it just my imagination, or did Quark stay behind both times, while his brother departed? Granted, he has his own scheming little reason for staying this time. But this is an odd situation nevertheless. If I were a producer, I would have pushed this episode back a few weeks... oh well, who am I to judge?

                                Oh, right... I guess that's what I'm here for. I digress.

                                "Invasive Procedures" is another one of those episodes with brilliant aspects and blatant flaws. Its finished form is enjoyable, with an interesting concept and some quality acting on the part of the antagonist. Sisko is also done well here, and Brooks brings a cunning, underhanded performance to life to match John Glover's awkward and socially inept Verad. But a contrived premise and some questionable directing doesn't secure it a lofty seat next to DS9's finest hours.

                                Thanks to a violent plasma eruption, the station has been evacuated of everyone but its senior staff. Oh, and Quark, too -- he just so happens to have been left behind, as he (obviously lying) attempts to make it seem, though we soon learn he has a stake in some unethical practices to come. So right from the start, we've got all the title cast (except Jake, but honestly, who's going to argue with me if I contend that half the time the writers don't really have the right to list Cirroc Lofton as a main character?) and everyone's gathered and unaware of any unnatural impending danger. When a ship caught up in the plasma eruption claims to require immediate assistance, it's all open doors and smiles until its crew catches ours wholly off-guard and our heroes are quickly apprehended.

                                I must make brief mention of the request made by one of the Klingons (say, is that Tim Russ?) that Odo place himself inside a box and be sealed away. While I found some of the hostile takeover events underwhelming and uninteresting, this got me laughing, at least on the inside. You know these guys have done their homework when the first thing they do is place Odo in a stasis chamber.

                                So we quickly learn that Quark played a hand in assisting these armed strangers in their mission, though he had done so to strike a sale with one of the Klingons. He soon realizes he was used; the Klingon had no intention of making any bargains, but rather, he's here as a mercenary for a Trill named Verad. I have a huge problem with all this, by the way, and in browsing Memory Alpha's article on the episode, I found I'm not alone. Armin Shimerman himself has apparently gone on record for stating exactly what I was thinking when the hour was over: Quark commits an unforgivable crime and nothing happens to him for it. No, he didn't realize the ship's passengers were intending to do something terrible (more on that shortly, of course). But he let them in, and while I realize he does something to help reclaim the station later in the episode, it all comes off as unfinished when Kira quite seriously informs him he's through on Deep Space Nine and we don't even get to see Odo chide him about it.

                                Back to the plot. Verad has hired the Klingon mercenaries, and, it should be noted, he's also working with a woman by the name of Mareel -- his lover. Verad's plan is a bold one. He has dedicated his entire life to being chosen as a host to a symbiont, but after having been rejected despite his hard work, he's become desperate and obsessed. He wants to take the Dax symbiont from Jadzia and make it his own, and he chose her because he can make his grand escape through the wormhole and never be heard from again. Besides the obvious infraction on both Jadzia's and the Dax symbiont's rights, there's also the small issue of Jadzia dying within hours of the transplant. Despite his flimsy public speaking abilities, Verad is clearly committed to his task, and he goes through with the operation at once.

                                The majority of the episode's remainder is spent with Sisko scheming to make Mareel see the truth in his words, that Verad will not be the same as the man she fell in love with once he emerges as Verad Dax. She won't hear it, but after he emerges full of renewed confidence and vigor, it soon becomes apparent the commander was correct. Despite Verad's sudden arrogance, Mareel continues to follow him until she realizes that contrary to his continued claims, he plans on ditching her and running off on his own. The rest is predictable, but there are some strong moments here and there. Mareel's actress portrays a slowly-changing woman rather well, and while I've already spoken against the usage of Quark's character in the episode, the scene where he assists Bashir in outwitting one of the Klingons is a good one. There's also the bit with Verad Dax ceaselessly referring to Sisko as 'Benjamin', as Curzon and then Jadzia have done, and it's annoying but it's supposed to be.

                                Well, that's about it for this one. "Invasive Procedures", like I said in the beginning of the review, has plenty of goodness to it, but I simply can't say it was anything to write home about. The mind game Sisko plays is exciting, but things progress down a very narrow, routine path. This is a decent episode with a solid premise, but its execution could have used some polishing.

                                Rating: 6.5/10
                                Last edited by Jeff O'Connor; 12 September 2010, 03:02 PM.
                                If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.

