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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by USS Defiant
    You are making think way to much about this TrekGirl.
    Oh maybe.....but I don't see any difference between the "big" events that stay the same, and the "little" things that don't.....


      Originally posted by the Fifth Race
      As far as the time travel question goes, I'm not convinced that the Orb of time works the way we have seen other time travel. I don't believe that Prophets would send you anywhere unless they knew what your actions would be before hand, they would not send anyone that would alter the time line, or they would stop anyone from accidently changing it.
      Time travel is time travel, but the arguement that its not "classical time travel" is valid. The person that looks into the Orb of time is not physically sent back in time, there mind is. The Orb only works on people the Prophets deem worthy, like the Prophets know who is going to use the Orb before hand (because time doesn't exist in there realm) so they know what the outcome of that persons actions will be beforehand. Leave it to TPTB on DS9 to put a twist on classical time travel and come up with a whole new way.

      Originally posted by the Fifth Race
      DuKat is as arrogant and obsessed with self image in the past as he is currently in the DS9 time-line. He tries to convince everyone around him (especially the Bajorans) that he is all for there well-fare and his actions prove that to be the case , anotherwords you could see his mental illness even at his younger age.
      I love the DuKat character, Marc Alaimo plays that character perfectly. DuKat is a case study in dellusional "meglomania". Just when you think they guy has a decent bone in his body and he is sane, he blows up and shows his true colors. He doesn't care for Bajorans or even pity them, he uses them as a means to an end to advance his own agenda while putting himself on some kind of holy throne, brilliant portrayal.

      Originally posted by the Fifth Race
      This is an interesting piece of info about this episode from Ira Steven Behr......This episode was originally going to feature a past affair between Dukat and Major Kira, but Nana Visitor argued with Ira Steven Behr against it. When the script came out, Ira happily informed Nana that the affair wasn't in the script, and that she never had an affair with Dukat, and smiled, "but your mother did...." LOL, even Nana Visitor couldn't stomach the possibility of Kira being romantically involved with DuKat.
      That would have made for an interesting episode, I wonder how they would have worked that into it the storyline?. Maybe that Kira was brainwashed into forgetting or blocking out any time spent being DuKats romantic interest during the occupation.

      I enjoyed this episode, I just finished rewatching it last night and like brother Fifth, I found it to be better than I remembered. I give it 7.8 stars.


        Originally posted by Starbase
        I love the DuKat character, Marc Alaimo plays that character perfectly. DuKat is a case study in dellusional "meglomania". Just when you think they guy has a decent bone in his body and he is sane, he blows up and shows his true colors. He doesn't care for Bajorans or even pity them, he uses them as a means to an end to advance his own agenda while putting himself on some kind of holy throne, brilliant portrayal.

        I enjoyed this episode, I just finished rewatching it last night and like brother Fifth, I found it to be better than I remembered. I give it 7.8 stars.
        Marc Alaimo seems like a nice guy, I watched one of the extra features on the DVD set of DS9 (I don't remember which season) and he seemed very grateful to be on Star Trek.
        Alaimo did a wonderful job as Dukat. I give HIM 10 stars.


          Originally posted by HirogenGater
          Marc Alaimo seems like a nice guy, I watched one of the extra features on the DVD set of DS9 (I don't remember which season) and he seemed very grateful to be on Star Trek.
          Alaimo did a wonderful job as Dukat. I give HIM 10 stars.
          I agree brother Hirogen, even though I truly despise the DuKat character, I admire the portrayal and Alaimo's acting ability. He got into the character so damn well, you do truly end up hating DuKat, which is testimony to his acting prowess.


            ^Yes the guy you love to hate, all the way to the very end of the show in season 7 between sisko and dukat in the fire-caves.......and oh yes Ki Winn got here comeuppance in the end and entertained the fans with an entertaining death of being burned to death in flames!!! LOL!!
            For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

            We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


              Originally posted by Starbase
              I agree brother Hirogen, even though I truly despise the DuKat character, I admire the portrayal and Alaimo's acting ability. He got into the character so damn well, you do truly end up hating DuKat, which is testimony to his acting prowess.
              He did do a fantastic job. You know someone's a great villian when you end up hating them so much.
              "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
              DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                ^You know somebody is a great villian when you feel compelled to join the riteous rebellion that the villan despises just to kill or inflict pain on the villan if the scenario was real LOL

                For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

                We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


                  Originally posted by Darkstar
                  ^Yes the guy you love to hate, all the way to the very end of the show in season 7 between sisko and dukat in the fire-caves.......and oh yes Ki Winn got here comeuppance in the end and entertained the fans with an entertaining death of being burned to death in flames!!! LOL!!
                  I loved it when Kai Winn put the blinded DuKat on the streets of Bajor to beg for food and shelter, then later poisons and sacrifices him to the pai-Wraiths, the Kai had quite an evil streak herself. It was great seeing her get it in the end as well.

                  Originally posted by Descent
                  He did do a fantastic job. You know someone's a great villian when you end up hating them so much.
                  Amen brother Descent!, I rank DuKat and Scorpius from Farscape as my two favorite villains that you just loved to hate. They were both so well acted and portrayed.


                    Originally posted by Starbase
                    I loved it when Kai Winn put the blinded DuKat on the streets of Bajor to beg for food and shelter, then later poisons and sacrifices him to the pai-Wraiths, the Kai had quite an evil streak herself. It was great seeing her get it in the end as well.

                    Amen brother Descent!, I rank DuKat and Scorpius from Farscape as my two favorite villains that you just loved to hate. They were both so well acted and portrayed.
                    Agreed! Kai-Winn was someone you love to hate as was Scorpius. But I did feel for Scorpious b/c I feel he was trying to protect the universe from a very real threat.


                      There are differences between Dukat and Scorpy.

                      Scorpius - A bad guy doing bad things but with the right intentions

                      Dukat - A bad guy doing bad things for the wrong intentions

                      Dukat wanted to be pitied for his crimes. Sad thing is, no one pitied him. Except for maybe Ziyal but she paid for that.
                      "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                      DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                        Originally posted by Descent
                        There are differences between Dukat and Scorpy.

                        Scorpius - A bad guy doing bad things but with the right intentions

                        Dukat - A bad guy doing bad things for the wrong intentions

                        Dukat wanted to be pitied for his crimes. Sad thing is, no one pitied him. Except for maybe Ziyal but she paid for that.
                        Well said Descent!

                        I think Dukat truly loved Ziyal, I will never forget the end of Sacrifice of Angels.....

                        I felt sorry for him there.

                        the scene where she dies in Dukat's arms...
                        oh man. Great acting.


                          ^It's a wonder how he ever forgave Damar for the death of his daughter.
                          For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

                          We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


                            Originally posted by Descent
                            There are differences between Dukat and Scorpy.

                            Scorpius - A bad guy doing bad things but with the right intentions
                            That's debatable, IMO Scorpius had bad intentions from the out-set. He wanted to obtain the worm-hole weapon for himself, not the Scarrans, so he could call the shots and have the power to do as he wishes. It has been awhile since I last watched Farscape, but I don't remember any good intentions Scorpius had till the very end of Peace Keeper Wars when the weapon was already unleased and he saw the destruction it was capable of.

                            Originally posted by Descent
                            Dukat - A bad guy doing bad things for the wrong intentions
                            Now that I agree with!.

                            Originally posted by Descent
                            Dukat wanted to be pitied for his crimes. Sad thing is, no one pitied him. Except for maybe Ziyal but she paid for that.
                            The way I saw DuKat was that he wanted appreciation and even admiration, not pity. He made it a point to try and convince everyone, especially Bajorans and Federation personnel, that he tried to help Bajorans, "they are my children" he used to say. I beleive in his very delusional mind, that he actually believed most of what he touted. DuKat was a very deep character on many levels, ranging from bad to downright evil.

                            One thing is for sure, you would be hard pressed to find two more interesting and intriguing characters than Scorpius and DuKat. I bet the would have got along great with each other, after-all Cardassians and Scarrans are both reptilians.


                              Originally posted by HirogenGater
                              I think Dukat truly loved Ziyal, I will never forget the end of Sacrifice of Angels.....

                              I felt sorry for him there.
                              the scene where she dies in Dukat's arms...
                              oh man. Great acting.
                              DuKat did truly love his daughter Ziyal, the few times they were together is where you saw DuKat being a good guy.

                              I also felt for DuKat when Damar killed Ziyal, poor Ziyal and Dukat said that they love each other, then bam, Damar executes her, it was a very emotional epiosde that bummed me out.

                              Originally posted by Darkstar
                              ^It's a wonder how he ever forgave Damar for the death of his daughter.
                              I don't think it was that much of a surprise. If you remember the episode Sacrifice of Angels, DuKat himself told Ziyal that .... "if you had anything to do with sabotaging the station, I would consider you a traitor to Cardassia, and I would not be able to protect you". Then a little later on in the same episode Ziyal admits to DuKat that she helped Kira, Quark, Jake and Rom, which Damar over-heard, so Damar being the good Cardassian he was, executed Ziyal right away.

                              DuKat did forgive Ziyal when he held her in his arms as she died, then a distraught Dukat stayed behind as Damar pleaded with him to come as they were evacuating DS9. DuKat did later say .... "I do not blame Damar for Ziyal's death, he did what he had to do. I blame myself". Brilliant and riveting stuff!.


                                Originally posted by Starbase
                                That's debatable, IMO Scorpius had bad intentions from the out-set. He wanted to obtain the worm-hole weapon for himself, not the Scarrans, so he could call the shots and have the power to do as he wishes. It has been awhile since I last watched Farscape, but I don't remember any good intentions Scorpius had till the very end of Peace Keeper Wars when the weapon was already unleased and he saw the destruction it was capable of.
                                Maybe I should watch Season 4 and Peacekeeper Wars before commenting on this again.

