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Kali, Part 2 (213)

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    What an ending to the season. Those other Sanctuary heads are going to so regret betraying Helen like they did.
    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
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    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


      Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
      What an ending to the season. Those other Sanctuary heads are going to so regret betraying Helen like they did.
      They will regret it indeed. i mean how could they? It was so wrong and mean, and back stabbing and dirty and under handed.... Grrr.... Terrance was a loser.


        Very enjoyable finale and a pretty good cliffhanger, though the tidal wave in the Indian ocean reminded me of the 2004 tsunami. Having spent a lot of time in Mumbai, including a brief visit to Daravi, I thought they did a good job with the scenes in India. And I liked the little references like 'no one moves fast in Mumbai' and Ravi and Kate's conversation about how to talk to people while looking for Will. And hearing all that Hindi was fun, I remembered more of that language than I thought.

        Callum Blue was also quite fun as Forsythe and it was interesting to see Wexford back but playing the bad guy within the Sanctuary network, though I did enjoy the politics angle, since it makes sense that people would be doubting Helen after the events of End of Nights and Veritas.

        I liked most of the Will and spider stuff, though the scene in the bath seemed rather gratuitous. I rather liked the dancing scene, not the best Bollywood dancing I've seen, but it worked for me since it's a bit of a theme in Bollywood films for the guy to dance to get the attention of the girl (and vice versa).

        It's going to be a long wait for S3.



          Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
          Very enjoyable finale and a pretty good cliffhanger, though the tidal wave in the Indian ocean reminded me of the 2004 tsunami. Having spent a lot of time in Mumbai, including a brief visit to Daravi, I thought they did a good job with the scenes in India. And I liked the little references like 'no one moves fast in Mumbai' and Ravi and Kate's conversation about how to talk to people while looking for Will. And hearing all that Hindi was fun, I remembered more of that language than I thought.

          Callum Blue was also quite fun as Forsythe and it was interesting to see Wexford back but playing the bad guy within the Sanctuary network, though I did enjoy the politics angle, since it makes sense that people would be doubting Helen after the events of End of Nights and Veritas.

          I liked most of the Will and spider stuff, though the scene in the bath seemed rather gratuitous. I rather liked the dancing scene, not the best Bollywood dancing I've seen, but it worked for me since it's a bit of a theme in Bollywood films for the guy to dance to get the attention of the girl (and vice versa).

          It's going to be a long wait for S3.

          The bath scene, the water being fake just ruined it for me. They couldn't just get a big tank and then use CG to darken the water?

          Honestly the digital water looked god awful.

          I ask again, who was Kali's actress? I swear I've seen her in something before but I can not place her.


            A great 2 part episode! I found something interesting on the web. I looked up the name durga, the name kali called will, turns out it is a female goddess. I wonder if will knows he is possessed by a woman?


              Those other Sanctuary heads are going to so regret betraying Helen like they did.
              Druitt is going to CUT A *****.

              Wexford said the vote was unanimous. But the head of the Cairo Sanctuary seemed to dislike Wexford, and I doubt Declan would be so quick to sanction Magnus's overthow after what happened last time. Something's very wrong here.

              I heart Forsythe. Sure he's evil, but there's just something about him...what did he want with Big Bertha, if not money and power?


                I really hate cliffhangers. Always have. Always will.

                Too tired to post beyond that so g'night.


                  Originally posted by Phantom6 View Post
                  I ask again, who was Kali's actress? I swear I've seen her in something before but I can not place her.
                  Her name is Sahar Biniaz. I haven't seen her in anything, but I hope that helps. ^_^

                  Now about the ep! Oh my god, Will's dance--I couldn't stop laughing! I was like, 'Hm...somebody watched Slumdog Millionaire one too many times. Otherwise, it was really good. Although, I liked Paul's character better in the webisodes as a charismatic informant rather than the a**hole beaurecrat (sp?) he plays in this ep.

                  Sigh. But on a happier note, I LOVED Forsythe's character. I was so scared he was gonna die that I hardly paid attention through the whole thing. I love those types of villains, though. The power-hungry, cool and collected--not to mention gorgeous--kind that would just as soon laugh as shoot you in the head. (Which is probably why I love Nikola Tesla's character so much. ) I was ecstatic that he survived and his last line: "Oooh, she's mad!" I hope to see more of him throughout season 3.

                  Uhm, I think that's all. I almost cried when I realized this meant the season is over.

                  Anybody know when it returns for season 3?


                    While I came into the middle of the ep, I'm not too sure about it; maybe next season, when the Sirens threaten Europe, Kate can do some Kareoke?

                    I don't think the Network people are totally out of line about Magnus: From their perspective she let an extremely dangerous creature live, and failed to bring it down twice now. Wexford over stepped his bounds, cutting off radio communication (and why didn't Kate let Magnus know that it looked like Will had managed to reach Kali? Having that kind of knowledge might have helped things), which is going to lead to much of India and Africa's coasts being flooded.

                    And, on a sorta personal note: that guy who makes the episode previews has struck again: the preview for this ep contained mostly scenes from the last 15 minutes! So I knew she was going to be mad at him, so I know Wexford was going to double cross Helen.
                    And I knew Will would dance, for better or for worse.


                      Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                      I really hate cliffhangers. Always have. Always will.
                      Too tired to post beyond that so g'night.
                      Me too...I hate cliffhangers with a passion. Can we have just one season where it doesn't end with a cliffhanger?? I guess on the flip side, it will entice you to want to come back and watch the next season...but I still hate cliffhangers. Haven't' seen the ep yet but am looking forward to it...except I am getting a bit bored with Helen being challenged by her own people...this whole overthrow of power...the take over of Helen's duties is getting old and silly. I mean really, who can this woman trust? There needs to be a big shake up with who's running these Sanctuaries and time to weed out the deceivers and keep the loyal ones closer.
                      As for Wexford...I loved him in the webisodes...pity we didn't get him back. I suspect I am going to enjoy the Bollywood number though. Not sure that I like the idea of a tsunami hitting India considering what's happened in real life there...kinda got mixed feelings about that.
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by Phantom6 View Post
                        The bath scene, the water being fake just ruined it for me. They couldn't just get a big tank and then use CG to darken the water?

                        Honestly the digital water looked god awful.

                        I ask again, who was Kali's actress? I swear I've seen her in something before but I can not place her.

                        Sahar Biniaz she has been in a few episodes of Smallville and was in several episodes of Blade the series if you watched either of those maybe that is were you recognize here from.

                        As for Will's dancing I'll admit it was not the best job of Bollywood style dancing but I still think with an episode based mainly in India it fit the story line and I rather enjoyed it. Different strokes for different folks.
                        My View From The Peanut Gallery




                            Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                            Sahar Biniaz she has been in a few episodes of Smallville and was in several episodes of Blade the series if you watched either of those maybe that is were you recognize here from.

                            As for Will's dancing I'll admit it was not the best job of Bollywood style dancing but I still think with an episode based mainly in India it fit the story line and I rather enjoyed it. Different strokes for different folks.
                            The folks that laughed at the dancing should open their minds to the world outside of their doors. If you haven't noticed, globalization is happening. We no longer live in a world where culture lives in a vacuum. As the world's most populous nation, East Indian culture is not something you will be able to avoid going forward. It's great to see Sanctuary take on this new challenge.

                            Oh, and thanks for the podcost link!


                              Originally posted by trunksy View Post
                              The folks that laughed at the dancing should open their minds to the world outside of their doors. If you haven't noticed, globalization is happening. We no longer live in a world where culture lives in a vacuum. As the world's most populous nation, East Indian culture is not something you will be able to avoid going forward. It's great to see Sanctuary take on this new challenge.
                              Hey, I'm all for open-mindedness. Actually I thought the backup dancing was really beautiful in an exotic way. I laughed through the whole thing cos Will looked like an escaped crazy from an asylum what with the wild eyes and sweat-soaked pyjamas.

                              No offense meant to anyone.


                                I thought the episode was great. Though his reasons make sense, Terrence is a pain in the ass. I loved the interaction between Kate and Ravi and I'm glad he talk to her about her attitude, she definitely needed that. She was born in India but doesn't exactly embrace her Indian culture. I'm glad she realize she doesn't have to be hostile and guarded all the time, all she has to do is be polite and respectful of others and they'll respond in kind. Will dancing was hilarious but I think it was a good, given most of the episode was in India. The bath scene was very unnecessary, I didn't like it at all. I did like finding out about more sanctuaries. I think Forsythe wants to rule the world or longevity or both. One of my favorite scenes was when Helen seem overwhelm and Kate gave her a pep talk, that scene said a lot about Kate. She has change a lot, from a con artist who only care about herself to a responsible woman ready to do her part and step up to the plate when needed. Overall I like the story and the plot twist and I look forward to the next season.
                                Last edited by LunaSolTierra; 16 January 2010, 04:08 AM.

