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Kali, Part 2 (213)

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    Originally posted by RDAfan61 View Post

    I think Forsythe sees himself as a kind of "God". To me he didn't want to rule the world or anything because he kept mentioning "The end of days". To me, he wants to wipe out everyone or mostly everyone. Why, that I am not totally sure, maybe because of all the war and violence going on these days, who knows.
    I agree I think he sees himself as an God. I think he is goal is to end the world as we know it and creature a new one of his making. Henry mentioned something about Forsythe believing that all abnormals came from one super continent. He's building a new super continent and destroying the old ones. He would become a God of this new world he's creating. I won't doubt he has abnormals already to picked and in those boats Henry said he owned that in the area.
    Ben Browder on who'd win a fight, Mitchell or Critchon..."Cameron would have the upper hand until Aeryn kicked his ass."


      i can see that. and even if he didn't want to kill everyone else off, he didn't care if htey died. what mattered was whatever goal he was going for with his new pangea

      terrance is going for power. terrance, i think we'll see in kali 3, has some ancient text or ancient power that he wanted to summon, and he used forsyth to do it, while forsyth used terrance to get his way

      what i think will eventually be revealed is that helen was right, that they can't just randomly and outright kill abbys. that the abnormal 'life web' is intricate and necessary for the earth. That they can use abbys to fix things, even if it's just the damage of other abbys.

      think x-men, just - hopefully - without the spandex and dwama.

      How could they have even killed bertha? if she's necessary for earth's balance, then her death could do more harm than good

      maybe that's what'll be revealed in part 3, that the death of another like her caused something bad to happen, thus proving helen's theory that they should only kill when they have to, and the more powerful the abby, the more of a ripple effect their death has on the world
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        How could they have even killed bertha? if she's necessary for earth's balance, then her death could do more harm than good
        That's exactly what Helen said and why do the rest of the Sanctuary heads refuse to listen to her? I think that peeves me more than Forsythe's want for power and Wexford being an obnoxious ass...the fact that after everything Helen has done and has seen and lived through, her heads of staff don't have faith in her to do the job. Or is this only what Wexford wants us to believe? Maybe the rest of the heads aren't so unfaithful as he would like everyone to think.
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by Chelle DB
          That's exactly what Helen said and why do the rest of the Sanctuary heads refuse to listen to her? I think that peeves me more than Forsythe's want for power and Wexford being an obnoxious ass...the fact that after everything Helen has done and has seen and lived through, her heads of staff don't have faith in her to do the job. Or is this only what Wexford wants us to believe? Maybe the rest of the heads aren't so unfaithful as he would like everyone to think.

          I hope it only what Wexford belives becase if he has the other Sanctuary leaders eating out his hand well that is not cool Helen's run the Sanctuaries longer than he's been alive probably and like you said Chelle Helen has lived through more and seen more than he ever has .
          (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


            Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
            As I've said in a previous message, I suspect the bad guy is trying to
            move continents around to recreate the Pangea, probably in order to recreate early Earth conditions. It looks somehow related to his theory that all abnormals have a common ancestor.
            I hope so.
            I hope they explore his reasons a bit further. A comment by Henry just inst enough.


              ravvi didn't seem to know anything about it and he's a head of house, so i'm thinking wexford is out on a limb

              what i think the other heads of household are feeling is fear. they're afraid of these abbys, and the common reaction to fear is 'kill it'

              what i'm thinking is, somewhere in wexford's ancient papers (presuming that character bit survives from the webby to the show) is another instance when the 'monster' was killed and it caused a cataclysm.

              i think the premiere will show that wexford and forsythe were both operating from the same faulty translation and that these monsters are necessary for the planet to survive.

              that the web of life is so intricate and delicate that you can't just cut part of it out without damaging/weakening another part
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by jds1982 View Post
                Most tsunamis aren't created by giant spiders either (as far as I know).
                I am not arguing the unrealistic cause of the wave. I am merely pointing out the unrealistic nature of it. (My favorite branch of geoscience is oceanography, so things like this tend to bother me).

                Black J/T sig made by Blencathra, Keller sig by Krissie, all others made by me

                My Fics (updated 7/29/09)


                  Oh my........... I'm speechless............

                  That was bloody awful............. the dance........ the plot............ so contrived and just bad overall. Big deal on the cliffhanger............. I dunno. Sanctuary has totally lost it. I just crave better sci-fi - and this is not it anymore!!!!!

                  There is always Tesla though - hope they don't screw that character up!!!

                  I just have to be content with the webisodes and S1 - those are GREAT!
                  Fan of SG-1, SGA, STNG, Sliders, Firefly, Fringe, & Sanctuary


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    How could they have even killed bertha? if she's necessary for earth's balance, then her death could do more harm than good

                    maybe that's what'll be revealed in part 3, that the death of another like her caused something bad to happen, thus proving helen's theory that they should only kill when they have to, and the more powerful the abby, the more of a ripple effect their death has on the world
                    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                    That's exactly what Helen said and why do the rest of the Sanctuary heads refuse to listen to her? I think that peeves me more than Forsythe's want for power and Wexford being an obnoxious ass...the fact that after everything Helen has done and has seen and lived through, her heads of staff don't have faith in her to do the job. Or is this only what Wexford wants us to believe? Maybe the rest of the heads aren't so unfaithful as he would like everyone to think.
                    Isnt this similar to 'The Butterfly Effect' ? Chaos is a widely held belief in physics, math and even philosophy if I'm not mistaken. One tiny variation can effect giant (complex) systems such as the weather. I think this is the idea TPTB were trying to incorporate in the story line with Big Bertha and the Maki.

                    For Helen to completely embrace this scientific field of study whilst the rest of the Sanctuary heads fail to see or understand, makes completely no sense to me at all.


                      it does if you think that they're afraid of bertha. afraid of what she might do or might be used to do if control fell itno the wrong hands.

                      They seem to ascribe to the idea 'if it's dead then it's no threat'

                      thing is, yeah the butterfly effect. the planet is like a giant game of jenga, and you never know what block you remove that'll end all life on the planet or cause something else to go extinct.

                      Helen has learned this. In her lifetime she's witnessed the extinction of hte dodo (hasn't she?), the cost of introducing alien species (like those jumping carps that threaten the great lakes), the extinction of one species by introducing something else that seems harmless (the tree frogs in hawaii that have taken over part of the island and chirp all night) but that forever alters the landscape and fauna.

                      now, why her other heads of household don't see this, we dont' know.

                      i do think some are afraid. some are also aware of groups like the cabal that would use these abbys and fear how they could be used and abused and would rather deal with the maybe of a butterfly effect than the surity of it being abused
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        But for supposed intellectuals who deal in science and facts, you'd think the butterfly effect would be more of a factor in their decision process than mere speculation and the fear that might accompany this.

                        Which leads me to believe that not all the heads of the Sanctuary are truly aligned, so to speak, with the views of what their main purpose is supposed to be. Protection of abnormals.

                        Wexford is up to no good and there just might be a few other Sanctuary heads who have believed his lies and have joined with him. The others who still hold Magnus in high regard, might be blackmailed into silence. Not sure. All I know is that this whole story line, ever you name it, is getting a bit repetitive. I do hope it's taken care of in S3.


                          I liked the grandmother in this episode.


                            I just saw the episode (Kali 1 and 2) and OH MY GOD!!!

                            It was a really good episode, it's good to finally see Big Bertha (I wander who name her? LOL I like Kali most).

                            I keep thinking how much more will Helen take? poor women this season she lost Ashley, John and now Will is sick because of his conection with Kali and she end up the season by being take from head of the Sanctuary Network. I mean my God this poor women needs some time off and relax after all this.

                            When Forsythe capture the Makri, I thought it was for something like what he had on mind. He really sees himself as a God.

                            I really don't like Wexford, and I'm sure it would be Helen saving everything at the end of the day and not him, I really hope when the new season starts he gets off the Sanctuary Network.

                            Will dance, really funny, it was nice to see him do something like that, LOL

                            And in the end, for me still is a really good amazing episode.
                            Knowledge is power, but how do you use that power defines whether you are good or evil


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              it does if you think that they're afraid of bertha. afraid of what she might do or might be used to do if control fell itno the wrong hands.

                              They seem to ascribe to the idea 'if it's dead then it's no threat'

                              thing is, yeah the butterfly effect. the planet is like a giant game of jenga, and you never know what block you remove that'll end all life on the planet or cause something else to go extinct.

                              Helen has learned this.
                              In her lifetime she's witnessed the extinction of hte dodo (hasn't she?), the cost of introducing alien species (like those jumping carps that threaten the great lakes), the extinction of one species by introducing something else that seems harmless (the tree frogs in hawaii that have taken over part of the island and chirp all night) but that forever alters the landscape and fauna.

                              now, why her other heads of household don't see this, we dont' know.

                              i do think some are afraid. some are also aware of groups like the cabal that would use these abbys and fear how they could be used and abused and would rather deal with the maybe of a butterfly effect than the surity of it being abused
                              You bring up an extremely valid point that i agree with wholeheartedly. and it is what adds to me doubting the idea that all the heads of houses were with Wexford in his little cou'. While yes, Helen maybe shouldn't done the whole "well i'm mom" approach to it and not told anybody, you would think that the other heads, would have some kind of understanding of why she did what she did and respect it not only becasue they are in the same line of work as her, but becuase she has been around for so long and has such a unique and amazing and comprehensive view of the way the world really is that they could never have. I think you were right that its possible they are afraid of what others like the cabal or other organization could do with the power that bertha gives them should they control her and that is why they would wish her to destroy her. but at the time time, are they not devoted to protecting all life forms on this planet? so shouldnt they be concerned with the fact killing bertha may kill thousands and therefore want to keep her alive?
                              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic



                                Well, I enjoyed it. Loved the India sets, and the warm colours - such a different look from the Sanctuary city and dark tunnels that we've seen a lot of! And for the first time, I really liked Kate - she seemed a proper part of the team instead of a hanger-on, and really stepped up when Will was out of it.

                                The Bollywood dance number...well, it definitely seemed a bit odd, but worked in the context of the episode, I thought, with Will's touch of desperation.

                                All the politics...on the one hand, I do enjoy it when the writers 'thicken up' the background/mythology, but there does seem to have been quite a bit of it this season, and an awful lot of mistrust. Magnus seems to have tied her own hands to some extent when drawing up the Sanctuary charter, left herself open to this kind of abuse.
                                Some folk have mentioned how the death of Watson would have affected this, and I think that's a good point. Perhaps before now she wasn't vulnerable, even with the way the charter was drawn up, but after what has been a pretty awful year for her, all things considered...[death of Watson, death of Ashley, death of Griffon's-granddaughter-whose-name-I've-forgotten, death of J...immy?, traumatic exit of Druitt, traumatic de-vampiring of Tesla - not to mention the physical damage on the Sanctuary network by the Cabal - her lifes' work]...perhaps her head just wasn't in the game, and she over-estimated the loyalty of the other Sanctuary heads.

                                Also, someone else mentioned in another thread, the Abnormals themselves this season have been much more 'scary monster' and a bit less 'misunderstood creature', and most 'abnormals of the week' have ended up dead. Bertha - however cool she is - seems, at the moment, to be another one. I'd love to see them give us a little less death next season - for everyone, normal and abnormal alike!

                                I've really enjoyed this season, but I hope with 20 episodes for season 3 they can relax a little, and maybe - on occasion - let things go right. Ish.

                                Oh, and also:

                                Edit: And why did the forum change my text into one big narrow column? Looks odd. *shrug*
                                Edit2: And back again. I think it's probably laughing at me...

