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Sleepers (210)

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    i thnk the thing is, the wine was bottled in 45, d-day was in 44, so it was clearly given at least a year after the fact, possibly two

    not to say that it couldn't have happened, or that the gift wasn't tied to d-day, but there had to have been a definite lag between the day and the gift because the wine wasn't even made until a year after the day
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Whether a writer likes it or not their words are going to be picked apart by the viewers. In this case that one sentence seems to imply that the gift came on or soon after D-Day.

      This conclusion could very well be wrong on the part of the viewers but since the "Wording" was vague IMHO I think they should either be very specific, with ample amount of fact checking, when it comes to history or simply don't put in the script.

      As for the "fuss" to me it seemed as though we were simply having a conversation.

      Correct Sky, wine is usually bottled a year or more before it's put for sale (even the massed produced stuff is in the bottle for a little while tho' usually many are not dated.) The date on the bottle represents the year it was bottled so Helens '45 would probably have been received in 1947.


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        i thnk the thing is, the wine was bottled in 45, d-day was in 44, so it was clearly given at least a year after the fact, possibly two

        not to say that it couldn't have happened, or that the gift wasn't tied to d-day, but there had to have been a definite lag between the day and the gift because the wine wasn't even made until a year after the day


          Podcast's up!


            about freaking time
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post

              Yes, I just had to add that...

              As far as I can tell there's nothing to pick apart. Long story as to why Churchill gave her a bottle from the year after the war for her help on around D-Day. No issues.

              Downloaded podcast. Hope it's good. Also hope my new phone will play it. One day I'll get around to reading the directions.
              Mourning Sanctuary.
              Thanks for the good times!


                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                I have a wine question. Helen says the wine from Churchill was a '45 and mentions D-Day. But D-Day was in 1944.

                Would a wine produced in '44 be dated as a '45 "release?" Or maybe she got the '45 wine as a thank-you for D-day contributions?

                Or I misheard or the writers screwed up.
                My interpretation - Churchill gave her a bottle of the 1st post-war vintage to acknowledge whatever contribution she had made towards D-Day succeeding.


                  Originally posted by ddc View Post
                  My interpretation - Churchill gave her a bottle of the 1st post-war vintage to acknowledge whatever contribution she had made towards D-Day succeeding.
                  It's either this or the fact that Churchill was a little busy for a number of years after the war was over. It probably took him a little while to get some time off and track Helen down to give her a gift.


                    i rewatched it tonight. total win and fun!

                    does anyone have caps of when the blond vamp dude was checking out helen? it was when helen and the gang came to rescue tesla, and then where caught themselves. the dark haired guy had her arms behind her back, but the blond one came up and was checking out helen, even touching her hair. i want some caps of that.



                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      does anyone have caps of when the blond vamp dude was checking out helen?

                      I like this one, it's fun and I can't stop thinking, poor Nikola, for me he will always been a lovely vampire, jaja and I so want to see him now with his new powers
                      Knowledge is power, but how do you use that power defines whether you are good or evil


                        Hey, how the heck do you hack a walkie talkie anyway?

                        (That just seemd a little... ummm.. far fetched to me.. or am I the only one?)

                        I'm going to miss Nikola's vampire side too. But I have a feeling I'm going to like his new magnetic personality. but still... the last of the vampires...


                        may I have some cheese to go with my whine?

                        Some people have a way with words. Others not have way.



                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          i rewatched it tonight. total win and fun!

                          does anyone have caps of when the blond vamp dude was checking out helen? it was when helen and the gang came to rescue tesla, and then where caught themselves. the dark haired guy had her arms behind her back, but the blond one came up and was checking out helen, even touching her hair. i want some caps of that.
                          Try here first.

                          "Sleepers" Screencaps
                          The Return of King Arthur
                          Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                          acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                            Yesterday I rewatched the episode while listening the podcast and the explanation for the endingmelody was soooo sad and generous at the same time.
                            SANCTUARY ROCKS


                              Originally posted by iamdragonrider View Post
                              Hey, how the heck do you hack a walkie talkie anyway?

                              (That just seemd a little... ummm.. far fetched to me.. or am I the only one?)

                              I'm going to miss Nikola's vampire side too. But I have a feeling I'm going to like his new magnetic personality. but still... the last of the vampires...


                              may I have some cheese to go with my whine?
                              Well technically you don't hack the actual walkie talkie, though if it's using an encrypted carrier signal you can break the encryption.


                                i think less hacking as 'we know the frequency they use and the encryption they use so we listen in'
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


