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Out of the Blue (319)

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    Originally posted by kes View Post
    Well the main dr/lab dude says something like "Its time to bring out the big guns" and then Druitt shows up. So maybe they were controling it somehow. And the memories did the rest.
    Kate also says something like "You knew you guys would fight bliss so hard" or something like that. Making so the program creates some sort of perfect or some idea of it and maybe the person fills in the rest. Seeing as Helen almost married Druitt and I'm guessing he's the only one she came close to that it would be him.
    And Will is dating Abby and its serious.
    i had a lot of probs hearing anything the lab guys said, so i missed most of their dialog.

    see, the prob is the creature creates a dreamworld for them (while he eats them ), but they were in a dreamworld HERE too, but this one was created by virgil and his ppl? and they did this how? and i know i heard henry saying something about using some fluid from the creature, so how was that supposed to help helen and wil?

    someone on another site ( ) said this at the end: "It turns out that Helen and Will got infected by the venom of a huge worm while in Mexico on business. The worm uses its prey by controlling the mind while it feeds on the body. To protect them and bring them back with their minds in tact, Henry, Kate and Virgil came up with the process that allowed them to heal while in a fantasy world."

    i like simple explanations, especially when i can't hear.



      even listening on headphones i could barely understand what the lab guys said. the black one had a heavy accent which made it even harder
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        So the ep is pretty good, I liked it, nice seeing Sanctuary in a real, practical set.

        The only thing that bugged me really was why did they keep waking up? It sounds like a silly plot to add the drama for the audience of knowing that they're being "held captive" in a lab somewhere.

        People don't just wake up when they're undergoing surgery - they have anesthetists monitoring them constantly. I don't know why it'd be any different in the tank. (Also is it just me or is there a lack of IV? They've been in there for 3 1/2 days, you'd think they'd need some kind of sustinance)


          I just watched it again it blew me away!

          Will and Abby-I'm still not to fond of Abby but i really enjoyed seeing her and Will in the possibilty of them being married and expecting a little one it was adorable i loved the bit when Helen's cat was on Will's car such a cute little pussy cat and when Abby brought Helen short bread hehehe i was just like she's English not Scottish! i loved that scene i was giggling so much. I loved seeing this happy family side of Will and Abby though i felt the same as Will it didnt feel right! .

          Helen and John-When i saw John my little Magnett heart went into overdrive i love how in this world though just a dream of sorts they were married i noticed he had a ring on i loved that and when Helen went to take the tablets and we saw Helen Druitt(melts) and i was actually in tears at the bit when John gave her choice just seeing so much emotion how much she loved but also how much she had been hurt by him and then being offerd everything she's ever wanted it brought me to tears.

          MAGNETT FOREVER!!!

          Helen and Will-I loved how they figured it out that the world they were in was not real it was both to perfict for both of them. I loved the flashbacks we saw for both of them for Will with his mother and for Helen seeing Ashley(i miss Ash ) it was great seeing the flashbacks going right back to season 1 i love how they havent forgotten Ash Oh and when they kept seeing the infinate symbol in this dreamscape and it actually turned out to be on giant worm from Praxsis when i saw that i was OMG that thing is huge! and it had affected them .

          I loved how Kate and Henry got help from Vergil that was good and they came up with a way to stop the creatures affects and helped Helen and Will

          I so cant wait to see INTO THE BLACK More Magnett fun yay!!
          Off to watch it again!
          (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            i had a lot of probs hearing anything the lab guys said, so i missed most of their dialog.

            see, the prob is the creature creates a dreamworld for them (while he eats them ), but they were in a dreamworld HERE too, but this one was created by virgil and his ppl? and they did this how? and i know i heard henry saying something about using some fluid from the creature, so how was that supposed to help helen and wil?

            someone on another site ( ) said this at the end: "It turns out that Helen and Will got infected by the venom of a huge worm while in Mexico on business. The worm uses its prey by controlling the mind while it feeds on the body. To protect them and bring them back with their minds in tact, Henry, Kate and Virgil came up with the process that allowed them to heal while in a fantasy world."

            i like simple explanations, especially when i can't hear.
            Sort of like the x files ep were the fugus "gives" them a wacky drug so they'll stay still while it digestes (sp). It seemed to me because the venom made them all wacky that they needed the dream world for their brains to return to normal. Using the fluid and some tec Vrigil was working on they created that dream world.

            Originally posted by Julian View Post
            So the ep is pretty good, I liked it, nice seeing Sanctuary in a real, practical set.

            The only thing that bugged me really was why did they keep waking up? It sounds like a silly plot to add the drama for the audience of knowing that they're being "held captive" in a lab somewhere.

            People don't just wake up when they're undergoing surgery - they have anesthetists monitoring them constantly. I don't know why it'd be any different in the tank. (Also is it just me or is there a lack of IV? They've been in there for 3 1/2 days, you'd think they'd need some kind of sustinance)
            Actually they do. Its rare but not unheard of. Plus anesthisia (sp) is dangerous. 3 days under? def no. They said that Magnus was building resistence to the drugs.


              You do hear horror stories of patients that do wake up. That's why the anestheologist gets paid so much. it's his/her job to keep the patient just far enough under to keep them asleep, but not so far that you drug them to death.

              and i agree, they should have had IV's....and why were they in water? the human body doesn't react well too being wet for that long.

              itty bitty nits that I think are part of that whole suspending belief thing
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Maybe the water was needed as some kind of conductor?


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  You do hear horror stories of patients that do wake up. That's why the anestheologist gets paid so much. it's his/her job to keep the patient just far enough under to keep them asleep, but not so far that you drug them to death.

                  and i agree, they should have had IV's....and why were they in water? the human body doesn't react well too being wet for that long.

                  itty bitty nits that I think are part of that whole suspending belief thing
                  Water was needed because Damian insists on them getting wet several times each season

                  Actually warm salty water helps to reduce pressure on the body and therefore reduce links to the outside world, I suspect it was a variation on the old sensory deprivation tanks.


                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    i had a lot of probs hearing anything the lab guys said, so i missed most of their dialog.

                    see, the prob is the creature creates a dreamworld for them (while he eats them ), but they were in a dreamworld HERE too, but this one was created by virgil and his ppl? and they did this how? and i know i heard henry saying something about using some fluid from the creature, so how was that supposed to help helen and wil?

                    someone on another site ( ) said this at the end: "It turns out that Helen and Will got infected by the venom of a huge worm while in Mexico on business. The worm uses its prey by controlling the mind while it feeds on the body. To protect them and bring them back with their minds in tact, Henry, Kate and Virgil came up with the process that allowed them to heal while in a fantasy world."

                    i like simple explanations, especially when i can't hear.
                    Henry said they used the saliva of the giant worm which was in the water they were in . I'm thinking they done that as to not cause there bodies to go into shock as the venom ruunning through them was fast acting and by keeping them in the tubs with the saliva of the creature it would feel to them as though there enviroment hadent changed so there wouldnt be a shock to the body.

                    And with the doctors giving them the shots and with them wakeing every know and again they were fighting the affects with help from the drug that they had come up with and i'm thinking with Helen haveing the vamp blood in her system she would need a much stronger dose of the drug as the vamp blood probably has it's own defence agaist such poisions.

                    I hope that makes sense
                    (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      You do hear horror stories of patients that do wake up. That's why the anestheologist gets paid so much. it's his/her job to keep the patient just far enough under to keep them asleep, but not so far that you drug them to death.

                      and i agree, they should have had IV's....and why were they in water? the human body doesn't react well too being wet for that long.

                      itty bitty nits that I think are part of that whole suspending belief thing
                      Originally posted by WraithCat View Post
                      Maybe the water was needed as some kind of conductor?
                      so they were being operated on, for real? i didn't think so.

                      i thought they were in water to help stay into their dream state better. you know, floating in the water, not really feeling anything around them, so it's a type of sensory deprivation?



                        They werent operated. Its just that anesthisea (sp) was mentioned.


                          i really liked this, and it's mainly to amanda's helen in this episode.

                          wil and helen were 'supposed' to be living their bliss lives. i really think wil would have stayed happy in his, but those punches of reality that kept hitting him, plus seeing helen and feeling some connection to her, pulled him out of it. plus, i think on some level, he really 'doesn't want this life. or this life with abby.

                          but helen... there's layers upon layers *about helen* in this episode that i'm just still squeeing about!

                          if henry and kate created this bliss environment (or did virgil and his peeps, with help henry-kate?), why did helen fight it so? or maybe her logical mind just wouldn't accept...

                          helen still loves john, but just knows they'll never be together like that again? why wasn't ashley in that dream world?

                          'who' wrote the dreamworld program!?

                          my two most fave scenes were:

                          1- helen on the phone with her agent. you could just hear the vulnerability in her voice! i wanted to hug her!

                          2- her confrontation with john.

                          funny thing is, i'm not a helen/john shipper at all, but i DO appreciate both actors wonderful talents! but anyways... this scene, when john asked helen what she wanted... this scene haunts me... amanda was just amazing!! this was helen at her rawest, not holding back her feelings and thoughts... and her thoughts were , and not just about her relationship with john!

                          helen magnus is a massive multi-layered character, and i sometimes wish this show would realize just what it has with the character and amanda's power with it. okay, i KNOW they do (it's obvious too ), but i wish the series would tackle the character like this more often.

                          she's *very* original, but so it the series.

                          okay, done fangirling at the moment



                            Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post

                            Actually warm salty water helps to reduce pressure on the body and therefore reduce links to the outside world, I suspect it was a variation on the old sensory deprivation tanks.
                            That's what I thought too.

                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                            but helen... there's layers upon layers *about helen* in this episode that i'm just still squeeing about!

                            okay, done fangirling at the moment
                            fangirling with you.


                              The transcript is all done for any that want it

                              Again, use, enjoy, even save a copy, just don't repost it without permission
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                a friend asked me to name one thing i liked about helen in the episode. i said: her vulnerability.

                                helen!! (((helen and amanda's awesome performance)))


