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Out of the Blue (319)

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    Originally posted by MissCheerfully View Post
    ..and what about Helen's iphone playlist??? I think it's originals songs for the show, like always, but there's maybe a chance, those songs are not from Andrew Lockington and we can find them ^^
    At a moment we can see her Iphone and perhaps we can read the title of the song she's listening while sleeping. Otherwise we can try to understand the lyrics, but I can't get more than some words here and there.
    I don't think we get a close enough look at the iPhone/iPod.


      Really liked the episode. It was an unexpected turn in the end. First I also thought Virgil was on some kind of revenge trip.
      I loled at Henry the cat, but I was glad the real one showed up in the end.
      I loved Helen´s paintings, I was quite shocked when she overpainted them with that blue loop.
      The car scene.... I really would like to watch that scene in an IMAX on a big screen.
      Plus, a lot of German cars in this episode, Audi, Mercedes, BMW, is this some kind of trend now overseas? Sorry if this is a stupid question

      *wants some short bread now*


        More thoughts on the episdoe:
        --Amanda is such an AMAZING actress!!! I'm only partway through watching it a second time, but I am loving her portrayal of Helen in this "fake life" that she doesn't know isn't real.
        --In general, I like the character of Abby. I liked her in this episode and the dynamic between her and Will. I think her..."goofiness" is sometimes cute and sometimes annoying. When I watched last night I thought, "She thought Helen was Scottish?!?!?!" OK, maybe that's not goofy - mistaking a British accent for a Scottish one. But there was also that Rumpelstiltskin comment (meaning to call Will Rip Van Winkle). I suppose goofy may be the wrong word. But those slips seem kind of ditzy to me.
        --I don't why I so love how perfectly awkward the scene between Helen and Abby is! The dialogue and the pauses - all hit just the right tone.
        --Trying to recall where a particular clip comes from. Will and Helen are across the street from each other. Will says under his breath, "Tough day" and you hear a gun being cocked, he looks up at Helen and she is suddenly dressed in black leather, holding a gun saying, "Sorry, did you say something?" and then there are two more clips of Helen firing a gun. They go SO fast but I believe the first one is from "Fata Morgana" and I just can't place the 2nd clip. Is it from a previous episode? Maybe it was filmed just for this flashback. It's kind of driving me crazy!
        --Ha - freeze-framed Helen's anxiety medication. Prescribing doc - Dr. Lim! Also, you clearly see "Druitt, Helen" on the label.
        --Druitt's letter of resignation that he shows to Helen: top left corner "Henry Foss, Assistant District Attorney"! And the letter is addressed to "Governor Adam Worth"!!! Well, Will did say all politicians are corrupt, didn't he?
        --Did I mention what an awesome actress Amanda is?!?! I wish we could have more scenes between Helen and John like this one! Every so often I stop and realize this is the same actress who was Samantha Carter for 11 years. I see none of Sam as I watch this scene. I LOVE AMANDA!!!
        Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


          Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
          and I just can't place the 2nd clip. Is it from a previous episode? Maybe it was filmed just for this flashback. It's kind of driving me crazy!
          It's from "Pax Romana".
          Helen shooting Adam.


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            yeah, having had cats, you don't dangle their legs. they don't like that. no animal does. I know what he was thinking, keep the hair off my suit, but he should have supported both sets of legs and would have had a better time of it
            Yes, when he picked him up I was like: "Hold him against you" and then though: "Oh fur" LOL All he had to do was grab the legs. One hand holding the back legs and one underneath the front legs. But yeh, not a cat dude was the image they wanted to give so it was right lol

            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
            They may not do #2 on cars but I know for a fact they do #1...smelly lillte buggers!!
            Male cats mark the territory, yes. But not on top of the car. Usually against the tires. And not in, unless they are stressed.

            Originally posted by WraithCat View Post
            Plus, a lot of German cars in this episode, Audi, Mercedes, BMW, is this some kind of trend now overseas?
            Ppl with money tend to have those cars. Druitt's Mercedes was awesome!
            Last edited by kes; 14 June 2011, 06:03 AM.


              This episode reminded me at times of SGu's "Life": I'm sick of John/Helen and of perpetually pairing Helen and Will. Hope the ratings won't take a dive like they did on SGU after "Life"

              Why weren't Helen and Will in restrains?

              The pacing of this episode was so slow at times that I thought it was never going to end. this one is one of the most boring Sanctuary episodes ever, not even Amanda could save this one for me - in fact I noticed that I usually don't like episodes that don't involve Henry or Tesla in a big way... Maybe I should start a petition to make Henry and Tesla regulars and demote Will to recurring...

              Ok, experimenting on Helen I could see that, but Will is a regular guy what kind of possible information could experimenting on him give to these guys?

              PS CGI worse than ever in this episode.

              I could have done away with 35 mins of exposition and just had a nice action episode with Hollow Earth creatures surfacing all over the Globe, but I guess they saved that one for the finale

              Originally posted by kes View Post
              Did you see the whole thing?
              Nope, i was commenting as i watched it
              Last edited by Skydiver; 14 June 2011, 08:51 AM.


                Henry the Cat? That was hilarous! The way Will was holding him The kitty did scratch him with a back claw. The eppy was great! Really enjoyed it.
                God Bless America


                  Originally posted by siles
                  Ok, experimenting on Helen I could see that, but Will is a regular guy what kind of possible information could experimenting on him give to these guys?

                  PS CGI worse than ever in this episode.
                  Did you see the whole thing?


                    Really liked this eppy it had me on the edge of my seat the entire time and i never saw the "we did it to help you" thing coming, very well done. as for Henry the cat loved that scene! can't wait for the next one!


                      Nice episode, but I don't like the episodes that are just a preparation for the idea of another.

                      Question: So what exactly did they do to them in lab after what the creature caused this? What did they do that caused them to wake up every once in a while as if it was a dream? And If they weren't in the lab, would they have lived after committing suicide.

                      Comments:1-Will, a surgeon?? Yeah right.
                      2-I hate both Will and abby, but they suit each other. They're both annoying.
                      3-I felt sorry for Helen in her alternate life. She's always suffering even in her dream world.


                        I really liked this episode. Will seemed more himself. I thought RD did a good job in this ep. But the episode really came to life once Magnus appeared.

                        I loved seeing Helen the painter/cat lady. Prowling around at night seemed kind of like Magnus, but I loved how she became bored & restless--something was wrong.

                        The Druitt thing didn't work as well as it might have for me, but we'll see on a rewatch. I did like her surprising herself with the comment about life and death situations. Like "where did that come from?" but kind of subtle

                        I liked how Abby's medical crisis was a turning point for Helen & Will. Magnus really came to life then.

                        this was one episode I didn't mind focusing on Magnus and Will.

                        I thought it was paced pretty well--my only complaint was that it wrapped up a bit too quickly. They might have been able to trim 15-20 seconds from the dream world to do a more satisfactory wrap up.


                          i'm going to post without reading anyone's posts, so i'm prob asking q's that have already been a'ed

                          first, excellent ep! i really enjoyed this!

                          main questions:

                          was this dreamscape a wish fulfillment on helen and wil's part, or maybe the opposite in some way (with helen saying about being married to the man she hates)?

                          so it looks like wil's dreamscape was part wish fulfillment, but helen's seems much more complicated. what john offered her was what she wants, somewhere in her heart, but she just knows it'll never be what it could, should be with john, so she rejects it. but i do think there's a part of her that wants out. powerful statements there in that little scene.

                          wil's does seem nice, but maybe he's rejecting it too, b/c he prefers the 'abnormal' life more?

                          or maybe it was all put into their minds as memories, to make them wait it out?


                          amanda was amazing.

                          what was helen's cat's name? (henry?)

                          what was the music that helen was playing while she was painting?

                          oh, amanda was amazing.

                          the paper wil was reading said: 'feel like killing her co-worker? workplace study says it's ok.'

                          abby is so obnoxiously chipper and giddy. though she was sweet to care enough about helen to enquire about her life/paintings, ect.

                          ~i've figured out how i want helen's curse/cure to be handled! her longevity curse is cured/stopped, and she decides to run an orphanage for abnormal children. she's mother to MANY motherless children now.~

                          loved helen's memory flash of ashley and 'mom'.

                          where was this filmed? i know a posh suburb of vancouver, but still...

                          what were helen's pills for? (something like lorazepan?) *looks up drug* it's to help relieve anxiety.

                          i wonder, with john's remark about the pills and 'back to last year'... i wonder if helen had really been taking them, maybe after ashley died?

                          the scene with helen and john... amanda was outstanding! guh... this woman!! *fangirling*

                          i liked seeing wil like this. i even liked the yuppie look more! but it was very nice to see the old wil, the one that used his special ability... in fact, when he was showing helen her paintings, and how he put them all together... i'd actually 'forgotten' that was his specialness, his main reason for being with the sanctuary!

                          oh... and the car going off the edge of that road... my NUMBER ONE fear!! *whimpers*

                          okay, help with the explanations of 1- was the dreamworld created by the monster or virgil? what 'was' virgil doing to help them? even after playing it over 2'ce, i'm still having trouble putting it together.
                          Last edited by majorsal; 14 June 2011, 03:04 PM.



                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            i'm going to post without reading anyone's posts, so i'm prob asking q's that have already been a'ed

                            first, excellent ep! i really enjoyed this!

                            main questions:

                            was this dreamscape a wish fulfillment on helen and wil's part, or maybe the opposite in some way (with helen saying about being married to the man she hates)?

                            so it looks like wil's dreamscape was part wish fulfillment, but helen's seems much more complicated. what john offered her was what she wants, somewhere in her heart, but she just knows it'll never be what it could, should be with john, so she rejects it. but i do think there's a part of her that wants out. power statements there in that little scene.

                            wil's does seem nice, but maybe he's rejecting it too, b/c he prefers the 'abnormal' life more?

                            or maybe it was all put into their minds as memories, to make them wait it out?

                            Well the main dr/lab dude says something like "Its time to bring out the big guns" and then Druitt shows up. So maybe they were controling it somehow. And the memories did the rest.
                            Kate also says something like "You knew you guys would fight bliss so hard" or something like that. Making so the program creates some sort of perfect or some idea of it and maybe the person fills in the rest. Seeing as Helen almost married Druitt and I'm guessing he's the only one she came close to that it would be him.
                            And Will is dating Abby and its serious.


                              I was wondering about this the moment the song started. I really liked it and thought the playlist was so in tune with the show's theme. I hope I could find out more about the music. I also hope they use it again in the show.
                              Well, one more ep to go I hope it's a blast. What will I ever do on Monday nights now????


                                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                                Seeing Helen and Will like this was really cool, Amanda and Robin gave brilliant performances, and seeing Will in glasses reminded me of him in S1. Seeing Helen so connected to her emotions, Amanda did a great job of letting Helen cut loose, and not keeping all her emotions and feelings inside, especially the scene with John and her agent.

                                i didn't think about that until you mentioned it here, but this was a helen that wasn't afraid to let her emotions out. interesting...


