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One Night (313)

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    Originally posted by nebulan View Post
    why does that give me an idea for a crossover picture?? hahaha! Tony = Will... Helen = Gibbs... Henry = McGee... teeheehee
    I would love to read that!!
    I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

    Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


      I don't think I disliked this episode quite as much as many others did, but it certainly isn't one of the best or one of my favorites. Comparing it to Warriors (probably my least favorite episode of the whole series) - I think Warriors was worse. Even though I liked most of the scenes with Gregory Magnus, the bad stuff was just SOOOO bad. And there was no getting around how ridiculous Hulkified-Abornmal-Will looked in that episode. Yikes. Back to One Night: I don't mind Will or Abby (I prefer her as a love interest for Will than Clara - who I just never got into), but there was just too much of the two of them - especially the two of them bickering. And it really annoyed me that Abby didn't try to contact the Sanctuary before coming back.

      Some people were wondering why the Powers That Be would use this episode as a "lure" to grab people for a new night. If I'm not mistaken, the head bad chick was in one or more of the Twilight movies or something. (I believe Amanda mentioned it before season 3 began - when talking about guest stars that would be coming.) I have never seen any of the Twilight movies, so I don't have any idea. I would certainly understand wanting to use a stand alone episode to try to bring new people into watching the show. If they had used an episode from the middle of the Hollow Earth arc, it would probably have been way too confusing.

      I really wish Amanda had gotten a better episode to direct.
      Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


        they had no choice which episode was the 'lure to the new night' because they didn't know it was coming. That was a last minute change by skiffy. It just happened to be the episode that was airing when the decision was made
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          I did catch an episode of ST:TNG last night & at least they seemed to be promoting Sanctuary pretty well.


            Tweeted from @SanctuarySeries:
            "In tonite's episode, watch for a cool VFX shot that goes across the city and onto a rooftop - it's one of Amanda's faves!"

            I believe that's what everyone was referring to as the "crane shot" and have been raving about as well!

            Yes, we noticed. Yes, we love it too!


              Originally posted by Feast of the Muse View Post
              Helen using the head slap. Yes please!!!
              here's a quick sketch I did (spoiler for being kinda off topic!)


                love how she still holds a cup of tea

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by KayLyne View Post
                  Tweeted from @SanctuarySeries:
                  "In tonite's episode, watch for a cool VFX shot that goes across the city and onto a rooftop - it's one of Amanda's faves!"

                  I believe that's what everyone was referring to as the "crane shot" and have been raving about as well!

                  Yes, we noticed. Yes, we love it too!
                  Uh no, a crane shot is a physical one, it's shot from the top of a crane.


                    Now that I've probably seen this episode, I gotta say this was a very well done and clever episode. Robin did a great job, and so did techno Tapping.

                    I like how it all got right to the point of the episode, how Will had to try and save the dude dying, but I was very surprised by the twists and turns the episode took, like how the boss girl wanted the dude to die, but was pretending to want him to live. I loved how Will was able to use his smarts to try and think of a way out of their, and still bind his time to make up a cure for the dude dying. I liked the chemistry between Will and Abby, and I'm glad they were still able to salvage the date.

                    Seeing the team back at the Sanctuary (even without moss Magnus) was still fun, and poor Will, they had to make fun of him being on a date. They did good tracking Will down, and even though Helen was only in 2 scenes, she was a delight to see. I think Amanda nailed being a director, she was great with Veritas, and despite the ratings being a monster, I think Amanda made this episode work, and so did the whole cast, especially Robin.

                    Oh, and I loved the ending scene with Helen and Will the end, their smirks were so cute.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      Yes, i shall go to fan hell but....underwhelming.

                      Parts were good, Kate and biggie and declan. There was an interesting twist with the slave ship, but too much of this felt forced to me. Warrior Chiclet was amazingly unthreatening, Abby was alarmingly annoying, she and will spent way too much time chit chatting needed more of a B story. There was just no wow factor.

                      so....maybe it's a sign of what happens when you go from 13 - 20, deadlines and time constraints keep a person from polishing as much as maybe a script needed.
                      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                      Yea I agree Sky, what an episode to use for the new night and trying to get more fans

                      The story was just not good, and no amount of great directing can save that. I'm sorry Amanda was given such a weak script to work with....I'm sorry to say Damian dropped the ball on this one. At least the preview for next week looked much better.
                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      the kate, declan, biggie 'pre date nookie' was good. I can understand biggie not 'getting' her insinuation, but you'd think declan would.

                      and hey, there are 3 pretty little boxes that'll end up on a charity auction some day

                      sleepy helen was cute...and hey, she DOES have a weakness....jet lag and taking a nap (and dude, i woulda killed to take a nap today)

                      too bad Hangover didn't air tonight, i think that one was more interesting
                      Originally posted by Feast of the Muse View Post
                      *channeling Daniel* I miss Helen. *nods head*

                      Glad to know for AT's sake that she was directing, but I agree, too much Will and Abby, not enough of the team. I missed who wrote this, but you'd think there could have at least been more build-up sooner so they at least got some more screen time (and we got a break from Will).

                      I did very much enjoy Helen's voice drop at the end and the Magnus smile. And I think the camera opening on her sleeping was to make a point - AT wore herself out without even being on camera.
                      Aww. I think this episode was quite good. I need an episode to get me excited, to make me smile/laugh, get me thinking and make me squee, and this episode did that. By no means was it the BEST episode ever, but I don't think it was the worst either. It was a good story, and a good little stand alone episode, and even though the team was spread out, the ep still had that team element, and it felt good. And I haven't noticed any loss of quality from this season because of the 7 added episodes.

                      And yeah, sleeping Helen was cute.

                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      amanda did a nice job directing!

                      oh, where was the crane shot?
                      Is that all you're gonna say about the episode?

                      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                      I'm sorry...really I am...but I just laughed out really loud when I read that...least used character?? I was begining to wonder if they were going to rename the show with it's new day to the Will Zimmerman show. Again, I'm sorry. I'm sure you adore the character of Will and that's great.
                      I happen to adore Helen and Kate and Biggie and especially Tesla but I am now ever so slowly getting a wee bit bored with Will. No offense intended to either you or Robin Dunne.
                      You sound like Sally there, Chelle.

                      So would it be fair to say that this is up there with "Warriors" as one of Sanctuary's worst eps? We're talking poor storyline right?
                      Poor Sanctuary team...I wonder what they must be thinking of these reviews thus far...I'm really not looking forward to next weeks ep...looks like another Will centered story. Please bring back Helen and the abnormals she chases...and Tesla and John...bring back the yummy goodness!
                      Well, Sally-- I mean, Chelle, I think that even though this wasn't the strongest or best episode ever, it did give us a good story, and we saw the team stop the bad guys after months of trying to track them down. And next week looks good.

                      Originally posted by MelissaAdams View Post
                      Well let me jump on the bandwagon saying this was one of the least 'interesting' episodes of the series but honestly every series has them. I watched both airings and they were interesting but not my favorites by any means.

                      Amanda did a fantastic job on directing hands down, I loved some of the shots and honestly before this show I never paid attention to stuff like that, but she did fantastic. Also let me say as well that I don't have Will, in fact he's quite fascinating but only when he's interacting with others, he's portrayed like Daniel in SG1 a little geeky which means playing in just his mind or his world is not really for most of us aka viewers.

                      On the feeling of Abby I have to say she's not twisting my chain yet, kind of goofy boring and honestly if she had acted like that and I had a gun I would have shot her.

                      The Kate/Declan/Biggie scenes were fantastic and I liked the whole Alfredo reference. This was definitely a filler episode you could tell and it accomplished what it HAD to but it did not surpass the bar for me.

                      Next week's episode though I'm REALLY looking forward to.
                      Very well said.


                        Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                        A-Freakin-MEN. Sing it, sister.

                        I'm glad I am not alone in my opinion of this episode. Like everyone else, I thoroughly enjoyed that first Kate/Declan/Biggie scene. But the opening shot of Will & Abby walking through a street market and into a back alley all gussied up had me facepalming, and it went downhill from there.

                        I won't hold it agains MAD, though I'd rather have less Will next week and more, I dunno, Tesla? Declan? John? Kate? HELEN? I just hope a
                        ep is interest-hodling enough after this week. Disapointing, but even the greatest shows have their clunkers...
                        Glad I wasn't the only one thinking the same exact thing. Seriously? All decked out, mingling amongst the street market people in normal attire was just an incident waiting to happen.

                        One other thing I laughed/shook my head sadly about was the inflated ego Will seems to have acquired since joining the Sanctuary. Like, dude. You were nothing before you knew Helen. Let's not forget that.


                          I am with the majority in not particularly liking this show.

                          Let's start with some good things. I agree AT did a good job with a less-than-exciting episode. She did that with her Stargate ep as well but this one was worse. I agree on the very cool shots, the crane shot, the focus to the gun after what's-her-name was shot and the bag-over-the head shot. But very little action to work with.

                          The scene with Kate/Biggie/Declan was also good but if they want to use Declan on a semi-regular basis, they really need to fit him in better. He's head of the London Sanctuary but he just pops in occasionally with no explanation???

                          I agree the character analysis by Will and Abbey was their strong point.

                          While I am a fan of all the actors/characters, the main reason I have watched Sanctuary from day 1 is AT and her character. Therefore any episode with virtually no Helen is probably not going to be of as much interest to me.

                          I agree with the comments about Will/Abby walking down a dark alley to get to the restaurant. Huh?

                          I didn't find the male baddie very frightening.

                          What a great coincidence that Will had just been involved with a similar problem so he knew the remedy from memory.

                          While I liked Abby when first introduced, I did not like her here. Is she not an intelligent woman who is an FBI agent? That makes me think Dana Scully, not Abby-giggle-girl. Too much like Clara. Please DK, you have written one of the best female characters in the history of TV (Helen), let's have more of that and less bimbo. I realise she is a behavioural expert but surely she would have some FBI training so she is not the damsel in distress in this situation. I am in complete ageement with the head scratching move of Abbey getting away and not calling either the Sanctuary or the FBI. Wha???

                          Also, can we please write Will and a girl on a date as mature adults not teenagers?

                          Too much repetition in the episode, the feeble attempts to escape, the threats of death, etc.

                          Sorry to say not one I will bother to watch again when it repeats.

                          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                            Glad I wasn't the only one thinking the same exact thing. Seriously? All decked out, mingling amongst the street market people in normal attire was just an incident waiting to happen.

                            One other thing I laughed/shook my head sadly about was the inflated ego Will seems to have acquired since joining the Sanctuary. Like, dude. You were nothing before you knew Helen. Let's not forget that.
                            Heh. Yup.

                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            I am with the majority in not particularly liking this show.

                            1. Let's start with some good things. I agree AT did a good job with a less-than-exciting episode. She did that with her Stargate ep as well but this one was worse. I agree on the very cool shots, the crane shot, the focus to the gun after what's-her-name was shot and the bag-over-the head shot. But very little action to work with.

                            2. The scene with Kate/Biggie/Declan was also good but if they want to use Declan on a semi-regular basis, they really need to fit him in better. He's head of the London Sanctuary but he just pops in occasionally with no explanation???

                            I agree the character analysis by Will and Abbey was their strong point.

                            While I am a fan of all the actors/characters, the main reason I have watched Sanctuary from day 1 is AT and her character. Therefore any episode with virtually no Helen is probably not going to be of as much interest to me.

                            I agree with the comments about Will/Abby walking down a dark alley to get to the restaurant. Huh?

                            3. I didn't find the male baddie very frightening.

                            What a great coincidence that Will had just been involved with a similar problem so he knew the remedy from memory.

                            While I liked Abby when first introduced, I did not like her here. Is she not an intelligent woman who is an FBI agent? That makes me think Dana Scully, not Abby-giggle-girl. Too much like Clara. Please DK, you have written one of the best female characters in the history of TV (Helen), let's have more of that and less bimbo. I realise she is a behavioural expert but surely she would have some FBI training so she is not the damsel in distress in this situation. I am in complete ageement with the head scratching move of Abbey getting away and not calling either the Sanctuary or the FBI. Wha???

                            4. Also, can we please write Will and a girl on a date as mature adults not teenagers?

                            Too much repetition in the episode, the feeble attempts to escape, the threats of death, etc.

                            Sorry to say not one I will bother to watch again when it repeats.
                            1. Oh yes. Even the world's greatest directing can't redeem a weak script. I really admire Damian's writing but think he totally dropped the ball on this one.

                            2. That was my reaction as well. My brain went, "Hai Declan. SO glad to see you, but WTF are you doing here?"

                            3. I didn't find any of the baddies very frightening. And "The Vendetta Gang?" I LOL'd at the name. Rly???

                            4. A. MEN. That is one of my biggest gripes with how Will is written/portrayed. He's a grown man in his mid thirties, with a PhD or MD depending on the episode you watch, who is an EXPERT in behavioral psychology. I can literally count on one hand the number of times I've watched this show and seen him act like a grownup and not an adolescent. MHO, of course.

                            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                              I too , when they were walking I was thinking 'dressed up in a dark alley. This never ends well.'
                              Very cliche.
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Umm yeah everything EhT said except I wasn't impressed with Abby when she was first introduced and this episode increased my dislike of her and it is mainly because...
                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                Is she not an intelligent woman who is an FBI agent? Please DK, you have written one of the best female characters in the history of TV (Helen), let's have more of that and less bimbo.
                                I will try to watch again only because I was rolling my eyes so much I couldn't bare to watch for any cool AT's directing shots the first time.

