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The Five (107)

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    OK, I finally just watch The Five-- finally, and that was a wicked episode. It started out with a "Previously on Sanctuary" with Helen saying the words, and we see clips from the pilot, and Fata Morgana, then we find Helen at a museum or something, I wasn't really paying attention, I was more focused on a certain brunette beauty . Anyway, she gets a note from someone, saying she'll get killed in 3 minutes, and at the bottom it said PS: "You look hot", and I had to very much agree with that part of the note . She walks out, and it was really cool to hear Helen talk Indian or something, she finds the guy who wrote her the note, and he asks for a kiss, she tries to kiss him on the cheek, and he makes her kiss him on the lips-- lucky guy . The bad guys show up, and they make a run for it, and head to a room in the basement that's actually a tunnel.

    After the opening credits, we find Will and Bigfoot back at the Sanctuary, and we learn that Will's in charge, but no one's listening to him, then the lights flicker, and he goes off to investigate, our girl finds herself wondering around an underground tunnel with ( I forgot his name , I'll just call him "Vam" ) Vam, and when the bad guys show up and Helen pulls out a gun and Vam says she looks sexy with a gun, which I have to agree with , and at one point, Helen made a face which remined me so much of Sam . Meanwhile Ashely goes to meet with her (I forgot his name too , her worm friend) buddy, only to find out it's John, and he tranqs her.

    I was amazed to find out about why Helen's as old as she is, why she got like that, and who was involved, and I never had any idea it was because of vampire blood or that John and a few others (The five) were in on it. I liked how a lot of info was given in this episode, and I like how John and Ashely interacted together, and the places he transported her were really cool . I also like how Ashely kept defending her mommy , and it was cool to hear her acknowledge Helens age.

    What I thought was really smart was another plot twist in the Sanctuary, I love when I don't see the answers coming . Anyway, IMHO, Helens scenes were best, I loved her emotions, and actions, and I loved her "obnoxious ass" line, classic Helen . The final scene with Helen and Ashely was really sweet, and I can't wait to see what happens now that Ashely knows who John is.

    Great episode, and now I WANT MORE!


      BTW, his name was Nikola Tesla, based on the real life inventor/engineer:

      Nikola Tesla
      The Return of King Arthur
      Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
      acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


        WHAT AN AWESOME EPISODE! I was hooked right from the start. And there was so much going on. I don't even know where to start.

        I really liked the character of Nichola. Every moment. From the flirting (of course he thinks Helen's hot!) thru the demonstrations of his powers to finding out his master plan of reviving vampires.

        Christopher Heyerdahl rocks my world. And I never would have guessed this little plot twist! I think it's brilliant to think that Nichola approached John with his idea and when John refused, Nichola dug his fingers into John's chest and sent some voltage through him. And THAT is what "cured" John of his rage. It'll be very interesting to see future interaction with John. And I hope there will still be more flashbacks, too. I love Chris and Amanda together - in the past or present.

        Interesting to have Henry become a werewolf. And it was cool that Will figured it out wrong. Well, not totally wrong. Henry was the one that stole the drugs, but he wasn't the one doing all the other damage around the Sanctuary.
        Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


          going to make a quick note (because i have to get up at 4:30am ) -

          GREAT ep!!

          ~serisously, can amanda get anymore awesome!!!!!~




            awesome episode


            loved the henry sub-plot

            christopher heyerdahl was awesome great acting on his part
            Last Movie Watched
            X-men - First Class

            Last Video Game Played
            Life is Strange


              Okay, I need Druitt to be in every episode as he is extremely rad. Please do this for Season 2. Thank you.


                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                ~serisously, can amanda get anymore awesome!!!!!~

                Well, we'll find out in Requiem .


                  I was glad that there is finally some connection between all of the episodes. I was getting tired of discovering a new creature each week....


                    WOW!!!!! I seem to be saying this after every episode, but this show keeps getting better and better.

                    Helen was simply amazing, we finally found out something about her past, but there are so many more questions to be answered, and if everything is as fascinating as this, I for one can't wait. Great interactions between John and Ashley, liked the fact that John didn't come out and said that he's her father, but she figured it out on her own. Loved how they've added some depth to Henry and even though I love his sense of humor, I'm glad he's not just the joke guy around. And hugs for Bigfoot, one day he'll make an amazing mom.

                    And over 500 caps from this episode. Free to use for whatever you want.

                    07 The


                      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                      There was a lot of info in this episode! I have lots of questions... lol so have to see it again in an hour. Everyone was busy in this episode and I really liked all three story lines. So Helen, John, Watson, Nichola, and forgot the other guy are part of the Five... very interesting! I loved the end. I was thinking Ashley wasn't going to take Helen's hand. You could see the emotions/turmoil on both of their faces... great scene. Great EPISODE!

                      EDIT saw the 2nd airing and the parts I missed:
                      I thought Nichola lended well to Helen being "sexy and unapologetic" - lol but apparently she has her standards Cool that Helen created the serum. She wasn't a student and yet the men that make up the Five, along with Helen, were enrolled and trusted her. Just the fact that they included her as one of the brightest scientists, when the school prohibited women from enrolling ... well advanced for their time.

                      The Sane John is very appealing! I can see Why Helen fell for him. Have to wonder, like others, if it will last?? I just have this feeling it will not .... Should be some interesting Helen & John .... John & Ashley ... Helen & Ashley scenes coming up!!
                      I agree.

                      I'm sure this nice version of John will not last, it is just too much fun to see him be bad and that's when the Helen/John scenes really click.

                      Loved this episode and agree with the comments that the series is getting better every week, as it should be. Someone did mention (on the general thread I think) that it was maybe a bit too busy. Maybe it would have been enough to concentrate on the Helen/Tesla and John/Ashley stuff. Then again, I loved seeing Bigfoot "make things look nice" and care for Henry. Too quick to be sure but I agree it looks like Henry is a werewolf.

                      Have to admit I kept waiting for John to be pulling a fast one. The twist was he was sincere! Good moments between him and Ashley. Looking forward to the fallout from her knowing he is daddy.

                      Not a big fan of the snake-like creature.

                      Also, a little disappointed that we didn't get to see more Helen/John. I was expecting them together more knowing John was back in this episode. Oh well, more anticipation for the next meeting.

                      Loved Helen and Tesla. Amanda was wonderful, as usual, and I really liked Tesla. Thought he and Helen were great together. So, is he dead? He survived the impaling on the wall so did he also survive the hit from John? On the other hand, no one seemed concerned he was on the loose or would continue with his plan. I would love to see him back. Great foe for the Sanctuary.

                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      Loved this episode...

                      Loved seeing Druitt's softer side...though I suspect it won't last.

                      Loved learning about The Five, and that Helen was part of it. Tells us a little about her, eh? A real risk-taker...perhaps a bit dark herself.

                      Loved Ashley realizing who her daddy was - I liked that she figured it out, without John telling her (under the circumstances). See, he needed her help, and knew that telling her would blow her mind and probably make her lash out at him more. Smart man to not pull out his 'secret weapon', but to have Ashley realize it herself, without him around.

                      Henry - with nipple and bellybutton peircings. I actually found it I think he was a sort of werewolf (it would fit into the vampire theme of the ep). I hope they don't kill him off, I really like Henry lots.

                      The vampires - yeah, in some ways (the raised hand, for instance), they reminded me of Wraith...and their argument that humans are no better than vampires reminded me of - me. But they were not beautiful like Wraith, and certainly not nearly as regal. Gimme Wraith any day!

                      And Bigfoot - LOVED him! Chris is totally blowing my mind in this show, especially now as he's beginning to have more development as Bigfoot...some entertaining moments with him in this one.

                      Still a lot to absorb - need to watch it again!


                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Aargh, I'm irritated. I was really enjoying this episode - my favorite since the premiere - and I fell asleep right towards the end. Saw Will confronting the scaly lizard thing in the elevator and next thing I knew I woke up and Helen was offering Ashely her hand. .

                        Think I mostly saw the plot points on "The Five" , but didn't see the "reveal" on what the effect of the vampire blood was on Helen but gather it's just that she ages really slowly??? Also missed the end of the Tesla and John/Ashley storylines but from what ya'll are saying John really was sincere in being "reformed", at least temporarily. I was sure that was a sham....

                        Also missed what happened with Henry but he might be a werewolf....hmmm...not sure that's the most creative thing in the world but maybe it will give him more depth than just spouting one-liners every week and being "tech guy".

                        Anyway - I like this show best when it's concentrating on the backstory and less on the monster of the week. Chris Heyerdahl is great as John Druitt. And while I'm not a big fan of the whole vampire genre I did rather like the Tesla character as well.

                        Thought all the actors seemed much more comfortable with their characters in this one- especially enjoyed the fleshing out of Will, Henry and, of course, Helen's backstory. I'm still working on liking Ashley but do enjoy her more when she's interacting with Heyerdahl's character..... I just really think the Ashely role is miscast.

                        The kind of humor in this episode (Will....."I'm not really in charge here, am I" ) was much more up my alley than last weeks "Nubbins" silliness....

                        Will keep watching if they have more episodes like this.
                        Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                          henry, i think, is a werewolf.

                          and i loved biggy in this one. he talked more, which i find refreshing

                          so helen's past isn't her being gifted or her being the recipient of some sort of 'payback' or anything...her longivity comes from them fiddling and playing. she will spend her whole life dealing with the decisons that she's made
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            I liked this episode. More history of Helen was revealed. It opened the door to explore more of the other characters backstories.


                              awesome ep! loved the...

                              we finally get some answers regarding Helen's longevity. the vampires were cool, especially Tesla. as for the C plot, so Henry's a werewolf. hm interesting...

                              Best line:
                              Ashley: Dude, she's my mom. She's always in grave danger.
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                                I noticed that John's CG hand was his left, but it was his right hand that was bloody after he had teleported from the catacombs.

