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Restructuring Sanctuary Folder - Open Discussion

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    These are all good ideas. Please keep them coming
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by fems View Post
      Ah yes, sometimes I forget some people actually watch what's on TV But the discussion thread could be used to speculate about the coming episodes/season much like it is now, the seasonal subfora could be used to discuss the episodes (which would take care of the different start dates) and all other things like characters' hairstyles or something could be made in a separate thread.
      I think if y'all label whole threads as being distinctly *spoiled* it would be okay. and if we monitor ourselves, and say hey, move this post to a spoiler thread, then there should be no problem.


        Putting in a personal - NON MOD - well as people being more conscientious about spoilers, those that do get accidentally spoiled need to, well, it's not the end of the world. So even as people that might be spoiling need to try not to, ,those that do get spoiled need to have it not be the end of the world and you need to understand that mistakes happen.

        so while some need to be more aware of others, some need to not take personal offense if mistakes happen
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          Putting in a personal - NON MOD - well as people being more conscientious about spoilers, those that do get accidentally spoiled need to, well, it's not the end of the world. So even as people that might be spoiling need to try not to, ,those that do get spoiled need to have it not be the end of the world and you need to understand that mistakes happen.

          so while some need to be more aware of others, some need to not take personal offense if mistakes happen
          I concur. I was recently spoiled, but after the shock wore off I realized that the interview tag DID say S4, so while it wasn't necessarily tagged as SPOILER, I really should have known better. And really, it just makes me more hungry for the new season, you know?

          We all wouldn't be here if the possibility of being spoiled was simply not worth being able to share a fandom.


            Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
            I think if y'all label whole threads as being distinctly *spoiled* it would be okay. and if we monitor ourselves, and say hey, move this post to a spoiler thread, then there should be no problem.
            I get that, but what I was referring to is the number of threads dealing with discussions and/or spoilers/announcements, which makes it easier to accidentally post something in the wrong thread. Or forget in which one you posted.
            Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
            Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
            On FFnet or AO3

            My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


              Policing the announcements threads for conversation is an almost daily task during the season.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                Policing the announcements threads for conversation is an almost daily task during the season.
                that's the thing that's the hardest to deal with, b/c you (general you) just read about something in a thread, so you automatically want to talk about it in the same thread... it just gets that a person don't want to read/discuss any of the topics, in fear of not following some strict law.

                someone up the thread suggested posting the 'reviews, articles, appearances, announcements, etc' in a different color, for those that only want to read the details of the subject given, not the conversations about the topic that would come after (which i can understand). i liked that idea, b/c it's possible to please the most amount of ppl at once.



                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  That could be an idea Kes. Announcements would be made, say, in red letters so people can scroll to them without getting lost in all the chit chat.

                  That said, those quoting the announcement would have to remove the color formatting.

                  I can honestly see both sides of the issue. I can see the frustration of news getting lost in post after post of nothing but fluff or squeeing or whinging. I can also see the frustration of reading an announcement and trying to discuss and then having your posts deleted (at times it's a daily chore for the mods to have to go in and delete posts made by those that don't pay attention to what thread they're in and who post talk in the announcement thread)

                  PERSONALLY, I don't like the rigid structure. Because it's very off putting. However, it's also very annoying to see threads go off topic as members chit I have no strong feelings either way. and my personal feelings have nothing to do with this discussion and its outcome.

                  What I'd like to hear is others' opinions. Ideas that you have. Reasons it's fine the way it is, reasons it should change. pros and cons.

                  No idea is too stupid honestly. The goal here is whether or not we revamp and if we do, that we revamp in a way that's better to more.
                  I can see both sides of the issue too, but seeing as the underlying reason for the two threads being split is still there, I honestly don't see a good reason to join them again.

                  Let's put this in perspective too, there are only two Announcement Only threads - one for news and one for spoilers. That is not a lot by any means and it isn't in any way, shape or form difficult to know what thread you are in, it's right there at the top of the page and also at the top of the reply box.

                  In my opinion there is nothing user friendly about having a thread for news or spoilers and NOT being able to actually find the news or spoilers because it's been buried.


                    It's only visible when you 'go advanced' when replying
                    Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                    Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                    On FFnet or AO3

                    My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                      Originally posted by fems View Post
                      It's only visible when you 'go advanced' when replying
                      It's also visible when using the other reply options as it is still at the top of the page and depending on your browser also on the tabs. It ain't rocket science figuring out which thread you are in. I'm half blind and can do it so I do not see why it seems to be such a problem for some people.


                        Hey RoX,
                        Would putting a link to where it can be discussed at the end of your message help? That way it would serve as a reminder to everyone and possibly help with the urge to reply to the announcement/spoiler.
                        Personally, I've wanted to reply to an announcement but then going to find the appropriate thread to reply has discouraged me from doing so. Just a thought....


                          Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                          Hey RoX,
                          Would putting a link to where it can be discussed at the end of your message help? That way it would serve as a reminder to everyone and possibly help with the urge to reply to the announcement/spoiler.
                          Personally, I've wanted to reply to an announcement but then going to find the appropriate thread to reply has discouraged me from doing so. Just a thought....
                          Yeah, that'd work. Or you could use your control panel and subscribed threads to locate the thread quickly too.


                            THIS is a really good idea! It puts the onus on the ones who want to keep the threads separate, but if not doing it results in having to sort through threads to look for info... imo it's a better alternative.
                            Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                            Hey RoX,
                            Would putting a link to where it can be discussed at the end of your message help? That way it would serve as a reminder to everyone and possibly help with the urge to reply to the announcement/spoiler.
                            Personally, I've wanted to reply to an announcement but then going to find the appropriate thread to reply has discouraged me from doing so. Just a thought....
                            Mourning Sanctuary.
                            Thanks for the good times!


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              Policing the announcements threads for conversation is an almost daily task during the season.
                              I'm not a regular here anymore by any stretch of the imagination, and even during the season it's usually only a day or two after the episode... so take that into consideration to the following post.

                              Possible Options:
                              1) Is there a way you can separate the announcement and all the discussion/ spoiler threads into one section/tab like you did the episode threads? That way they are somewhat grouped together and don't have to scroll through the character, shipper, game, etc threads.

                              2) Those that post the news in the announcement thread also copy/paste to the appropriate discussion thread. I think with this option you will still get discussion in the announcement thread. It's a forum. I don't think you will eliminate discussion. And if you don't point visitors in the right direction to discuss - then bye bye visitor.

                              3) Lock the Announcement Thread and assign one/two/whatever people privilege to post and everyone PMs that person(s) with the latest news. The news/ spoiler hound can still be given credit for the find, but you are preventing the discussion. Again a link to the thread you are allowed to discuss the news in would be needed.

                              There are a lot of other syfy shows like Sanctuary on Gateworld, are you having the same problem there that you have here?
                              Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 18 September 2011, 08:43 PM.


                                No. Not that I'm aware of. I know during the season the mods will get almost daily reports wanting discussion out of the announcement threads, at times we've deleted a half dozen posts or more.

                                I rarely see any reports from other folders (The biggest other issue we have at the moment is one person clinging to old vendettas against a pairing group - they hate the pairing with a passion yet comb through it daily to try and 'catch' those folks breaking the rules so that person can report them and see if they can get them in trouble.)

                                beyond that perpetual bickering in the religious and political threads and the occasional person not snipping img tags from some thunk threads.

                                Now that SGU is over and the arguing that came with it, the Sanctuary folder has been the largest area of reports last season and I'm honestly expecting the same this season.
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


