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Nikola Tesla/Helen Magnus Shipper Thread

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    Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
    Or yum plus yum = double yum

    And I found this, I have no idea who drew it but I thought it was mega cute.
    Awe that is so cute

    Originally posted by StarSancFar View Post

    ^^ Go here and vote for Teslen! They need your votes peeps!
    On the edge of breaking down
    Banner made by me


      Originally posted by StarSancFar View Post

      ^^ Go here and vote for Teslen! They need your votes peeps!
      Voted I saw this yesterday and was going to tell everyone but I got sidetracked

      Originally posted by Altariel View Post
      That´s really my favourite pic, he really looks mega hot there, he always looks hot and how he is writing on that board and that outfit, until now it´s my favourite, he really looks best in black, I wish he would wear exactly that again.

      I think I´m going to make tht pic as my desktop setting.
      Yeah I really liked that outfit too!
      And Helens

      Originally posted by Sam1969 View Post
      Tomorrow I'm gonna add a ship to that list that isn't on it...

      Btw lookie we have 20 fans on the fanpop spot.
      OOoo that's great!

      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      This Nad?
      Nothing really. Just slipped back in lurkdom. which is weird because I'm on a shippy high right now.
      No lurking! Espec. not when we have Teslen shipper day approaching
      ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


        Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
        Voted I saw this yesterday and was going to tell everyone but I got sidetracked

        Yeah I really liked that outfit too!
        And Helens

        OOoo that's great!

        No lurking! Espec. not when we have Teslen shipper day approaching
        I'm sure we can lurk and then, POW!, everything all at once jk

        I'm in the middle of doing a whole collection of similar type banners, some I may post here, but it all depends on how I work them. If you want, lurk the Sanctuary Artwork thread, since that is where I'm going to be posting them You might not see me around for a few days unless I'm lurking or checking the Hangman threads
        Icon and Sig by me.


          Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post
          I'm sure we can lurk and then, POW!, everything all at once jk

          I'm in the middle of doing a whole collection of similar type banners, some I may post here, but it all depends on how I work them. If you want, lurk the Sanctuary Artwork thread, since that is where I'm going to be posting them You might not see me around for a few days unless I'm lurking or checking the Hangman threads
          Oh I do lurk in the artwork threads every now and then Will look forwards to seeing your new banners
          ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


            Originally posted by lastrequest View Post

            I'm in a particularly shippy-mood this evening... oh wait *checks clock to see it's gone midnight*... make that THIS MORNING

            I love this hand holding. It seems somehow more intimate to me then the shot we get of Helen holding John's hand (when she's injected with the source blood). And I like how we see Helen/Niko's hands FIRST.

            I think that holds great importance
            Okay, honestly, in freeze-frame this really does look pretty intimate. Like there was always something between them even if *one of them* didn't realize it at the time. <3
            "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
            Sig by ME!!!


              In regards to the ep Awakening, I'm looking for words to end this sentence: "The Eyes of..."

              Examples that are already finished are: The Eyes of Conquest, The Eyes of Desperation, The Eyes of Discovery, The Eyes of Sadness, and They Eyes of Fear.

              This is what my collection is about and I would like to have about 10 in this collection.

              Thanks to any help if you can give it
              Icon and Sig by me.


                Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                Okay, honestly, in freeze-frame this really does look pretty intimate. Like there was always something between them even if *one of them* didn't realize it at the time. <3
                It's just the way their fingers interlock, I think. That to me makes the hand holding more personal <3

                Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post
                In regards to the ep Awakening, I'm looking for words to end this sentence: "The Eyes of..."

                Examples that are already finished are: The Eyes of Conquest, The Eyes of Desperation, The Eyes of Discovery, The Eyes of Sadness, and They Eyes of Fear.

                This is what my collection is about and I would like to have about 10 in this collection.

                Thanks to any help if you can give it
                The Eyes of Love
                The Eyes of Jealousy
                The Eyes of Hope

                ? any help?
                ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


                  Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
                  The Eyes of Love
                  The Eyes of Jealousy
                  The Eyes of Hope

                  ? any help?

                  I was having a hard time coming up with other words and wanted to know what other people thought

                  Now I have to go and find the pics that I can use for them

                  Thanks again!
                  Icon and Sig by me.


                    Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post

                    I was having a hard time coming up with other words and wanted to know what other people thought

                    Now I have to go and find the pics that I can use for them

                    Thanks again!
                    You're welcome! I'm sure I can think of a few more if need be

                    And gz on making 1,800 posts
                    ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


                      Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post

                      I was having a hard time coming up with other words and wanted to know what other people thought

                      Now I have to go and find the pics that I can use for them

                      Thanks again!
                      You're welcome! I'm sure I can think of a few more if need be

                      And gz on making 1,800 posts
                      ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


                        Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
                        You're welcome! I'm sure I can think of a few more if need be

                        And gz on making 1,800 posts
                        Yea, I just need to come up with 2 more words and I'd be able to make it a 10 piece set I'm sure I can probably think of something, unless you wish to give me a few more words

                        and thank you!
                        Icon and Sig by me.


                          Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post
                          Yea, I just need to come up with 2 more words and I'd be able to make it a 10 piece set I'm sure I can probably think of something, unless you wish to give me a few more words

                          and thank you!

                          Eyes of Hunger?
                          Eyes of Mischief? (when they con Afina because they know she's gonna get blown up )
                          ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


                            Thank you so much!!! I have another idea (spawned from the michief one )
                            Icon and Sig by me.


                              Glad I could help
                              ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


                                It gets so hard to keep up with this thread sometimes lol
                                On the edge of breaking down
                                Banner made by me

