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Nikola Tesla/Helen Magnus Shipper Thread

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    Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
    Just in time for Easter --- it's Plot Bunny Season!
    Oh no! *vamps and snarls at plot bunnies*
    On the edge of breaking down
    Banner made by me


      Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
      Just in time for Easter --- it's Plot Bunny Season!
      Its Plot bunny season all year round in over here

      Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
      And I agree with how you think he would behave in your spoiler. I'm just not sure how they decided to handle it from a writing and shooting schedule standpoint. I hope they don't make it look like he doesn't care because I'm sure he would.
      I would too They arent doing the Teslen shippers any favors meh always FF
      Wonderful Signature made by the increadible Nikola


        Of course he cares about Magnus .... It's so obvious that he was serious when he told her he loved her in The Five even if he was just trying to get her help he really meant it
        On the edge of breaking down
        Banner made by me


          Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
          Just in time for Easter --- it's Plot Bunny Season!

          And I agree with how you think he would behave in your spoiler. I'm just not sure how they decided to handle it from a writing and shooting schedule standpoint. I hope they don't make it look like he doesn't care because I'm sure he would.

          lastrequest: Yes, I did say hi to him. He noticed me looking at him and smiled so I thought it would be rude not to. Wonder what he would have done if I'd said "Hey, you look just like Watson." Probably thought "what the *%&$ is she talking about?" LOL
          Actually, that would have been hysterical in epic amounts if you had said that to him..I would have died to see the expression on his are definitely braver than me...I never would have gone up and said hi..I'm way too shy...just would have stared LOL
          artwork by the creative genius Glitch

          "You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside
          My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you.." Stereo Love

          "When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
          When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
          And I held your hand through all of these years
          But you still have
          All of me..." Evanes


            ohmygoodness!!! i came here on other matters but now i feel the need to gush!!! 523 or so pages and tons of new faces!!! my oh my how my little thread has grown in my absence!!! Pride for Teslenite everywhere (particularly here) i has it!!!

            okay anyways!!! I sort of said this over on the JY/NT Thread but I'd best do it properly here!!!
            (i am not putting it under spoiler tags for OT discussion bc i feel in the interest of honesty, fairness and just my general need everybody needs to read this )

            HI!! *waves to old and new faces* to those that don't know me I'm Keaira and i used to be here and the JY/NT thread pretty much all day every day until i went to University this past august. My life's gotten kinda crazy as far as having no free time goes but i'm a hardcore Teslenite, JY/NT and Sanctuary fan (the older members who remember me can vouch for that, also i went to Sanctuary Con in July sooo i hope that proves my dedication!!!). I hope to get to know you new guys

            The reason i am so suddenly re-appearing is this: I have to take intro-nonfiction for my major (creative a poet and former fanfic writer...) and as part of that i have to do an immersion journalism piece. That means i have to find a community and immerse myself in it, then write about my experience. My fiance works at Kmart (your guest is awake hehe xD) and i had been planning to go to work with him. however, his new manager said no so i recently got the approval of my nonfic prof to do Fandom. This means i am going to be lurking, and posting. Some posts, however, may be odd compared to some. I may ask a lot of direct questions in an attempt to better understand thought processes, play devils advocate a bunch etc etc. Any help that i ask for that you guys can give would be so amazingly appreciated!!!

            Thanks in advance, hopefully see you all around!!
            thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


              OMG KEAIRA I AM SO JEALOUS OF YOU RIGHT NOW. I wish I could get class credit for being on here lmao

              (and to the new ones, yes, she's a hardcore Teslenite...I mean, she created this thread in the first place we're oldies )

              Anyway, I came on here today just to say that I've been in a MAJOR STEAMPUNK MOOD lately and I now have yet ANOTHER fic idea to add to my list that features a steampunk version of Sanctuary in an alternate/parallel universe with an alternate history and everything. Which means Helen & Niko get to hit it off much sooner than in this universe

              And anyone who's seen Source Code...okay, I'll stop before I spoil it
              "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
              Sig by ME!!!


                Made a new Teslen banner ... Tis a pressie for Helen I hope you like it Lena *snuggles*

                On the edge of breaking down
                Banner made by me


                  Lovely as usual
                  "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                  Sig by ME!!!


                    Originally posted by Glitchie View Post
                    Of course he cares about Magnus .... It's so obvious that he was serious when he told her he loved her in The Five even if he was just trying to get her help he really meant it
                    Yes, it definitely shows in his expression in The Five, and there have been other moments between them too when it's obvious he really cares. Didn't mean it to sound like I thought otherwise.

                    lastrequest: he might have thought you were checking him out
                    I probably did look a little more than I should have, just because I was thinking of how much he looked like Watson.

                    Aurora: Actually, that would have been hysterical in epic amounts if you had said that to him..I would have died to see the expression on his are definitely braver than me...I never would have gone up and said hi..
                    It would have been funny I'm sure. But just saying hi isn't that brave. Telling him he looks like Watson, THAT would have been brave.

                    Keaira - nice to meet you. Sounds like fun.
                    Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.


                      Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                      OMG KEAIRA I AM SO JEALOUS OF YOU RIGHT NOW. I wish I could get class credit for being on here lmao

                      (and to the new ones, yes, she's a hardcore Teslenite...I mean, she created this thread in the first place we're oldies )

                      Anyway, I came on here today just to say that I've been in a MAJOR STEAMPUNK MOOD lately and I now have yet ANOTHER fic idea to add to my list that features a steampunk version of Sanctuary in an alternate/parallel universe with an alternate history and everything. Which means Helen & Niko get to hit it off much sooner than in this universe

                      And anyone who's seen Source Code...okay, I'll stop before I spoil it
             have to write this fic I want to read it..I love the creative as usual
                      Glitch,love the new artwork Twin love the pictures you used and the background..genius
                      artwork by the creative genius Glitch

                      "You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside
                      My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you.." Stereo Love

                      "When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
                      When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
                      And I held your hand through all of these years
                      But you still have
                      All of me..." Evanes


                        Originally posted by Aurora7783 View Post
                        Glitch,love the new artwork Twin love the pictures you used and the background..genius
                        Yes Twin I know hehe! *huggles* Glad you like it *throws confetti and pulls out bottle* Bordeaux anyone?
                        On the edge of breaking down
                        Banner made by me


                          Originally posted by Glitchie View Post
                          Yes Twin I know hehe! *huggles* Glad you like it *throws confetti and pulls out bottle* Bordeaux anyone?
                          I'll have some and ooohhhh confetti...Me luv sparkly things My nickname at work is "Sparkle" because I always wear my best jewelry and I am always perfectly primped..such a girly girl I know LOL
                          artwork by the creative genius Glitch

                          "You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside
                          My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you.." Stereo Love

                          "When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
                          When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
                          And I held your hand through all of these years
                          But you still have
                          All of me..." Evanes


                            Originally posted by Aurora7783 View Post
                   have to write this fic I want to read it..I love the creative as usual
                            Thanks I also want to do another one from the POV of Arthur Conan Doyle exploring how he came up with the main Holmes characters based off the Five and Adam. And he's going to have a slight Teslen bias, of course LOL
                            "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                            Sig by ME!!!


                              Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                              ohmygoodness!!! i came here on other matters but now i feel the need to gush!!! 523 or so pages and tons of new faces!!! my oh my how my little thread has grown in my absence!!! Pride for Teslenite everywhere (particularly here) i has it!!!

                              okay anyways!!! I sort of said this over on the JY/NT Thread but I'd best do it properly here!!!
                              (i am not putting it under spoiler tags for OT discussion bc i feel in the interest of honesty, fairness and just my general need everybody needs to read this )

                              HI!! *waves to old and new faces* to those that don't know me I'm Keaira and i used to be here and the JY/NT thread pretty much all day every day until i went to University this past august. My life's gotten kinda crazy as far as having no free time goes but i'm a hardcore Teslenite, JY/NT and Sanctuary fan (the older members who remember me can vouch for that, also i went to Sanctuary Con in July sooo i hope that proves my dedication!!!). I hope to get to know you new guys

                              The reason i am so suddenly re-appearing is this: I have to take intro-nonfiction for my major (creative a poet and former fanfic writer...) and as part of that i have to do an immersion journalism piece. That means i have to find a community and immerse myself in it, then write about my experience. My fiance works at Kmart (your guest is awake hehe xD) and i had been planning to go to work with him. however, his new manager said no so i recently got the approval of my nonfic prof to do Fandom. This means i am going to be lurking, and posting. Some posts, however, may be odd compared to some. I may ask a lot of direct questions in an attempt to better understand thought processes, play devils advocate a bunch etc etc. Any help that i ask for that you guys can give would be so amazingly appreciated!!!

                              Thanks in advance, hopefully see you all around!!
                              I am so jealous!!!!
                              Welcome back though!!! Looking forward greatly to seeing you around again!

                              And I think most of us have given up with the off topic boxes XD

                              Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                              Thanks I also want to do another one from the POV of Arthur Conan Doyle exploring how he came up with the main Holmes characters based off the Five and Adam. And he's going to have a slight Teslen bias, of course LOL
                              Oooh, that sounds very cool!
                              WARNING: This user overuses ellipses, smileys and exclamation seriously!!!!!


                                thanks again for the welcomes! looking forward to being here bunches

                                Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                                OMG KEAIRA I AM SO JEALOUS OF YOU RIGHT NOW. I wish I could get class credit for being on here lmao

                                (and to the new ones, yes, she's a hardcore Teslenite...I mean, she created this thread in the first place we're oldies )
                                IKR?! hahaha its ridiculous and i'm loving it!! But my prof, Tom, is a bit of a nut and TBH: who but fangirls knows about fandom?! I'm bound to get graded nicely just bc my topic is so unique!

                                Anyway, I came on here today just to say that I've been in a MAJOR STEAMPUNK MOOD lately and I now have yet ANOTHER fic idea to add to my list that features a steampunk version of Sanctuary in an alternate/parallel universe with an alternate history and everything. Which means Helen & Niko get to hit it off much sooner than in this universe
                                hahaha you always have a million fic ideas which all sound so awesome!!! I cant wait to them

                                Originally posted by Glitchie View Post
                                Made a new Teslen banner ... Tis a pressie for Helen I hope you like it Lena *snuggles*

                                Lovely lovely and lovely
                                thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic

